[MOD] Age of civilisations (BtS)


Nov 11, 2005
This concept is to create your civilisation as the game unfolds, instead of at the start of the game, through the choice of technologies, some of those being randomly put aside when new techs are discovered....

The technologies level do NOT go beyond early gunpowder, but with many many more technologies...

I take this idea from the great variety of the civilisations here on earth. Imagine the difference beetween the apaches (nomadic, horse riders, wisdom, nature knowledge) and the aztecs (engineers, no horses, agriculture, blood religion, cities), or the norse (seafarers, steel workers, raiders, polytheism), the franks (feudalism, castle builders, heavy cavalry), the zulus (no horses, highly trained armies, cities, very fast, great courage)...

Version: 1.15 updated the 23rd of july, 2009

download link here:http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=8722

You should delete older version.

Age of civilisation wants to try to allow the player to build his own civilisation.
See this thread http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=265726 for more details

Jojoweb, for coding in one day what I dreamed of for years, that is the random discarding concept. Thanks jojoweb.
Mice, for feedback.
Shiggs713, for support.
Sto, for trying to help me with my random discarding concept.
Regul, for extensive report
Bernie14, for units graphics
Chugginator, for units graphics
Ermelinho, for units graphics
C.Roland, for units graphics
walter hawkwood, for units graphics
refar, for nearly always answering calls for help :-)
Angrytoad, for taking care of some Game_text. Thanks :-)

Features so far:
Anglais et français
Comes in english and french.
5 basic cosmetic civilisations: European, greco roman, south american, middle eastern, asian.
All leaders available from start.
Only 3 basic promotions.
Settlers, workers, warriors are the only buildable things available from start.
Best if played on noble difficulty level.

Enjoy, positive feedback is really appreciated.
Jojoweb updated the.dll. It is now usable with 3.19. Thanks again, jojoweb :-)
Added some game_text provided by angrytoad. Thanks a lot to you. :-)

Spoiler :
Plundering:: allows the plundering promotion (+30% pillaging)
** changed the values for raiding and pillaging promotions.
Crossbow: Allows the crossbowman unit. With wood framing, allows the ballista unit. I plan to add repeating crossbowman (cho-ko-nu).
** Fishing boats now only last 20 turns.
Nomadism: allows the nomadism civic economy option, the nomad horsement and nomad horsebowmen
Great runners: Allows the runner promotion (+1 mov for archer, recon and melee units), and the Great Run wonder. The inspiration for this tech was the greeks (marathon, olympics), incans (messengers), saxons (Hastings campaign) and Zulus (fast impis...).
** The leaderHead XML bug should be fixed.
** The same techs now reveal and have the cities gain access (if the proper improvement is built) to various bonus.
** Tech trading should be much more difficult, all leaders should be "pleased" with your civ before trading, and even then, it should occur less often.
** Added the "immigration" event.

Spoiler :
Slavery: Allows the slavery civic option, same as vanilla
Serfdom: Allows the serfdom civic option, same as vanilla
** I did a little bit of cleaning, I hope it will avoid some CtDs...
** Vastly reduced the occurence of events.
Monarchy: Allows the hereditary civic option, same as vanilla
Cast system: Allows the cast system civic option, same as vanilla

Spoiler :
Ivory carving: An artist tech, allows ivory carver building and ivory carver master wonder.
Religion of nature: Will allow, well, the religion of nature. It will allow, for now, the building of shaman priests, a strong healing and defense only unit, national (3) unit. It will also allow nature temple (+1 happ, +1 cultu, +10% healing, allows priest specialist)
Religion of war: Will allow, well, the religion of war. It will allow, for now, the building of war priests, a strong fighting unit, national (2) unit. It will also allow war temple ( +1 cultu, +2 XP, allows priest specialist, -15% war weariness). Will also allow the "sons of WarGod" Promotion.
Pillaging: Will allow the pillaging promotion (-1 mov, +40% pillage) and pillager unit.
Raiding: Will allow the raiding promotion (+1 mov, +15% pillage)
Weapon crafting: Will allow the weapon crafter building (+1 gold, free "good weapon promotion" (+10%attack)).
Armor crafting: Almost the same as weapon crafter, a "good armor" promotion.
** Added a new gamespeed: AoC gamespeed, above marathon.
-10000BC -> -2000BC: 10 years/turn = 800 turns
-2000BC -> +1000: 5 years/turn = 600 turns
+1000 -> +1500: 1 year/turn = 500 turns
All the others speed/bonus/percentage are like normal gamespeed.
I did that because in normal game, you wouldn't have time to research all techs...
** There should be one event per turn now, at least in the beginning. I plan to make AoC VERY event oriented.
Trade caravaning: Allows to build caravan unit, a less powerful version of the great merchant that can only trade in foreign cities.

Spoiler :
Self defense: (I don't like the name, I will probably change it...) Allows to build armed workers. Armed workers can't attack, but they can defend themselves. And they can do everything normal builders can, as fast. National unit (5)
Heroism: fot now, allows the "heroic" promotion (+30% combat) for units with combat 3 promotion.
War dancing: Allows the "war dancing ground" building (+1 xp, +1 culture)
Nets crafting: Improves fishing overall.
Ice settlements: allows to build Snow dwellings
Tundra settlements: allows to build Tundra dwellings
Lichens growing: allows to build snow and tundra farms.
** decreased base cost of techs by 20% (from 50 to 40). Increased cost research inflation from 50% to 60%

Spoiler :
Cleaned my XML folders.
Transport navigation: Allows to build rafts.
Skiing: Allows the skiing promotion (double movement in snow, +202% attack and defense in snow)
Skating: Allows to build land boats. They are quite difficult to build, do not attack, but have a 3 MP, can load 3 units, but can't enter forests, jungles, or hills nor peaks.
Companionship: Allows to build companion school (will increase production), and, with wood framing, carpenter companions, very good building units. Also allows mason companions, with a companion school, and the masonry tech. Mason companions are very good building units, but can only build some things...
Fencing: allows to build swordsmen
Polearms: Allows to build halberdiers http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=6865

Spoiler :
Wood farming: Allows the building of wood farms ( farms on forests or jungles, without destroying the feature), and a related event.
Guilds: Allow the guild registration office (+1 gold and +5% trade in city). THis is part of a greater scheme to have "guilds" that will act as national wonders. These guilds would be for each craft technology (weavers, carpenters...). But I am afraid it would give too much power to this tech, so I must keep thinking about this...
Peasantry: allows the "peasants" national unit (2), a worker unit that builds peasant related improvements much faster than basic workers, although it can build only those improvements (farms, pastures,dwellings...)
** Villages and towns will only provide their 3 and 4 gold if the player has the urbanization technology. They will otherwise stay at 2 gold.
**Windmill destruction event, that can be tuned down thanks to climatology.
Paved roads: allows, well, paved roads. Think of railroads type of stuff, but less powerful. And it removes one each of the ressources on the case it is build, and takes a terribly long time to build. But it connects ressources, and troops can go faster and farther on paved roads than on "wheel" roads.
** Leather crafter master: this national wonder needs 4 leather crafters.
** Weaver master: this national wonder needs 4 weavers.
Engineering: Allows to build enginneers, a national (2) unit that can build faster than workers, and hurry production.
Alchemy:Allows the alchemist laboratory. Will provide gold, research, scientist, +1 toward great scientist, and two related events: a success (lead to gold, the owner earns gold, but the alchemist disappears), a failure, the laboratory explodes, and devastates a part of the city it was built into...

Spoiler :

Wood framing:: allows to build carpenter shop.
Cabinet making:: allows to build cabinet maker shop.
Meat cooking: +1 health
Fish cooking: +1 health
Vegetable cooking: +1 health
Dessert cooking: +1 happiness
Exotic cooking: +1 trade
River navigation: allows river trade, allows the river harbor building, and the small river harbor improvement.
Aerology: allows aerology promotion (+1 movement for sea units, requires sails promotion)
Climatology: Allows more choices for weather related events.
**Increased the probability of events occuring.
**Now only settlers can build dwellings
**Added Bad Weather event.
**Added good weather event.
**Added good period event.
**Added bad period event.
**Added mine depletion event.
**Added disease outbreak (can be reduced thanks to medecine)
**Workshop now provide 2 hammers, while removing 1 food.
**Sails promotion: (+1 movement sea units, +10% withdrawal, requires sailing tech)
**Aerology promotion: (+1 movement sea units, +10% withdrawal, requires sails promotion and aerology tech)
**SpyGlass promotion: +1 spotting range, all units, requires optics.

Spoiler :

Warrior strength reduced to 3.
The wheel technology no longer allows chariot.
Basic workers build things much slower.
Surgeons heal +20% of a unit (from 15%)
Medic office give +2 health (from +1)
Dentist give +2 happiness (from +1)
Masonry now only allows stone mining, no more walls, pyramids, great wall.
The inflation for tech research increased.
City walls:: allows to build palissade, or stone walls (with masonry)
Added : Timber; Precious wood ressources. Timber will allow for powerful boats, and the carpenter shop will benefit from it, and it also increases production. Precious wood increases trade, and wood crafters benefit from it.
Both are revealed through forestry.

Spoiler :
Game updated for V3.17

Spoiler :
Crafting:: allows to build workshop
Wind harnessing:: allows to build windmill

Spoiler :
Medecin:: allows the doctor office, improving health overall in the city
Surgery:: allows the surgery office, improving health overall in the city, and +15% heal rate for units in the city, ands the surgeon unit (1 national unit)
First aid:: allows the medic 1 promotion
Tooth care:: allows the dentist building, improving health overall in the city
Herb trade:: allows the herbalist building, gaining benefits from various herbs

Spoiler :
Horseback riding::Allows to build stables, and train horse archers (with archery) and horse riders.
Stirrups::Allows the stirrups promotion ( mounted units only, +20%)
Skirmishing::Allows the skirmishing promotion (recon, archer, +20%withdrawal chance) and the skirmisher unit (very weak, but 80% withdrawal overall!!)
Jewel crafting:: Allows to build a precious mine, and the jewel crafter.

Spoiler :
** Jungle and ice do 10% damage to units per turn.
Forest chopping:: allows workers to chop down forests.
Stargazing:: Allows the stargazing wonder (something like Stonehenge)
Fighting contest:: Allows to build arenas
Added : Jade, honey, cotton, linen ressources
Pikes:: Allows the pikeman unit. This unit is very good on a flat battlefield, but in trouble in any other kinf of terrain. Think of the macedonian phalanx.
**Reduced scale of units. It is pretty much swarming now.

Spoiler :
**Various little tweaks: units are damaged each turn in enemy territory, won't heal in neutral, and will very slightly in friendly territory. Thus the importance of the upcoming medical technologies and buildings.
Spears: Allows the spearman unit. The spearmen are very good in plains, but much less in other terrains.
Desert dwelling: Allows to build the desert dwelling improvement (+1 gold in desert, kill workers, doesn't upgrade).
** Only two cities needed to build a palace. You won't start with one.
Urbanisation::+2 health.

Spoiler :
The random discarding of technologies concept:
** All techs will be available from start (up to early gunpowder technologie level)
**When you discover a tech through research, another one is randomly discarded (so endgame civs should NEVER be the same).
**The price of technologies steadily grows, when you discover new techs.
**Goody huts can give you techs "for free".
**The possibility to exchange techs with other civilisations still exist, but is much difficult to obtain (very good relations with the other civilisation, and even then, it will be quite rare).
Food salting: allows to build the salt marsh improvement (only in coastal hex, +1 gold), and the salt granary (15% food keeping, +1 gold)
Tapestry::allows tapestry crafter (bonus gold, culture, and hapiness (with silk)
Weaving: Allows weaver (various bonus, gain benefits from silk)

Spoiler :
Forestry: allows forest fighters promotion (+20% attack and defense in forests), and lumbermill building.
Mountaineers: allows the hill fighting promotion (+20% attack and defense in hills), and the hill farm building (+1 food in hills only)
Hunting: allows the hunting promotion (+30% against animals, +15% against mounted), the hunter unit, and allow the hunter to build camp.
Fresh water fishing: allows to build fresh water fishery building(+1 food from rivers).
Pottery: allows the granary building (same as vanilla)
Agriculture: allows to build farms.
Animal husbandry: Workers can build pasture, reveals horse.
Exchange: +1 trade route per city, can build wealth. + new button art.
Sailing: Allows to train galleys, and the lighthouse building.
Writing: enables open border, can construct the library building.

Spoiler :
Herb eating: will reveal corn, rice, wheat and bananas. + new button art.
Sea fishing: allows to build work boats, reveals fish. + new button art.
Seashore gathering: reveals clam and crab. + new button art.
Geology: reveals stone, marble and gems. + new button art.
Mineralogy: reveals copper, silver, gold, iron. + new button art.
Utilitarian herbs: reveals Incense, dye. + new button art.
Special food: reveals spice, sugar. + new button art.
Winery: reveals wine. allows the winery imprvement. + new button art.
Mining: Allows to build mine.
Masonry: Allows to build walls and quarry.

Spoiler :
**Fixed the fishing/pottery blending in the tech tree.
**The technologies should not lead to more advanced technologie in their description. This is a "cosmetic" change.
**Fresh water fishing tweak: now allows the "fishery" improvement, near water, +1 food. Also still allows the fishery building, that gives +1 health.
**Pastures now provide a little less food.
**Nerfed the hunter unit.
** Basic workers will now take a little longer to build improvements.
Butchery: allows hunters and workers to build butchering camp improvement (food bonus on animals). Also allows the butchery building (+1 health), and gives +1 food on pastures.
Compass:allows the orientation promotion (+1 to movement).
Scouting:allows the scouting promotion (+1 sight range), and the scout unit.
Forestry:allows the forest preserve improvement.

Spoiler :
** Settlers can build dwellings, although it will destroy them.
Leather crafting:allows leather crafter shop (+1 gold, +1 culture, +5% gold from deer, fur, sheep and cow)
Cave dwelling:allows the cave dwelling improvement (-1 food, +2 gold, +10% defense, think of a cottage that can only be build on hills. Destroys the building unit. Won't grow.)
Forest dwelling:allows the forest dwelling improvement (-1 food, +2 gold, +5% defense, think of a cottage that can only be build in forest. Destroys the building unit. Won't grow.)
Plain dwelling:allows the plain dwelling improvement (Basic cottage, that can grow, but can only be built on plains without any features. Destroys the building unit.)
Wild game knowledge: will reveal fur, deers and ivory.
Domestication: will reveal cow, pig and sheep.

Spoiler :
**Fixed various bugs in the tech tree
**Removed the wood knowledge tech. It will be reimplaced with the wood fighting and lumbering promotion.
**Utilitarian herbs also reveals silk
**Cave dwellings now improves in deep cave dwellings (only one layer of improvement)
**Forest dwellings now improves in thick forest dwellings (only one layer of improvement)
**Scouts now start with the scouting promotion.
Irrigation: will allow the "desert farm" improvement (very long to build, +1 food, in desert only). Basic farms will also give +1 food.
Wood fighting: allows the wood fighter unit, and the wood fighting promotion.
Hill fighting:allows the highlanders unit , and the hill fighting promotion.

Spoiler :
** remove the base gold bonus from riverside. It will have to be reearched and built through the canoe crafter.
**The wheel now augments the worker work rate by 20%
**Tweaked animals strength in various terrains or features (wolf+50%forest, bear+20%hills,panther+70%jungle).
**Tweaked units cost.
**Removed calendar.
Cartography:: allows map trading, centers map, allow to create the cartographers guild. It itself will allow to build the cartographers, a unique unit, with huge visibility.
Careful harvesting:: allows to build plantations.
Militia::allows to recruit militias (very good city defense units), and the militia promotion (+30% city defense).
Lumbering::allows to build the lumbering improvement, and worker gain +50% from chopping down a forest.
Canoe:: will allow to build canoes, a light naval unit, and the canoe crafter building (it HAS to be built near rivers), that will allow to build the canoes, and give+1 gold on riversides.
Help needed:

I would like the fishing boats to be built on clams, but it requires fishing. I would like to change fishing to my sea fishing technology. Any idea where I should look into?
Done. It was in the Civ4BuildInfo file....
This thread is a big brain storming list of features I think about adding to the mod.....

Slaves, that would mostly a worker unit, but destroying itself on completion of the work. There would be more than one technology allowing for slaves.


medicinal herbs
Food conservation: a little more gold from seashore (salt marshes building), and the smoke house, allowing to store a little more food. I might make a difference beetween salt food conservation and smoke food conservation.
loose pasture: kinda like agriculture, but would require domestication, and could not be improved with other techs. Would not require irrigations....
Climbing: will allow to ignore hills movement penalties, and to walk over mountains.
skinning: would give money from killing animals, and a little more money from all animal improvements

Slave trading: will allow to build slave market. Will allow to recruit slaves (cheap and efficient workers, although limited in numbers, and with a rebellion event associated)

Thrown weapons: Think of any civilisation that wuould use compact groups of weapons throwers, like the franks "francisques", the zulus throwing spears, or the greeks psiloï. On the contrary, some civilisations would not use thrown weapons, or make very little use of it, like the vikings, mongols....
Would allow the building of harassers

Raiding: This tech would define a civilisation that would be specialized in fast attacks on poorly defended areas, like vikings, mongols....
Would allow the raider (+20% city attack) promotion

Plundering: Would define a civilisation that would take great pride in capturing enemy goods, and would be particularly good at it (vikings, the celts sacking rome in 400BC...)
Would allow the plunderer promotion (units would gain 3 time the gold from destroying improvments)

Savagery: This civilisation would be able to create particularly savage warriors, think of norse berzerkers, cimmerian from Howards' conan novels...
Would allow the creation of barbarians units, and the frenzy promotion (-10% defense, +20% attack)

Large shields: This civilization would make use of particularly large shields (roman shields, zulu shields, mid european pavoisiers....)
Would allow the creation of impis or legions. Would also permit the large shields promotion (+10% defense, +30% against missile units)


Copper working:
Iron working:
Basic gunpowder:
Shore navigation:
Early guns

Desert knowledge
Jungle knowledge
Hills knowledge
Mountain knowledge
Seashore knowledge
Plain knowledge
Tundra knowledge
All the knowledges here would give the appropriate fighting promotion ("desert fighter"), giving a +20% attack and defense in the appropriate terrain.
It would also mostly give a food or health bonus on the appropriate terrain...

Jewelry: Big boost to culture, based on the availability of gems, or precious minerals (gold, silver)
Circus games:

Blood religion: Think of sacrificial religions (mayans...) giving strength to its warriors...
Love religion: Think of a kind of peaceful religion, promoting culture or "we love the president" kind of events...
War religion:
Awakening religion:
Nature wisdom (shamanism)
Spirit religion (animism)

Navigation :


Technologies and related:
High seas navigation
Coastal navigation
Sea fishing
Wood framing
dry docks
Wind knowledge

Marvels and other stuffs and buildings and great sailors
dry docks
Zheng he

Use for boats:
Nice to see you starting this up cromcrom! If you need any help or advice just holla ;)
No two civilisations should be the same, due to one factor:

The random discarding of technologies as new ones are discovered.

Right now, I do not have the talent and knowledge to implement this feature, so I am deseperatly looking for someone to create that part.

Do you mean that some old techs will become obsolete? - will become unresearchble ?
Here is an exemple:
Lets say that there are 6 technologies available for any civilisation at the beginning of the game (there would be MANY more in the final game): forestry, navigation, jewelry, agriculture, hunting and mining.

At the beginning of the game, you decide to research hunting. When you discover hunting, another tech is RANDOMLY discarded, lets say, for example, agriculture. So then your choice would be between forestry, navigation, jewelry and mining. Lets say you research mining. When you discover it, navigation is randomly put aside. Finaly, you can choose between forestry and jewelry. So, when you choose and discover jewelry, forestry is discarded.

So in the end, your civilisation is defined according to these technologies: it is a hunting civilisation, that knows how to mine, and craft wonderful jewels.

But it could have been totally different, thanks to the random discarding of technologies. So you could have a navigation, hunter and forester civilisation, for exemple.
wow , so if you play an archipeligo map you could randomly be made unable to research sailing ? That's kind of hard. On the other hand, it will make for a dynamic change to the way civ is played and I'm all in favour of that.
Well, if you play an archipelago map, you could want to go for a boat constructing technology (rowing boats, sailing boats...) quite early ^^

Anyway, you would be very unlucky, due to the number of techs, to have sailing discarded in the very beginning.

But that could happen, and this is a very good point.

On the other hand, it will make for a dynamic change to the way civ is played and I'm all in favour of that.
This is exactly what I would like to achieve, a very deep change in the way Civilisation is played.
I get the following error when I try and load this mod. This is the second mod I have had the exactly same problem with.

Failed loading XML file xml\Civilizations/CIV4TraitsInfos.xml. [.\FXml.cpp:133] Error parsing XML File -

File: xml\Civilizations/CIV4TraitsInfos.xml
Reason: Ellement content is invalid according to the DTD/Schema.

Expecting: {x-schema:CIV4CivilizationsSchema.xml}iHappiness.

Line: 14,17
Source: <iMaxAnarchy>-1</iMaxAnarchy>
The mod runs for me, no problems.

It's confusing at first. Pottery doesn't give cottages ! I just played out 100 turns to see, but I think it will be an interesting game. I'm going to start again.

Fishing and Pottery in the tech tree screen seemed to be blended together.
Thanks a lot for your interest, I really appreciate it.

I am a basic modder, so I create this mod through very basic means. For exemple, all techs still exist, they are only discrded. I will slowly remove them.

You might want to try V0.2, it has more technologies.

I will take a look at this pottery/fishing problem.

Cottages, in my opinion, will be allowed through the use of a "urbanisation" type or technology....
The only problem I had with my test game was that my units went on strike at three cities. No commerce.

I have played games with no cottages and no specialists so I know how to survive without these , but this map had nearly no commerce tiles to work. I couldn't survive and grow. I will try a different map and be more aware of gold next time.
Good point, indeed.

This is why I added the "exchange" technology, so that your city can produce wealth.

I will probably soon expand the economy part of the techologies.

Make sure you play with the latest version.
I will get a try to your Mod
Feedback ; this time I went broke at 2 cities.

There is a maintenjance fee for "No palace" in the capital. And a maintenance fee for colonial expenses, in the capital :crazyeye:. Also colonial expenses in any city even if it's right next to the capital.

Second city put me on 20% science. I couldnt afford a third city to get the resource that I'd just spent 36 turns researching (epic speed).

I think the AI will be struggling too .

However, interesting mod. I like techs that reveal resources. It's fun. If I can afford to play on more than 70 turns I would like to see what kind of civ the AI is making. Basically I need to be ablwe to survive better to find out how the mod plays out.
Do you have this problem with all mods, or only two mods ?
Have you updated BTS to the latest version ?

No problems with other mods. This one, RevolucionDCM and I just donloaded WoC which has exactly the same problem.

I can still play TAM, Revolution, History in the Making, Rise of Mankind and others.
@Dancing Hoskuld: don't take it bad, but I hardly have time to mod, and hardly know anything technical about the game. I would open a thread on a troubleshooting forum, if I were you. Anyway, good luck :)

@mice: thanks a lot. I might add the palace in the first city to be built, although I have rather go for the dwellings technologies. The palace would be added through a technology, to comply with the philosophy of the mod.

I couldnt afford a third city to get the resource that I'd just spent 36 turns researching (epic speed).
May I suggest you go on a fast tempo, if you test the features? It will provide a much more dynamic game.
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