mrtn said:
Of course that's the obvious solution! *smacks hand to forehead*
*smacks hand to mrtn's forehead*
Duh, why didn't you tell me

Well actually I'm posting for other reasons than smacking mrtn around. I had a couple ideas I wanted to run by the masses.
City building.
These two words might not seem like much, or make much sense until I elaborate. City building in the sense I am using it is basically adding more depth to the buildings and improvements in cities. This isn't necessarily adding more buildings to the already large pool of improvements. This is about adding more in depth, specific improvements. For instance, capitals have always been important throughout history. In ancient and medieval history (as well as Middle-earth fantasy) capitals were almost always the most influential and powerful cities of their time. I would like to add some more depth to the capital city by having a series of buildings appear throughout the tech tree. The buildings would require the palace to be built, and would offer small improvements. Often times these improvements would be city based, other time nation based. For instance, a "Royal Court" building could both increase the chance of leader appearance and add a +50% lux output to the capital. Or a "Royal Armory" could increase army value and produce a well armored unit every so many turns. A similar thing could be done with the FP equivalent.
The problem with this, is it would need to be civilization specific and it would take up time. I wouldn't try this until after the alpha was released. Each race would need it's own version of the improvements if some created units.
Also, radius specific buildings could be added. If a city had horses in its radius, it could build a husbandry. Later on at a different tech, it could build a horse-breeders guild (names are lame, I know). The improvements would probably help with the shield and food output and be cheaper to build than a factory and granary. This is almost extending a resource to a more dynamic level. The resource Horses give shields and food, so would it's spin off buildings. The buildings wouldn't give much extra, but there would be enough reason to build them.
Let me know what you think. Some down sides may be that it is too much micro-management. Or it just doesn't seem like it would add more depth. It could cause to confusion as well.