I swear I'm not making this up.
I can't believe I beat out rmsharpe to posting this.
Michael Moore checks in at fat farm
24/08/2005 - 10:06:43 Maverick film-maker Michael Moore has enrolled on a crash course at a $3,800-a-week (3,119 a-week) celebrity fat farm in a bid to loose weight.
Maverick film-maker Michael Moore has enrolled on a crash course at a $3,800-a-week (3,119 a-week) celebrity fat farm in a bid to loose weight.
The Fahrenheit 9/11 director has booked into the Pritikin Longevity Center And Spa in Aventura, Florida, where he is learning to cook healthy meals and will undergo "life re-education", according to
Moore is reportedly aiming to loose 5.4 kilograms (12 pounds) during the first three weeks.
I can't believe I beat out rmsharpe to posting this.