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Michael Moore reports to fat camp


Aug 25, 2002
I swear I'm not making this up.

Michael Moore checks in at fat farm

24/08/2005 - 10:06:43 Maverick film-maker Michael Moore has enrolled on a crash course at a $3,800-a-week (€3,119 a-week) celebrity fat farm in a bid to loose weight.

Maverick film-maker Michael Moore has enrolled on a crash course at a $3,800-a-week (€3,119 a-week) celebrity fat farm in a bid to loose weight.

The Fahrenheit 9/11 director has booked into the Pritikin Longevity Center And Spa in Aventura, Florida, where he is learning to cook healthy meals and will undergo "life re-education", according to PageSix.com.

Moore is reportedly aiming to loose 5.4 kilograms (12 pounds) during the first three weeks.

I can't believe I beat out rmsharpe to posting this.

Sharpe's online too...amazing quickness there!

Oh well, at least he's finally doing something about it.
I'd like to know more about how to become a guy who charges rich suckers $3,800 a week to tell them to quit gorging themselves so much...
The Yankee said:

Sharpe's online too...amazing quickness there!

Oh well, at least he's finally doing something about it.

Who, Moore or rmsharpe? :p
Well, the least we can say is that he really need it. I guess he realized his health was in danger because of his "overweight". :)
Yay, everyone look, celebrity sensationalist news! Who cares if people are dying in the world, like, a celebrity is going to FAT CAMP! omglol

North King said:
Yay, everyone look, celebrity sensationalist news! Who cares if people are dying in the world, like, a celebrity is going to FAT CAMP! omglol


People die all the time. But how many times do you get to hear about Michael Moore going to a fat camp? Once in a lifetime!
Riesstiu IV said:
People die all the time. But how many times do you get to hear about Michael Moore going to a fat camp? Once in a lifetime!
Haha beautiful post.
Riesstiu IV said:
People die all the time. But how many times do you get to hear about Michael Moore going to a fat camp? Once in a lifetime!
Somehow I get the idea that Michael Moore will be going to fat camp a lot. . .
Now if only he could get rid of all that excess fat in his head, he'd do fine. ;)
Going to a camp to receive "life re-education" always works out well.
I made this graphic to better illustrate Michael Moore, defender of the downtrodden and savior of the suffering, going to a $3,800 per week spa.

Moderator Action: Troll picture removed
rmsharpe said:
I made this graphic to better illustrate Michael Moore, defender of the downtrodden and savior of the suffering, going to a $3,800 per week spa.
Nothing wrong with getting rich doing what you believe in.
Evil corporations does not equate rich people. I'm sure there are plenty of good and rich corporations, and plenty of good rich people.

He doesn't argue against wealth, he argues against abuse of power and unfair wealth distribution.
Kind of ironic that those who advocate being able to do with your wealth what you please are making hypocrites of themselves by pointing out Moore's (supposed) hypocrisy.
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