Maya Diplo (at last!)


Why is it dark in here?
Apr 7, 2005
Well this one took a while but I'm happy with it at last and, more importantly, TheLastConformist seems to be also. Needless to say, it's specially made for the brilliant Classic Maya scenario.
At the moment it's just the consider, counter and talk_offer screens but the up and down arrows will be following shortly. Maybe then I'll have a go at the info box set too.
I'm still open to suggestions on these, especially regarding the talk_offer which has room at the bottom for one more image.
Place these in the diplomacy folder after you've backed up your originals.


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Once again, great work! I was/still am a fan of the Aztec interface, and these look promising as well. Can we expect some more artwork to be included in later versions?

I can't believe someone includede my work in their sig! high praise, indeed. I'm very honoured.
Thank you all. It means a lot that you like my work but much of the credit for this goes to TLC who filled an advisory capacity throughout.
My next immediate concern is to get the up and down arrows finished. I have previously been asked to do an oriental version and now Hawaiin. I might get around to these but not straight away.
@ SilverKnight. What artwork are you thinking of. Any particular idea?
Well, if I could choose, I would love to see the highly recognizable Mayan Calendar:

(I remember my mom had one in her office for the longest time, she probably thought it was Aztec. :p )

Also, the Temple of Kukulcan in Chichen Itza would be nice in some form:

Other than that I don't really know, it's hard to find Mayan artwork. Bueno suerte, though, can't wait to replace my Aztec diplomacy screen with a Mayan one! :goodjob:

I hate to be the one to shatter a lovely illusion, but that calendar is Aztec. This was already disussed in the preview thread. The calendar itself is the mayan calendar but it was adopted by the central mexicans. The stone itself was carved in Chalco and was a tribute gift to The Mexica emperor Axayacatl after he conquered them. It is now in the excellent Museo de antropologia in Mexico City.
I do however take your point and if I get any more nice graphix I might add them in.
Buana suerte, de hecho, Amigo. Y gracias por ser muy amable! ;)
Aztec or mayan, that calendar could look quite nice in some sort of Mayan/Aztec graphic flavor :)

How about making it as a sort of "water stamp" in the background of the scietific research backgrounds?
Good idea aaglo. I think I might do just that for Aztec in one of the eras. I can use the stone of the Moon Godess on another, maybe the stone of tizoc too.
Sincere thanks, Plotinus!
@ SilverKnight. We very often know less about our own history than people who fell in love with it along the way. For example, when CivArmy1994 was doing the Irish civ I felt quite surprised and embarrased that my input was of so little use. I was too busy reading about Romans and Mexica!
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