mI - fight of the aristocracy

heh heh.... :slay:

Guess what barbslinger...just after I posted to gunnerxtr I found that thread in the forum :sniper: :confused:

I do feel quite foolhardy after that miss, oh well, not like I offended anyone? err....

Well I think I'll keep my questions and comments to myself until I can get into a SG or when asked somethine (unlikely), but I do plan to prove myself as a moderate player by posting a story game I plan to start very soon (I've started production of the game...not very complicated so I might begin soon :D). Thanks for pointing that out though barbslinger. At least someone is reading this thread.
so, cizzlewalk, you write a lot in this thread, a lot of spam? Please stop a bit (or press the button edit ;)).

The Idea of doint this style of playing in a conquest came also to me. I think it would be great playing one of the 'christian' nations in the middle age scenario. ?

But unless nobody else is interested in such a game, I can't do anything else than waiting. And this is what I'll do now.

Please join!

mfG mithso
Ya sorry about the 'spam', in last thread I would say I would calm it down. I'm just looking for answers in the wrong place, but np about waiting fo this game to work. Do you think, in any case, you might make a christian game scenario sometime soon?
Why won't YOU make it?

Ok, I'm open to it? Do you talk of the middle age scenario? taking over (f.e) burgund (what's it in english? the middle one!). Why they? Because they have my home city (although in a compleete wrong place.... :))

mfG mitsho
Well err... I'm still not that sure someone would focus on my game since I'm too new... and yes I'm talking about the middle ages scenario and any civ 'christian or what not' is fine with me.
Do you know, that this is my first SG, too? So this is no ewxcuse, try it, and you'll suceed! So, would you agree on plaing byzanz in the middle age scenario. either with normal play style, or with a changing style like I suggested in this thread:
There are 6 parties in Bycantium (How do we write it in English?):
-the aristorcratists: The Empire shall come back to gloria, not with military, with culture
-the christians: (conquer the non-christian nations (everything in the north)
-the romans: they want to rebuild the roman-empire: (conquer all around the meditterranean
-scientists: clear?
-the blue: In Bycanz were to fangroups in the population of the two circus-clubs (horse-races, etc). They were constantly fighting each other. To simulate this, each city has a favour. If you are blue, you favour all cities on the left side of bycanz.
-the green: other way round, you favour every city right of bycanz.

What you think, It's just a very rash thought!

mfG mitsho
Well I did read the post about this being your first succession game...but you're offering a game that is totally different and intriguing (that's why I wanted to play it). I would only make a regular regent/monarch SG, and nobody wants one of those!

Also, they are the Byzantines. For our game I think an aristocratic or christian victory sounds good (green and blue sounds more like the split between rome and byzantines). I tried playing middle ages scenario w/ byzantines first and didn't do that well : /, but perhaps we can win this.
I gave it some thought...AND FINE...I'll make a new SG game involving the return of Byzantine power. Mitsho, I would be very honored if you would be one of the first players to help me with this game! Hopefully, we should get a better turn out.
Hopefully, and that is depending on homework, I should be able to post my new SG up tomorrow. If anyone reading this now has any thoughts on what I should include for rules or anything I should know about these kind of SGs, please feel free to post.
OK mitsho my new SG game is up...it is called CZ1 Byzantine Supremacy
to this game, I have one last suggestion:
left right

left means peaceful, socialistic. (building up the cities, etc)
right means conquer the world.

mfG mitsho
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