Militaristic City-States will be my savior


Nov 6, 2002
As a professed build-aholic, the thing that usually gets me in my mid game, is lack of military. Now though, I just keep a military city-state ally, and he keeps pumping out top tier units and gifting them to me! I'm in love with Tyre! ;) Still learning, but city-states is a very welcome addition thus far.
As a professed build-aholic, the thing that usually gets me in my mid game, is lack of military. Now though, I just keep a military city-state ally, and he keeps pumping out top tier units! I'm in love with Tyre! ;) Still learning, but city-states is a very welcome addition thus far.

Belgrade was a huge help for me in my first go-thru.
I maintain a rather large standing army for both offensive and defensive purposes, as Alexander found out the hard way about an hour ago.
City States are fun. As Siam I have gotten 5 great people out of them so far. :D
I had to tell them to stop giving me units. I got no space left on the map to put them. :lol:
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