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MM4:The Rule of 6, Sid 6CC-Conquest


Oct 27, 2001
San Diego
Difficulty = Sid
Civilization = Byzantines
Map = Pelago
Barbs = off
World Size = Standard 80% water.
Win=Conquest, consolation prize: any win.
Civs opponents:America, China, Arabia, Zulu, Mongols, Egypt, Aztecs.

Variant: Soft 6CC. We can capture cities and abandon before turn ends (for Armies).

Why 6 cities you say. Because I want a 5CC with the possibility for a 6th throw away city for healing/defense on island invasions. I think this might be doable. If you doubt the power of dromons check out this. I think if we adopt an early AW stance and use the dromons and hopefully TGLighthouse to block AI expansion and keep them isolated we can take a tech lead and invade with superior troops. Also, dromon bombardment can produce nice landing spots for hit and run tactics on coastal cities.

Bed Head 7
Metor Punch?
lurker's comment: A sid based variant? Where is my insanity smilie? ;)

Since I haven't even beaten Sid I am not signing up.
Aw come on. This will not be as hard as some straight up Sid games. We rig a few things in this game that really reduces the dificulty. We will start isolated on a fairly lush island with fresh water. Start with alphabet monopoly. Start early wars with everyone really slows them down. The real question is can we invade islands with relatively limited production capacity.
Well I will give this one bump. This seems to scare people but really if you can play diety you can play this. I'd be happy to reduce to small world if people would feel more confortable. I'm almost sure we can get some sort of win on this but whether we could get conquest I'm not sure. I beat this as AWS-OCC as the Byzantines and it was one of the easiest games I've played. If you get out early to start wars and use dromons to prevent contacts and stop expansion you can pretty much stop the AIs dead in their tracks.
I am short on time currently, but I'll join. Standard doesn't scare me none. And now you'll at least have one player. So I'll inspire others to join, but this probably still won't fill up so fast to give me undue problems.
Alright I've got one brave soul. This will be a cake walk.
I read your "Berserk Byzantines AWS-OCC" so I know getting a win here is possible, but I am not ready to start my SG career just yet, though I hope you have better luck filling this roster soon, because it will be a good one to lurk!
yeah, i humbly present myself =P
i have never ever tried playing anything harder than emperor, so my main goal in joining would be LEARNING, plus i'm very curious about the dromons. when i tried to make the world bow before my mighty fleet, i turned out unable to EVER successfully land a lethal bombardment.
anyway, if you feel like babysitting, count me in, otherwise, i'll lurk in the shadow =)
Based on your other game its possible given the map. So you might get more interest if you post a few maps. Based on the map I might be interested but still waiting on my computer though.
I'm thinking victory is very possible because it's a custom map. Although I spoke too soon and cannot play this one :blush: .




Some decent looking starts, but the two best (#1 and #3, which is more obvious if you do a little exploration) are on islands with other civs, so it is a no go, I would think. But these starts are at least something to look at.
Well Bed Head7 is keeping this alive, thanks I had lost hope. Percy is in. Meteor and dl123456 let me know. I would like to start with 5 people. Don't worry about map it will be good but unedited. Nice starts Bed but we do want to be alone so 2 and 4 are possible. As you know being with 1 other Sid civ on an Island is about the hardest start possible. I will also generate a few and post tonight.
Yes, I realized that 1 and 3 wouldn't work, but at least wanted people to see that we would have a relatively cushy start. Though that would have been reinforced for both if I had shown all of the food bonuses just out of view in those starts.
If you don't mind skipping me in the first round then I'll join, still waiting on my computer to return.

As for starts I would take Meteor's start :lol: .

If I had to choose from bed's starts I would take 2 as long as we are alone.
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