Hello, this is my Civilizations Mod Draft... most of my Gamplay changes are already made in other mods, but my Civics, Colonialism, UN, Congress, and Pact Treaties are not (I think...) (I have pasted this files from a text document, and the images that I have included at this text has no paste to this post... so if you want to see the images, I will include the original file so you can download it and see it's original source file with the images.)
1. Gameplay Changes
· The punctuation list will not have the leader’s name as identification, it will be the country’s name.
· The cities that the player have created or conquered can be razed later by pressing a button.
· Larger the maps size. Add a GIANT Map size 210*90 that can be choose to play in a random map, or as a size to start making a new map.
· Remove 18 player’s limit on the game. Put it up to 50 players in game.
· Archer Bombardment; all archer units can perform an archer bombardment to hurt other units.
· Flexible Borders; Enables borders to dynamically alter based on cultural influence driven war outcomes.
· Limited Religions. Each country only can found 1 religion. If a country that already found the Buddhism discovers first the Monotheism (which gives Judaism), then the Judaism will be found by the next country that discovers first the Monotheism that has not founded any religion yet.
· Attitude Icons. Attitude Icons besides the country’s name on the punctuation list based on its relation attitude with you. For example: for pleased, for friendly, for cautious, for annoyed, and for angry.
2. Civics and their effects
++++++++++++++POLITICAL ORGANIZATION+++++++++++++++++++++
(Starting Politic)
+5% Population growth rate in cities.
(Enabled by Monarchy Technology)
Game’s factory Bonuses.
(When this policy is established, a monarchy symbol should appear besides the country’s name at the punctuation list; just like the religion symbol when a country adopt it as national religion. This policy can be mixed with any economic policy, and if any other politic with symbol is chosen, should appear both symbols for identification. For example, if Parliamentary Monarchy is chosen with a Capitalist Market economy; should appear beside the country’s name in the punctuation list:
(Enabled by Constitution Technology)
+5% happiness in the 4 major cities.
(-10%) gold per turn because of corruption.
(By adopting this policy, a National Congress starts operations, which player must share political power.)
(When this policy is established, a democratic symbol should appear besides the country’s name at the punctuation list; just like the religion symbol when a country adopts it as national religion. This policy can be mixed with any economic policy, and if any other politic with symbol is chosen, should appear both symbols for identification.
For example, if player or IA choose Republic as political organization, and communism as economic policy, should appear besides it’s name on the punctuation list: )
(Enabled by Fascism Technology)
+20 free units.
+30% unhappiness in all cities.
+50% appears Great General.
+50% units production
No anarchy-rebellion episodes at all.
Policy LOCKED by: Bill of Rights, Welfare State, and International Rights Act’s policies.
(When this policy is established, a fascist symbol will appear besides the country’s name at the punctuation list; just like a religion symbol when a country adopts it as national religion. Fascist symbol may be the Nazi symbol: .
This policy can be mixed with Capitalist Market, or State Property… The Government’s political organization will not limit the economic options that will have the player or IA.
If, for example, a country establish a Capitalist Market with Fascist State, then should appear two symbols besides it’s name on the punctuation list: )
(Enabled by Democracy Technology)
+5 happiness in all cities.
+10% production in all cities.
(The player or IA has to be cautious in what actions takes such as war, international behavior, or other actions –or sanctions by the UN- that provoke unhappiness in the population. If they start to feel that their will is not being respected by the State’s administration and more than the 50% of the nation’s cities are unhappy, anarchy-rebellion episodes will start to happen. The only way to avoid this, is being very diplomatic with other countries, prefer talks before war, and control cities population growth to prevent its overpopulation and other negative points to the population’s happiness. If after a anarchy-rebellion episodes, the player or IA cuts the unhappiness cities to less than 50% of them, then anarchy-rebellion episodes stops to happen until it is not the half and over of unhappiness.)
(If this policy is adopted, a direct democracy symbol should appear besides the country’s name at the punctuation list; just like a religion symbol when a country adopt it as national religion. This policy can be established with any economic policy. If any economic policy that already has a symbol is established with this policy, then should appear both symbols besides the country’s name at the punctuation list. For example, if a country choose Direct Democracy with State Property, then should appear: )
++++++++++++WORKING CONDITIONS+++++++++++++++
(Starting Politic)
+50% born great character in all cities.
POLICY LOCKED BY: Bill of Rights, Welfare State, and International Rights Act.
(Enabled by Bronce Working Technology)
(-25%) population growth per city.
+10% gold commerce in all cities.
+1 unhappiness in all cities.
Workers +75% faster.
+20% probabilities an anarchy-rebellion episodes from slaves take place.
POLICY LOCKED BY: Bill of Rights, Welfare State, and International Rights Act.
(Slavery Abolition can be legislated by Congress and lock it for the rest of the game.)
(Enabled by Feudalism Technology)
+5% gold commerce in all cities.
Workers 50% faster.
POLICY LOCKED BY: Bill of Rights, Welfare State, and International Rights Act.
(Enabled by Capitalism Technology)
+10% gold per turn.
Workers +40% faster.
+10% production in all cities.
(Enabled by Communism Technology)
+1 happiness in all cities.
+10% research in all cities.
(-20%) gold per turn because of government’s debt increasement to cover payroll.
(Starting Politic)
+10% gold commerce in all cities
(Enabled by Banking)
Game’s factory bonuses and standards
(Enabled by Capitalism Technology)
+25% gold commerce in all cities
+100% born rate of a Great Merchant
+2 of insalubrity in all cities
(-1) relations to countries with State Property
(-1) relations to countries with Mercantilism
(When this policy is adopted, a capitalist symbol will appear besides the country’s name in the punctuation, like the religion symbol.)
(Enabled by Communism Technology)
-50% City maintenance cost
+35% gold commerce in all cities
Workers 25% faster
No foreign corporations allowed (but CAN fund a corporation)
(-1) relations to countries with Capitalist Market.
(When this policy is adopted, a communist symbol will appear besides the country’s name in the punctuation, like the religion symbol.)
(Enabled by Fascism Technology)
+25% Production of buildings
+25% Trade routes
-10% Inflation percent
No foreign corporations allowed. (But CAN fund a corporation)
(-1 relations to countries with Free Market)
+++++++++++++++++++CIVIL RIGHTS+++++++++++++++++++
(Starting Policy)
+10% unhappiness when other known country start to give other civil rights to its population.
+20% probabilities anarchy-rebellion episodes take place.
POLICY LOCKED BY: International Rights Act
(Enabled by Code of Laws Technology)
+2 unhappiness in all cities
+1 insalubrity
+20% to culture growth rate in all cities
POLICY LOCKED BY: International Rights Act.
(Enabled with Civil Service Technology)
+10% probabilities anarchy-rebellion episodes take place.
+30% culture rate growth in all cities.
(Religious Freedom is not guaranteed under this policy. Slavery, Serfdom, and other policies are not locked by this policy.)
POLICY LOCKED BY: International Rights Act.
(Enabled by Constitution Technology)
+2 happiness in all cities
+10% production in all cities
+50% culture rate growth in all cities
(By adopting this policy, Religious Freedom is granted by default on the Religion Politics area; the Caste System, Slavery, Serfdom, and religious oppressive policy would be locked and cannot be established again until Bill of Rights continue being an active law policy. Similarly, the Religious Freedom cannot be revoked or changed until Bill of Rights stills being part of the government’s policies.)
(Enabled by Communism Technology)
+30% happiness in all cities
(-15%) gold per turn because the increasement on the government’s debt to cover health care, social security, and other social programs.
+30% salubrity in all cities
(-25%) probabilities an anarchy-rebellion episode take place.
(Public Education and Advanced Education will the only Education’s policies available to choose with the establishment of this policy. Slavery, Caste System, Serfdom, Private Education, and self-taught/patriarchal education policies are locked under this policy. Religious Freedom is granted by this Policy at the Religion’s politics.)
(Starting Policy)
Cities defenses reduced 25%
(Enabled with Writting)
No unit keeping costs when fighting, moving, or standing in foreign territory.
(Enabled with Military Tradition)
+20 free units
+2 experience-training for new units produced in all cities.
(Enabled with Nationalism Technology)
+50 free units
(-10%) gold per turn
+20% appears great general.
+10% unhappiness in all cities
-15% probabilities anarchy-rebellion episodes take place
(Military Tradition Technology)
+30 free units
+2 experience-training points for new units
(-10%) gold per turn
+75% probabilities appears great general.
(Starting Policy)
+3 for research by each scientist in all cities
+50% born rate of great character in all cities
(-30%) probabilities anarchy-rebellion episodes take place)
POLICY LOCKED BY: Bill of Rights, Welfare State, International Rights Act.
(Enabled by Alphabet Technology)
+5% gold per turn
+5% research
+25% born rate of great character in all cities.
+10% unhappiness in all cities
(-20%) probabilities anarchy-rebellion episodes take place
POLICY LOCKED BY: Bill of Rights, Welfare State, International Rights Act.
(Enabled by Education Technology)
(-10%) gold per turn because increase in governments debt to cover the costs of maintain public schools and their payroll.
+10% research in all cities
+2 happiness in all cities
+10% probabilities anarchy-rebellion episodes take place because people know better about ideologies, philosophies, and government’s abuses of power.
(Enabled by Scientific Method Technology)
(-15%) gold per turn
+20% research in all cities
+3 happiness in all cities
+15% probabilities anarchy-rebellion episodes take place because of an educated population that recognize government’s tricks to fool them.)
(Starting Policy)
+3 salubrity in all cities
+2 happiness in all cities
+10% population growth rate in all cities
(This policy is necessary to establish the Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism as state’s main religion. This policy is not necessary to discover and found the holy city of any other religion, it’s jut necessary to establish any of that religions that I mention before as main one.)
(Enabled by Polytheism Technology)
+10% construction of Statue of Zeus, Temple of Artemis, and any other wonder related to polytheist backgrounds.
+50% born great artist in all cities.
(This policy is necessary to establish the Hinduism as state’s main religion. This policy is not necessary to discover and found the holy city of any other religion, it’s just necessary to establish the Hinduism as main one.)
(Enabled by Monotheism Technology)
+5% gold per turn
(-50%) anarchy-rebellion episodes take place.
+75% born great prophet.
(This policy is necessary to establish the Judaism, Christianity, or Islam as state’s main religion. This policy is not necessary to discover and found the holy city of any religion, it’s just necessary to establish any of that religions that I mention before as main one.)
(Enabled by Theology)
Other religion but the main state one can’t expand to country’s cities.
This is the only policy that enable the Inquisitor unit.
+2 unhappiness in cities by each non-state religion present in the city.
(This policy can be established under any state’s main religion and will retain the State’s religion symbol as the identification one in the punctuation list.)
(Enabled by Liberalism)
+20% Research in all cities
+1 unhappiness for each religion present in the city.
+1 unhappiness in all cities IF the country have a Holy City.
(-1) relations to countries that recognize a religion as main one.
(With this religion policy, the Holy City gains stop be perceived at all in the country’s economy. So, Agnostic Society policy should not be an attractive option for those players or IA’s that have a Holy City in their countries and don’t want to lose the Holy City’s benefits; and should not be at all an option to IA’s with Holy City. Then, this policy just should be an option to countries without a Holy City.
(If this policy is adopted, a symbol of antireligion should appear in the same place that should appear the symbol of state’s religion. The antireligion symbol should look like this one:
(Enabled by Liberalism)
+1 happiness with each religion present in the city
+10% research in all cities
+5% gold commerce in all cities
(By adopting this policy, the country is marking the separation between church and state, and in honor of this, the profits from the Holy Cities located inside the country would not longer be received; however, instead a 100% of these gains, the country’s economy will only perceive/receive a 30% of the Holy City gains as part of contributions over it. The total gains from the Holy City will still being perceived on the PNB of the nation as national income, even if it only receives a 30% of this gains. Country’s without a Holy City should not see any major economic impact difference with the separation between church and state; they only should perceive the loss of the other religion policy bonuses that they just left behind for this new one.)
If this policy is adopted, a symbol of Religious Freedom should appear in the same place that should appear the symbol of the state’s religion. The Religious Freedom symbol should look like this one:
POLICY GRANTED BY: Bill of Rights, Welfare State
++++++++++++++++++++INTERNATIONAL POLICY++++++++++++++++++++
(Initial Policy)
At the beginning, civs can’t conduct diplomacy until they know Writing (game’s factory setting)
(Enabled by Astronomy Technology)
+20% commercial trade routes
+10 Maritime units free
+25% production of settler unit
(Countries with this policy are the only ones allowed to have colonies.)
(Enabled by Nationalism Technology)
+30% production of military units in all cities.
+2 experience-training points to new units produced in all cities.
Can train and perform terrorist attacks on foreign cities
(Enabled by Philosophy Technology)
+25% units maintenance cost.
Can’t declare war to other countries.
+5 relations to countries with Pacifism.
+2 relations with all countries in the game.
(Enabled by Democracy Technology)
+4 experience-training points to new units in all cities.
(-50%) posibilities anarchy-rebellion episodes take place.
+2 relations with other countries with International Rights act
(The International Rights Act is an international bill of rights which defines the sovereign rights of each country, and the human rights that should enjoy all human beings in the world. It recognizes and seeks the Liberty and Education for all world’s population; and calls for a diplomatic and democratic world. Therefore, when establishing this policy:
Tribe, Fascist State, Caste System, Slavery, Serfdom, Non-existent rights, limited rights, puppet rights, Self-taught/patriarchal education, and private school are Locked.)
(-1) relations to countries with any or each of the following policies: Tribe, Fascist State, Caste System, Slavery, Serfdom, Non-existent rights, limited rights, puppet rights, self-taught/patriarchal education, and private education.
+1 relations to countries with any or each of the following policies: Parliamentary Monarchy, Republic, Direct Democracy, Bill of Rights, Welfare State, Public Education, Advanced Education, and Religious Freedom.
3. Diplomacy between countries and treaties
Opening of Land Borders: Only foreign land units can pass the country’s borders. Air units cannot use the cities as land base under this treaty if the Air Borders treaty is not signed.
Opening of Maritime Borders: Only maritime units can pass the maritime borders and use cities as bridges to pass from one ocean to another –like Panama Channel that if you have 1 city in a tile that have water in both sites, you can pass ships cross that cities to cut the way. So maritime units under this treaty can enter or pass into coast cities, but can’t unship any land units in that city if the Land Borders Treaty is not open.
Opening of Air Borders: When this trade is signed between two countries, then foreign airplanes can cross the country’s airspace borders to flight, or use cities as land base for air units.
Trade Openness: Trade Openness works only as an open door for the expansion of foreign corporations into the country. Until this trade isn’t conducted between two countries, no corporation can expand to country’s cities. Corporation’s units to expand can pass the borders if the Land Borders are open to cross the country with destination to another one that already have Trade Openness, but if this treaty of Trade Openness is not signed, corporation units can pass, but not expand the corporation.
(This try to fix the issue that countries in game start to expand their corporations all over other countries without asking or giving the opportunity to the other country to accept or reject the expenses that will result from a foreign corporation’s expansion into the country; making the country lose (-4) for each city with that foreign corporation. So, the land borders may be open, but to expand a corporation, the corporation unit will need first a Trade Openness in order to expand in that cities… Player or IA with a Corporation that wants to expand it, have to start pushing countries to sign Trade Openness Treaty with in order to expand their corporations all over the world.)
Defensive Pact: Just like the one that comes with the game.
Non-Aggression Pact: This agreement between two countries can be performed at anytime if both approve the sign of it. It guarantees that none of both countries will declare war to the other in the next 15 turns. (Like a Peace Treaty of 15 turns). After 15 turns, the Non-Aggression Pact is dissolved automatically, and if the countries want to prolong it, have to sign another one to have another 15 turns of non-aggression pact.
This pact can be used to lower the tension between two countries that are on the verge of a diplomatic catastrophe and war is imminent; or to ensure that an ally country will not intervene in a war conflict against the country that is signing the Non-Aggression Pact. This pact will be enabled with Military Tradition.
National Fusion: National Fusion it’s a redefinition of a Permanent Alliance in the original game. The difference between this National Fusion and the Permanent Alliance, is that under National Fusion only neighbors with 5 or more land squares as shared border can perform this pact. When a National Fusion occurs, the two countries in this transaction becomes one nation, and the weakest country of the two is absorbed by the strongest one (the one with major punctuation of both). In other words, the country with less points that sign this pact, disappears from the game, and the strongest one obtain all the territories, cities, technologies, and units that the weakest country has at the moment of the pact. The leaderhead of the new nation will be the strongest country one, and the color borders of all the nation will unify in one same successive color. (If the strongest country was white color borders, and the strongest was red, then by this pact the white will disappear and the red will advance and replace the places where was the white borders.)
The National Fusion, just like the Permanent Alliance and like a redefinition of this one, can be turned ON or OFF in the game rules before start a new game. When National Fusion occurs at advanced era where both countries are part of the UN, just the strongest country will remain representing the whole nation at the UN and the other one will be deleted. This pact will be enabled with Communism replacing the Permanent Alliances.
These 3 pacts will be the only ones available under the Political Relationships. Subordination will not be a voluntary option under Political Relationship. Similarly, the Colony, Autonomic Zone and Annexation will not be an option to choose as a political relationship between two countries, that nominations are only for new territories and conquered cities’ status choices.
Ceasefire: Just like the game meaning.
Peace Agreement: The Peace Agreement will be for 15 turns, andin the Peace Agreement Transaction to finish a war, countries both CANexchange cities, money, gold per turn, technology, etc. Peace treaty will not be limited to looser gives it all and winner takes it all, there can be transactions between two countries and looser can receive conquered cities from the winner in the same Peace Treaty at the same time that is giving other city, technology, or money for lose the war.
Subordination: Just like a Vassal request standards from the winner in the original game, just that the Vassal name change to Subordinate. (only can be given by a looser country at war; cannot be asked by a country to another without war, and cannot be voluntary offered by a country to another as a diplomatic political relationship.)
Unconditional Defeat: This only can be asked and given when the results of war have devastated the looser country overwhelmingly, as the loss of 50% of its territory; and everything points to a total occupation of the country. When a country is forced to sign an Unconditional Defeat agreement to finish war, the looser country is forced to adopt the PACIFISM policy and maintain all the borders open with the winner country for 100 turns, making that looser country unable to conduct war or be a threat for a while and an open land for units and commercial route to the winner… but instead, all the occupied cities during war by the winner will be returned to the looser’s country; this Treaty will only guarantee that the looser country will not be a threat in the next 100 turns, and that maybeall the devastation it suffered during the war will prevent him from becoming again a threat at the completion of the 100 turns of this treaty. For IA’s… it would be better accept an Unconditional Defeat Treaty, because they will get back all the territory that they lose in the war by the winner country and have the chance to recover and reorganize it’s forces to start being a great power again at the end of the 100 turns treaty under Pacifism.
Human Players can be forced by IA’s and other human players to accept an Unconditional Defeat too… human players in this mod will take anything that is on the game, and that includes be forced to sign an Unconditional Defeat from a IA or other human player…
Under Peace Treaties, this 4 will be the only ones available treaties to sign peace. Asking the looser country to convert into a colony, or autonomic zone, or annexation will not be possible as a Peace Treaty; these nominations are just for conquered and created territories, not for territories that have not been conquered at all and remains with leader. If the player or IA wants to make the whole country in war a colony, will have to conquest all of it and then define the whole new territory conquered as a Colony.
City Sale: In the game, IA’s and Players are only allowed to give a city as gift, but not ask money for it. It would be nice if you can Unlock that, and a player or IA can propose a city sale to another player or IA for money or technology. Of course, IA’s have to be programmed to not put on sale a good city for money or technology, just to offer the ones that are unproductive and their maintenance cost is higher than it’s monetary contribution to the country’s incomes from cities… like islands and cities localized in desserts for example.
Pressure: In the game, there is no button to make pressure over a country in some situation, there is just a button that makes the requirement as a tribute… but that not sounds too nice if comes from countries with International Rights Act for example… so it would be nice if you can change that words to ‘’We require you to take this action’’ , and in the relations, instead of saying ‘’(-x) you refused to give us a tribute’’, it should say: ‘’(-x) you refused to comply with our requests’’; and ‘’(-x) you make us an hostile requirement’’.
There should be two buttons for this diplomatic action, one in the requirement tone like the one that I said before, and the other one in recommendation-friendly tone just to create some pressure on the other country about the picked topic. For example if I go to talk with Russian leader, and I want to make pressure over Catherine to pressure to end Russia’s war against Germany, I choose
SIGN PEACE WITH… HITLER, and should appear this buttons for the action to take about that topic:
-What do you want for this? (game standard choice)
-We require you to take this action… (requirement tone)
-We recommend you to take this action… (friendly tone)
The difference between friendly and requirement tone is that under friendly tone you don’t get immediately the ‘’(-1) you make us an hostile requirement’’, but if you push frequently about same issue in a friendly way, then will appear a ‘’(-2) We feel very pressured by you…’’.
1. Gameplay Changes
· The punctuation list will not have the leader’s name as identification, it will be the country’s name.
· The cities that the player have created or conquered can be razed later by pressing a button.
· Larger the maps size. Add a GIANT Map size 210*90 that can be choose to play in a random map, or as a size to start making a new map.
· Remove 18 player’s limit on the game. Put it up to 50 players in game.
· Archer Bombardment; all archer units can perform an archer bombardment to hurt other units.
· Flexible Borders; Enables borders to dynamically alter based on cultural influence driven war outcomes.
· Limited Religions. Each country only can found 1 religion. If a country that already found the Buddhism discovers first the Monotheism (which gives Judaism), then the Judaism will be found by the next country that discovers first the Monotheism that has not founded any religion yet.
· Attitude Icons. Attitude Icons besides the country’s name on the punctuation list based on its relation attitude with you. For example: for pleased, for friendly, for cautious, for annoyed, and for angry.
2. Civics and their effects
++++++++++++++POLITICAL ORGANIZATION+++++++++++++++++++++
(Starting Politic)
+5% Population growth rate in cities.
(Enabled by Monarchy Technology)
Game’s factory Bonuses.
(When this policy is established, a monarchy symbol should appear besides the country’s name at the punctuation list; just like the religion symbol when a country adopt it as national religion. This policy can be mixed with any economic policy, and if any other politic with symbol is chosen, should appear both symbols for identification. For example, if Parliamentary Monarchy is chosen with a Capitalist Market economy; should appear beside the country’s name in the punctuation list:
(Enabled by Constitution Technology)
+5% happiness in the 4 major cities.
(-10%) gold per turn because of corruption.
(By adopting this policy, a National Congress starts operations, which player must share political power.)
(When this policy is established, a democratic symbol should appear besides the country’s name at the punctuation list; just like the religion symbol when a country adopts it as national religion. This policy can be mixed with any economic policy, and if any other politic with symbol is chosen, should appear both symbols for identification.
For example, if player or IA choose Republic as political organization, and communism as economic policy, should appear besides it’s name on the punctuation list: )
(Enabled by Fascism Technology)
+20 free units.
+30% unhappiness in all cities.
+50% appears Great General.
+50% units production
No anarchy-rebellion episodes at all.
Policy LOCKED by: Bill of Rights, Welfare State, and International Rights Act’s policies.
(When this policy is established, a fascist symbol will appear besides the country’s name at the punctuation list; just like a religion symbol when a country adopts it as national religion. Fascist symbol may be the Nazi symbol: .
This policy can be mixed with Capitalist Market, or State Property… The Government’s political organization will not limit the economic options that will have the player or IA.
If, for example, a country establish a Capitalist Market with Fascist State, then should appear two symbols besides it’s name on the punctuation list: )
(Enabled by Democracy Technology)
+5 happiness in all cities.
+10% production in all cities.
(The player or IA has to be cautious in what actions takes such as war, international behavior, or other actions –or sanctions by the UN- that provoke unhappiness in the population. If they start to feel that their will is not being respected by the State’s administration and more than the 50% of the nation’s cities are unhappy, anarchy-rebellion episodes will start to happen. The only way to avoid this, is being very diplomatic with other countries, prefer talks before war, and control cities population growth to prevent its overpopulation and other negative points to the population’s happiness. If after a anarchy-rebellion episodes, the player or IA cuts the unhappiness cities to less than 50% of them, then anarchy-rebellion episodes stops to happen until it is not the half and over of unhappiness.)
(If this policy is adopted, a direct democracy symbol should appear besides the country’s name at the punctuation list; just like a religion symbol when a country adopt it as national religion. This policy can be established with any economic policy. If any economic policy that already has a symbol is established with this policy, then should appear both symbols besides the country’s name at the punctuation list. For example, if a country choose Direct Democracy with State Property, then should appear: )
++++++++++++WORKING CONDITIONS+++++++++++++++
(Starting Politic)
+50% born great character in all cities.
POLICY LOCKED BY: Bill of Rights, Welfare State, and International Rights Act.
(Enabled by Bronce Working Technology)
(-25%) population growth per city.
+10% gold commerce in all cities.
+1 unhappiness in all cities.
Workers +75% faster.
+20% probabilities an anarchy-rebellion episodes from slaves take place.
POLICY LOCKED BY: Bill of Rights, Welfare State, and International Rights Act.
(Slavery Abolition can be legislated by Congress and lock it for the rest of the game.)
(Enabled by Feudalism Technology)
+5% gold commerce in all cities.
Workers 50% faster.
POLICY LOCKED BY: Bill of Rights, Welfare State, and International Rights Act.
(Enabled by Capitalism Technology)
+10% gold per turn.
Workers +40% faster.
+10% production in all cities.
(Enabled by Communism Technology)
+1 happiness in all cities.
+10% research in all cities.
(-20%) gold per turn because of government’s debt increasement to cover payroll.
(Starting Politic)
+10% gold commerce in all cities
(Enabled by Banking)
Game’s factory bonuses and standards
(Enabled by Capitalism Technology)
+25% gold commerce in all cities
+100% born rate of a Great Merchant
+2 of insalubrity in all cities
(-1) relations to countries with State Property
(-1) relations to countries with Mercantilism
(When this policy is adopted, a capitalist symbol will appear besides the country’s name in the punctuation, like the religion symbol.)
(Enabled by Communism Technology)
-50% City maintenance cost
+35% gold commerce in all cities
Workers 25% faster
No foreign corporations allowed (but CAN fund a corporation)
(-1) relations to countries with Capitalist Market.
(When this policy is adopted, a communist symbol will appear besides the country’s name in the punctuation, like the religion symbol.)
(Enabled by Fascism Technology)
+25% Production of buildings
+25% Trade routes
-10% Inflation percent
No foreign corporations allowed. (But CAN fund a corporation)
(-1 relations to countries with Free Market)
+++++++++++++++++++CIVIL RIGHTS+++++++++++++++++++
(Starting Policy)
+10% unhappiness when other known country start to give other civil rights to its population.
+20% probabilities anarchy-rebellion episodes take place.
POLICY LOCKED BY: International Rights Act
(Enabled by Code of Laws Technology)
+2 unhappiness in all cities
+1 insalubrity
+20% to culture growth rate in all cities
POLICY LOCKED BY: International Rights Act.
(Enabled with Civil Service Technology)
+10% probabilities anarchy-rebellion episodes take place.
+30% culture rate growth in all cities.
(Religious Freedom is not guaranteed under this policy. Slavery, Serfdom, and other policies are not locked by this policy.)
POLICY LOCKED BY: International Rights Act.
(Enabled by Constitution Technology)
+2 happiness in all cities
+10% production in all cities
+50% culture rate growth in all cities
(By adopting this policy, Religious Freedom is granted by default on the Religion Politics area; the Caste System, Slavery, Serfdom, and religious oppressive policy would be locked and cannot be established again until Bill of Rights continue being an active law policy. Similarly, the Religious Freedom cannot be revoked or changed until Bill of Rights stills being part of the government’s policies.)
(Enabled by Communism Technology)
+30% happiness in all cities
(-15%) gold per turn because the increasement on the government’s debt to cover health care, social security, and other social programs.
+30% salubrity in all cities
(-25%) probabilities an anarchy-rebellion episode take place.
(Public Education and Advanced Education will the only Education’s policies available to choose with the establishment of this policy. Slavery, Caste System, Serfdom, Private Education, and self-taught/patriarchal education policies are locked under this policy. Religious Freedom is granted by this Policy at the Religion’s politics.)
(Starting Policy)
Cities defenses reduced 25%
(Enabled with Writting)
No unit keeping costs when fighting, moving, or standing in foreign territory.
(Enabled with Military Tradition)
+20 free units
+2 experience-training for new units produced in all cities.
(Enabled with Nationalism Technology)
+50 free units
(-10%) gold per turn
+20% appears great general.
+10% unhappiness in all cities
-15% probabilities anarchy-rebellion episodes take place
(Military Tradition Technology)
+30 free units
+2 experience-training points for new units
(-10%) gold per turn
+75% probabilities appears great general.
(Starting Policy)
+3 for research by each scientist in all cities
+50% born rate of great character in all cities
(-30%) probabilities anarchy-rebellion episodes take place)
POLICY LOCKED BY: Bill of Rights, Welfare State, International Rights Act.
(Enabled by Alphabet Technology)
+5% gold per turn
+5% research
+25% born rate of great character in all cities.
+10% unhappiness in all cities
(-20%) probabilities anarchy-rebellion episodes take place
POLICY LOCKED BY: Bill of Rights, Welfare State, International Rights Act.
(Enabled by Education Technology)
(-10%) gold per turn because increase in governments debt to cover the costs of maintain public schools and their payroll.
+10% research in all cities
+2 happiness in all cities
+10% probabilities anarchy-rebellion episodes take place because people know better about ideologies, philosophies, and government’s abuses of power.
(Enabled by Scientific Method Technology)
(-15%) gold per turn
+20% research in all cities
+3 happiness in all cities
+15% probabilities anarchy-rebellion episodes take place because of an educated population that recognize government’s tricks to fool them.)
(Starting Policy)
+3 salubrity in all cities
+2 happiness in all cities
+10% population growth rate in all cities
(This policy is necessary to establish the Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism as state’s main religion. This policy is not necessary to discover and found the holy city of any other religion, it’s jut necessary to establish any of that religions that I mention before as main one.)
(Enabled by Polytheism Technology)
+10% construction of Statue of Zeus, Temple of Artemis, and any other wonder related to polytheist backgrounds.
+50% born great artist in all cities.
(This policy is necessary to establish the Hinduism as state’s main religion. This policy is not necessary to discover and found the holy city of any other religion, it’s just necessary to establish the Hinduism as main one.)
(Enabled by Monotheism Technology)
+5% gold per turn
(-50%) anarchy-rebellion episodes take place.
+75% born great prophet.
(This policy is necessary to establish the Judaism, Christianity, or Islam as state’s main religion. This policy is not necessary to discover and found the holy city of any religion, it’s just necessary to establish any of that religions that I mention before as main one.)
(Enabled by Theology)
Other religion but the main state one can’t expand to country’s cities.
This is the only policy that enable the Inquisitor unit.
+2 unhappiness in cities by each non-state religion present in the city.
(This policy can be established under any state’s main religion and will retain the State’s religion symbol as the identification one in the punctuation list.)
(Enabled by Liberalism)
+20% Research in all cities
+1 unhappiness for each religion present in the city.
+1 unhappiness in all cities IF the country have a Holy City.
(-1) relations to countries that recognize a religion as main one.
(With this religion policy, the Holy City gains stop be perceived at all in the country’s economy. So, Agnostic Society policy should not be an attractive option for those players or IA’s that have a Holy City in their countries and don’t want to lose the Holy City’s benefits; and should not be at all an option to IA’s with Holy City. Then, this policy just should be an option to countries without a Holy City.
(If this policy is adopted, a symbol of antireligion should appear in the same place that should appear the symbol of state’s religion. The antireligion symbol should look like this one:
(Enabled by Liberalism)
+1 happiness with each religion present in the city
+10% research in all cities
+5% gold commerce in all cities
(By adopting this policy, the country is marking the separation between church and state, and in honor of this, the profits from the Holy Cities located inside the country would not longer be received; however, instead a 100% of these gains, the country’s economy will only perceive/receive a 30% of the Holy City gains as part of contributions over it. The total gains from the Holy City will still being perceived on the PNB of the nation as national income, even if it only receives a 30% of this gains. Country’s without a Holy City should not see any major economic impact difference with the separation between church and state; they only should perceive the loss of the other religion policy bonuses that they just left behind for this new one.)
If this policy is adopted, a symbol of Religious Freedom should appear in the same place that should appear the symbol of the state’s religion. The Religious Freedom symbol should look like this one:
POLICY GRANTED BY: Bill of Rights, Welfare State
++++++++++++++++++++INTERNATIONAL POLICY++++++++++++++++++++
(Initial Policy)
At the beginning, civs can’t conduct diplomacy until they know Writing (game’s factory setting)
(Enabled by Astronomy Technology)
+20% commercial trade routes
+10 Maritime units free
+25% production of settler unit
(Countries with this policy are the only ones allowed to have colonies.)
(Enabled by Nationalism Technology)
+30% production of military units in all cities.
+2 experience-training points to new units produced in all cities.
Can train and perform terrorist attacks on foreign cities
(Enabled by Philosophy Technology)
+25% units maintenance cost.
Can’t declare war to other countries.
+5 relations to countries with Pacifism.
+2 relations with all countries in the game.
(Enabled by Democracy Technology)
+4 experience-training points to new units in all cities.
(-50%) posibilities anarchy-rebellion episodes take place.
+2 relations with other countries with International Rights act
(The International Rights Act is an international bill of rights which defines the sovereign rights of each country, and the human rights that should enjoy all human beings in the world. It recognizes and seeks the Liberty and Education for all world’s population; and calls for a diplomatic and democratic world. Therefore, when establishing this policy:
Tribe, Fascist State, Caste System, Slavery, Serfdom, Non-existent rights, limited rights, puppet rights, Self-taught/patriarchal education, and private school are Locked.)
(-1) relations to countries with any or each of the following policies: Tribe, Fascist State, Caste System, Slavery, Serfdom, Non-existent rights, limited rights, puppet rights, self-taught/patriarchal education, and private education.
+1 relations to countries with any or each of the following policies: Parliamentary Monarchy, Republic, Direct Democracy, Bill of Rights, Welfare State, Public Education, Advanced Education, and Religious Freedom.
3. Diplomacy between countries and treaties
Opening of Land Borders: Only foreign land units can pass the country’s borders. Air units cannot use the cities as land base under this treaty if the Air Borders treaty is not signed.
Opening of Maritime Borders: Only maritime units can pass the maritime borders and use cities as bridges to pass from one ocean to another –like Panama Channel that if you have 1 city in a tile that have water in both sites, you can pass ships cross that cities to cut the way. So maritime units under this treaty can enter or pass into coast cities, but can’t unship any land units in that city if the Land Borders Treaty is not open.
Opening of Air Borders: When this trade is signed between two countries, then foreign airplanes can cross the country’s airspace borders to flight, or use cities as land base for air units.
Trade Openness: Trade Openness works only as an open door for the expansion of foreign corporations into the country. Until this trade isn’t conducted between two countries, no corporation can expand to country’s cities. Corporation’s units to expand can pass the borders if the Land Borders are open to cross the country with destination to another one that already have Trade Openness, but if this treaty of Trade Openness is not signed, corporation units can pass, but not expand the corporation.
(This try to fix the issue that countries in game start to expand their corporations all over other countries without asking or giving the opportunity to the other country to accept or reject the expenses that will result from a foreign corporation’s expansion into the country; making the country lose (-4) for each city with that foreign corporation. So, the land borders may be open, but to expand a corporation, the corporation unit will need first a Trade Openness in order to expand in that cities… Player or IA with a Corporation that wants to expand it, have to start pushing countries to sign Trade Openness Treaty with in order to expand their corporations all over the world.)
Defensive Pact: Just like the one that comes with the game.
Non-Aggression Pact: This agreement between two countries can be performed at anytime if both approve the sign of it. It guarantees that none of both countries will declare war to the other in the next 15 turns. (Like a Peace Treaty of 15 turns). After 15 turns, the Non-Aggression Pact is dissolved automatically, and if the countries want to prolong it, have to sign another one to have another 15 turns of non-aggression pact.
This pact can be used to lower the tension between two countries that are on the verge of a diplomatic catastrophe and war is imminent; or to ensure that an ally country will not intervene in a war conflict against the country that is signing the Non-Aggression Pact. This pact will be enabled with Military Tradition.
National Fusion: National Fusion it’s a redefinition of a Permanent Alliance in the original game. The difference between this National Fusion and the Permanent Alliance, is that under National Fusion only neighbors with 5 or more land squares as shared border can perform this pact. When a National Fusion occurs, the two countries in this transaction becomes one nation, and the weakest country of the two is absorbed by the strongest one (the one with major punctuation of both). In other words, the country with less points that sign this pact, disappears from the game, and the strongest one obtain all the territories, cities, technologies, and units that the weakest country has at the moment of the pact. The leaderhead of the new nation will be the strongest country one, and the color borders of all the nation will unify in one same successive color. (If the strongest country was white color borders, and the strongest was red, then by this pact the white will disappear and the red will advance and replace the places where was the white borders.)
The National Fusion, just like the Permanent Alliance and like a redefinition of this one, can be turned ON or OFF in the game rules before start a new game. When National Fusion occurs at advanced era where both countries are part of the UN, just the strongest country will remain representing the whole nation at the UN and the other one will be deleted. This pact will be enabled with Communism replacing the Permanent Alliances.
These 3 pacts will be the only ones available under the Political Relationships. Subordination will not be a voluntary option under Political Relationship. Similarly, the Colony, Autonomic Zone and Annexation will not be an option to choose as a political relationship between two countries, that nominations are only for new territories and conquered cities’ status choices.
Ceasefire: Just like the game meaning.
Peace Agreement: The Peace Agreement will be for 15 turns, andin the Peace Agreement Transaction to finish a war, countries both CANexchange cities, money, gold per turn, technology, etc. Peace treaty will not be limited to looser gives it all and winner takes it all, there can be transactions between two countries and looser can receive conquered cities from the winner in the same Peace Treaty at the same time that is giving other city, technology, or money for lose the war.
Subordination: Just like a Vassal request standards from the winner in the original game, just that the Vassal name change to Subordinate. (only can be given by a looser country at war; cannot be asked by a country to another without war, and cannot be voluntary offered by a country to another as a diplomatic political relationship.)
Unconditional Defeat: This only can be asked and given when the results of war have devastated the looser country overwhelmingly, as the loss of 50% of its territory; and everything points to a total occupation of the country. When a country is forced to sign an Unconditional Defeat agreement to finish war, the looser country is forced to adopt the PACIFISM policy and maintain all the borders open with the winner country for 100 turns, making that looser country unable to conduct war or be a threat for a while and an open land for units and commercial route to the winner… but instead, all the occupied cities during war by the winner will be returned to the looser’s country; this Treaty will only guarantee that the looser country will not be a threat in the next 100 turns, and that maybeall the devastation it suffered during the war will prevent him from becoming again a threat at the completion of the 100 turns of this treaty. For IA’s… it would be better accept an Unconditional Defeat Treaty, because they will get back all the territory that they lose in the war by the winner country and have the chance to recover and reorganize it’s forces to start being a great power again at the end of the 100 turns treaty under Pacifism.
Human Players can be forced by IA’s and other human players to accept an Unconditional Defeat too… human players in this mod will take anything that is on the game, and that includes be forced to sign an Unconditional Defeat from a IA or other human player…
Under Peace Treaties, this 4 will be the only ones available treaties to sign peace. Asking the looser country to convert into a colony, or autonomic zone, or annexation will not be possible as a Peace Treaty; these nominations are just for conquered and created territories, not for territories that have not been conquered at all and remains with leader. If the player or IA wants to make the whole country in war a colony, will have to conquest all of it and then define the whole new territory conquered as a Colony.
City Sale: In the game, IA’s and Players are only allowed to give a city as gift, but not ask money for it. It would be nice if you can Unlock that, and a player or IA can propose a city sale to another player or IA for money or technology. Of course, IA’s have to be programmed to not put on sale a good city for money or technology, just to offer the ones that are unproductive and their maintenance cost is higher than it’s monetary contribution to the country’s incomes from cities… like islands and cities localized in desserts for example.
Pressure: In the game, there is no button to make pressure over a country in some situation, there is just a button that makes the requirement as a tribute… but that not sounds too nice if comes from countries with International Rights Act for example… so it would be nice if you can change that words to ‘’We require you to take this action’’ , and in the relations, instead of saying ‘’(-x) you refused to give us a tribute’’, it should say: ‘’(-x) you refused to comply with our requests’’; and ‘’(-x) you make us an hostile requirement’’.
There should be two buttons for this diplomatic action, one in the requirement tone like the one that I said before, and the other one in recommendation-friendly tone just to create some pressure on the other country about the picked topic. For example if I go to talk with Russian leader, and I want to make pressure over Catherine to pressure to end Russia’s war against Germany, I choose
SIGN PEACE WITH… HITLER, and should appear this buttons for the action to take about that topic:
-What do you want for this? (game standard choice)
-We require you to take this action… (requirement tone)
-We recommend you to take this action… (friendly tone)
The difference between friendly and requirement tone is that under friendly tone you don’t get immediately the ‘’(-1) you make us an hostile requirement’’, but if you push frequently about same issue in a friendly way, then will appear a ‘’(-2) We feel very pressured by you…’’.