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Mastery Victory


Leaf on the Wind
Nov 26, 2005
Chicago, IL

A new victory condition for Civ4

Download Mastery Victory

The motivation behind this mod stemmed from a basic dissatisfaction with games occasionally ending under what seemed to be cheap victories. You could possess 2/3 of the world's land and population, be four screws and a AA-battery from completing a starship to Alpha Centauri, possess the holy cities of all of the earth's great relgions and the all of the greatest cultural cities, and some jerk from the most impoverished and technologically backwards dictatorial nation on the planet gets voted president of the UN and is declared the winner? Bah.

The other thing that seemed to need changing was that players who built and planned with the distant future of their empire in mind were often at a disadvantage to those who sacrificed the long term to complete a short-term victory condition. Also, I just hated finishing a game early before I could see the final legacy of my empire.

The Mastery Victory is a new victory condition that approaches "winning" from a more comprehensive perspective in an attempt to address these issues.

This mod also includes the "Religious Victory" condition pre-made in the game but not available in vanilla.

The Design of the Mastery Condition

I wanted a new victory condition based on a few basic premises:
  • Victory should only be judged at the end of the game (time frame)
  • It should score civs on multiple different factors that require maximum development of the empire
  • Along that line, it should rank players who score highly across many measures better than players who score very well in one area at the sacrifice of other aspects of the game.
  • It should allow for a civ that doesn't warmonger to compete more evenly with civs that do while still leaving military battles a central part of the game.
  • It should balance a historical and unchangeable component of the score with another component that can rapidly change in the late stages of the game.

The mod was designed to meet these objectives.

The Details

A Mastery Victory is won as follows:
  • If selected, the mastery victory replaces the other victory conditions in the game (by nature it can't co-exist with them)
  • Mastery Victory is determined ONLY at the end of the time-span of the game. You have to survive to the end.

Points are given for the following:
  • Land - 1 point per % of landmass controlled by team.
  • Population - 1 point per % of total planet population possessed by team.
  • Culture - 1 point per % of total planet culture belonging to team.
  • Religion - 1 point per % of world religion if you control the religion's holy city. Only the top religion you control is scored, so second and third holy cities will not increase your score (but will prevent other civs from gaining points from them).
  • Power - Your civ's power is summed throughout all of history. 1 point awarded for each % of the total summed power of all the surviving civs on earth. While power increases throughout time, this does mean that you'll be scored for your military for the whole game span.
  • Wonders - 1 point per % of world wonders CONSTRUCTED by the civ, not owned! The game keeps track of who actually builds the wonders as opposed to those who capture them. Wonder benefits are still granted to whoever currently possess the wonders. This makes the investment of a wonder more meaningful and more realistic.
  • Legendary Cities - Any city achieving Legendary status grants 30 bonus points. (You can have one, you can have five; you'll receive 30 points for each one you build).
  • Starship - 100 points given to any civ launching an interstellar starship. This is a big score bonus but represents a significant achievement; if a civ that hasn't launched a starship is to be considered superior to one that has it must have made significant cultural and military achievements!

At the end of the game the scores are summed and a victor declared.

  • If you selecte "Mastery" victory type, the other types will be ignored (since it overrides them).
  • The bonuses for Legendary cities and Starship were carefully considered; both are huge investments over the timeline of the game and represent significant achievements by the team. In essence, you are expected to launch a starship by the end of the game. If you don't, you had better have a pretty amazing culture here on earth to win since the other teams are going to be colonizing distant worlds.

Yea, this is the kind of innovation which is needed.

Further mods/ideas about victory conditions are going to make the game more interesting, rather than more units.

It's one of the things I hope will emerge from the 'Challenges' series. New ideas about how to win this puppy.

Will play this mod very soon.

Edit; how about trade? Trade routes are an interesting part of the game, or is the economy a means to an end? Just a thought but you could be rewarded for trade done over the game , just like power .

Edit: There is a winRAR file of the SDK. Where does that go??
mice said:
Edit: There is a winRAR file of the SDK. Where does that go??

The sdk.rar is just the files I changed in the SDK for modders who want to incorporate it in their own mods.

Of course, I'll also be including this in Sevomod...
keldath already said it.....but this is UBER and must be included in ViSa :)

As always, wonderful work Sevo.
this looks fantastic... it really is how CIV should have been working from the start...

Btw... does this work for warlords?
Hi man,

Good idea. Had to be added in most of the mods already built...

The Frog.
Sevo said:
Of course, I'll also be including this in Sevomod...


Cant wait to try this out! You are the man really!!! Now I have a chance for get nice scores playing peacefully finally!!!!

Ps: Maybe you dont like UN, but I think UN should give 1 point(or so) for the CIV each time that CIV is made the leader, dont you think?? This is a good solution for the UN!!
how do we install it
Oh Sevo, most great and wonderful Sevo!!!! WE ARE NOT WORTHY!!!! This is the change which Civ has most needed from DAY 1. Its not that the other victories shouldn't be available for those who want it, but multiple goal pursuits should be more viable. I tip my hat to you :).

Oh, sorry one extra thing. I do believe there is room for Diplomacy, technology and economy in your victory condition. If I might suggest:

Diplomacy: 1 point for every defensive pact you sign; 2 points for every Permanent Alliance you forge; 1 point for every Capitulation you recieve and 2 points for every peaceful vassal you gain. 1 point for every civ that is pleased towards you; 2 points for every civ which is friendly towards you.
2 points for every time you make secretary general of the UN. 5 points for building the UN. 5 points for every Resolution you pass. 20 points for being voted Planetary leader.

Technology: 2 points for each era in which you gain the first technology. 1 point for every tech that you are ahead of your nearest opponent. 5 points for every Great Scientist you produce.

Economy: 1 point for every Open Border agreement you have; 2 points for every trade deal you have; 1 point for each civ with whom you have active trade routes; 5 points for every Great Merchant you produce; 3 points for every resource you personally control.

Anyway, just some thoughts. Don't know how possible they are, but they would be good as both part of this Mastery Victory, and as victory conditions all their own.

Aussie_Lurker said:
Oh Sevo, most great and wonderful Sevo!!!! WE ARE NOT WORTHY!!!! This is the change which Civ has most needed from DAY 1. Its not that the other victories shouldn't be available for those who want it, but multiple goal pursuits should be more viable. I tip my hat to you :).

Oh, sorry one extra thing. I do believe there is room for Diplomacy, technology and economy in your victory condition. If I might suggest:

Diplomacy: 1 point for every defensive pact you sign; 2 points for every Permanent Alliance you forge; 1 point for every Capitulation you recieve and 2 points for every peaceful vassal you gain. 1 point for every civ that is pleased towards you; 2 points for every civ which is friendly towards you.
2 points for every time you make secretary general of the UN. 5 points for building the UN. 5 points for every Resolution you pass. 20 points for being voted Planetary leader.

Technology: 2 points for each era in which you gain the first technology. 1 point for every tech that you are ahead of your nearest opponent. 5 points for every Great Scientist you produce.

Economy: 1 point for every Open Border agreement you have; 2 points for every trade deal you have; 1 point for each civ with whom you have active trade routes; 5 points for every Great Merchant you produce; 3 points for every resource you personally control.

Anyway, just some thoughts. Don't know how possible they are, but they would be good as both part of this Mastery Victory, and as victory conditions all their own.


With the right balance and some minor changes I deeply agree!
@ Aussie Lurker: good ideas, but the point values for most of them are WAY too high. for instance it seems the best strategy would just be to run a specialist economy and crank out scientists.

i'd like to see the game ending wonders have more impact now that they dont actually end the game. some ideas: (jumbled tegether for each wonder, not necisarily meant to all be taken together)

-gives an attitude adjustment for all other civs (+2 you control the UN)
-allows a city trade world congress a la rhyse and fall

-gives a negative effect at first(to represent the huge drain on your civilization building it requires) -1 pop all cities, -25% GP birth rate for next X turns, -25% hammers next X turns
-provides a long term benefit, perhaps access to a space them tech path, the opposite of all the above minuses after the X turns have completed
Arlborn said:

Cant wait to try this out! You are the man really!!! Now I have a chance for get nice scores playing peacefully finally!!!!

Ps: Maybe you dont like UN, but I think UN should give 1 point(or so) for the CIV each time that CIV is made the leader, dont you think?? This is a good solution for the UN!!

I considered that for a loooong time. I had originally implemented it that way, but I wanted this to be as challenging for MP as for single player and I think it's a moot point for MP since no one will vote points to the enemy. The only way to get elected would be to conquer so much of the map that your population alone gets you the votes to do it, in which case it again augments the warmongering mode. (Not that I don't like warmongering, I just don't want it to be too easy!)

I considered some of the ideas you mentioned Arlborn; I almost added a point for the first person to get each tech or something. I also considered the great people counter, but I hadn't thought about doing the diplomacy for diplomatic agreements they way you suggested. Not a bad idea.

I'm going to add this one into Sevomod and get more feedback and we can take it forward from there.
agentsmith952 said:
I would love to try this mod out, but I am not sure how to install it. Can this work for Warlords? How do I install it?

Oops--forgot to mention that. This only works for Vanilla at the moment. It's ready to go like any other mod, download it and install it in your Civ4/mods/ directory (other threads have details).
This is a very good idea Sevo. :goodjob:
Sevo said:
I considered that for a loooong time. I had originally implemented it that way, but I wanted this to be as challenging for MP as for single player and I think it's a moot point for MP since no one will vote points to the enemy. The only way to get elected would be to conquer so much of the map that your population alone gets you the votes to do it, in which case it again augments the warmongering mode. (Not that I don't like warmongering, I just don't want it to be too easy!)

I considered some of the ideas you mentioned Arlborn; I almost added a point for the first person to get each tech or something. I also considered the great people counter, but I hadn't thought about doing the diplomacy for diplomatic agreements they way you suggested. Not a bad idea.

I'm going to add this one into Sevomod and get more feedback and we can take it forward from there.

Great :)
But I only mentioned the idea of the UN, the others ideas like GP and so on were by Aussie_Lurker and I just did agree with him if some balance is applied to his idea :) I dont like to steal credits of the others :P

And I think that the UN dont need to give That much points, only 1 or 2 or 3(I dunno yet how much points +- goes in the end of the game with your mod) each time you get voted for secretary, and a little more(15?) when you actually get voted to "win" in diplomacy, but then nobody can vote in bthis resolution anymore of course :P And maybe 1 point for each minor resolution passed? And I dont think it will benefict that much warmongers, cuz if he has a lot of population, then well, he prob was gonig to win anyway..And prob the others CIVs left dont like him :P
And 1 point for each GP is a great idea!
Cabt wait to try this out in your mod :) Soon I will :P
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