• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

[MoM] Master of Magic - Caster of Magic Spinoff (plus Warlord Mod)


CFC Mod Archivist & Social Media Helper
Super Moderator
Sep 24, 2016
Well this is big news! Seravy has done a deal with Slitherine (the new Master of Magic license holder working on a new Master of Magic game) and Caster of Magic is now a buyable ‘officially approved’ MoM addon on Steam & GoG! Naturally Seravy has promised to continue doing more amazing improvements to the mod now that he’s receiving financial reward for his hard work. Caster of Magic is already amazing enough as it changes & improves MoM so much but my god if he ever finds a way to exceed the 4 enemy player limit I’ll have his baby lol!

Announcement thread:

The only downside is all previous copies of CoM have been wiped! Don’t think I’ve grabbed a copy since 5.6, which must have been a while back as he’s now up to 6.0 lol!

Also Master of Magic wasn’t even on steam until now.. they’re doing a joint release of both MoM & CoM on steam! Wow!

EDIT: Sure enough here's the new Caster of Magic GoG & Steam pages:

EDIT2: New Caster of Magic 2 for Windows:

EDIT3: New Warlord mod for Caster of Magic 2 for Windows:

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Recently posted the great news about Implodes Master of Magic HD Multiplayer remake getting a new release (and he's since done another release after teaching his AIs to build roads!), well recently there's been more awesome Master of Magic related news that I forgot to post here (shame on me I know lol). Seravy has started semi-public alpha testing of his new Caster of Magic 2 sequel game! This is not another mod of MoM and is actually a rebuild from the ground up!

Seravy showed me a private screenshot of an older build earlier this year and have been super excited about this going public due to it being a total rebuild of the MoM engine allowing him to have far more control over things so he can do the sort of things he couldn't with assembly hacks of the original MoM in CoM1 (eg fight more than 4 players). Sadly he has no interest in increasing the viewing resolution to modern ones (like Implode has done) though.. but if he releases the source code one day others could do that in a mod!

Here's his thread about CoM2 if people are interested in playtesting and want more info (you have to msg him to get a copy as it's not a true public free for all test):

And here's a video he made for the announcement (You may need to fast forward the intro as I think he needs to buy a Microphone haha):
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Big news guys!!! Looks like Seravy's Caster of Magic 2 (possibly renamed to 'Caster of Magic for Windows' now probably by Slitherine lol) is coming out of private beta and going public on steam soon.
What is also very interesting is that it says on the announcement that it supports custom resizable windows and presumably resolutions! I'll try to confirm that since that would be awesome news as Seravy had zero interest in higher viewing resolutions when I last talked to him about it (eg he was gonna keep it at 320x200 still lol). Maybe Slitherine or all his beta testers kept pestering him about it and he found a way to do it lol. Either way it's great news. Modern resolutions plus full 13 Wizard slaughterthon games are gonna be epic! Have wishlisted! Before anyone asks no it is not multiplayer lol (try Master of Magic - Implodes Multiplayer edition remake for that).


Seravy's new Caster of Magic 2 (or Caster of Magic for Windows as Slitherine are calling it) has been officially released on Steam, GoG & Slitherine's own store a few days ago! Sadly my hopes for modern resolutions were dashed (it just stretches 320x200 in a window) so Implodes fan game above is still the only one that does true HD stuff, however CoM has so many other benefits eg a gazillion bug fixes & balance changes, super smart AI opponents, more spells, more buildings, more advanced game modes & options, and best of all NO MORE 5 PLAYER LIMIT!! So umm 14 Wizards going at it in one game? Yes please!

Feel free to drop by the Master of Magic fans Facebook and Discord groups to discuss. Seravy himself is kindly answering questions and bug reports on the discord too!

I know some people aren't huge fans of CoM's changes but maybe Slitherine will take Seravy's new engine source and do a 'MoM for Windows' one day too. Probably wishful thinking but you never know!

Familiar but not quite the same ;)

14 Wizard carnage incoming

Cool new options

Looks the same but apparently the new combat AI is naaaasty
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Unfortunately this game still has the completely outdated clumsy unit icons.
Unfortunately this game still has the completely outdated clumsy unit icons.

Meh I still love the classic graphics haha. Seravy hasn't changed much of the graphics as he's more focused on enhancing the gameplay.

HOWEVER if people want new graphics then OMG.. The day has finally come and we have confirmation on the Slitherine mystery MoM project I’ve posted about here before!! Slitherine are working with Thea series creators MuHa games on a Official Master of Magic Remake!!!
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Figured I should let people know that a fellow named Suppanut has created a excellent Caster of Magic For Windows - Warlord mod that changes Caster of Magic 2 in many ways that make it feel a little more like classic MoM again (for people who didn't like all of CoM's changes) but also in other new directions. It's recently had a big update and this time we've got a friggin brand new faction added to MoM! A Myrran race known as the Xuanyuan!


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Suppanut has informed us on the MoM discord that his excellent Caster of Magic For Windows - Warlord mod has got another big update coming and once again he's adding a whole new race to the game. This time it's a Hawkmen Arcanus faction. Once again I love how he makes them look like they were always there in the game.



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As for the official Master of Magic remake they've been busy over the last few months with updates patches and new DLC adding new factions and heroes..
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FYI I've split this thread into separate Official Master of Magic Remake, MoM Caster of Magic Spin Off, and MoM Implodes Multiplayer Edition Fan Remake threads. Talking about 3 different games in one thread was getting big and messy plus some of them now have their own mods so things were going to get even messier lol.

Anyway Seravy has been continuing to release small updates to Caster of Magic 2 for Windows over the last year and recently released v1.5.2 here:
(Note: Steam & GoG users will get it automatically)

The changelog for v1.5.2 can be seen below:
-Fixed bug : Confused, Buried, Possessed or Creature Bound units took no damage from effects that dealt irrecoverable damage such as Exorcise or Petrify.
-Fixed bug : Very strong units with high stats and/or many figures sometimes caused an integer overflow crash, especially modded units or units that were granted additional types of attacks by buffs.
-Fixed bug : The game crashed when combat Info was viewed while Ruler of Underworld or Eternal Night was in effect
-Fixed bug : Some script functions without parameters (such as Defender()) did not process the closing ')' in the function, which could lead to early termination of expression evaluation when the function call wasn't the last part of the expression.
This bug affected the following functions : Attacker(), Defender(), CombatP(), CombatX(), CombatY(), Maxcities(), Maxunits(), SumResourceLines()
-Fixed bug : In the city view, right clicking on an empty unit slot could lead to the game displaying a random unit's information.
-Fixed 1.5.0 bug : When changing planes through a tower, the Patrol order was cancelled on units on the same tile.
-Fixed bug : Pressing the "Wait" button on the overland map applied to unselected units on the same tile and cancelled their orders.
-Fixed Power Link spell description ("four times" was redundant in the text)
-Fixed bug : Settlers without a race showed up as mercenaries. Using them to build a city caused the game to crash because the race was undefined. This bug disregarded the "SettlerMercenaries" setting in modding.ini.
-Fixed bug : AI Settlers with sea/air movement never used towers to go to the other plane.
-Fixed bug : AI Settlers sometimes failed to change planes when standing on a tower.
-AI players are now forbidden from disbanding Settler units when low on food/gold, and will disband other units instead, if possible.
-AI armies will now change planes in towers even if their focus plane is the current plane, if the continent on the current plane has no targets to attack but the other continent does.
-Fixed 1.5.0 bug : The item from The Gift event was given to the player before the event notification was displayed instead of after.
-Fixed bug : When building cities, unselected settlers on the same tile might have been used instead of selected settlers.
-Fixed bug : The Incarnation spell cast by AI wizards failed when the human player already had the Chosen hero summoned.
-Fixed bug : Clearing a lair that has a Vial reward before turn 24 when Undeveloped Start was enabled caused the game to freeze.
-Fixed bug : Animate Ammo added MaxMp instead of MP to units casting it, which was effectively useless.
-Fixed bug : Spell Lock had a resistance of 100 instead of 150.
-Fixed bug : Spell Lock had no effect if a version other than the overland base flag was applied (this only affects mods)

And on top of that Suppanut has continued to update his excellent Warlord mod for it with various nice features and has just released a new version here...

Suppanut said:
Warlord mod version 1.5.2 is released.
• If difficulty higher than expert, AI get -10% unit cost modifier bonus for each difficulty level above expert level.
• Unit cost modifier cap for AI in difficulty higher than expert increase to 80% (instead of normal 50%).
• If difficulty higher than expert, AI would buy magic market, stable, and armory as soon as possible.

• AI will now buy Fighter’s Guild if it is rich enough.

• Kraken’s Echo of the Deep now also trigger inside Sorcery node too.
• Separate normal wind walking (3 overland movement) with highwind walking (6 overland movement)
• Holy mother’s overland movement increase to 6 due to replacing wind walking with highwind walking

• Fairy Dust now triggers 50% chance to freeze target.
• Sound of Dance of Death now change and nolonger using generic sound
• Hierophany now has no –save modifier but roll at half resistance for non-undead and 1/3 resistance if unit is undead.
• Regeneration item power now requires 6 Nature books.
• New item power: Chosen, give bonus similar to Destiny but not permanent and not grant supernatural, cost 1800 and required 7 Life books.
• New item power: Colossal Power, give unit Colossal Strength and Iron Skin, cost 1200 and required 5 Nature books.
• New item power: Chaos Conduit, combat involve hero who equipped it start with Blazing March, Warp Reality, and Beat of Swiftness already casted, cost 1500 and required 7 Chaos books.
• New item power: Plague Lord, combat involve hero who equipped it start with opponent suffer from plague combat curse debuff. Required 7 Death books.
• +6 Attack item power cost changes to 600.
• Defense item powers cost change to 75/150/250/400/600/900.
• To-hit item powers cost change to 300/700/1100.
• Resistance item powers cost change to 100/200/350/500/700/900.
• Spell Skill item powers cost change to 100/250/450/700.
• Spell Save item powers cost change to 250/500/1000/1750.
• Health item powers cost change to 75/150/250/350/500/700.
• Insulation item power cost changes to 400.
• Bless item power cost changes to 180.
• Lionheart item power cost changes to 900 and now required 5 Life book.
• Invulnerability item power cost changes to 750.
• Divine Protection item power cost changes to 700.
• Cloak of Fear item power cost changes to 300.
• Wraith Form item power cost changes to 330.
• Water Walking item power cost changes to 100.
• Elemental Armor item power cost changes to 450.
• Regeneration item power cost changes to 800.
• Flight item power cost changes to 500.
• Invisibility item power cost changes to 750.
• Teleportation item power cost changes to 800.
• Haste item power cost changes to 1250.
• Immolation item power cost changes to 330.
• Zeal item power cost changes to 300.
• Binding item power cost changes to 700.
• Healing Aura item power now required 6 Life books.
• Pathfinding item power changes to Nature Link with all of its bonus and cost changes to 330.
• Amplifier item power cost changes to 100 and now required only 3 Chaos book.

• Sorcery node now has swamp surge at the beginning of attacker turn and recede at the beginning of defender turn to act as obstacle terrain similar to chaos and nature node.
• Sorcery node now cost to move through tile overland equal to swamp and produces 4 food and 4 gold instead of 8 food previously.
• Bug Fix: wrong setting of BuyPriority of buildings.ini cause AI to not buy buildings when time is right.
• Bug Fix: holy mother display with range attack on overland when it should not.
• Bug Fix: No Healing from State of Rot does not removed properly.
• Bug Fix: Temporal Twist set all units movement to 0.5.
• Bug Fix: Binding not prevent dispel of enchantment.
• Bug Fix: UI on Display combat info for Aether Binding and Mariner Mastery is swapped.
• Bug Fix: Cost of Great Unsummoning, Final Wave, and Spellbinding are not scaled properly
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An interesting development has occurred in that it appears that Seravy's patch updates arrangement with Slitherine has come to end, as they are no longer willing to check and approve his updates (presumably a budget/money thing). So as a result he's now released the latest v1.5.3 of Caster of Magic for Windows himself on the Realms Beyond forum similar to what he used to do with his original MoM & CoM updates before Slitherine bought the license.

-Fixed bug : When an AI settler was in a tower adjacent to a boat on shore, the game sometimes crashed.
-Fixed bug : When exiting to the main menu and starting a new game, sometimes the unit selection info was not cleared, leading to crashes.
-Fixed bug : Primaryrealm() script command returned wrong value, displayed Specialist realm in combat info was incorrect.
-Added Mastervarset script command to write into global variables.
-Spellability and Maxcharges/ChargesLeft fields are now accessible through SetStat/GetStat.
-Added GetDipVar and SetDipVar script functions to access diplomacy data.
-Added EnterGame Script which runs once when the game is started or loaded from a save file.
-Fixed bug : GetDamage returned damage from unit 1 instead of the specified unit.

As usual when there's a new CoMWin release Suppanut is not far behind with a new update to his excellent Warlord mod for it too...
Change log version 1.5.3

  • Colossal Strength now also increase thrown attack strength by 1+40%
  • Altar of Battles now give garrison units 10 EXP per turn. Cost increase to 300.
  • Confusion will now kill enchanted unit only if owner does not win the combat. Its cost reduces to 14. Thanks Slingers and More Stuff mod for script content.
  • Bug Fix: Venom give 2 poison instead of 1.
  • State of Rot’s No Healing perk now removed immediately at the end of combat.
  • Sanctify now grant +2 spell charge but to cleric units only.
  • Focus Magic now grants +1 spell charge to units that already have spell charge.

  • Sea Hags casting skill increase to 14.
  • Beastmaster hero could nolonger wear armor, armor slot replaced by accessory slot.
  • Bard hero could nolonger wear armor, armor slot replaced by accessory slot.
  • Healer hero could nolonger wear armor, armor slot replaced by accessory slot.
  • Thief hero could nolonger wear armor, armor slot replaced by accessory slot.
  • Assassin hero could nolonger wear armor, armor slot replaced by accessory slot.
  • Ninja hero could nolonger wear armor, armor slot replaced by accessory slot.
  • Rogue hero could nolonger wear armor, armor slot replaced by accessory slot.
  • Gambler hero could nolonger wear armor, armor slot replaced by accessory slot.
  • Swordsman hero nolonger wear accessory, accessory slot replaced by weapon slot.
  • Elementalist hero could nolonger wear wand, wand slot replaced by accessory slot.

  • Fighter’s Guild give garrison units 2 exp per turn.
  • Bug Fix: Fortification description cut off before finish.

  • New score modifier “Book Collectors”, Each time a wizard is banished or defeated, there is a chance that one of their spell books will become the winner's possession. The book will then no longer be legible as far as its previous content is concerned, but it keeps all the other advantages, score modifier = 0.75. Thanks Slingers and More Stuff mod for script content.
  • New score modifier “Unstoppable Stampede”, In combat, all neutral fantastic creatures gain regeneration 0, score modifier = 1.25. Thanks Slingers and More Stuff mod for inspiration.
  • New score modifier “Adamantium Fortress”, Player wizard start with old adamantium mine right below his fortress and his starting units equipped with adamantium equipments left over from previous owner, score modifier = 0.6. Thanks Slingers and More Stuff mod for inspiration.
  • New score modifier “Nodeborne Souls”, nodes will be more active in defending itself in combat by randomly gives unit enchantment from the same realm as node on all defending neutral creatures and randomly cast combat enchantment of the same realm before combat, score modifier = 1.5.
  • New score modifier “Uphill Battle”, whenever AI units are in combat against human player, those units gains +10% To-Hit, +10% To-Defend, and +1 Resistance, score modifier = 1.5.
  • New score modifier “Gods Play Dices”, at the beginning of combat, each units roll for resistance penalties (1% for -5, 2% for -4, 4% for -3, 8% for -2, and 16% for -1). Non-human players' units also rolls for resistance penalties but only at half chance for each penalty level against the human player, score modifier = 1.5.
  • New score modifier “Khan the Conqueror”, neutral units will fight as if their commander have Warlord and Tactician retorts, score modifier = 1.5.
  • Frozen and Volcanic climate now triple spawn chance for wildgames on tundra tiles.
Change log version

  • New score modifier “Cosmic Chessboard” all combat involved neutral Life or Death creatures would have neutral Life or Death creatures coming with random common/uncommon unit enchantment and chance for free combat enchantment.
  • Bug fix: Cosmic Chessboard give non-neutral Life or Death creatures' bonus that supposed to be neutral only.
  • Bug fix: Descriptions of Cosmic Chessboard told that it give global enchantment bonus instead of combat enchantment bonus.
  • Add statement about rarity of unit enchantment neutral units could gain from Cosmic Chessboard and Nodeborne Souls.
  • Nodeborne Souls modifier is no longer given combat enchantment for node combat.
  • Optimized neutral faction code.
  • Rearrange score modifier and with additional labels and all empty slot will have some more indicator that it is not bug.
Well this is interesting.. I've just been alerted to yet another massive expansion overhaul mod for Caster of Magic for Windows called the More Stuff Mod lol. Looks like it adds even more than the Warlord mod however unlike Warlord it think it may suffer from lack of testing and balancing like many heavy extra content mods for games out there can.


More Stuff so far:
  • +150 more units
  • no more generic units
  • +16 more heroes (15 champions)
  • +7 more fantasy races/factions
Arcanus: Vikings, Birdmen, Goblin, Atlanteans (Steampunks)
Myrror: Gnomes, Bugs, Draugr (Undead)
  • more city names per race
  • +25 more buildings - mainly special buildings that only one or a few races can build
  • +10 more lair monsters
  • +20 more spells = +2 commons and +2 uncommons per realm
  • +10 more score modifiers
  • illustrated spell book
  • more documentation for Caster of Magic for Windows base game: 5 Excel tables, stuffed Manual V1.5.3 - No guarantee that everything is correct already!
Check out the chapter about Hotkeys and Shortcuts!
  • Mod documentation: 5 Excel tables, above Manual version with MOD changes filled in and highlighted

Plenty of gameplay changes, e.g.:
  • bigger Earth Lore
  • unrestricted item teleport
  • confused units from the winning side will survive after combat
  • AI wizard elimination and tower break turn happens 2-3 years later
  • doubled road speed, halved Wind Walking speed (spell), no Water Walking on tundra
  • the AI can target Fire Storm, Ice Storm, Dispelling Wave or Stasis only in scouting range of its units and cities
  • no more mutually exclusive retorts + changes to retorts
  • fame scaling for hero offers
  • no more Sharpshooting heroes, however, some have Long Range
  • Settlers can show up as mercenaries
  • more Spell Binding uses
  • quite a lot more books can be owned
  • slightly less building destruction
  • some original races gained and/or lost units
  • some original units or spells have been slightly changed
  • many more units have a spell ability

Special thanks to:

Seravy, Suppanut (Warlords MOD), Hadriex (gameplay streams)

Cruel100 - hero portraits of Voodoo Priestess & Impostor
Lagi - Treeman
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3 lots of news today:

1 - Seravy has continued to release new patches updates to Caster of Magic for Windows (CoM2Win) which fans can download from his Realms Beyond forum thread (as you will not get them automatically via GoG or Steam anymore due to official support ending). https://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/showthread.php?tid=11090

2 - Starwisp & co have successfully completed their terrain decompressor tool for Civizard (the PS1 port of MoM) allowing MoM fans to extract use Civizards cool unique graphics in their MoM mods & remakes. https://github.com/starwisp/Civizard-tileset-archeology

3 - Suppanut has also continued to release new versions of his excellent Warlord mod for CoM2Win with more new factions, features & fixes added. However his next version coming soon will do something truly awesome and use the newly extracted Civizard terrain graphics & animation completely transforming the way Caster of Magic for Windows looks! In the meantime you can get his latest version from below. https://www.moddb.com/mods/caster-o...magic-for-windows-warlord-1580-for-com2-10508

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