Military Airbase v2


AF Modding
Oct 16, 2008
This is my first mod for Civilization V.

It adds two late game buildings:

Military Airbase:
+ Allows to airlift units from a city to another
+ Give 15XP to air units produced in the city.

It's unlocked with Radar and it's a high maintenance building (5:commerce:/turn).

Aircraft Factory:
+ Grants +25%:hammers: when producing air units.

It's unlocked with Flight and consumes 2 irons when built.

I've done only little testing before release, airlift seems to work but it's kinda awkward when a military unit is already in the destination city. One of them seems to be automatically moved to a random hex the next turn. I don't know if the AI will use this feature or not (i guess not).

Also, to airlift an unit:

Move this unit to the city, on the next turn, you can airlift it using the "hidden orders" button conveniently called "airlift" (located where "destroy" and "auto explore" are)


I would remove the restriction of "consuming 2 irons when built" for the air factory, just due to the reason of the limited amount of resources available by default game standards. I know when I play I have at most 6 to 8 irons empire wide for any unit that requires an iron resource, thus only allowing me to use X amount of units.

Or an even better approach is to separate the two mods individually so a person can choose either or. For me I like the Airbase idea, but I’m not going to download it as a bundle.
I would remove the restriction of "consuming 2 irons when built" for the air factory, just due to the reason of the limited amount of resources available by default game standards. I know when I play I have at most 6 to 8 irons empire wide for any unit that requires an iron resource, thus only allowing me to use X amount of units.

By the time you hit flight though you shouldn't be using Iron anymore. Everything at that point uses either coal, uranium or aluminum.
Well, the buildings are complementary, that's why they come as a bundle, as you say.

About the iron requirement, this resource is outdated when you get flight, no modern unit need it that why i put an high requirement on this resource (dunno how you manage to get so little iron, i usually end up with a pile of 20/30 in the late game on a standard map). And granted that Civ5 heavily favor specialized cities, you don't really need to build more than one or two of those factories.

I will probably add another culture/happiness building for horses too in the same spirit in another mod.

Also, i forgot to say this (as it's kinda obvious to Civ4 players): You only need an airbase in the city that send the unit, not in the destination city, so you don't need to spam this building as one (or maybe two on a large map) per continent should enough.
Sweet. I'd like to learn how you did it.

The airlift part i guess ?

Well, it's kinda easy, buildings can use a tag called: <Airlift>[integer]</Airlift>

I thought at first that the integer was used for the distance, but after a few tests, it wasn't the case. So I think (not tested) this value is the same as in Civ4, used to determine how many units can be moved per turn. It could seem irrelevant in Civ5 as in vanilla there's only 1UPT anyway, but as the 1UPT can be changed to anything by modifying a single value (look at Kael's Legion mod), I guess I am correct here :)

There's a *lot* of unused building tags that seem to give interesting results (anti nuke is a good example) and i am in the process of introducing those in a "future era" addon :)
:eek: 15, fifteen, experience points :eek:
5:commerce:/t though, imo it balances out
you could always edit the files and dial down the xp if you find it too OPd. I'm not sure which as i haven't DLed it yet, but i'm gonna and if you can't figure it out, let me know.
Am i reading right and nobody else has noticed?
:eek: 15, fifteen, experience points :eek:
Isn't it too much?
That's just as many as Barracks- & Armory-type buildings give to land units...
15XP is basically a free upgrade for a level 1 unit.
Like the other stated it's the same as the barrack alone :)

I'm testing another mod to give an incentive to research late game technologies when you're not planning a spaceship victory. It adds a few units (no models) and several buildings:

- Zoo: consume horses gives happiness,
- Industrial park: general production, consume oil
- SAM battery: defense + anti air
- Mall: money
- Laser Shield: anti nuke

I'm in the process of balancing it, and it should be available in a few days.
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