Middle-Earth: Lord of the Mods (XIII)

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Hey again,

Mithadan, a question! The list on page 8., is it regulary updated. I mean, are there only three lists done ( and Mordor )???

If the Dwarves arent taken yet I'll do it...
lotrKruzr said:
oh please make sure the Ent units are strong. Gonna need them to hang around for a while. :)

Here are some of my thoughts on Ents:

  • They should have the submarine ability to remain unseen
  • They should have the ability to plant forests, but nothing else... except maybe irrigate.
  • They should get a defensive bonus on forest squares and a movement bonus on forest squares.
  • They should have the ability to bombard, both defensively and offensively (they hurled huge boulders at Isengard).
  • Treebeard/Fangorn should be a military leader.
  • They should have very good offensive and defensive stats and also 3 movement points and can also attack more than once in the same turn.

Anything else?
Teabeard, you've misunderstood, the Ents won't be a civ. Check PCH's post #159 for the civs. Hopefully he can update that list with the newly made city lists. :)
mrtn said:
Teabeard, you've misunderstood, the Ents won't be a civ. Check PCH's post #159 for the civs. Hopefully he can update that list with the newly made city lists. :)

My mistake. I was looking at the old list. :blush:

How will they be handled then? I hope you will take my suggestion that they be a civ with just units and no cities. :)
I´ve read the whole thread and I have something to say about old issues:

1- I see some people write Orog-hai for the orcs. I think the orcs of the white hand were called Uruk-hai.

2- I don´t know if you did, but maybe you had, you could use trolls, spiders and orcs for bandits.

3- I think people of Gondor were called Gondolindrim.

4- The ents:

a) they could have a small village, like the ones barbarians have, but they could be only at war with Isengard and Mordor. I don´t know if that is possible.


b) they could have a city which wouldn´t grow in population, they wouldn´t be able to build settlers nor any kind of unit, but there could be several ents in there. Remember that, although the forest was in Gondor´s territory I think, it was the ent´s property; I mean, no one entered those woods unless they knew the ents. I mean, this would make possible to have ents moving into war with Isengard properly and not only have some restless ents moving to attack Isengard at any time of the game. Remember that they were neutral when hobbits found them and then they decided to go to war against Isengard.
Sorry I've not got any work done on the city lists. Seems Cuivienen is doing my job, tho, so I guess I'm eternally thankful. :)

It may be noted that Udûn is simply the Sindarin form of Q Utumno, the name of Melkor's original stronghold. Presumably, Quenya texts used the name also for the Mordorian region named for it.
Gondolindrim refers to the people of Gondolin, not Gondor.

No, I don't think the Ents should have any kind of settlement. Just a finite amount of Ents and Huorns which they can not build anymore of...
Hamah said:
1- I see some people write Orog-hai for the orcs. I think the orcs of the white hand were called Uruk-hai.
You're thinking of either Olog-hai, a race of trolls bread by Sauron for the War of the Ring, or of Oghor-hai, the Orcs' name for the Woses/Drúedain.
3- I think people of Gondor were called Gondolindrim.
Close, but no fish - the Gondolindrim were the people of Gondolin.

Welcome to CFC, btw! [party]
Thanks for clearing out those doubts :D

Is there going to be a beta soon?
sosco said:
Mithadan, a question! The list on page 8., is it regulary updated. I mean, are there only three lists done ( and Mordor )???

If the Dwarves arent taken yet I'll do it...
Whoops, I guess not. I guess start with page eight and then follow the thread to keep abreast of things. (I wouldn't wish any more work on PCH to have to keep that list updated. Heck, if sosco wanted, he could post a new list based on his research! ;))

I didn't know Cuivienen was a lady!
Cuivienen said:
Civilization: Mordor


Real Cities:

Minas Morgul
(Tower of) Cirith Ungol
Dol Guldur
Carach Angren
Shelob's Lair (possibility if we're short)
Narchost (together with Carchost the "Towers of the Teeth")

Geographical Regions:
(Plateau of) Gorgoroth
Lithlad/Ash Plain
Dagorlad/Battle Plain

(There are also four unnamed rivers in Mordor leading to the Sea of Nurnen; we could make up names for them)

Other Geographical Landmarks, Like Mountains and Forests:
Ered Lithui/Mountains of Ash
Ephel Dúath/Outer Fence
Orodruin/Mount Doom
Cirith Gorgor
Cirith Ungol
(Sea of) Nurnen
Dead Marshes

Alternate Names for Real Cities:
Dark Tower (Barad-dur)

Alternate Names for Fortresses:
Black Gate (Morannon)
Minas Ithil (Minas Morgul) (Remember, they still use the moon as the symbol of Minas Morgul.)

Alternate Names for Geographical Regions:
Hell (Udûn) (Bad Idea With Capital Letters.)

Alternate Names for Rivers and other Geographical Landmarks:

Made-up Cities:
No ideas.

Hmmm, got it done before me. Drat! :mad:
But I have a few other names that were not included, so consider this an Additional List for Mordor:

Geographical Regions:
Isenmouthe - Carach Angren : let this be the region and not the fortress.
Morgul Vale - Imlad Morgul

Alternate Names for Fortresses:
Lugburz - Orc Word. According to Unfinished Tales it could mean Barad-Dur or Mordor.

Alternate Names for Geographical Regions:
Cirith Duath - Cirith Ungol
Imlad Morgul - Morgul Vale

Alternate Names for Rivers and other Geographical Landmarks:
Amon Amarth - Mount Doom

Made-up Cities:
Olog - Short for Olog-hai, trolls from Mordor.
Uruk - Short for Uruk-hai, Orcs, larger breed.
Ufthak - remember this poor Orc? Eaten by Shelob. C'mon lets name a city after this poor guy. :)

Can also use the other Mordor Orcs mentioned in the LOTR if they arent being used as Leaders. Here's the list-

Seems the list is in high demand. ;)

Arnor - done by Cuivienen
Gondor - done by Cuivienen
Mordor - done by Cuivienen and lotrKruzr
Númenor - done by Cuivienen
Rohan - done
The Shire - done by RRnut

Again, much thanks Cuivienen. You're lists are great, I'll attach them in an easy-copy paste form for future reference. I'll put Minas Tirith in front of Osgiliath, and put Minas Arnor as an alternative name instead of Minas Tirith as such, along with a few other changes. Nice work though, this saves tons of time :thumbsup: .

Thanks lotrKruzr, we'll combine the two lists for Mordor :)
Carach Angren and Isenmouthe both mean "Jaws of Iron" (Sindarin and possibly Westron [?]), so they are both regions/landmarks. Carach Angren looked like a fortress in my Atlas of Middle Earth. It's not very important, though.

Next up: The Moriquendi. Are we considering the Falathrim Moriquendi or Sindar? (The two terms also overlap a bit too much.. maybe "Avari" would be better for the Moriquendi.)
I´ve been looking for Harad culture and I found this site that has the more information about them: http://harad.elendor.net/
but no many names for cities or whatsoever. For what I could take out of it:


Real Cities:
Dark Citadel (I think it is a city)
City of Corsairs

Six Towers
First Wall (was only a building)
Second Wall ((was only a building))
Third Wall (was only a building)
Farside Tower
Desert Tower
Harad Gate (was only a building)
Seaward Tower
Flame Tower
Harbour Tower

Geographical Regions:
Far Harad
Near Harad


Other Geographical Landmarks, Like Mountains and Forests:

Alternate Names for Real Cities:

Alternate Names for Fortresses:

Alternate Names for Geographical Regions:
Northern Harad
Eastern Harad
Southern Harad
Western Harad

Alternate Names for Rivers and other Geographical Landmarks:

Made-up Cities:
The Haven (monument to commemorate Sauron's defeat)
Black Numenor (as they were called "Black Numenoreans")
Corsair Nest
Harakshi (one of the tribes)
Mumakil Cemetery
Tibuar (found it as a name)

- Most of this cities should be coastal or near coast, as they were Numenorean colonies
- In here you can find a list of "Important Personas of Umbar´s Past" that could be used as city names: http://harad.elendor.net/umbar_personas.php
Thank's for list update PCHighway. Well I'm doing the Dwarves list...but there's really not a lot of city names in sources where I looked....
The pirates of Umbar are seperate than the Haradrim, so don't include Umbar as a Harad city!
Actually, in our mod, the corsairs have been included with Harad, as they came from generally the same region, and neither would have made a good civ on its own.

"City of the Corsairs" would surely be an alternative name of Umbar itself?

Rhûn is simply Sindarin for "the East", and surely should go to the Easterlings.

Between Rhûn and the Harad we find the country of Khand. It's, to the best of my knowledge, only mentioned twice in the canon; once as the homeland of axemen in Mordor's service during the War of the Ring (known as "Variags" - very similar to Slavic varyag "Varangian"), and once, centuries earlier, as the victim of aggression by the Wainraiders of Rhûn. Could be pressganged as an Easterling city.
The Last Conformist said:
"City of the Corsairs" would surely be an alternative name of Umbar itself?

Rhûn is simply Sindarin for "the East", and surely should go to the Easterlings.

Between Rhûn and the Harad we find the country of Khand. It's, to the best of my knowledge, only mentioned twice in the canon; once as the homeland of axemen in Mordor's service during the War of the Ring (known as "Variags" - very similar to Slavic varyag "Varangian"), and once, centuries earlier, as the victim of aggression by the Wainraiders of Rhûn. Could be pressganged as an Easterling city.

Khand is actually to the south of Mordor and east of Harad. Khand is where the Mumakil came from.
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