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just to comment my above message : I don't know if it is an issue or not, but I wanted to make note of it.

slightly related: I'm playing Austrin with the leader that can switch cities. (and I abuse this a lot, which is fun).

however there is a "bug" :
food increase stacks... all the cities that switched a few times have a base production of food of a few 15-20... without any citizen working on food !
I noticed it when I found out that a few of my cities could work 6 "1F tile" (+production/other) without entering starvation.
(and I didn't experiment to see how much stacked... is it only 4/switch : the elephant+deer / or other ?)
(however I checked : production and commerce/science/gold do not increase)

another "balance" thing :
My austrin civ get too much gold.... I never had to reduce the science slider. (and I only have 1 merchant district, without even the sub-disctricts).
... and I can't use that gold for anything.
normally gold is used for improvements (but I don't need much fo those), or to absorb a few turns at 100%science or culture or spell research.

however, here, there is nothing to use that gold for.

maybe the exotic market could raise commerce instead of gold ?

I unfortunately have no idea what is causing that food bug.
However, I agree on the gold. I originally had the exotic market indeed on commerce instead of gold, but esvath changed it to gold, so that's probably what's causing the issue. @esvath , would you mind changing that back to commerce maybe?
Looks like it updates some the python on the assets, have you tried to overwrite the current assets and what error does it give?
No errors except after entering wb there IS just small empty window and nothing to click
I have an issue with this mod (unfortunately :sad:) :
I can't perform any miracle/global enhancement. When I go to the "Magic screen", I see all the available options, I select one, a confirmation popup appears ("Do you really want to..?"), I click "Yes" and.. civ iv closes entirely (as a fatal error occured)
I tried to enable logs and PythonError.logs says a lot about:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "CvScreensInterface", line 994, in forceScreenUpdate
File "CvMainInterface", line 1645, in updateScreen
File "BugEventManager", line 284, in fireEvent
File "BugEventManager", line 294, in _dispatchEvent
File "BugEventManager", line 306, in _handleDefaultEvent
File "BugUtil", line 479, in __call__
File "BugUtil", line 472, in call
File "BugUtil", line 465, in bind
ConfigError: Module 'BugUtil' must define function or class 'doDeferredCalls'
ERR: Python function forceScreenUpdate failed, module CvScreensInterface

ERR: Call function Trigger_MagicScreenPopupEnd failed. Can't find module CvGameInterface

As a note, I have MasterOfMana Full Setup + 2.11 + Xtended 5.6. The mods works and I'm enjoying it a lot (congrats guys for your extraordinary work), except this issue with Magic Screen - it's like playing with a hand tight at the back.
Last edited:
I have an issue with this mod (unfortunately :sad:) :
I can't perform any miracle/global enhancement. When I go to the "Magic screen", I see all the available options, I select one, a confirmation popup appears ("Do you really want to..?"), I click "Yes" and.. civ iv closes entirely (as a fatal error occured)
I tried to enable logs and PythonError.logs says a lot about:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "CvScreensInterface", line 994, in forceScreenUpdate
File "CvMainInterface", line 1645, in updateScreen
File "BugEventManager", line 284, in fireEvent
File "BugEventManager", line 294, in _dispatchEvent
File "BugEventManager", line 306, in _handleDefaultEvent
File "BugUtil", line 479, in __call__
File "BugUtil", line 472, in call
File "BugUtil", line 465, in bind
ConfigError: Module 'BugUtil' must define function or class 'doDeferredCalls'
ERR: Python function forceScreenUpdate failed, module CvScreensInterface

ERR: Call function Trigger_MagicScreenPopupEnd failed. Can't find module CvGameInterface

As a note, I have MasterOfMana Full Setup + 2.11 + Xtended 5.6. The mods works and I'm enjoying it a lot (congrats guys for your extraordinary work), except this issue with Magic Screen - it's like playing with a hand tight at the back.

I am guessing you tried to cast a fire spell?
I am guessing you tried to cast a fire spell?
I was trying to cast the first Life spell, "Sanquine Realm".

I managed to fix the issue reinstalling CivIV+this mod. So a clean install fixed it. Probably other mods I had installed interfered with this one and caused issues and error logs.
Is it intended that the Svarralfar cant build archers or have i massively screwed up? me and a friend are playing a multiplayer game on a team and for some weird reason neither of us can build archers. I swear i used to be able to use them and i can build the Fletcher and the archery range no problem.
Is it intended that the Svarralfar cant build archers or have i massively screwed up? me and a friend are playing a multiplayer game on a team and for some weird reason neither of us can build archers. I swear i used to be able to use them and i can build the Fletcher and the archery range no problem.
Svartalfar can build Sniper (unlocked at Crossbows); that is their only archer unit type. You can check their unique units in the Civpedia.
So, I'd quite like to try a game without settlers and no city razing - this meaning that you have to expand through conquest.
Lacking an option to disable settlers, could I edit XML and whack the cost way up, or will this be too confusing for the AI?
You can take out the build time (yes, in XML) for settlers so that they aren't an option for you or the AI to construct. This means modifying your map to have barbarian controlled cities all over the place for you to attack though.
Would it be possible to replace the Hero promotion for Taranis with the seraph-style resurrection in the capital city? Having an immobile unit retreat out of his city location is pretty pointless. :rolleyes:
Hi there,

Thank you for this amazing work that brought me a lot a freshness regarding my relation to FfH2.
I'm a currently facing a disappointing problem. Most of my games, appart from my very first, seems to crash at some point. The crashes occur at a fixed turn for any games and it seems impossible to work around it.

I have tried to edit the game through world builder, not noticing anything funny that could make it crash, I have tried to make a scenario out of it, to change my civ, to return to my Civ etc. It always crash...

Any practical mean to work around it ? I'm a bit sad because it seems I cannot finish any game :(

Best regards,

Hi there,

Thank you for this amazing work that brought me a lot a freshness regarding my relation to FfH2.
I'm a currently facing a disappointing problem. Most of my games, appart from my very first, seems to crash at some point. The crashes occur at a fixed turn for any games and it seems impossible to work around it.

I have tried to edit the game through world builder, not noticing anything funny that could make it crash, I have tried to make a scenario out of it, to change my civ, to return to my Civ etc. It always crash...

Any practical mean to work around it ? I'm a bit sad because it seems I cannot finish any game :(

Best regards,


I had a repeatable crash in my last game which was caused by one civ getting the Esus-Hero "Gibbon Goetia" and the "Changeling" promotion of him. Once i removed this promotion from him, via worldbuilder, the game could go on.

I found out what caused it by incremental removal. Used Worldbuilder to remove one civ completly, try if game still cerashed -- > if yes, this civ wasnt causig it, reload and try next civ, until i removed one civ and the crash didnt happen. Then off to the cities of this civ, same process, and then to units in the key city, until i found out that Gibbon was causing it. The promotion was a guess at this point.

I hope this helps you in finding the cause of your crash and then in perhaps even "repairing" your savegame by removing the crash-causing element.
Wow. Thanks for the suggestion Guru.

It looks like a lot of work to narrow it..... I guessed some civilization would be responsible for the crash because some smaller games seems to work (size Human max). I'll try to find if someone built Gibbon ^^'

Many thanks for the reply !
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