missionaries and happiness


May 14, 2005
hi all

i just moved my (first) missionary into a city, had him convert it (the city) to the religion and......nothing!! it says categorically in the manual that it should produce +1 happy. that's what i really need it for! i'm sure it's me being dumb, but if someone could help, would be much appreciated.

also, i founded the tech that gives confusinism, so it became "my" religion, but it started in a town other than my capital. is it just random where it starts, or is there a rhyme and reason to it all?

thanks in advance
dumb dave
Hello dave,

- a religion only gives +1 happiness in a city if either of the following is true: a) this religion is your State Religion b) you are using the Free Religion civic. A religion in a city also allows you to build the Temple for that religion in that city, which gives +1 happiness regardless of any other factor.
- the location for a Holy City (a city where one of the seven religions was founded) is not random. It tries to _avoid_ your capital if it can, meaning your capital will only be the Holy City if you have this one city when founding the religion. Otherwise, it's going to go to another of your cities. Which one is based on many factors like the presence of other religions (it reduces the chance), and the others i just don't know them that well =P
- no question is dumb, only a selected few here were born with an innate knowledge of the workings of CIV ;)
Hi there david!

Maybe more experienced players can correct me, but, AFAIK, a religion only give you +1:) IF either :

a) that religion is your State Religion


b) You are running the Free Religion civic (then each religion gives you +1:))

But, regardless of being your state religion or not, a religion allows you to build Temples (among aother buildings), and the temples itself give you +1:)

As for founding a new religion, it will not make it automatically your State Religion. Remember you can found many religions, but have only 1 State Religion. But sometimes its not worth making a new discovered religion your State Religion until you have spread it to many (preferably all) of your cities.

Also, you can't choose which city will become the Holy City of a new religion. It's not exactly random, but there is a formula that involves probabilities. Other factors involves the # of current religions already in a city, so the less religions a given city has, the more likely it will be chosen as the Holy City of the new religion. By the way, the capital always have very little odds of becoming the Holy City.

So, you cant choose, but, knowing the odds, you can create the conditions for a the city you like to have better chance of being chosen.

Hope that helped!
hi all

first off, thanks to the both of ya.

i was the civ that discovered confus., but as MestreLion says, it doesn't automatically make it my state religion. so how does one make a state religion.

BTW, i got the one about building the temples, but thanks anyways. i'm building them right now!!

and just on a sidenote, i've got a bit of bother in the resources dept - got no iron OR copper for miles around, and that means building a road to another civs capital so i can trade in it. is that right? it has to be to the capital, not just into there 'net work'?

ah, found a copper square! - it's way down south, almost last tile on map, so i've posted a warrior on it and gonna send a settler there. still be quicker tham building a road to a civ to trade (i think! :) )

cheers! :)
Youre welcome david! Its a pleasure to be able to help someone, as the folks here have helped me so many times.

so how does one make a state religion.

Just go to the :religion: icon on the top-right corner of the screen. In that screen, you can foresee the effects of changing to each religion (just mouseover them), as well and actually change it. But, as with civics changes, there will be a revolution, and 1 turn of anarchy (no producion, research, etc) before you actually get the benefits of your newly -chosen religion

BTW, i got the one about building the temples, but thanks anyways. i'm building them right now!!

got no iron OR copper for miles around, and that means building a road to another civs capital so i can trade in it. is that right? it has to be to the capital, not just into there 'net work'?

There are 2 ways for you to have the benefits of a given resourse:

a) If its within your cultural borders, AND the apporiate improvement for the tile is built, AND the resource is connected to your network (that leads ultimately to your capital)

b) If its outside your cultural border, then its NOT your resurce. So the only way you can "get" it is by trade. Click on the leader that has the resource and happy businnes with him. But be aware that resources like Iron and Cooper will be very expensive to trade (IF he trades with you anyway). Get your pockets (and spare resources) ready ;)

Theres also 2 other possibilities:

c) If the resource is outside of ANYONES border, then you cant trade it. Send a settler to build a city nearby and make it yours. But if its so far away, the cost of having a new city so far away can really cripple your economy. Its up to you to weight the benefits.

d) If theres already an enemy civ nearby (or with) the resource, and he refuses to trade it (if he has only 1 of that resource, he wont), or if you have no spare resources to afford the trade, you can always go to war ;). Valuable resources is THE most common reason for war, along with land. But be aware: a war is a big thing, must be planned carefully, and, specially if that resource makes him have better units than you, think twice. Maybe you could bring in overwhelming numbers... again, thats up to you, thats what strategy is all about ;)

i'm not too sure if i can continue these sort of threads ie. an ongoing doucmentery of my game plus questions!!! so if it is a bit off-limits let me know and i'll stop. it's just it's my first game (of civ IV, played the other civs).

anyhows, i went for the building a city on the copper square right down south (and called it, er, 'Copperfields' - original thinker, ain't i? ;) ). so got copper for that city, and i've been building a road towards it to link it to my civ so all my cities could benefit BUT about 3 or 4 goes after building the city i get a bleep and message saying my civ now has copper, and lo, all my cities have it. i mean, who's complaining, but how come? my road hasn't reached it yet.....

and MestreLion, again cheers for the info. the truth is, i did know about most of what you were telling me, but the Greeks won't trade with me cause i'm friendly with the americans! as for war, oooerr missus, i ain't ready for that one yet!!!!!

jeeez, i GOTTA go to bed. i mean, i do work evenings, (get home about 3am) but it's now 7.30 am - im usually asleep by 4, 5 at latest.

it's the "just one more turn" addiction. i mean, i've only got the small business of meeting my new landlord tomorrow to sign a new tenancy agreement for a new apartment i move into next week. you know, nothing important like.

No problem asking questions... thats what the forum is about. So send them all, no worries. Afterall, the answer i give you can also help other players with the same questions. But, some may suggest that you split your questions in different threads according to subject. That way its easier for people to search for what they need. If we get to a completely different subject, dont be afraid to start a new thread. The question about religion ,hapiness and missionaries is over, so lets move on :)

As for the copper: roads are not the only way you can connect to a resource (and to a city). There are rivers, coast, and even ocean. The ways you can use depend on the techs you have. IIRC, rivers are avaliable since the start, and coast is after sailing. So maybe you have built a road until a river, and the river was connected to Copperfield, and did the job for you ;)

Last hint: to check if a city is connected to your network, check the :traderoute: icon in the city toolbar (in the map, right above the city name). If it has, bingo.

Also, if this is your 1st game on Civ4, i strongly suggest you to play the tutorial. It covers all the new aspects of the game (like religion, traderoutes and culture - prolly the subject of your next question ;)), so its vital even for experienced previous-civs players.
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