[MOD] CivMore


Civ Fanatic
Jun 27, 2003
Delaware (USA)
CivMore Version 0.42 Alpha (7/30/06)
More of Everything Civ!
Last Updated 7/30/06

7/30/06: Version 0.42 patch is now available. See below for link. More details to follow.

7/1/06: The 3ddownloads mirror of the mod in Zip format is now available. See below for the link.

6/30/06: The Full Feature List and Change Log have been added (see posts 2 & 3).

6/29/06: The Unit Preview Screenshot (At the bottom of the post) has been updated with all 72 new units!

6/28/06: The file is now available in both Zip format and 7z format on FileFront (see below for link). The .7z file has been mirrored on 3ddownloads and is now available; the .zip file mirror is still pending.

6/27/06: Version 0.40 (Alpha) is now complete, and is currently being uploaded... link and details coming soon!

5/9/06: Version 0.30 (Alpha) is now available! Version 0.30 features even more of everything, including Civilizations, Leaders, and Resources. Version 0.30 is compatible with (and requires) 1.61. Also note that the Civics Screen now auto-scales to suit your resolution! More details on the changes can be found in the next few posts...

3/17/06: After months of work, the first public alpha of CivMore is available! At this point, it is just an alpha, but I look forward to hearing any suggestions and constructive criticisms. Note that for this phase of the mod, I have tried to stay away from anything that AI would not know how to use (particularly anything with python that affects the gameplay); this may change as the mod develops further. Also note that many more features and additions are planned, including more of everything. Enjoy!

CivMore Downloads (Updated 7/30/06)
CivMore_040_Alpha.zip (178.93 MB) - Download from FileFront - Download from 3D Downloads
CivMore_040_Alpha.7z (116.44 MB) - Download from FileFront - Download from 3D Downloads

To install, simply extract the file into your MODS folder. Note that the contents of both files are identical; you only need to download one of them!​

CivMore Patch (to version 0.42 Alpha)
CivMore_042_Alpha_Patch.zip (0.46 MB): Download from Civfanatics

To install the patch, simply extract the file into your MODS folder. Answer 'yes' when prompted to overwrite files.​

Download History
Version 0.20 had over 1,000 downloads
Version 0.30 had over 2,000 downloads

Note: All of the information that follows (and more, including a complete crossreferenced changelog) can be found in the 'Release Notes' section of the Civilopedia.

About CivMore

CivMore is a mod with a single purpose: to promote strategic choices. It attempts to do this through two primary means:

More Content: Strategic choice cannot exist without options. CivMore adds dozens of new options to all aspects of the game (Specialists, Buildings, Wonders, Units, Promotions, Civics, etc.). These new options open up a wealth of strategic decisions: Which do I build first? Which wonder is more important to me? Economy or Science? Agriculture or Production? Do I promote my unit down a single path to make him invincible in a specific area but weak in others, or do I make him meager but well rounded? The choices are virtually infinite! Additionally, all first tier civics now have no upkeep, and any no upkeep civic has been increased to low upkeep; as such, each one now is a potential candidate, depending on circumstances (there is no longer one civic in each category that is always the worst, nor one that is always the best)!

Deeper Contrasts: The second fundemental aspect of promoting strategic decisions involves forcing more balanced and varied advantages and disadvantages for each option. Many of these contrasts come in the form of opportunity costs (eg, I can only build one thing at a time; which should I prioritize?) and obvious upkeep costs (ie, for civics and units), but CivMore attempts to take it one step further. Most of the new options have been designed to lend themselves to specific stratagies, impose penalties, or simply require more resources (many old items have been modified to these specifications as well). For instance, the new Colosseum Wonder can all but end unhappiness in a city when the culture rate is increased moderatly, but virtually useless if the culture rate is set at 0. In another example, each 'vs. unit type' promotion (ie, Cover, Shock, Formation, etc.) now have up to four levels, with the final level giving your units a whopping combined +200% versus the specific unit type, but actually reduces your abilities against other unit types by 10%. In yet another example, the new Temple Of Artemis wonder provides an early opportunity to boost a cities size dramatically, but introduces a potentially rampant health and happiness dilemma.

Other Important Notes and Changes: It has always bothered me that it was so easy to maintain a 100% science rate and still be bringing in 20+ gold per turn and maintaining complete happiness amongst your population. To that end, virtually all maintenence cost aspects of the game have been dramatically increased. Primarly, this includes increased city maintenence costs, increased civic upkeep costs, and a reduced number of free unit maintenence costs. Additionally, the culture rate modifier has become more of a necessity, due to the dramatically larger cities possible, and CivMore's increased war weariness rates.

CivMore Overview (Updated 6/29/06)

CivMore features a wealth of additions and changes. Most notable features include:

  • 10 New Technologies (96 Total)
  • 20 New Civilizations (38 Total)
  • 35 New Leaders (61 Total)
  • 71 New Units (154 Total) including:
    • 2 New Great People (7 Total)
    • 58 New Unique Units (76 Total)
  • 26 New Buildings (80 Total) including:
    • 14 New Great People Buildings (15 Total)
  • 26 New Wonders (72 Total) including:
    • 3 New National Wonders (16 Total)
    • 7 New Religious Wonders (14 Total)
  • 5 New Resources (40 Total)
  • 4 New Specialists (15 Total)
  • 54 New Promotions (95 Total)
  • 1 New Unit Category (10 Total)
  • 2 New Civic Categories (7 Total)
  • 17 New Civics (42 Total)
  • 6 New Leader Traits (14 Total)
  • Each Great Person now has 5 abilities
  • Each Civilization now has 2 Unique Units
  • Each Leader Trait now provides a 50% production bonus to one National Wonder and one World Wonder
  • Numerous Interface Changes, including fitchn's Civilopedia Index Mod Component, 12Monkey's Enhanced Plot List Mod Component, and Dr. Elmer Jiggle's Civ4lerts Mod Component
  • 100+ other gameplay and interface changes and enhancements

CivMore Credits & Acknowledgements (Updated 6/29/06)

  • fitchn (Civilopedia Index Mod Component)
  • Sevo, Shqype, and Wyz_sub10 (CIV Gold Mod Component)
  • Trip (Buttons for Mark V and Sopwith Camel)
  • Zuul (Buttons for Attack I, II, III)
  • dj_anion (Button for Great Wall, Military Training, Bid for Contract)
  • Duke van Frost (Cure for Cancer Button, Trebuchet Model)
  • Dr. Elmer Jiggle (Civ4lerts Mod Component)
  • 12monkeys (Plot List Enhancements Mod Component)
  • snafusmith (Akula Model, AEGIS Cruiser Model, Nuclear Submarine Model, T-34-85 Model)
  • C. Roland (AEGIS Cruiser Skin, Babylonian Swordsman Skin, Cromster Skin, Gallic Swordsman Skin)
  • Rabbit, White (Arabian Cavalry Model, Canoe Model, F-15 Model, Avro Lancaster Skin, Uhlan Model, Chaski Model, Habiru Model, Woomera Warrior Model, Nomad Skins, Great General Model)
  • sepamu92 (Eagle Model)
  • Exavier (Junk Skin)
  • nautil (Tigre HAD Model)
  • krowtrobot (Zero Skin)
  • Chamaedrys (Trireme Skin)
  • DisAstro (Commando Skin)
  • Mumin (Bombard Skin & Button, Stratioti Skin)
  • J_Period (Hashshashin Skin)
  • Robo Magic Man (Janissary Skin, Askari Skin)
  • Snarko (start of the necessary code to cap a city's food box to the max allowed)
  • zinferno (invaluable feedback and suggestions for numerous buildings and wonders)
  • Zuul (inspiration for some of the new promotions)
  • Officer Reene - Multiplayer Testing, Suggestions, Feedback, and general forum support.
  • Tycoon101 - Play Testing, Balancing, Suggestions and Feedback
  • Brancaleone - Play Testing, Debugging, Suggestions and Feedback
  • Kimbal - Play Testing, Debugging, and Feedback
  • The Great Apple - for pointing me towards two great online APIs.
  • Kael - the code changes to your civics screen in your 'Fall from Heaven' mod pointed me in the right direction to get my changes started.
  • Snaitf - the code changes in your 'Great General' mod helped me figure out what I needed to know to add the extra specialists and the specialist stacking.
  • All members of CivFanatics that contributed to the discussion thread; You're feedback and suggestions help to shape this mod into what it is and what it will be!
Note: If you see any part of this mod which you contributed to and I did not give you full credit, please let me know (and I apologize in advance)!

CivMore Screenshots & Pics (Updated 6/29/06)


  • civics.JPG
    209.9 KB · Views: 9,531
  • promo_tree_v030.GIF
    42.2 KB · Views: 4,430
  • index_030.jpg
    142.8 KB · Views: 4,350
  • resources_030.jpg
    68.1 KB · Views: 5,010
  • units_040b3.jpg
    349.2 KB · Views: 3,722
CivMore Features (Updated 6/30/06)

Note: This list only contains new features; see the full change log at the bottom of the next post for details on changes to existing features.

Items in Red are new to version 0.40.
Items in Blue are new to version 0.30.

  • Economic Future Technology I (+1 trade route per city; Requires Fiber Optics)
  • Economic Future Technology II (+1 trade route per city; Requires Economic Future Technology I)
  • Economic Future Technology III (+1 trade route per city; Requires Economic Future Technology II)
  • Economic Future Technology IV (+1 trade route per city; Requires Economic Future Technology III)
  • Economic Future Technology V (+2 trade route per city; Requires Economic Future Technology IV)
  • Military Future Technology I (Allows Future Combat I Promotion; Requires Robotics)
  • Military Future Technology II (Allows Future Combat II Promotion; Requires Military Future Technology I)
  • Military Future Technology III (Allows Future Combat III Promotion; Requires Military Future Technology II)
  • Military Future Technology IV (Allows Future Combat IV Promotion; Requires Military Future Technology III)
  • Military Future Technology V (Allows Future Combat V Promotion; Requires Military Future Technology IV)

  • AEGIS Cruiser (S/M: 36/7; Naval Unit; Can Carry Helicopter Units; Can See Submarines; Can Intercept Aircraft (50% Chance); Can Bombard City (-5%/Turn); Starts with Sentry I; Requires Composites, Combustion, Flight and Oil or Uranium)
  • Akula (S/M: 24/6; Naval Unit; Unique Unit for Russian Empire; Replaces Submarine; Can Carry Scout, Explorer, Missionary, Spy, or Great Person; Invisible; Can See Submarines; Can Move through Impassable Terrain; Can Explore Rival Territory; 1-2 First Strikes; Can Withdraw from Combat (50% Chance); Requires Radio, Combustion, and Oil or Uranium)
  • Arabian Cavalry (S/M: 8/2; Mounted Unit; Unique Unit for Arabian Empire; Replaces Cataphract; 0-1 First Strikes; Can Withdraw from Combat (10% Chance); Requires Iron Working, Horseback Riding, and Horse)
  • Askari (S/M: 14/1; Gunpowder Unit; Unique Unit for Abyssinian Empire; Replaces Rifleman; +25% vs. Mounted Units; Starts with Guerilla I, Guerilla II; Requires Rifling)
  • Avro Lancaster (S/R: 16/8; Unique Unit for Canadian Empire; Replaces Bomber; Causes Collateral Damage; -25% vs. Water Units; Can Destroy Tile Improvements and Bomb City Defenses (-20%/Turn); Requires Radio, Flight, and Oil)
  • Babylonian Bowman (S/M: 4/1; Archery Unit; Unique Unit for Babylonian Empire; Replaces Archer; +1 First Strike; +50% City Defense; +25% Hills Defense; Requires Archery; Upgrades to Longbowman or Crossbowman)
  • Babylonian Swordsman (S/M: 6/1; Melee Unit; Unique Unit for Babylonian Empire; Replaces Swordsman; +50% City Attack; Requires Iron Working, Iron)
  • Berserker (S/M: 6/1; Melee Unit; Unique Unit for Viking Empire; Replaces Axeman; +50% vs. Melee Units; Starts with Amphibious; Requires Bronze Working and Copper or Iron; Upgrades to Maceman)
  • Boer Mercenary (S/M: 12/1; Gunpowder Unit; Unique Unit for Nguni Empire; Replaces Grenadier; +50% City Attack; +50% Attack vs. Rifleman; Requires Chemistry)
  • Bombard (S/M: 14/1; Siege Weapon; Unique Unit for Scottish Empire; Replaces Cannon; Cannot Capture Enemy Cities; Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses; Can Withdraw from Combat (25% Chance); Causes Collateral Damage; Can Bombard City Defenses (-20%/Turn); Starts with Barrage I; Requires Steel, Iron)
  • Canada Corps (S/M: 20/2; Gunpowder Unit; Unique Unit for Canadian Empire; Replaces Infantry; +25% vs. Gunpowder Units; Starts with March; Requires Assembly Line and Rifling; Upgrades to SAM Infantry or Mechanized Infantry)
  • Canoe (S/M: 0/3; Unique Unit for Iroquois Empire; Replaces Work Boat; Cannot Enter Ocean; Can Create Fishing Boats, Whaling Boats, and Offshore Platform; Requires Fishing)
  • Carrack (S/M: 3/4; Naval Unit; Unique Unit for Portuguese Empire; Replaces Caravel; Cargo Space: 1; Can Explore Rival Territory; Requires Optics; Upgrades to Frigate or Submarine)
  • Carthaginian War Elephant (S/M: 8/2; Mounted Unit; Unique Unit for Carthaginian Empire; Replaces War Elephant; Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses; Ignores Terrain Movement Costs; +50% vs. Mounted Units; Requires Construction and Ivory; Upgrades to Cavalry)
  • Cataphract (S/M: 8/2; Mounted Unit; Requires Iron Working & Horseback Riding, Horse; Upgrades to Knight)
  • Chaski (S/M: 1/2; Recon Unit; Unique Unit for Incan Empire; Replaces Scout; Better Results from Tribal Villages; Can Only Defend; Ignores Terrain Movement Costs; +200% vs. Animals; Requires Hunting)
  • Commando (S/M: 24/1; Gunpowder Unit; Unique Unit for Portuguese Empire; Replaces Marine; Can Explore Rival Territory; +50% Attack vs. Machine Gun; +50% Attack vs. Artillery; +50% Attack vs. Mobile Artillery; Starts with Amphibious, Commando; Requires Industrialism, Rifling)
  • Corvette (S/M: 12/4; Naval Unit; Unique Unit for French Empire; Replaces Ironclad; Cannot Enter Ocean; Can Bombard City Defenses (-10%/Turn); Requires Steel, Steam Power, Iron, and Coal)
  • Cromster (S/M: 10/4; Naval Unit; Unique Unit for Netherlands Empire; Replaces Frigate; Can Bombard City Defenses (-15%/Turn); Requires Chemistry, Astronomy, and Iron)
  • Crusader (S/M: 12/1; Melee Unit; Immune to First Strikes; Starts with Commando; No Maintenance Costs; Requires Knight’s Templar)
  • Diplomat (S/M: 0/2; National Unit; Can Explore Rival Territory; Can Expose Rival Spies in Nearby Tiles; Requires Paper, Palace)
  • Dreadnought (S/M: 42/6; Naval Unit; Unique Unit for English Empire; Replaces Battleship; 1-2 First Strikes; Causes Collateral Damage; Can Bombard City Defenses (-25%/Turn); Requires Industrilism and Oil or Uranium)
  • Eagle (S/M: 4/2; Melee Unit; Unique Unit for Aztec Empire; Replaces Spearman; +100% vs. Mounted Units; Requires Hunting and Copper or Iron)
  • Ethiopian Archer (S/M: 3/1; Archery Unit; Unique Unit for Abyssinian Empire; Replaces Archer; +1 First Strike; +75% City Defense; +75% Hills Defense; Requires Archery; Upgrades to Longbowman or Crossbowman)
  • F-15 (S/R: 26/12; Unique Unit for American Empire; Replaces Jet Fighter; Can Intercept Aircraft (80% Chance); Can Evade Interception (10% Chance); Can Destroy TIle Improvements and Bomb City Defenses (-10%/Turn); Requires Composites, Flight, Oil, and Aluminum)
  • Gaelic Warrior (S/M: 5/1; Melee Unit; Unique Unit for Celtic Empire; Replaces Axeman; +100% vs. Melee Units; Requires Bronze Working and Copper or Iron; Upgrades to Maceman)
  • Gallic Swordsman (S/M: 6/2; Melee Unit; Unique Unit for Celtic Empire; Replaces Swordsman; +10% City Attack; Requires Iron Working and Iron)
  • Great Agriculturalist (S/M: 0/2; Great Person; Can Start a Golden Age; Can Discover a Growth-related Technology; Can Join City as Great Agriculturalist; Can Construct Grange or Botanical Garden)
  • Great General (S/M: 2/2; Great Person; Can Start a Golden Age; Can Discover a Military-related Technology; Can Join City as Great General; Can Construct Military Academy; Starts with Leadership; Can be upgraded to any Melee, Archery, or Gunpowder unit)
  • Habiru (S/M: 1/2; Recon Unit; Unique Unit for Sumerian Empire; Replaces Scout; Better Results from Tribal Villages; +100% vs. Animals; Requires Hunting)
  • Hashshashin (S/M: 1/2; Unique Unit for Persian Empire; Replaces Diplomat; National Unit; Invisible; Cannot Capture Enemy Cities; Can Explore Rival Territory; Can Expose Rival Spies in Nearby Tiles; Requires Paper, Palace)
  • Heavy Hussar (S/M: 11/2; Mounted Unit; Unique Unit for Polish Empire; Replaces Knight; Immune to First Strikes; +15% vs. Melee Units; Requires Guilds, Horseback Riding, Horse, and Iron; Upgrades to Cavalry)
  • Highlander (S/M: 6/1; Melee Unit; Unique Unit for Scottish Empire; Replaces Swordsman; +15% Chance to Withdraw from Combat; +10% City Attack; Starts with Guerilla I; Requires Iron Working and Iron; Upgrades to Maceman)
  • Howitzer (S/M: 24/1; Siege Weapon; Unique Unit for German Empire; Replaces Artillery; Cannot Capture Enemy Cities; Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses; Can Withdraw from Combat (25% Chance); Causes Collateral Damage; Can Bombard City Defenses (-25%/Turn); Requires Artillery)
  • Hun Bowman (S/M: 8/1; Archery Unit; Unique Unit for Mongolian Empire; Replaces Longbowman; 1 First Strike; +25% Hills Defense; Can Bombard City Defenses (-5%/Turn); Requires Feudalism and Archery)
  • Hypaspist (S/M: 6/1; Melee Unit; Unique Unit for Greek Empire; Replaces Swordsman; 0-1 First Strikes; Immune to First Strikes; +10% City Attack; Requies Iron Working, Iron)
  • Impi (S/M: 3/1; Melee Unit; Unique Unit for Nguni Empire; Replaces Warrior; +25% City Defense; Upgrades to Axeman or Spearman)
  • Janissary (S/M: 7/1; Melee Unit; Unique Unit for Turkish Empire; Replaces Pikeman; +100% vs. Mounted Units; Requires Engineering, Iron)
  • Junk (S/M: 4/4; Naval Unit; Unique Unit for Chinese Empire; Replaces Galleon; Cargo Space: 4; Requires Astronomy)
  • K.u.K. Infantrie (S/M: 14/1; Gunpowder Unit; Unique Unit for Austrian Empire; Replaces Rifleman; +25% vs. Mounted Units; +25% vs. Gunpowder Units; Requires Rifling; Upgrades to Infantry)
  • KDX-II (S/M: 30/8; Naval Unit; Unique Unit for Korean Empire; Replaces Destroyer; Can See Submarines; Can Intercept Aircraft (30% Chance); +100% Attack vs. Submarine; +100% Attack vs. Nuclear Submarine; Can Bombard City Defenses (-15%/Turn); Requires Combustion and Oil or Uranium)
  • Kalorse (S/M: 10/2; Mounted Unit; Unique Unit for Albanian Empire; Replaces Knight; 1-2 First Strikes; Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses; Ignores Terrain Movement Costs; +30% Chance to Withdraw from Combat; Requires Guilds, Horseback Riding, Horse, and Iron; Upgrades to Cavalry)
  • Kobukson (S/M: 4/3; Naval Unit; Unique Unit for Korean Empire; Replaces Caravel; 1 Cargo Space (Limited); Can Explore Rival Territory; +25% Chance to Withdraw from Combat; Requires Optics; Upgrades to Frigate or Submarine)
  • Longboat (S/M: 2/3; Naval Unit; Unique Unit for Viking Empire; Replaces Galley; Cargo Space: 2; Cannot Enter Ocean; Can Withdraw from Combat (20% Chance); Requires Sailing)
  • Mangonel (S/M: 4/2; Siege Weapons; Unique Unit for Roman Empire; Replaces Catapult; Cannot Capture Enemy CIties; Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses; Can Withdraw from Combat (35% Chance); Causes Collateral Damage; Can Bombard City Defenses (-10%/Turn); Requiers Construction)
  • Mark V (S/M: 22/2; Armored Unit; Starts with Blitz; Requires Assembly Line & Rifling, Oil)
  • Medic (S/M: 6/2; Recon Unit; Better Results from Tribal Villages; Can Only Defend; Starts with Medic I, Medic II; Requires Medicine)
  • Militia (S/M: 2/1; Melee Unit; Unique Unit for Mayan Empire; Replaces Warrior)
  • Mobile Artillery (S/M: 30/2; Siege Weapon; Causes Collateral Damage; Requires Fiber Optics & Artillery, Oil & Aluminum)
  • Mobile SAM (S/M: 24/2; Gunpowder Unit; Can Intercept Aircraft; Requires Fiber Optics & Rocketry; Oil & Aluminum)
  • Mohawk Archer (S/M: 6/1; Archery Unit; Unique Unit for Iroquois Empire; Replaces Longbowman; +1 First Strike; +25% City Defense; Starts with Woodsman II; Requires Feudalism and Archery; Upgrades to Rifleman)
  • Moran (S/M: 3/1; Melee Unit; Unique Unit for Maasai Empire; Replaces Warrior; +100% vs. Animals; +25% vs. Melee Units; Upgrades to Axeman or Spearman)
  • Nomad (S/M: 1/2; Unique Unit for Maasai Empire; Replaces Settler; Can Only Defend; Can Found a New City; Ignores Terrain Movement Costs; +100% vs. Animals)
  • Nuclear Submarine (S/M: 30/8; Naval Unit; 1 Cargo Space (limited); Invisible; Can See Submarines; Can Move Through Impassable Terrain; Can Explore Rival Territory; Can Withdraw from Combat (75% Chance); +25% Attack vs. Battleship; +25% Defense vs. Submarine; Can Bombard City Defenses (-5%/Turn); Requires Robotics, Uranium)
  • Plumed Archer (S/M: 4/1; Archery Unit; Unique Unit for Mayan Empire; Replaces Archer; +25% Hills Defense; +25% vs. Melee Units; Requires Archery; Upgrades to Longbowman or Crossbowman)
  • Rajput (S/M: 9/1; Gunpowder Unit; Unique Unit for Indian Empire; Replaces Musketman; +50% City Strength; Requires Gunpowder)
  • Seimeni (S/M: 12/1; Gunpowder Unit; Unique Unit for Austrian Empire; Replaces Musketman; Requires Gunpowder)
  • Sipahi (S/M: 9/3; Mounted Unit; Unique Unit for Turkish Empire; Replaces Knight; +15% City Attack; Requires Guilds, Horseback Riding, Horse, and Iron; Upgrades to Cavalry)
  • Sopwith Camel (S/R: 8/4; Can Intercept Aircraft; Requires Flight, Oil)
  • Stratioti (S/M: 6/2; Mounted Unit; Unique Unit for Albanian Empire; Replaces Horse Archer; 0-1 First Strikes; Immune to First Stikes; Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses; +50% Attack vs. Catapult; Starts with Shock I, Formation I; Requires Horseback Riding, Archery, and Horse)
  • Swiss Mercenary (S/M: 6/1; Melee Unit; Unique Unit for Netherland Empire; Replaces Pikeman; +50% City Defense; +100% vs. Mounted Units; Requires Engineering and Iron; Upgrades to Rifleman or Grenadier)
  • T-34-85 (S/M: 28/2; Armored Unit; Unique Unit for Malinese Empire; Replaces Tank; Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses; Ignores Terrain Movement Costs; Can Withdraw from Combat (20% Chance); +20% Defense vs. Tank; Starts with Blitz; Requires Industrialism, Rifling, and Oil)
  • Tigre HAD (S/M: 24/5; Helicopter Unit; Unique Unit for Spanish Empire; Replaces Gunship; Cannot Capture Enemy Cities; Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses; Ignores Terrain Movement Costs; Can Intercept Aircraft (20% Chance); Can Withdraw from Combat (25% Chance); +100% vs. Armored Units; +50% vs. Helicopter Units; Requires Rocketry, Flight, and Oil)
  • Trebuchet (S/M: 8/1; Siege Weapon; Cannot Capture Enemy Cities; Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses; Can Withdraw from Combat (25% Chance); Causes Collateral Damage; +10% City Attack; Can Bombard City Defenses (-15%/Turn); Requires Civil Service, Engineering)
  • Trireme (S/M: 2/2; Naval Unit; Unique Unit for Carthaginian Empire; Replaces Galley; Cargo Space: 3; Cannot Enter Ocean; Requires Sailing)
  • Uhlan (S/M: 15/2; Mounted Unit; Unique Unit for Polish Empire: Replaces Cavalry; Can Explore Rival Territory; Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses; Ignores Terrain Movement Costs; Can WIthdraw from Combat (30% Chance); +50% Attack vs. Cannon; Requires Military Training, Gunpowder, Horseback Riding, Horse)
  • Vulture (S/M: 4/1; Melee Unit; Unique Unit for Sumerian Empire; Replaces Spearman; +2 First Strikes; +100% vs. Mounted Units; Requires Hunting; Upgrades to Pikeman)
  • Woomera Warrior (S/M: 2/1; Melee Unit; Unique Unit for Aborigine Empire; Replaces Warrior; 1-2 First Strikes; Can Withdraw from Combat (20% Chance); +25% City Defense)
  • Woomera Wielder (S/M: 1/2; Unique Unit for Aborigine Empire; Replaces Worker; Can Improve Tiles; +25% vs. Animals)
  • Zero (S/R: 12/8; Unique Unit for Japanese Empire; Replaces Fighter; Can Intercept Aircraft (50% Chance); Can Evade Interception (20% Chance); Can Destroy Tile Improvements and Bomb City Defenses (-5%/Turn); Requires Radio, Flight, and Oil)

  • Art Museum (+2 Happy; +4 Culture; +25% Culture; Requires Liberalism, Great Artist)
  • Boot Camp (+3 XP for Land Units; Requires Military Training, 4 Barracks)
  • Botanical Garden (+1 Happy; +2 Culture; +3 Health; Heals Units 10%; Requires Biology, Great Agriculturalist)
  • Buddhist Pilgrimage (+4 Culture, +1 GPP, +1 Happy if Buddhism is State Religion; Spreads Buddhism; Requires Meditation, Great Prophet)
  • Cannery (+1 Health; +5% Food Each for Clam, Crab, and Fish; Requires Steel)
  • Christian Pilgrimage (+4 Culture, +1 GPP, +1 Happy if Christianity is State Religion; Spreads Christianity; Requires Theology, Great Prophet)
  • Commercial Docks (+50% Trade Route Yield; Requires Corporation, Harbor)
  • Commodity Exchange (+50% Gold; Requires Corporation, Great Merchant)
  • Confucian Pilgrimage (+4 Culture, +1 GPP, +1 Happy if Confucianism is State Religion; Spreads Confucianism; Requires Code of Laws, Great Prophet)
  • Grange (+20% Food; Requires Great Agriculturalist)
  • Greenhouse (+1 Health, +5% Food Each for Banana, Corn, Rice, and Wheat; Requires Civil Service)
  • Hindu Pilgrimage (+4 Culture, +1 GPP, +1 Happy if Hinduism is State Religion; Spreads Hinduism; Requires Polytheism, Great Prophet)
  • Islamic Pilgrimage (+4 Culture, +1 GPP, +1 Happy if Islam is State Religion; Spreads Islam; Requires Divine Right, Great Prophet)
  • Jewish Pilgrimage (+4 Culture, +1 GPP, +1 Happy if Judaism is State Religion; Spreads Judaism; Requires Monotheism, Great Prophet)
  • Manufacturing Plant (+25% Hammers; +25% Hammers with Power; Can turn 2 Citizens into Engineer; +2 Unhealthy; Requires Assembly Line, Factory)
  • Masonic Hall (+25% Building Production; Requires Liberalism, Great Engineer)
  • Mass Transit (+2 Health; Requires Ecology, Combustion)
  • Military Academy (+4 Culture; +3 XP for New Units; +25% Military Production; Requires Great General)
  • Mill (+5% Hammers Each for Aluminum, Coal, Copper, Horse, Iron, Marble, Oil, Stone, and Uranium; +1 Unhealthy; Requires Engineering)
  • Offshore Platform (+1 Hammer on Water Tiles; +1 Unhealthy; Requires Plastics)
  • Ranch (+1 Health; +5% Food Each for Cow, Deer, Pig, and Sheep; Requires Animal Husbandry)
  • Science Museum (+4 Culture; +50% GP Birth Rate; Requires Scientific Method, Great Scientist)
  • Solar Plant (Provides Power; Can be built at maximum latitude of 60 degrees; Requires Factory, Ecology)
  • Sewer System (+2 Health; Requires Engineering)
  • Superhighway (+5% Commerce Each for Dye, Gems, Gold, Incense, Ivory, Silk, Silver, Spices, Sugar, and Wine; +2 Unhealthy; Requires Combustion)
  • Taoist Pilgrimage (+4 Culture, +1 GPP, +1 Happy if Taoism is State Religion; Spreads Taoism; Requires Philosophy, Great Prophet)

  • Adam Smith's Trading Company (+100% Trade Route Yield; +6 Culture; +2 GPP; Requires Economics, Harbor)
  • Akshardham (Religious Wonder; +50% Birth Rate in All Cities; +10 Culture; +2GPP; Requires Polytheism, Hinduism)
  • Alteneushul (Religious Wonder; +1 Happy in All Cities on Continent; +10 Culture; +2GPP; Requires Music, Judaism)
  • Arc de Triumph (National Wonder; Starts a Golden Age; +10 Culture; +2 GPP; Requires Military Tradition)
  • The Colosseum (+1 Happy; +1 Happy per 5% Culture Rate; +8 Culture; +2 GPP; Requires Construction)
  • Copernicus' Observatory (Free Observatory in Every City; +2 GPP; Requires Astronomy)
  • Cure For Cancer (Provides Cure for Cancer resource; +8 Culture; +2 GPP; Requires Genetics)
  • EPA (National Wonder; No Unhealthy from Buildings; Requires Ecology)
  • Five Dragon Temple (Religious Wonder; +2 Free Priests; +8 Culture; +2 GPP; Requires Literature, Taoism)
  • Fort Knox (+1 Gold per Specialist in All Cities; +4 Culture; +2 GPP; Requires Banking)
  • The Great Wall (Free Walls in Every City; +8 Culture; +2 GPP; Requires Masonry)
  • Jaguar Temple (Enables all Religion Civics; +6 Culture; +2 GPP; Requires Construction)
  • Knights Templar (Religious Wonder; Allows Crusader Unit; +6 Culture; +2 GPP; Requires Guilds, Christianity)
  • Leonardo's Workshop (+1 Hammer from Engineers in All Cities; +6 Culture; +2 GPP; Requires Machinery)
  • Magellan's Expedition (Free Navigation I Promotion to Naval Units Built in City; +4 Culture; +2 GPP; Requires Optics)
  • Marco Polo's Embassy (+1 Trade Routes in All Cities; +6 Culture; +2 GPP; Requires Paper, Palace)
  • Mausoleum of Maussollos (+2 Culture from All State Religion Buildings; Double Production Speed with Granite; +8 Culture; +2 GPP; Requires Philosophy)
  • Porcelain Tower (Religious Wonder; +2 Trade Routes; +6 Culture; +2 GPP; Requires Mathematics, Buddhism)
  • Red Fort (National Wonder; +100% Defense in City; +2 XP for new Land Units; +4 Culture; +1GPP; Requires Engineering, Walls)
  • Sankore University (+3 Science from All State Religion Buildings; Double Production Speed with Granite; +8 Culture; +2 GPP; Requires Feudalism)
  • Statue of Zeus (+2 Free Artist; Double Production Speed with Ivory; +8 Culture; +2 GPP; Requires Mathematics)
  • Summer Palace (Religious Wonder; Reduces Maintenance in Nearby Cities; +4 Culture; +1 GPP; Requires Confucianism)
  • Sun Tzu's Art of War (Free Art of War Promotion to Units Built in City; +6 Culture; +2 GPP; Requires Feudalism)
  • Temple of Artemis (+100% Food Stored After Grouwth; +2 Happy; +6 Culture; +2 GPP; Requires Polytheism)
  • Umayyad Mosque (Religious Wonder; Starts a Golden Age; +10 Culture; +2 GPP; Requires Divine Right, Islam)
Continued in next post...
CivMore Features (Continued)

  • Cotton (Luxury Resource; +1 Commerce; +1 Happy, +2 Commerce with Plantation)
  • Cure for Cancer (+1 Healthy; Requires Cure for Cancer)
  • Granite (Strategic Resource; +1 Hammer; +1 Hammer, +1 Commerce with Quarry)
  • Salt (Food Resource; +1 Food, +1 Commerce; +1 Health, +1 Food, +2 Commerce with Quarry)
  • Tobacco (Luxury Resource; +1 Commerce; +1 Happy, +3 Commerce with Plantation; Expires with Medicine)

  • Farmer (+1 Food; +1 Gold; +3 GPP)
  • Great Agriculturalist (requires Great Agriculturalist; +2 Food; +1 Hammer; +1 Science)
  • Great General (requires Great General; +2 Hammers, +4 Gold)
  • Sergeant (+1 Hammer; +1 Gold; +3 GPP)

  • Accuracy II (+10% City Bombard Damage; Requires Accuracy I)
  • Ambush II (+30% vs. Armored Units; Requires Ambush I or Combat IV)
  • Ambush III (+50% vs. Armored Units; +10% vs. Mounted Units; Requires Ambush II or Combat VI)
  • Ambush IV (+100% vs. Armored Units; -10% vs. all others except Mounted; Requires Ambush III)
  • Art of War (1 Extra First Strike; Requires Sun Tzu's Art of War)
  • Attack I (+20% Attack, -10% Defense)
  • Attack II (+25% Attack, -10% Defense; Requires Attack I)
  • Attack III (+30% Attack, -10% Defense; Requires Attack II)
  • Barrage IV (+100% Collateral Damage; Requires Barrage III)
  • Berserker I (+1 Movement Range; +20% Withdrawal Chance; -10% Strength; Requires Combat II)
  • Berserker II (Can Attach Multiple Times per Turn; Requires Berserker I)
  • Charge II (+30% vs. Siege Weapons; Requires Charge I or Combat IV)
  • Charge III (+50% vs. Siege Weapons; +10% vs. Archery Units; Requires Charge II or Combat VI)
  • Charge IV (+100% vs. Siege Weapons; -10% vs. All Others except Archery; Requires Charge III)
  • City Garrison IV (+35% City Defense; +10% vs. Siege Weapons; Requires City Garrison III)
  • City Raider IV (+35% City Attack; +10% Collateral Damage; Requires City Raider III)
  • Combat VI (+10% Strength; Heals Units in Same Tile Extra 10% Damage/Turn; Requires Combat V)
  • Cover II (+30% vs. Archery Units; Requires Cover I or Combat III)
  • Cover III (+50% vs. Archery Units; +10% vs. Siege Weapons; Requires Cover II or Combat V)
  • Cover IV (+100% vs. Archery Units; -10% vs. All Others Except Siege; Requires Cover III)
  • Drill V (Immune to First Strikes; +1 Extra First Strike; +1 Extra First Strike Change; +10% Strength; Requires Drill IV)
  • Expedition (+1 Movement Range; Requires Magellans Expedition)
  • Flanking III (+30% Withdrawal Chance; Immune to First Strikes; Requires Flanking II)
  • Formation II (+30% vs. Mounted Units; Requires Formation I or Combat IV)
  • Formation III (+50% vs. Mounted Units; +10% vs. Melee Units; Requires Formation II or Combat VI)
  • Formation IV (+100% vs. Mounted Units; -10% vs. All Others Except Melee)
  • Future Combat I (+15% Strength; Requires Combat I, Military Future Tech I)
  • Future Combat II (+20% Strength; Requires Combat II or Future Combat I, Military Future Tech II)
  • Future Combat III (+25% Strength; Requires Combat III or Future Combat II, Military Future Tech III)
  • Future Combat IV (+30% Strength; Requires Combat IV or Future Combat III, Military Future Tech IV)
  • Future Combat V (+35% Strength; Requires Combat V or Future Combat IV, Military Future Tech V)
  • Guerilla III (+50% Hills Defense; +10% vs. Animal Units; Requires Guerilla II)
  • Leadership (Can Attach Multiple Times per Turn; No Combat Penalty for Attacking from Sea; No Combat Penalty for Crossing River; Can Use Enemy Roads; Can Heal while Moving; Immune to First Strikes; +1 Visibility Range; +1 Movement Range; +20% Withdrawal Chance; +10% Collateral Damage; +1 Extra First Strike; +1 Extra First Strike Chance; Heals Extra 10% Damage/Tirn in All Lands; Heals Units in Same Tile Extra 10% Damage/Turn; +50% Strength; requires Great General)
  • Medic III (Heals Extra 10% Damage/Turn in Enemy Lands; Heals Units in Same Tile Extra 10% Damage/Turn; Heals Units in Adjacent Tiles Extra 10% Damage/Turn; Requires Medic II)
  • Mobility II (+1 Movement Range; Requires Mobility I)
  • Navigation III (+1 Movement Range; Requires Navigation II)
  • Pinch II (+30% vs. Gunpowder Units; Requires Pinch I or Combat III)
  • Pinch III (+50% vs. Gunpowder Units; +10% vs. Helicopter Units; Requires Pinch II or Combat V)
  • Pinch IV (+100% vs. Gunpowder Units; -10% vs. All Others Except Helicopter; Requires Pinch III)
  • Precision I (+20% vs. Air Units; Requires Combat I)
  • Precision II (+30% vs. Air Units; Requires Precision II or Combat III)
  • Sentry II (+1 Visibilty Range; Requires Sentry I)
  • Shock II (+30% vs. Melee Units; Requires Shock I or Combat III)
  • Shock III (+50% vs. Melee Units; +10% vs. Gunpowder Units; Requires Shock II or Combat V)
  • Shock IV (+100% vs. Melee Units; -10% vs. All Others Except Gunpowder; Requires Shock III)
  • Tactics I (+20% vs. Helicopter Units; Requires Combat II)
  • Tactics II (+30% vs. Helicopter Units; Requires Tactics I or Combat VI)
  • Tactics III (+50% vs. Helicopter Units; +10% vs. Armored Units; Requires Tactics II or Combat VI)
  • Tactics IV (+100% vs. Helicopter Units; -10% vs. All Others Except Armored; Requires Tactics III)
  • Tracking I (+40% vs. Animals)
  • Tracking II (+60% vs. Animals; Requires Tracking I)
  • Woodsman III (+50% Jungle and Forest Defense; +10% vs. Animal Units; Requires Woodsman II)

Leader Traits
  • Agricultural (+1 Food on Plots with 4 Food; Double Production Speed of Aqueduct; +50% Faster Production of Red Cross, The Hagia Sophia)
  • Commercial (+50% Hammers, +100% Commerce from Trade Routes; Double Production Speed of Airport, Commercial Docks; +50% Production of Globe Theatre, Smith's Trading Co.)
  • Defensive (Free Drill I, Drill II Promotion to Archery Units and Siege Weapons; Douple Production Speed of Walls, Castle; +50% Production of Chichen Itza, Red Fort)
  • Productive (+1 Hammer on Plots with 3 Hammers; Double Production Speed of Coal Plant, Hydro Plant, Nuclear Plant, and Solar Plant; +50% Production of Iron Works, Leonardo's Workshop)
  • Scientific (+10% Science; Double Production SPeed of Library, Laboratory; +50% Production of Oxford University, Great Library)
  • Seafaring (Free Combat I, Sentry I, Navigation I Promotion to Naval Units; Double Production Speed of Lighthouse, Drydock; +50% Production of Heroic Epic, Magellan's Expedition)

  • Aborigines (Leaders: Yagan, Yunupingu; Unique Units: Woomera Wielder, Woomera Warrior)
  • Abyssinia (Leader: Menelik; Unique Units: Ethiopian Archer, Askari)
  • Albania (Leaders: Gjergj Kastrioti, Teuta; Unique Units: Kalorse, Stratioti)
  • Austria (Leaders: Franz Josef, Maria Theresia; Unique Units: K.u.K. Infantrie, Seimeni)
  • Babylon (Leaders: Nabuchadrezzar II, Hammurabi; Unique Units: Babylonian Bowman, Babylonian Swordsman)
  • Canada (Leaders: MacDonald, Trudeau; Unique Units: Canada Corps, Avro Lancaster)
  • Carthage (Leader: Hannibal; Unique Units: Carthaginian War Elephant, Trireme)
  • Celts (Leaders: Boadicea, Vercingetorix; Unique Units: Gaelic Warrior, Gallic Swordsman)
  • Iroquois (Leaders: Ayenwatha, Deganawida; Unique Units: Mohawk Archer, Canoe)
  • Korea (Leaders: Sejong the Great, Wang Geon; Unique Units: Kobukson, KDX-II)
  • Maasai (Leaders: Lenana, Mbatian; Unique Units: Moran, Nomad)
  • Maya (Leader: Pacal II; Unique Units: Plumed Archer, Militia)
  • Netherlands (Leaders: Johan de Witt, Willem van Oranje; Unique Units: Swiss Mercenary, Cromster)
  • Nguni (Zulu) (Leaders: Cetshwayo, Shaka; Unique Units: Impi, Boer Mercenary)
  • Poland (Leaders: Casimir, Sobieski; Unique Units: Heavy Hussar, Uhlan)
  • Portugal (Leaders: Afonso Henriques, Henrique I; Unique Units: Carrack, Commando)
  • Scotland (Leader: Robert the Bruce; Unique Units: Highlander, Bombard)
  • Sumer (Leader: Gilgamesh; Unique Units: Vulture, Habiru)
  • Turks (Leaders: Ataturk, Mehmed II; Unique Units: Sipahi, Janissary)
  • Vikings (Leaders: Canute, Ragnar; Unique Units: Berserker, Longboat)

  • Afonso Henriques (Portuguese Empire; Expansive, Defensive)
  • Ataturk (Turkish Empire; Creative, Scientific)
  • Ayenwatha (Iroquois Empire; Expansive, Scientific)
  • Boadicea (Celtic Empire; Spiritual, Seafaring)
  • Canute (Viking Empire; Creative, Seafaring)
  • Casimir (Polish Empire; Organized, Productive)
  • Cetshwayo (Nguni Empire; Aggressive, Agricultural)
  • Deganawida (Iroquois Empire; Productive, Agricultural)
  • Franz Josef (Austrian Empire; Agricultural, Commercial)
  • Gilgamesh (Sumerian Empire; Productive, Defensive)
  • Gjergj Kastrioti (Albanian Empire; Agricultural, Scientific)
  • Hammurabi (Babylonian Empire; Seafaring, Productive)
  • Hannibal (Carthaginian Empire; Organized, Commercial)
  • Henrique I (Portuguese Empire; Seafaring, Agricultural)
  • Johan de Witt (Netherlands Empire; Organized, Scientific)
  • Lenana (Maasai Empire; Spiritual, Scientific)
  • MacDonald (Canadian Empire; Seafaring, Scientific)
  • Maria Theresia (Austrian Empire; Aggressive, Commercial)
  • Mbatian (Maasai Empire; Spiritual, Agricultural)
  • Mehmed II (Turkish Empire; Expansive, Agricultural)
  • Menelik II (Abyssinian Empire; Philosophical, Scientific)
  • Nabuchadrezzar II (Babylonian Empire; Productive, Scientific)
  • Pacal II (Mayan Empire; Creative, Productive)
  • Ragnar (Viking Empire; Aggressive, Seafaring)
  • Robert the Bruce (Scottish Empire; Industrious, Agricultural)
  • Sejong the Great (Korean Empire; Creative, Agricultural)
  • Shaka (Nguni Empire; Agricultural, Defensive)
  • Sobieski (Polish Empire; Defensive, Commericial)
  • Teuta (Albanian Empire; Seafaring, Commercial)
  • Trudeau (Canadian Empire; Organized, Agricultural)
  • Vercingetorix (Celtic Empire; Philosophical, Commercial)
  • Wang Geon (Korean Empire; Scientific, Defensive)
  • Willem van Oranje (Netherlands Empire; Financial, Scientific)
  • Yagan (Aborigine Empire; Spiritual, Defensive)
  • Yunupingu (Aborigine Empire; Creative, Defensive)

  • Apprenticeship (Education Civic; Low Upkeep; Unlimited Engineer; +20% Birth Rate; Workers Build +20% Faster; Requires Guilds)
  • Bid for Contract (Labor Civic; Low Upkeep; +25% Hammers in Capital; +25% Commerce from Trade Routes in All Cities; Requires Corporation)
  • Government Funded Health Care (Health & Social Civic; High Upkeep; +2 Health in All Cities; Unhappiness Penalty for Civs without; +1 Happy in Largest Cities; Requires Communism)
  • Heritage (Education Civic; Low Upkeep; +50% Culture in All Cities; Requires Mysticism)
  • Ignorance (Default Education Civic; No Upkeep)
  • Industrialism (Economy Civic; High Upkeep; +2 Unhealthy in All Cities; +25% Hammers in All Cities; Requires Industrialism)
  • Manifest Destiny (Legal Civic; High Upkeep; No Maintenance Costs from Number of Cities; Requires Divine Right)
  • Military Training (Education Civic; Medium Upkeep; Unlimited Sergeant; New Units Receive +2 XP; Requires Nationalism)
  • No Healthcare (Default Health & Social Civic; No Upkeep)
  • Private Healthcare (Health & Social Civic; Low Upkeep; +3 Healthy in All Cities; +1 Unhappy in Largest Cities; Requires Civil Service)
  • Private Schooling (Education Civic; Low Upkeep; +1 Free Specialist per City; +1 Unhappy in Largest Cities; Requires Education)
  • Public Schooling (Education Civic; High Upkeep; +10% Science in All Cities; +2 Happy from Library; Requires Mass Media)
  • Regulated Healthcare (Health & Social Civic; Medium Upkeep; Unlimited Farmer; +1 Health in All Cities; Requires Corporation)
  • Secularism (Religion Civic; Medium Upkeep; No State Religion; +1 Unhappy per Non-State Religion; +25% Science in All Cities; +1 Happy from Theatre and Jail; +2 Happy from Courthouse; Requires Constitution)
  • Separation of Powers (Government Civic; High Upkeep; +10% Food, Hammers, and Commerce in All Cities; Requires Printing Press)
  • Shamanism (Health & Social Civic; Low Upkeep; Military Units Produced with Food; Cities with State Religion Train Units +25% Faster; Requires Meditation)
  • Subsidized Health Care (Health & Social Civic; Medium Upkeep; +1 Health in All Cities; +1 Food from Town; Requires Medicine)

  • New Civic Category: Education
  • New Civic Category: Health & Social
  • New Cultural Level: Unmatched (250,000 culture on Normal game speed)
  • New Unit Class: Animal Units
  • New Victory Condition: One City Cultural Victory
  • New Victory Condition: Religious Victory

CivMore Full Change Log (Updated 6/30/06)


CivMore Known Bugs (Updated 5/11/06)
  • Kalorse Unit does not show properly (Art Define not set up properly; Fixed for next release)
  • Great General Unit does not get XP or Promotions from buildings in the city when he is born.
Found a bug? Please report it!

CivMore Planned Features & To-do list (Updated 5/11/06)
  • More Leader Traits
  • Second Unique Unit for each Civilization
  • Unique Building for each Civilization and/or Leader Trait (to spread out new buildings)
  • Unique Wonders or Wonder Production Bonuses for each Leader Trait (to spread out new wonders)
  • More Buildings
  • More Wonders
  • More Units
  • More Technologies (Particularly Future Tech)
  • More Promotions
  • Balance new additions and changes
  • Update GP types to incorporate new great people
  • Icons for all of the new elements
  • New skins for all of the new buildings and wonders
  • Interface Enhancements
  • Update Civilopedia Entries
Have a suggestion or idea? Please add your thoughts!
The civics screen is imporoperly sized, the cancel buttone is outside my screen so it can't be clacked on. Changing civics will lock you in the screen. Also at load there are some missing XML files, I think about the new Great People.
Looks good though, no complaints as it is alpha stage.
Looks very interesting! You have done a great deal of work here:goodjob: My only real critisism would be your "Darwin's Voyage" Wonder could probably be renamed Thoery of Evolution as in previous Civ games ;) Just to make more sense. Otherwise great work!!!!!!!!!! :goodjob: :goodjob:
Looks good (to copy things to my mod :lol:) Seriously, I would like to try it out, but IMHO you should reduce the maintance and civic costs etc. back to normal. Personally I have difficulties to keep my economy balanced and increased costs will make my game very difficult. I think I should "fix" it a little bit :mischief: :lol:
Good Sauce said:
The civics screen is imporoperly sized, the cancel buttone is outside my screen so it can't be clacked on. Changing civics will lock you in the screen. Also at load there are some missing XML files, I think about the new Great People.
Looks good though, no complaints as it is alpha stage.

I originally sized the civics screen to my 1280x1024 resolution; changing this to auto-size based on the resolution is one of the (many) things that I have yet to do with it. In the mean time, all of my changes were made using variables set at the beginning of the files; you can change the self.W_SCREEN and self.H_SCREEN variables in CvCivicsScreen.py to better suit your resolution.

As far as the XML errors are concerned, the gameplay is not affected at all. The two new great people (Great General and Great Agriculturalist) have Unit AI tags that aren't in the game, but that cannot be added until the SDK is available. The game treats these units as though NONE had been specified (don't worry; they still know how to use at least some of their functions properly).

Thanks for the feedback!
Aranor said:
Looks very interesting! You have done a great deal of work here:goodjob: My only real critisism would be your "Darwin's Voyage" Wonder could probably be renamed Thoery of Evolution as in previous Civ games ;) Just to make more sense. Otherwise great work!!!!!!!!!! :goodjob: :goodjob:

That was how I was going to do it originally, but my hesitation was that a 'Theory' would be more of a science or tech-related than a physical accomplishment or wonder. Any further thoughts on this?

Thanks for the feedback!
Pegasos said:
Looks good (to copy things to my mod :lol:) Seriously, I would like to try it out, but IMHO you should reduce the maintance and civic costs etc. back to normal. Personally I have difficulties to keep my economy balanced and increased costs will make my game very difficult. I think I should "fix" it a little bit :mischief: :lol:

While my reasoning seemed fair (as discussed in the first post), I had the same fear that you have with the economy: that it would be impossible to keep things balanced. I think, however, that you will find that while the increased costs do keep you from keeping your science at 100% (as intended), that many of the new features and changes of the mod will offset this. For instance:
  • Each civic category now has one option that requires no upkeep.
  • The new 'Manifest Destiny' Civic eliminates city maintenence costs due to the number of cities, and the new 'Bid for Contract' civic increases trade route yield by +25%.
  • Several new buildings help offset costs, including the 'Stock Exchange' (+50% Gold in city) and the 'Super Highway' (+5% Commerce for each Luxury Resource).
  • Several wonders also offset the costs, such as Adam Smith's Trading Company (+100% Commerce from Trade Routes) and Fort Knox (+1 Gold per Specialist in All Cities).

Give it a shot! I'm eager to hear your thoughts on this! As I mentioned in the first post, it is still in alpha... things may change! As a matter of fact, I'm looking to make changes, based on other players' suggestions...

Note: For those of you who are waiting for more details on the mod before posting, I will be adding the full list of features within the next couple of hours
The full list of features in CivMore has now been posted (see the second post).
Maybe add a credit list too? Many have helped making stuff you only add.
Of cource I had to try it out! And found your researh system (+=+5%:science: , -=-5%:science: ) very useful.:goodjob: How ever, my research (and obievously the opponents´ too) was allways 65%-80% and when I found a new city to some stupid island I had to drop it to 55%. I started on medieval (´cos I´m so lazy) and gunpowder was invented in ´bout year 1700!! It is very hard to grow fast if your every city outputs the maintance cost so much that you lose all your money!! :cry: I think that´s a problem, huh?
I think that the reason you have science 100% and a huge cash flow is that you dont make cities enough. I personally like to expand and those changes in economy are destroying player´s :science:!
There is however a solve to this problem! :old: If you low the cost of technologies ´bout 25-40% (I think 35 is the best) the technology wont suffer and no-one has 100%:science: and +20 :commerce: per turn.
Otherwise the conquering of aztecs is still as easy as allways.:spear: Thank you!
Just wanted to say that I really like this mod (played a few games). The reason for that is kind of cheezy: I like the agriculturalist. Play an OCC and see how big your city can get...especially after genetics...and I think that is fun. Yes, I am a simple man, with simple joy.
Totally awsome, if you added in the something like the Techslow mod... I would be estatic. really, I would love it so much ^^.
Zuul said:
Maybe add a credit list too? Many have helped making stuff you only add.

At this point in the project, every feature and change (including XML, graphics, and python scripting) was done by me alone; I wanted to set the tone of the mod, demonstrate my abilities, and demonstrate that I am fully commited to it before opening it up to the mod community. Granted, many of the features in the mod are similar to other mods and components that others have put forth, but this is purely coincidental.

Your 'Promotions and Perks' mod for instance (nice work, by the way) has many promotions that overlap with some of my new promotions, but (believe it or not) I had already made up a list of most of my promotion ideas back in late October/Early november only weeks after I had purchased the game. I did, however, draw some inspiration for future ideas from your mod, which I will gladly give you full credit for if and when I implement them.

That being said, there are several mods in which I looked at the code to gleam insight as to where to start with some of my own changes (for instance, the Civics screen from Kael's 'Fall from Heaven' Mod and the specialist menu from Snaitf's 'Great General' mod). However, all of my changes where unique and I did not steal, borrow, or otherwise copy any of their scripts. Just to play it safe though, I will go ahead and update the credits portion of my mod and this thread to acknowledge the insights presented by their mods.

I do appreciate your concerns. Rest assured: anyone who provides ideas, code, suggestions, graphics, playtesting, or any other way contributes to this mod will receive full credit for their contributions. I look forward to working more closely with the members of this community to make this mod all that it can be.

Thank you again for your concern.

Edit: The acknowledgements have been added to the first post and to the 'Credits' section of the civilopedia for the next release.
I think Mark V is in other mod(s) too. For example in Robo Composite. Have you made it´s graphics? I mean when you say that you´ve done everything in this mod yourself.
Well, to the point. I learned using XML a week or two ago and I have some great ideas for the civics. I could make you some and you can then fix them the way you want. I really would like to help you with this. ;)
Temple of Artemis (+100% Food Stored After Grouwth; +2 Happy; +6 Culture; +2 GPP; Requires Polytheism)

Won't this mean that the city will grow each turn until it reaches its maximum since each new size only requires 2 more food than the previous size?

Roger Bacon
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