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Mercenary Mod v0.8 Enhancement List


Jan 16, 2006
So here is the current list of enhancements that I have currently gotten from the community for the next version of the mercenaries mod. Please post your comments, additions, etc.

Well here's the list:

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Change Request Id:[TAB]1
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Status: Done

Functional Areas:

Integrate talcha's Action Button v2.0 mod.

Change Request Id:[TAB]2
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary Data

Store mercenary experience history - how many kills, what type of kills, etc. Use Teg_Navanis's unit statistics mod as a starting point.

Change Request Id:[TAB]3
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Status: Done

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary Data

Move all mercenary XML game text data into one single file.

Change Request Id:[TAB]4
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Status: Done

Functional Areas:

Add ability for players to disallow the awarding of certain promotions through the INI file similar to the way some units can be prevented from being generated as mercenaries.

Change Request Id:[TAB]5
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary contracting out

Add ability for players to configure that when units they contract out die they get a percentage of the hire cost as compensation.

Change Request Id:[TAB]6
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary Manager

Add the configuration option allowing players to indicate that mercenary prices should be directly affected by the amount of mercenaries in the mercenary pool.

Change Request Id:[TAB]7
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary Manager

Players should be able to visually recognize the origins of mercenaries in the [TAB]Mercenary Manager. For instance if a player contracts out a mercenary other players should be able to instantly recognize which civilization the mercenary came from.

Change Request Id:[TAB]8
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:

Add several configuration values to allowing players to specify the max number of hired mercenaries players can have and the max number of unit contracts players can have. The second two are similar to the first two options except for they are percentages based on the number of units the player currently has. The last two options needed are switches to turn the max/percentage features on and off.

Change Request Id:[TAB]9
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:

Add two configuration values to allow players to specify that the number of unit contracts players can have should be capped and what the cap number should be.

Change Request Id:[TAB]10
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary Manager

Add configuration option to enable realistic delaying placement of mercenaries and returning of units.

Change Request Id:[TAB]11
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary contracting out

Contracting out damaged units and then cancelling their contract will return fully healed units.

Change Request Id:[TAB]12
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:

Add a tech requirement for being able to hire/sell mercs. Add a configuration option to allow players to specify the actual tech required to hire/sell mercs.

Change Request Id:[TAB]13
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:

Add a configuration option to enable or disable the mercenary mod features.

Change Request Id:[TAB]14
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary Generation

Add a configuration option to change how random mercenary units are generated either by the player's era level or technology level.

Change Request Id:[TAB]15
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary Generation

Add a configuration option allowing players to add a delay value for the technology/era that should be used when generating mercenaries.

Change Request Id:[TAB]16
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary hiring

Add a configuration option allowing players to indicate that the cost to hire mercenaries should be discounted if the mercenary is a unique unit for a players civilization.

Change Request Id:[TAB]17
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary hiring

Add a configuration option allowing players to specify the hire discount amount for the mercenary hire is a unique unit for a players civilization.

Change Request Id:[TAB]18
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary Manager

Add a configuration option allowing players to indicate if the cancel contract confirmation popup should be displayed when players cancel contracts. If the cancel contract confirmation popup is enabled then it should be displayed to players whenever a player cancels unit contracts. Add a configurable option allowing players to supress the confirmation pop-up.

Change Request Id:[TAB]19
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary Manager

Add a configuration option allowing players to indicate if the fire mercenary confirmation popup should be displayed when players fire mercenaries. If the fire mercenary confirmation popup is enabled then it should be displayed to players whenever a player fires mercenaries. Add a configurable option allowing players to supress the confirmation pop-up.

Change Request Id:[TAB]20
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary contracting out

Mercenaries do not get returned to their owner's after the civilization that hired them is defeated. Even worse the owner of the unit contracted out continues to get paid even after the hiring civilization is killed off.

Change Request Id:[TAB]21
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary Manager

Add sorting and filtering options to the [TAB]Mercenary Manager screen. This should include sorting by hire costs, upkeep costs, mercenary type, etc.

Change Request Id:[TAB]22
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Main screen

Announce the availability of mercenaries, should be configurable through INI file.

Change Request Id:[TAB]23
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary contracting out

Add a configurable option allowing players to specify that the mercenary hire cost should be associated to their technology level and the technology level of the player attempting to hire the mercenary. Add a configurable option allowing how much the technology difference affects the mercenary price

Change Request Id:[TAB]24
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary hiring

Add a configurable option when enabled makes the price of mercenaries contracted out by other civilizations dependant on the relationship between the two parties.

Change Request Id:[TAB]25

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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary contracting out

AI must be able to contract out their own units effectively.

Change Request Id:[TAB]26
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary hiring

Allow certain buildings to give discounts when hiring mercenaries.

Change Request Id:[TAB]27
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary hiring

Allow modders to change the delay placement time of mercenaries through buildings, wonders, etc.

Change Request Id:[TAB]28
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary contracting out

Allow players to help fellow civilizations by providing cheap or free mercs to their war efforts without becoming directly involved.

Change Request Id:[TAB]29
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary contracting out

Allow players to influence their prices to other civs (Dont Sell/High/Medium/Low/Free). A configurable option should be provided to players to forced 'Dont Sell' with civs they are at war with.

Change Request Id:[TAB]30
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary hiring

Add a configurable option either enabling or preventing players from viewing or hiring mercenaries from civilizations they haven't contacted.

Change Request Id:[TAB]31
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary hiring

Add a configurable option enabling the use of player reputation or standing with "mercenaries" in general that impacted mercenary costs. So, for instance, if you tended to lose a lot of mercenaries, or have them abandon your cause because you didn't pay them, you might find mercenaries more expensive in the future.

Change Request Id:[TAB]32
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary hiring

AI Leader specific setting which determines how likely they are to hire mercs inlfuenced by the players need and wealth.

Change Request Id:[TAB]33
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary contracting out

AI Leader specific setting which determines how likely they are to place mercs for hire influenced by the players power and army maintenance costs.

Change Request Id:[TAB]34
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary contracting out

Negative attitude modifier if a civilizations mercenaries are being used in a war another civilization.

Change Request Id:[TAB]35
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Status: Open

Functional Areas:
[TAB]Mercenary contracting out

Configurable Negative attitude modifier per leader for civlization that provide mercenaries.

That's a very ambitious list you've got there, TheLopez! I know you'll pull through and amaze us all :)
Please post your feature requests for the mercenaries mod by the end of next week, after that everything requested will have to wait until after the next release of the new version of the mercenaries mod.
I noticed that a lot of the requests invole issues that come up as a result of units needing to move from one place to another when their contracts start and end. Is this design due to an inability to gift/exchange ownership of units by means other then moving them into another players territory? Could some SDK modding features be of any assistence?

I think these unit moving around issues could be resolved by making mercinaries appear on the map, spawning randomly and wandering around (occasionaly getting upgrades as ages pass). They would have openborders with all players without possibility of war or any other direct interaction other then hiring (they also will not fight the barbs). The player can recruit any Mercenary inside their territory or adjacent to one of their units. When released these mercenaries simply go back to their wandering.
Interesting idea Impaler, but why can't you interact with the wandering Mercs except for hiring them? Might be neat if you could hire or attack the unhired mercs, causeing them to be removed from the pool, I may not have enough gold to hire them and I don't want to find myself fighting against them if I can help it.
Might be neat if you could hire or attack the unhired mercs, causeing them to be removed from the pool, I may not have enough gold to hire them and I don't want to find myself fighting against them if I can help it.

You want to fight the mercenaries so that your dont have to fight the mercenaries??? If you killed a merc in your territory your only depriving yourself the chance to hire him, its also not historicaly accurate at all, goverments dont kill mercenaries that are offering their services to them, at worst they might run them out of the country which as is the case here your just encouraging someone else to hire them.
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