Military Problems


Sep 25, 2003
portland Oregon, USA
when ever i save my game then retire too see how im doing im almost always in first..mind u im playing on chiefton..but the one thing im always last in is miltary service and kids always last i dont understand it. so if you have any suggestions they would be greatly appreciated..thanks
I hate the way civ3 calculates kids and military service. In civ3 I often have 1 kid per family in medieval times or some other absurd number.
I've had 1 or 2 year military services since civ2 despite my militarism. Probably because I usualy have a large pop.
i have the same problem i have 1 kid per family then why do i have the highest population? it contradicts it's self
Remember those demographics don't really mean anything for your score. The fact that your civ is last in military service is generally a good thing by modern democratic means fewer citizens, serving for shorter time, in the military.

Also for family size, having a low number is probably meant to indicate your civ has a lower child mortality - again that's a good thing.
Your F11 / military service
is the ratio of military (combat) units to your population
= 10 years * # of military units / # of citizens

It does not involve combat values, absolute number of units, etc.
For a more meaningful comparison with other individual civs, consult your F3.
you dont have to resign to see the stats. if you press f11 it will show you the top five cities and other rankings.
Yep I asked this question a while back, and was told not to worry to much about it, and they are right.....the numbers for military service and family size don't mess with your score much, if any, at all. I took an old saved game where I had only the "necessary" military units (at which my score said military service was at 1year)... Built a TON of military units....think I had like 15 for each city... and checked stats again....military service skyrocketed, but the score was pretty much the same as before the extra units were added :) so don't worry about those two stats much :thumbsup:
Family size indicates how fast you are growing. Changing from republic or monarchy will increase your family size due to the food limitation in despo. Also, to keep your cities growing, supply luxaries which can be obtained from roading those tiles or trading for them or supplying cash luxaries.

Military service number indicates number of units but if you have "state of the art" units and you are number 1 then you completely blow the ai away with military.
As said above, just press F11 in game to see that stuff.

Also, read this link for an article and a thread on what the demographics mean and how they are calculated. The article is by Bamspeedy. The demo stuff DOES NOT count towards your final score and in my oppinion, is just a nice graphic to compare your civ against others.

You may wish to read more helpful stuff at this link It is to the Civ III war academy, but contains many helpful hints and topics dealing with game play.

Enjoy, and have fun reading!
speaking of the luxary tax i know in civ II that u could just go up and change the luxary tax along with taxes and science do u mess with luxaries in this game?...sorry if this is in another post and changein the subject on u all.
i guess i didnt read the book very well..i didnt know any of these f11 or f3 or f1 keys did anything thanks guys big help.
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