Hopefully, this one at least for now, looks more promising than the previous one. However, Im not sure we can afford third worker. Not now imo. May be after a few turns. Hence, build switched to hoplite. We need to be on the safe side and guard our soon-to-be-hooked-up wines with this hoplite. Hopefully, he will not be attacked.
[1] Archers arrived at suburbs of Washington. Will be trying to raze it or at least pillage the area.
[2] Hoplite ready, building worker, 2 more archers take off in the direction of annoying Russian archer. Our warrior-scout detects another Russian archer on the move. Elite archer (3/5) wins against American regular archer on the cow farm near Washington.
[3] Worker ready, building archer. Veteran archer redlines but kills spear in Washington. Attack with 3hp elite or not? I decide to attack, we killed the spear, but there is another spear, third one and our archer has only 2 hp left now. Well, Emperor AI is way stronger than Monarch.
[4] American archer advances to lift the siege of Washington. We retreat with one archer and pillage cow with redlined another one who is hopefully sacrificing his life for good.
[5] Archer ready, making hoplite. Retreating from Washington to lick the wounds. IBT: Retreat not successful, enemy archers ambush us and kill all our brave soldiers. We need a hoplite up there certainly and the sooner the better IMO.
[7] Hoplite-hoplite. Two American archers chasing our wounded battalion which runs away in fear. But reinforcements are on the way! Beware treacherous Abe of the holy Greek revenge! Russia advances a spear and an archer towards our borders. Aint looking pretty at all. When Bismarck comes, his warriors will be only able to dance on the ruins of great Athens.
[8] We are making 14 spt and Athens is a city now. Time to start on Colossus since we are wasting a lot of shields.
[9] Russian archer cowardly runs away blinded by the shining armor of our glorious hoplites. Killed American archer lured in the open. We also come to the suburbs of Moscow. Where is this Bismarck hiding?
[10] Lose archer near Moscow to Russian archer. Here is Eastern front:
And Northern front with two hoplites advancing as reinforcements.
There are only two units in Athens: regular warrior and archer. If Germans show up, we are in trouble. And the more the Colossus build progresses, the worse would be the consequences of this trouble. Hence, it might be better to keep the second hoplite around Athens. One plus 3 archers should be sufficient to pillage few important tiles in American lands. The remaining hoplite will be needed at home to shield the workers which are supposed to start roading towards ivory since our border expansion is due in 12 turns.
Beware, there is an American archer near or inside Boston! And good luck which we desperately need. So far, RNG rolls were rather even. Need some good streak.