Mike Rush - angry garage owner for EFZI2-mod (Nov 17, 2007)


Jan 27, 2003
Planet Baal
Here is one angry big man who owns a garage. And a shotgun. Mike Rush, from efzi2 (escape from zombie island 2) -mod for civ3. Enjoy :)

Download Mike Rush
Note! The file includes new sounds and fixed attack animation by Vuldacon.


:lol: Nice unit, Aaglo!

Now, where is KA...? :hmm:
Here I am. . Oh yeah that is a really nice job there aaglo. I'm downloading him right now.
Just checked this New Mike Rush out in the Game and he is Perfect.
I like the Beige clothes and Civ Specific Colored cap we discussed and I adsolutely have to compliment you on the Run animation that is Normal and Realistic rather than Slow Motion. Also the Death is perfect animation and speed...and he Hits the Ground :)
You even included usable sounds...I hope you don't mind but I have some differect sounds I am going to add for him...I will send them to you when completed and tested.
All VERY well done aaglo ...Excellent :clap: :dance: :beer: :thanx:
His head isn't jumping anywhere - he nudges backwards starting from his hips, and it only looks like his neck is extending :lol:

No, I don't mind you making your own sounds to it.
Very nice! :goodjob:

Really gives that character 'tude!
That's frickin' hilarious, aaglo. Nice work. :D
you cannot call a black guy in a Civil war cap, a redneck :)...(Are you changing the Survivors color again?? a black cap wont look great)

besides I meant the beer drinking, "Good ole boys"...(Scrawny...overalls caked in grease...backwards BUD LITE hat...etc...)

anyway...are there plans to replace more of the heroes?...
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