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[MoO] Master of Orion 2 unofficial patch


Mar 2, 2015
The new MoO2 (unofficial) 1.50 patch for Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares is here!

-- For the DOS version only. --

This patch contains numerous bugfixes and improvements.
  • It introduces easy modding with plain text config files.
  • You can customize map generation, choose mods and change game rules, including buildings, weapons, technologies, and more.
  • There is no need to write your own config to start playing, the 1.50 patch comes with various mods included.
Feel free to test it out and leave comments/feedback below.

Fixes most known crashes, stalls and network synchronization errors.
Fixes dozens of lesser bugs.

Config for easy game tweaking and enhanced modding.
Supports multiple 1.50-based mods in one directory.
In network games the host automatically broadcasts settings to clients, so differences in configs do not cause errors.

Includes mapmods a.o. Goodmap3 and the ICE maps. Mapgen switches are built into the executable.
No need to run an external map editor or use several executables to set custom map parameters.

Reduce micromanagement by uploading your custom build list in the Build Queue!
In the file BUILD.CFG you can create a custom build order.
Buildable buildings from that list will be uploaded in the Build Queue by pressing 'Q'.

6th ship design slot!

Play against random number of opponents!

Multiple interface improvements like usable map edge scroll in combat,
additional interface shortcuts, custom behavior for clear button in design, improved tech review, etc.

The Changelog of all new features and bug fixes in this readme:

The full manual (pdf) can be found here:

The 150 patch can be downloaded from the website:
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Lot of nice work. I hope to one day get back to play more Moo. Never gone this long without a game, before this time.
Lot of nice work. I hope to one day get back to play more Moo. Never gone this long without a game, before this time.

For a real challenge play ICE-X mod!

But to get back into the game, tryout this patch and see if you can catch any issues.

thx .. neilkaz ..
We have just upped to patch version 1.50.1, with following changes:

- Relaxed end of combat (ships act until end of turn).
- Time Warp Facilitator-equipped ship’s presence doesn’t affect normal ships now.
- Map edge retreat crash fixed.
- Population capacity is clipped to 42 (maximum properly supported by the game).
- 43rd android bug fixed.
- Pop limit bug for freighted colonists fixed.
- Command points not updating when landing Outpost or Colony Ship fixed.
- Productivity recalculation after selling a building now works.
- Refit displayed cost vs real cost discrepancy fixed.
- Feudal wrong refit cost fixed.
- Stealth specials now work properly.
- Diplomatic blunder and marriage events not working fixed.
- Diplomatic relation change overflow fixed. (could cause a.i. stance to suddenly change from good to bad or vice versa)
- Improved spy formula (63rd spy receives additional +1 bonus).

Config / Modding support:
- Host config is broadcast to clients in network multiplayer.
- Config supports string parameters.
- Added helper commands include and stop.
- Updated mapmod (added ICE, removed GM3 and ICE-COLD).
- Updated table weapon, added strategic min and max damage.
- Updated table mapgen to latest mapgen 0.41.
- Added shortened_anomaly_beast_flux (random events tweak).
- Added table pop_base (base pop for given planet size).
- Added table pop_climate (pop bonus for given planet climate).
- Added basic_growth_bonus (additional base growth).
- Added AI_races_variants (optionally extend AI races pool).
- Added AI_races_improved (turns on better races).
- Added AI_ships_improved (turns on better ships).
- Ability to rename weapons, specials, buildings, technologies and fields.
- Added table tech (technologies).
- Added table tech_field (technology fields).
- Added table ground_defences (misc ground defenses traits).
- Added table hull (ship hull table).
- Added table lander_ships_costs (cost for CS, OP, TR).
- Added table stealth (stealth bonus per stealth modifier).
- Added table scan (scan bonus per scan modifier).
- Added table spy_tech (spy bonus for given spy tech).
- Added table spy_govt (spy bonus for given government).
- Added alternative_refit (optional alternative refit cost formula).
- Added miniaturization_tweak (enable mini for augs and ext. fuel tanks).
- Added torpedo_miniaturization_missile (torpedoes miniaturize like missiles).
- Added heavy_fighters_can_scramble (optionally allow to target missiles).
- Added absorber_no_discharge (optionally keep absorber’s charge indefinitely).
- Added plasma_web_dissipation_step (optionally halve instead of -5). #

Interface changes:
- Config extractor built into the executable.
- Added parameter mod_name to distinguish mods in main menu.
- Added table format to config for customizing in-game text labels.
- Added parameter scroll_interval_ms to control scrolling speed in the combat screen.
- Added parameter clear_button to control design screen clear button behavior.
- Added parameters help.lbx and techdesc.lbx for custom lbxs.
- Auto delete trade goods or prompt deletion on < >.
- Colony prod display now includes bought prod.
- Restructured technology overview under Info button.
- Alt+MENLO gives 31000 research now.

- Most of the patch code moved to external library ORION2.BIN.
Great that you fixed the awful retreat from edge crash!!

When will this patch be integrated with Ice Mod? Or can one just install ICE on top of the patch?

The one thing this game still needs is some way to save some ship designs from game to game!

Thx .. neilkaz ..
At the moment ICE cannot be installed on top of the patch.
It needs to be rebuild on the 1.50 exe, which is quite a big work.

Note that it is possible with the new patch to play against stronger races too.
We have added a new tables with race variants for the Hard and Impossible difficulty levels

For example, if you play the new Vmod this new table is enabled by default.
If you change following setting in VMOD.CFG:
AI_races_variants = 1-3; # set this to 4-5 for more challenge​
AI_races_variants = 4-5; # set this to 4-5 for more challenge​
you will be facing quite stronger opposition.

Saving ship designs is on our list of things to investigate.
Another great job after the ICE-mod. This is named a patch, but has some mod-qualities in it, or at least allows you to mod the game easier. I have to have a look at it as it can help non-professional modders tweak some quite advanced stuff.

Hope the merge with the ICE-mod will work and that the mod and the patch can improve one-another. Once the ICE-mod is built on top of the patch it is probably easier or 'more structured' to change stuff in the mod.
[...]Hope the merge with the ICE-mod will work and that the mod and the patch can improve one-another. Once the ICE-mod is built on top of the patch it is probably easier or 'more structured' to change stuff in the mod.
We are working on ICE integration now, and it will work. We are planning to make all OCL modding options avavailable in the next version of the patch, via the same 'config' method. There will be some new options in there too-
- moddable Warlord command points [we enjoyed long debates in the ICE thread about them]
- minimum ship class for Telepathic races: can be set differently than Cruiser.
- fix for the Sub-Space Teleporter: it will approximate a 20square (radius) circle.
- option to build a.i. auto-designed ships
- when you play the game with game-music off, you will still be able to get sound from the games cutscenes (and the intro movie too).
.. and more bug fixes ofc .. always more bug fixes :)
That all sounds really great. I can't wait till you've finished it. You know by now that the people who are still playing MOOII are pretty picky about the game and have really detailed ideas about how the ultimate MOOII game 'should be'. They've had 20 years to think about it. This patch with modding options will enable all those players to tweak the little things that they find so extremely important. For some that is the command points from Warlord (as I've also read), for some that is some other ideas about the balance of picks.

Weird that 20 years after release, MOOII gets a fanbased patch that enables modding like in a more modern game. has just arrived and has a bunch of of new things, including
- major enhancements to tactical combat
- 6th ship design slot
- enhanced moddability, with all OCL parameters and much more built-in
- truckload of bugfixes
- when you play the game with game-music off, you will still be able to get sound from the games cutscenes (and the intro movie too).

This may explain the issue I have had, since the game came out. I always turn off music in all my games. The cut scene plays and no sound. Not that I care, but interesting.
Hi Rocco,

I can't tell you how excited I am about the 1.5 patch. I never thought I'd see MOO2 given such an awesome new lease of life.

I have a possible bug and a question about the new patch.

Possible bug: I was in the middle of a 1.50.1 game when I updated to 1.50.21. I was so excited about the 6th ship design slot...but most of my colonies can't build from it - they tell me I don't have a starbase, even when I do. Weirdly a couple of colonies CAN build from the sixth slot, but only 3 or 4, with no obvious connection between them. I don't know if this has occurred because I was mid-game when I upgraded, or if it's a bigger problem.

Question: Some years ago I edited my RACESTUF.LBX with pickhack and RaceEd to adjust values for picks and make the AI races stronger (in remarkably similar ways to ICE mod, it turns out). In 1.50.1 the game was still using RACESTUF.LBX, since I could use my old values. However, in 1.50.21 the game is using the original values...but I have no idea where it's getting them from. They're not in any of the config files that I can find, and PICKS.CFG has different values (brilliant execution with PICKS.CFG and all the other config files, by the way). Are the "default" values hard-coded into the .exe or some other file?

Thanks again for your incredible work on this game. I tried Stellaris recently...and quickly gave up and went back to MOO2, discovering your patch in the process. Maybe with another couple of years development Stellaris will be able to challenge MOO2, but for the moment it's a buggy mess that's missing half of MOO2's features!

P.S. Possible feature request: I was always sad that I couldn't capture and keep starbases. They just disappear after battle, even when I have captured and occupied them and the planet on the same turn. I don't suppose this behaviour is "fixable" or can be tied to a toggle so we can actually capture starbases (as long as we capture the planet on the same turn, of course).
Hi Rocco,
Possible bug: I was in the middle of a 1.50.1 game when I updated to 1.50.21. I was so excited about the 6th ship design slot...but most of my colonies can't build from it - they tell me I don't have a starbase, even when I do. Weirdly a couple of colonies CAN build from the sixth slot, but only 3 or 4, with no obvious connection between them. I don't know if this has occurred because I was mid-game when I upgraded, or if it's a bigger problem.
We haven't tested much for issues with the loading of previous versions save games and effects with the 6th slot that was introduced in 1.50.2. It could be that there are issues with using older saves.
Try pressing ALT+AD in the Build Screen and see if your 6 slots all update to the latest AI designs.
If that does not help, then we would appreciate a save, so we can take a look.

Question: Some years ago I edited my RACESTUF.LBX with pickhack and RaceEd to adjust values for picks and make the AI races stronger (in remarkably similar ways to ICE mod, it turns out). In 1.50.1 the game was still using RACESTUF.LBX, since I could use my old values. However, in 1.50.21 the game is using the original values...but I have no idea where it's getting them from. They're not in any of the config files that I can find, and PICKS.CFG has different values (brilliant execution with PICKS.CFG and all the other config files, by the way). Are the "default" values hard-coded into the .exe or some other file?
1.50.2 essentially overwrites what is in RACESTUFF.LBX, so there is not need anymore to edit that lbx file. Couple ways you can go, but all is done from a config file now:
- you can edit PICKS.CFG to your liking and load that.
- or if you want to start from the classic stock races, open EXTRACT.CFG and copy the stock races from there (they are in section [ RACE CUSTOMIZATION ]) into a new config file. Then load that config file in ORION2.CFG and restart the game. To get the real & original stock races in EXTRACT.CFG, make sure you have started the game without PICKS.CFG or an ICE mod loaded. Extract.cfg is re-written every time you start the game (output of current settings), so you can easily see (and share!) with what rules you are playing.

Thanks again for your incredible work on this game. I tried Stellaris recently...and quickly gave up and went back to MOO2, discovering your patch in the process. Maybe with another couple of years development Stellaris will be able to challenge MOO2, but for the moment it's a buggy mess that's missing half of MOO2's features!
And thank you for feedback. imo, MOO2 is still :king:

P.S. Possible feature request: I was always sad that I couldn't capture and keep starbases. They just disappear after battle, even when I have captured and occupied them and the planet on the same turn. I don't suppose this behaviour is "fixable" or can be tied to a toggle so we can actually capture starbases (as long as we capture the planet on the same turn, of course).
Indeed, its not entirely intuitive behaviour for them to just disappear, but it was very likely a balance decision from the developers to give the loosing side a chance to counter. Unlikely we will change it.
I love Orion2 so happy with your awesome work! Often play 2 player lan.
Just starting to look into 1.50 after vdc a while (also very nice!). Will try and tinker with some changes.
Thanks from a happy moo'er!
well, if you like vdc and like to tinker you can try the following;
the file Orion2.cfg contains some basic settings for the game and the last section contains some explanation how to import a 1.40 mod (which vdc basically is) into a config file. if you use the import tool to extract vdc settings, and start up the game, it is likely that it crashes due to 'insufficient memory' (only that 1st time while extracting vdc settings) but important thing is that the vdc settings are then written to the file 'extract.cfg'. if you make a copy of that file and rename it to, say 'myvdc.cfg' you can tinker there in a mod that closely resembles vdc! (not all settings are in there, as not all vdc settings are supported in the 1.50 patch at the moment.)
Somebody has left the following feedback on Steam:

dupmeister 8 Jul @ 5:49pm
I am not a fan of how this path re-balances combat. I just played my first game after installing it and I am far from impressed.

I managed to stave off combat until late in the game, I had a doomstar with Xetronium armour, heavy armour, reinforced structure and a ton of weaponry, yet even when facing ridiculously under-powered foes(class 1 shields, murculite missiles ect.), each battle was a total roll of the dice. By this I mean that defeat was totally random, in several battles my she got hit by a single volley of missiles and exploded even though I had full amour and structure.

It got worse if I put the battle on auto, many times my ships would self destruct for no reason at all.

I have been playing this game for over 20 years and have never experienced this before, I hope they adjust this in later patches, for now I think I will revert to version 1.4

Since we are not frequenting Steam (we don't have accounts there) I will reply here in the hopes that this reply will find its way to the poster on Steam:

When high armored ships get shot down & explode by missiles, even if these missiles are coming from seemingly under-powered foes, almost certainly this is caused by EMG missiles. Once missiles with the Emissions Guidance System penetrate shields, all damage is applied to a ships drive, ignoring all armor, causing the ship to explode (described as 'self-destruct' above). Needless to say, such missiles are very dangerous! So always scan your opponents ships to properly assess the threat. Also, putting batles involving EMG missiles on AUTO would indeed make the problem worse because AUTO would move your ships forward, assuming that your ships armor and structure can soak up the missiles damage, which will completely fail for EMG missiles.

Secondly, the rebalances to combat that we have done are all optional and part of the by default enabled 'SET150.CFG'. This means if a player does not like the changes for some reason, he can always return to a full classic combat style by disabling SET150.CFG in ORION2.CFG, or make custom adjustments by disabling specific items in SET150.CFG. All items and their effects in SET150.CFG have been described in detail in our manual.

Lastly, in case there are doubts still about this specific combat, or more in general if anyone experiences 'weird outcomes' of a battle or in any other areas of the game, we are always curious and would like to take a look at a save game.

Nice mod and thanks, but here is a bug:

strict_combat_sequencing = 1;

If set to 1 during combat there is frequent bug. Not sure exactly how, but it might relate to having ground, base, and ship vs. enemy ships and how it takes turns. Here is the LOG error:

died: invalid cur_ptr 13

This causes a CTD. When I set to 0, it does not CTD.

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