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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!

I personally only use Happy holidays when I am unsure about a clients religion and don't want to offend my way out of a job. If I say Merry Christmas and someone replies they're Jewish, I have an out in that I am too.

I am heading out soon for Chinese food. Any other Christmas traditions (both from people who do and don't celebrate)?
Lookie what I just found.


Five million internets if you can tell where.
Merry Christmas!

I personally only use Happy holidays when I am unsure about a clients religion and don't want to offend my way out of a job. If I say Merry Christmas and someone replies they're Jewish, I have an out in that I am too.

I am heading out soon for Chinese food. Any other Christmas traditions (both from people who do and don't celebrate)?
Are you going to that restaurant you said was in that Jewish neighborhood again?
Just got back from Wichita. Cut it a bit short due to a head cold, but still had a wonderful time.

I hope everyone here has had a blessed and merry Christmas. For those that don't celebrate Christmas, I hope this was a memorable and happy Thursday for you as well.

:love: to one and all!
Merry Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa to you all! And merry Thursday/other holiday to the rest of you!

I thought Jesus was born in March..

Are you going to that restaurant you said was in that Jewish neighborhood again?

yes and no. it was in a jewish neighbourhood, but wasn't the same one as last year. good memory though.
Merry Christmas people!
We are all having fun with our Christmas lights!
We are all having fun with our fairy lights!
We are all having fun with our bright lights!
We are all having fun with our lights!
We have lights!

Forget it.
It is actually nice that you transform your forum into a Christmas delight, and even better, you don't use the words "Happy Holidays" in them as well. I'm sick of those protesters fighting the Christmas Spirit with the emotionless phrase "Happy Holidays", if I wanted to greet someone of a different religion, it is simple as saying Happy Hanukkah, and Blessed Ramadan.

Merry Christmas!

(I know it is late, but I was away)
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