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[Mod] Forced Labor


King of the Universe
May 24, 2012


  • Adds Forced Labor and Contractors as consumable Goods
  • Forced Labor can be acquired from pillaging enemy improvements
  • Forced Labor also has a small chance of being acquired from Tribal Camps
  • New buildings, the Prison (uses Citadel assets) and Penitentiary (uses Top Secret Military Base assets) gives a Security bonus and can craft Forced Labor
  • Contractors are crafted at the new building, the Union Hall (uses Theater assets)
  • Forced Labor and Contractors act as supply for Farms, Mines and Lumber Camps
  • Forced Labor and Contractors can also be city Amenities (see images for details)
Installation instructions:
  • If you haven't already done this, first step is to create a Mods folder in Documents/My Games/Ara History Untold
  • Extract the mod into the Mods folder
  • Find the Settings_v121 file. It's located in: Your Name/AppData/Local/Ara History Untold. Open the file with Notepad.
  • Scroll all the way to the bottom of the file. You will see EnableMods=0. Change the 0 to a 1
  • Below that you will see "GameCoreMod0Source=; Set name of directory in user mods folder to read mod source data from."
  • Make it look like this: GameCoreMod0Source=Forced_Labor_v2 or GameCoreMod1Source=Forced_Labor_v2 if the first setting is used
  • Save the file
  • Now you can launch the game and the mod will automatically load.
  • This is not compatible with any mod that makes changes to the Farm, Mine, and Lumber Camp improvements, any techs you see in the following images and the Army Rules and Tribal Loot files.















  • Prison_1.JPG
    80.8 KB · Views: 67
  • Prison_2.JPG
    59.1 KB · Views: 63
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Wow! It's been only a couple of weeks since you could get your hands on modding, and you're already creating such mods... what will happen with full modding potential? :D :thumbsup:

Is my assumption correct, that currently only data manipulation is possible, but there is no API access (or something similar)? I'm thinking about spawning Warbands if the City's happiness is low (like I'd do with Lua in Civ5 and 6), or policies and governments are not just a switch that you can change anytime, but there are more restrictions and dynamics.
Wow! It's been only a couple of weeks since you could get your hands on modding, and you're already creating such mods... what will happen with full modding potential? :D :thumbsup:

Is my assumption correct, that currently only data manipulation is possible, but there is no API access (or something similar)? I'm thinking about spawning Warbands if the City's happiness is low (like I'd do with Lua in Civ5 and 6), or policies and governments are not just a switch that you can change anytime, but there are more restrictions and dynamics.
I'm just working within the limits of the code in the zdata files. Always learn something new with each mod I release. I'm not sure if lua can work with this. Right now the game reads the Gamecorefile which only handles zdata files. There is a bit of flexibility with the buffs which are applied to just about everything. But right now we can't create the magic that lua has the power to do until the developers make it possible.
Big update: fixed improvement maintenance costs and tech costs for patch 1.0.5.

New improvement: Penitentiary. +25 security. Available at Assembly Line.
The Prison no longer has experts and the modern supplies were transferred to the Penitentiary.
Prison upgrades to Penitentiary.

Nerfed the amount of Forced Labor that can be pillaged from enemy improvements. The amount of Forced Labor that was being pillaged was ridiculous. Originally it was 1 Forced Labor for every 2 Production cost of the improvement. Now it's 1 Forced Labor for every 3 Production cost of the improvement. This is probably still a large quantity but reducing it any further would make the Wealth reward too small. The amount of Wealth that is pillaged is tied to the same setting unfortunately. So it's now 1 Wealth for every 3 Production cost of the improvement.

Edit: posted a quick update. Apparently I don't know basic math. It's now 1 Forced Labor for every 4 Production cost of the improvement being pillaged and 2 Wealth for every 4 Production cost of the improvement being pillaged. This returns the Wealth quantity back to the base game value.
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Going through your different mods, it seems mod compatibility is a bit of a hit or miss right now. For some reason, this mod works fine with mine, just changed the research costs and they slot in well with each other. As did your first Financial Institutions mod version. The 2nd version of FI and Cannery won't let Ara launch when combined with mine, and it's driving me insane how this mod is different from your others.

Edit: Seems Ara is fine with no more than 2 conflicting mods, the moment a third is introduced, it gives up. Figured this after swapping Forced Labor for your other mods, they all work except for when there's more than just 2 conflicting mods since Slower Techs conflicts with most of yours. I wonder if there's a way to export just the research cost values and import them in other mods. That or get Ara to accept more than 2 conflicting mods
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Going through your different mods, it seems mod compatibility is a bit of a hit or miss right now. For some reason, this mod works fine with mine, just changed the research costs and they slot in well with each other. As did your first Financial Institutions mod version. The 2nd version of FI and Cannery won't let Ara launch when combined with mine, and it's driving me insane how this mod is different from your others.

Edit: Seems Ara is fine with no more than 2 conflicting mods, the moment a third is introduced, it gives up. Figured this after swapping Forced Labor for your other mods, they all work except for when there's more than just 2 conflicting mods since Slower Techs conflicts with most of yours. I wonder if there's a way to export just the research cost values and import them in other mods. That or get Ara to accept more than 2 conflicting mods
Unfortunately you need to manually go through each one of my mods and update the tech costs to match yours. I haven't found another way to do this. I was planning on making a tech cost mod of my own but haven't yet for this reason. But then again if you did that, you wouldn't need the mod you created.
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