Members' Photos XXIII - Pics or you didn't happen

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So, which one's scarier, the shaggy Norwegian or his human?
That's not true. I remember a picture of Mr Arakhor wearing a natty pair of deck shoes.
Speaking of which, iirc you never posted any pic of yours ;)

I have posted two photos of myself in my six-year tenure, but unless you want the (even older) photo of Claudia Christian cuddling up to me, you're going to be out of luck. :)
Ok :)

Reposting from the end of the last thread (post 996 iirc) :

Kyriakos said:
Proof (visible only in lens in a large closed space!) that my face is surrounded by a spiral nebula (and some stronger white Pentagon formation was caught on my arm!), from a recent photo in a theatre.. I knew it.
No chitons, no dramatic masks and what look to be Islamic-inspired arches. Greek theatre has certainly changed in the last 25 centuries. :)
I don't have many of me lately so here's my kid sticking her head thru the cat climbing thingy.

There was a guy on the tram the other day talking about some crazy, super elaborate haunted house in Japan. Seemed like a fun job to be a haunted house actor. :D
Gotta say, that picture did look like the little girl had her head severed. D:
Given I have a slight phobia for decapitation that freaked me out for a second there. :goodjob:
Given I have a slight phobia for decapitation that freaked me out for a second there. :goodjob:
I'm not sure you'd categorise fear of decapitation as a phobia. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you are at any risk of having your head lobbed off, I say you have every right to freak out!
He could, though, have a phobia about seeing decapitated heads. Not necessarily his own. Or of seeing other people decapitated.

Though whether these fears are irrational (which phobias must be) is somewhat debatable.

I think I have a visceral distaste for seeing actual decapitated heads, rather than a phobia.
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