just to comment my above message : I don't know if it is an issue or not, but I wanted to make note of it.
slightly related: I'm playing Austrin with the leader that can switch cities. (and I abuse this a lot, which is fun).
however there is a "bug" :
food increase stacks... all the cities that switched a few times have a base production of food of a few 15-20... without any citizen working on food !
I noticed it when I found out that a few of my cities could work 6 "1F tile" (+production/other) without entering starvation.
(and I didn't experiment to see how much stacked... is it only 4/switch : the elephant+deer / or other ?)
(however I checked : production and commerce/science/gold do not increase)
another "balance" thing :
My austrin civ get too much gold.... I never had to reduce the science slider. (and I only have 1 merchant district, without even the sub-disctricts).
... and I can't use that gold for anything.
normally gold is used for improvements (but I don't need much fo those), or to absorb a few turns at 100%science or culture or spell research.
however, here, there is nothing to use that gold for.
maybe the exotic market could raise commerce instead of gold ?
I unfortunately have no idea what is causing that food bug.
However, I agree on the gold. I originally had the exotic market indeed on commerce instead of gold, but esvath changed it to gold, so that's probably what's causing the issue. @esvath , would you mind changing that back to commerce maybe?