Master of Myrror Expansion: The Sorcerors


Dec 17, 2004
Delaware, USA
I've been working on this expansion to Drift's magnificent Master of Myrror (MoM) fantasy mod for some time for my own amusement. It's finally in a state that I think I can reveal it to the world without too much embarassment:

C3C, all patched up and pretty (1.22 currently)
The original Master of Myrror (2.0 beta3 currently)

Primary changes/additions from MoM v2.0:
1. Added a fifth faith: Sorcery, with all that entails (techs, units, buildings, etc)
2. Returned to 3 factions per faith, from MoM 2.0's 4, for 15 faith factions
3. Added a 16th faction, the Barbarian Horde
4. Reworked the tech tree to have 5 magic branches, expanded to 4 eras
5. Reworked the race resources and incorporated units into main tech tree
6. Removed most buildings from tech tree, increased building upkeep, and increased building prerequisites to recapture more of that part of the original Master of Magic
7. Unique units will return with version 1.1, coming soon
8. Added 2 new races: Nomads and Klackons, to go with the Sorcery faith
9. Added "railroads" to the final age, easily disabled if people prefer the "medieval" flavor of the original
10. Added "king" units for each faction, usable in both regicide and non-regicide games.
11. Retained old race system, rather than using rally points (still under consideration)

Some minor tweaks to fit the way I like things, most of which I just don't remember :)

To Do:
1. Make/get someone else to make actual animated units for the Klackons, to replace the generic units currently in use.
2. Figure out a better place for the initial race techs in era 1
3. Modify some/all of the wonder splashes to be more informative
4. Look up all the folks whose work I used in this, to give proper credit
5. Neaten up spaceship screen to fit slight changes over MoM 2.0
Moderator Action: Broken download updated - Blake00
Master of Myrror: the Sorcerors Expansion download:

Requires full installation of Master of Myrror version 2.0 Beta 3:

And the patch (unzip in "conquests\scenarios\" directory). You need both the "patch files" .zip and the "patch biq" .zip files. The latter contains only the .biq file, and will be the one most often updated for ease of downloading. The files .zip supports any patches with matching version numbers or later, i.e. patch_files_1.0.6 still works for version 1.0.7, and will only be changed if necessary.

Patch 7: added 2005/04/01
-Fixed last (hopefully) of bugs to work with MoM beta3
-Minor adjustments to techboxes to fit better
-Several minor changes to .txt files
-Split patch files into two zips

---See the release_notes.txt below for previous changes---

Optional: The file "medi jap" is for anyone who has troubles with the "Adept" unit, which uses the "Medieval Japanese Leader" animations which should have installed with Play the World or Conquests. Unzip in "conquests\scenarios" directory, and the files should be placed so that the mod can find them.

Optional: Get mrtn's Mage animation, perfect for Jafar, here. Unzip contents to the \MoM_sorc\Art\Units\King Arab directory, and add the .ini file below as well to enjoy some magic tossing fun.

Optional: I have made new graphics for the SAM animation, to reflect the magic theme of the mod. It's a beam of green light shooting out of a red hole in the ground. Get the file below, or have your units launching missiles at air elementals! Note: these files were included in patch 5, but taken out as of patch 5a.


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Sounds cool...always liked the Klackons - even in MoO :)
I'll try to make some time to at least check it out. :) I'm insanely busy though at the moment so I probably won't have much time for actual playing. It will be very interesting to see how you've set all those things up.
Since it's been over 24 hours I don't feel like a total pest for asking:

What's with the files? Any idea when we can expect to start downloading the mod/expansion?

Edit (this doesn't quite seem to warrent a new post but references the post belows by Clearbeard):

Thanks for the info, looking forward to being able to try out the mod/expansion
Sorry for the delay on them, but I had less of an idea what I was doing than I thought when I started the thread. I'm waiting on FTP server info from Thunderfall later today, so the upload should occur shortly thereafter. There will just be the upgrade version, not the stand-alone I also have, so if you haven't already, you will need to download Drift's original Master of Myrror and patch it up to the current level (version 2.0 beta 2 patch 3). And no, you're not a pest for asking, this took longer than I'd hoped. :)
Are the Klackons on Master of Magic Insectoids like the ones in Masters of Orion? If so, I'll also buck for some such units getting created (heck, if I can find 3d models useable with either of my 3d programs, I'll make some myself). The reason is that while researching FF XI, there is a race of intelligent insectoids called the Antica (whose society is organized like ancient Rome) which I'm half tempted to add to the FF mod as a final minor civ resource (my resources.pcx file only has one free slot left). Other than that, I've been kind of interested in the MoM mod, ever since I first found this site, but my current internet connection is too slow to download it.
Hikaro Takayama said:
Are the Klackons on Master of Magic Insectoids like the ones in Masters of Orion? If so, I'll also buck for some such units getting created (heck, if I can find 3d models useable with either of my 3d programs, I'll make some myself)....

That's exactly what they are. Master of Magic was made by the same folks who did the original Master of Orion, and Klackons were one of the common elements. I'm teaching myself to use OpenFX, and ambitious as it is, Klackon units are my first and only project currently, but if you'd like to take a stab at them (or anyone else for that matter) I'm happy for the help. My animation skills are currently up to editing existing storyboards in Photoshop, a few of the results of which are in the expansion. Hopefully you'll get to see those soon. :) I have drawn a Klackon resource icon, which I'm also using as the units_32.pcx icon for all the Klackon units currently, attached below. Let me know if you find any models that might be a good starting point, preferably ones compatible with OpenFX. :crazyeye:


I'm having trouble getting your mod to work. It's propably due to an incorrect installation but it seems I can not select a few of the leaders (Sss'ra for example) due to a "file not found" error. In Sss'ra's case it was the file "net art/flicks/dragon_01.flc". Hopefully it's just some minor problem.
Wauthan said:
I'm having trouble getting your mod to work. It's propably due to an incorrect installation but it seems I can not select a few of the leaders (Sss'ra for example) due to a "file not found" error. In Sss'ra's case it was the file "net art/flicks/dragon_01.flc". Hopefully it's just some minor problem.

Frack, no, it's my fault, not an install problem. Something I overlooked when moving the files from my file structure to the zip file, namely all the leaderheads! There is a patch up on the second post which should make things work. For now, I've pointed at two of the leaderheads from Master of Myrror I hadn't used, as opposed to the two that I had originally borrowed (stolen :lol: ) from the Warhammer 2.0 mod. I'll either find links to those leaderheads, or get access to upload them here (they're too big to attach). Sorry for all the newbie mistakes but, well, I'm rather a newbie. :)
You know what, Clearbeard, the Klackon in MOM look almost exactly like the Antica of Van'adiel (FFXI world), except that the antica don't have as many legs, and are a more brownish color to match their surroundings. Maybe we could lobby for Kinboat to make a base model in Poser for some insectoid, since that's the biggest thing missing from all the fantasy unit lineups: Insectiod races of some kind.
An early observation about this game:

The sorcery node is unlikely to appear if you set your random map to wet and cold,
since sorcery node appears only in flood plains and desert; I generated three random maps and saw no sorcery nodes before I realized what my problem was.
Cabbit said:
An early observation about this game:

The sorcery node is unlikely to appear if you set your random map to wet and cold,
since sorcery node appears only in flood plains and desert; I generated three random maps and saw no sorcery nodes before I realized what my problem was.

An important observation. I'll make a few twiddles to the next release to improve that. I usually play wet and warm, or average on both, so sorcery nodes have always been frequent. They do appear in swamps too, btw.

After running a number of generations, I've only run into this problem on tiny maps, and once only got one node on a small map (with cold and wet). I could add sorcery nodes to grasslands too, but that just seems so... prosaic... a solution. :D
Hikaro Takayama said:
You know what, Clearbeard, the Klackon in MOM look almost exactly like the Antica of Van'adiel (FFXI world), except that the antica don't have as many legs, and are a more brownish color to match their surroundings. Maybe we could lobby for Kinboat to make a base model in Poser for some insectoid, since that's the biggest thing missing from all the fantasy unit lineups: Insectiod races of some kind.

Sounds great to me. I'm still going to use them as a project in my learning 3D modeling, but getting some sooner than I can reasonably produce high quality is certainly worthwhile. How many legs do these Antica have? Wouldn't all "insectoid" creatures have 6 legs? I was thinking of using the existing creepy spiders for the abdomen, and adding some modified humanoid torso (and reducing the limbs from 8 to 6, of course).
Hey, sounds great!

Just one question before I DL: does this REPLACE the MOM 2.0, or are both still available after I DL?

I'm actually playing a MOM game at the moment and don't want to find out the hard way it doesn't work any more... ;)
Well, from what I saw of the screenshot of one in the FF XI strategy guide, they appear to have 4 limbs, but I could be mistaken. I wish Grandraem was around more often for asking questions like that (since he regularly plays FF XI). I'm going to be looking on Renderosity to see if they have some kind of Insect figures for Poser 5 that could be modified to what we need.

One more thing, what classes/types and how many Klackons do you need. If I go with the Minor Civ route in the FF mod, the max I'd need it 5 (4 main line and 1 special), so that it would be like my other minor civ unit lines.

However, here's the data on job classes/names of Anticans in FF XI, grouped by job class and listed in order of level (low level first and high level last):

Black Mage:

Antican Faber
Antican Speculator
Antican Retiarius
Antican Lanista
Antican Signifer
Antican Quaestor
Antican Praetor


Antican Auxilarius
Antican Veles
Antican Hastatus
Antican Secutor
Antican Triarius


Antican Decurio
Antican Eques
Antican Centurio
Antican Princeps
Antican Hoplomachus
Antican Legatus

Ranger (in FF XI, rangers can use bows, crossbows and guns):

Antican Funditor
Antican Essedarius
Antican Sagittarius
Antican Aedilis

Just some Ideas to throw around....
Dragonlord said:
Hey, sounds great!

Just one question before I DL: does this REPLACE the MOM 2.0, or are both still available after I DL?

I'm actually playing a MOM game at the moment and don't want to find out the hard way it doesn't work any more... ;)

@Dragonlord: Both are still available. :) All the new stuff goes in a different folder, and there is a new .bcq file. A valid concern though!

@Everyonel: I did not "fix" the "scenario" file that was included in the original zip, just the "MoM The Sorcerors.bcq" file. For now, the only one that works is the basic file with the random map and everything, in case anyone hasn't figured that out on their own. :) The scenario is a work in progress that will eventually include a fixed map, pre-expanded civilizations, and NO settlers. It's kind of an experiment I've been wanting to try for a while (I think the WWII Pacific scenario was like that). When (if) I ever get my computer fully back and working, I'll be continuing work on that, for all of your enjoyment.
Hikaro Takayama said:
One more thing, what classes/types and how many Klackons do you need. If I go with the Minor Civ route in the FF mod, the max I'd need it 5 (4 main line and 1 special), so that it would be like my other minor civ unit lines.

I think I need 5 also:
Worker (all worker jobs)
Royal Guard

Currently all types of them would need build road and build fortress animations too, as I have them set up like the Legions from the Rise of Rome Conquests scenario. At first go, the last four can basically be just differently armed and armored units on the same model, though I may play with that when there's something to work from.
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