Rambling and inconsistent
So I'm off to this year's Christmas celebrations. Screw America: In Denmark, we celebrate it the 24th.
Glædelig jul.
Link to video.
"Danish tradition of dancing around the christmas tree on christmas eve with real candles on the tree. This takes place right before opening the presents. And yes, you sing many a christmas carol as you go around."Æbleskiveræskesteg
"Normally, a whole almond is added to the dessert, and the person who finds it wins a small prize — such as a chocolate heart, a marzipan pig, or a small board game. Part of the game involves the finder concealing his discovery as long as possible, so that the rest of the company is forced to eat the entire dish of risalamande, even after they have already devoured a large Christmas dinner."
Glædelig jul.
Link to video.
"Danish tradition of dancing around the christmas tree on christmas eve with real candles on the tree. This takes place right before opening the presents. And yes, you sing many a christmas carol as you go around."Æbleskiveræskesteg
"Normally, a whole almond is added to the dessert, and the person who finds it wins a small prize — such as a chocolate heart, a marzipan pig, or a small board game. Part of the game involves the finder concealing his discovery as long as possible, so that the rest of the company is forced to eat the entire dish of risalamande, even after they have already devoured a large Christmas dinner."