Missing Scenarios from Civ IV Complete? =/


Aug 10, 2010
So I took a look at what was in the older two versions of Civ... all the Warlord Scenarios are there, but in Vanilla, it's only possible to run the Tutorial and the Greek World.
American Revolution and Desert War are missing their files; I can load their respective mods, but after that I'm stuck without being able to load anything.
I have tried exploring all the directories, but the two WB files are absolutely not there.

If I'm doing something wrong, please point me in the right direction. If I'm doing something right, but really am missing scenarios, then could someone please upload their WB files for me?

Next question may probably belong in the Creation forums, but whatever, it's on topic, so why not...
Have the mods from Vanilla/Warlords been ported to BTS by anyone yet? If all have been fully ported, then I'd be much more interested in those than my missing files.:crazyeye:
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