[MOD] Medieval: Conquests


Jack of All Trades
Mar 25, 2008
Marooned, Y'isrumgone
It is the year 476 the last Roman Emperor of the Western Empire has fallen ushering in the Dark Ages....

Welcome to Medieval: Conquests, where you must raise your fledgling tribe to become the supreme power of the age.

DOWNLOADS moved to Here

Note to Islam Civs: As of this version the main focus has been on European History and themes so most of the buildings and units reflect that. I am more familiar with these concepts so that is what I worked on first. However, I have been accumulating ideas and researching history to make a good simulation of the Islamic Civs as well. It is something I plan to implement in the future.

Suggestions and Future Ideas

Things to Note and Reported Bugs
-Founding Fathers are not complete. Most of the Art and new Fathers are in the game but all of the old FF stats are basically the same. They will be changed with play testing.
-The Professions Pedia is still incomplete
-The Medieval Tutorial in the game can be turned off in player options
-And right now for some nations things may be a bit off, for instance with the Vikings and Mongols its the "Adviser" that declares war on you when its not suppose to be. In a future update I hope to have it set up so that the game spawns the actual Enemy nation to do war with the player. In the mean time just try to over look it :)

The SDK is in the 2.0 Download. All the Changes that I made all start with ///TK or #TK in Python. They should be marked as ///TKs at the start of the change then ///TKe at the end but no guarantees:crazyeye:

A BIG Thanks to::goodjob:

Mastrude, Nightinggale, Aymeric, Deliverator, KJ Jansson, Androrc the Orc, TC01, drjest2000, The Turk for Ideas, Code, Art, Tutorials etc.
Bakuel for his awesome Arabian style units, and orlanth for the opening movie.
Thanks to raystuttgart and the team at TAC for their awesome mod. I borrow some units so far but I am sure I'll get more later.

And lots of others I'll name as I go about this. If I have missed someone please let me know.

Feedback, Suggestions, and Playtesting
Thanks to Mastrude, Nightinggale, raystuttgart , Jennvare, Dragonlord, KJ Jansson, Thonnan, Deon, Radunz, millansoft, and any others I may have missed

New Concepts:

Tons of new things have been added, units, professions, buildings, lots of art, you name it. There is a small tutorial so the best thing to do is just start the game and discover things as you go :)

Land starts: some Civs start on land and have a different type of Europe. Their ships can not sail to Europe but instead your units must use the Pedler and Merchant Professions to travel to the Fair to sell goods.

Rebel Sentiment: is now changed to Fealty but works the same.

Immigration: Introducing Live Immigration 1.0. Only effective on Civs with Land starts at the moment. On Landstart Civs immigrants will auto travel from "distant lands" through the Europe Screen or they may appear at any friendly foreign City and automaticly begin to travel to your Domain.

Also there are multiple factors that effect Immigration. Those being Religion, Education, and Fealty. The formula is Religion + (Fealty+ Education) / 2.

Crosses is now Religion and Rebel Sentiment is now Fealty. The amount of Immigration and Culture a city produces can be seen in the Prosperity help text in your Cities.

Independence: has been changed some what. Civs now have Conquests. Conquests differ from Leader to Leader. Some Leaders must build up their power and Proclaim to be Emperor and then defeat the Popes Holy Expeditionary Force. Leaders such as Saladin must defeat the Crusaders and the Byzantines must put down the Ottoman Threat.

You can start your Conquests at 50% Fealty or it will start automatically after 350 turns so be prepared. In a future update I'll make it so you get a bonus if you manage to start your Conquest early.

Population Growth: Your towns produce Serfs when enough Food is stored. With research you can produce Free Peasants instead. Also, Pages are produced with enough stored Luxury Food. Luxury Food is produced by your Butchers and Bakers.

Culture: is now its own Yield with buildings that produce it. Much like Immigration Culture is actually effected by other yields. Those being Culture, Religion, and Education.

Invader Leaders: some Leaders have the Invader trait. Invaders can not found villages until they raze their first one. They start with extra units. Removed in 2.0

Trade Points: New Trade Screen and trade points. As you buy and sale in the game you gain trade points that slowly unlock new Trade Routes and other features.

Alternate Equipment- There is now Alternate Equipment. Say, if a Heavy Infantry requires Scale armor but there is Mail armor in the City the unit will equip them Mail armor instead of the Scale and gain a bonus to strength.

Secondary Professions- Some units now have secondary professions in that they gain a bonus to Professions they are familiar with. Such as a Blacksmith and Weapon-smith are familiar with each others profession and gain a 50% bonus when working as such.

Education- Any unit can work in Education buildings now. Units that do not graduate will simply accumilate Education for that city. Education helps build up Culture as mentioned above.


List of current Civs included
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Arabs NonePlayable as of 2.0
Mongols NonePlayable as of 2.0
Scandinavia NonePlayable as of 2.0
Turks NonePlayable as of 2.0

Barbarian Tribes
Norwegian Vikings

Cast of Characters:
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Slave- Captured Pilgrims become slaves. lowest production rate, can not be educated but can serve in military or learn from natives at a very slow rate. You can also purchase slaves.
Outlaws- captured Marauders become Outlaws, low production rate, can be rehabilitated using courthouses, can be Peddlers and gain a bonus to land purchases (Criminal Mind), educated to Serf
Cottar- these guys are the homeless of the medieval times. low production rate, can be educated to serf, in real life they worked for peasants, can be Peddlers
Serf- bound to the lords land, low production rate, can be educated to Peasant, can not be Pedlers
Peasant- the freemen of the medieval age, can be educated to any other profession
Page- a young nobleman, can not be military, educates to Squire, produced from Luxury Food overflow
Squire- can be military, can be knighted on field of battle,
Specialist- this are the Masters and Experts of your realm, can be knighted from their trade as well in battle
Wily Trader- Similar to Season Scouts and they get a bonus to Land Purchaces. Use them to found new cities if the land is owned by Barbarians
Nobleman- begin with the knight promotion

Animals- They Growl
Pilgrims- Pilgrims may appear and travel to your domain to visit Shrines leaving behind a bonus to Culture and gold.
Marauders/Bandits- appear near Barbarian villages from time to time to harass Pilgrams and your peasants

New Professions and Armor:
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Peddler and Merchant- Civs that start on land must take on the Pedler profession in order trade with Europe at the start of the game. Later on they you can build Caravans. Note the Supply Train can not travel to Europe.

Military Professions-Armored Knight, Knight, Longbowman, Archer, Crossbowman, Heavy Skirmisher, Skirmisher, Infantry, Heavy Infantry, and Pikeman

The new Military Professions all have their own unique attributes and strategies in use.

There is also new Equipment for your units in the form of Armor; Leather, Scale, Mail, and Plate. There is now Alternate Equipment as well. Say, if a Heavy Infantry requires Scale armor but there is Mail armor in the City the unit will equip them Mail armor instead of the Scale and gain a bonus to strength.


Knights are the strongest Profession in the game. Only Noblemen or units that have acquired the Knighted Promotion can be Knights. You must first research Feudalism in order to have the Knight Profession. There are several ways to acquire Knights. One is from Noblemen Immigrating to your towns. You can also have your Butchers and Bakers make Luxury Food. When Enough Luxury Food is stored it will be spent to make a Page unit. Page units can only work in your cities but they gain education from any task you assign them to do. Once they have been educated they will be promoted to a Squire. Squires work much the same as Peasants except they can be promoted to Knights on the field of Battle or they can become Noblemen by working in your Townhalls, Palace, Manor, etc.


Untrained units that have a Military Profession and are Garrisoned in your cities will train each turn. After a certain time they will gain experience. This can only happen once per unit. Veterans are already Trained.

Arabian Styles

New Combat System

There are some new combat concepts in the game already. First Strikes from Civ4 have be reintroduced. Your Archers, Crossbowman, and Longbowman professions all gain First Strikes.

Also, certain Professions get Combat attributes like Shield Block, Parry. I plan to expand this further and add more discriptions later.
After combat you can check the Combat Log and it will note all the Actions that took place during the battle like First Strikes, Blocks, Crushing Blows, and Glancing Blows that do half damage.

New Buildings:

Armor-smith Buildings- As you research new technologys you can learn to produce new types of Armor at your armor forges. To select witch type of Armor to produce click the Armorsmith building and a popup will appear.
Warehouse- There is a new feature where certain Buildings allow you to autosell goods and some also add extra storage space for certain goods.
And Lots More

New Features:

Pope's Censures- If you anger the Pope he will Invoke Censures that penalize your realm. No more Tea Parties!

New Trade Point System- As you buy and sell goods you receive Trade Points. Trade Points unlock new features and Trade Routes where you can trade your goods. Open Borders is now Trade Relations... they give you Trade Points each turn. At the start of the game, units can not travel to any Trade Screen Market. You have to unlock them with Trade Points. Trade Points are earned from building Roads, Trading Posts, Markets, and Warehouses. Also, from making Trade Relations pacts with other Civs. The first Trade Screen Market you unlock is the Spice Route, a sea route. Different markets have different prices as well.

I through these SS together pretty quick, not the best
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Alliances- Form Alliances with the Barbarians in the form of Vassals. You can make Vassal demands every so many turns.

Autosell Goods- Certain Buildings allow you to turn on auto selling of goods no matter how much goods you have stored. To access this feature click the Trade Post, Market, or Guild button in the city screen. Goods you can autosell will have a gold pile present. Check the gold pile and each turn you will auto sell some of those goods. Buildings that autosell goods this way also work just like the old Warehouse. Even if the good is not checked for autosell if you have more goods in storage then you can store they will automatically be sold instead of lost.

Insults- There are new Diplomacy Options in the form of Insults. The AI will remember for a time that you have insulted them. It is also a good way to pick a fight.

Cost to Purchase- once you have revealed all plots surrounding a plot that is owned by barbarians you will then be able to see how much the plot would cost if you tried to found a city there. Wily Traders and Criminals get a reduction to buying land.

Spice Trade and Silk Trade- Trading with barbarians is the only way to acquire Spice and Silk and it is a good way to build up your gold reserves early on.

Starting Buildings- There are fewer buildings when you found a settlement. In addition to the starting buildings each village will have a free building depending on what yields that are produced in the surrounding plots.

Research- The Inventor mod is in effect in this mod with many additions. In medieval times trade generated communication and communication generated invention. That being so selling goods in Europe or to Barbarians generates a bonus to research.

City Types:
Villages- most peasants can found villages. Special Buildings- Guild Hall, Marketplace, Trading Post
Monasteries- founded by Monks or Missionaries. Special Building- Monastery, Shrine, Library
Outpost- Military Units found Outposts then can be upgraded later to a Castle. There are two types of Castles with Motte and Baileys being the first type you can build. They must be researched before you can build them. Your workers must build them and they require the materials noted in the help text to be present on the building site of the Castle. They have build times like improvements but once built they start with additional military buildings.

New Commands:
Hire Guides- Peddlers and None Combat units can hire a guide at a barbarian village. These guides will protect the unit from Animal attacks and Bandits, they give the No Bad Goodies bonus and a movement increase of 1. It cost 10 gold per turn to employ a guide.
Establish Trading Posts- You can use your Peddlers to set up trading posts at Barbarian villages. These generate Trade Points each turn and also city icons appear telling you what valuable goods are in the village
Collect Taxes- Once you have an Alliance or Vassal your units can have the Tax collector Profession. Move the unit to the Vassal city and start collecting Taxes! The higher the population in the village the higher the more taxes you collect.

New Improvements:
Horse Pens, Sheep Farms and Cattle Farms- these improvements are special in that they require either the City to have Sheep or Cattle yields or there must be Sheep or Cattle bonuses on the tile. These improvements produce two different yields at once. Cattle Farms produce Cattle and Food, Sheep Farms produce Sheep and Wool.
Watch Towers- Watch towers once researched should be built near Barbarian Villages. They will warn you of impending Marauder attacks and tell you how many days (turns) until the Marauders appear. They also add a defense bonus to the tile.
Strongholds-There are two types, the increase the defense of a plot plus add bonuses


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Suggestions and Future Ideas
-Cloth is required for Ships sails
-Granary keeps a small amount of food instead of it being reduced to 0
-Slaves have a reduced food cost
-add Medical, Chemisty, Gunpower techs
-add Animals like wolves, bears, etc
-Herdsman/Shepards can gather sheep/cattle bonuses and move them closer to a town
-Agriculture bonues like Grapes, Barley, and Cotton can be "planted" much like sheep/cattle can now

Adding new XML descriptions
If you would like to help out in adding descriptions to all the new units, buildings, etc here is a small tutorial to help you out. There are several free programs you can download for making editing XML files real easy. I use Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition, Notepad++ is also a good one.

In this example I'll be adding descriptions for the Village Well.

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1. First open Civ4BuildingsInfo.xml and Civ4GameText_Medieval in your editor.
2. Add the below tags marked in red to in the Civ4BuildingsInfo.xml
3. Then in Civ4GameText_Medieval add the following code.
    <English>Village Well</English>
    <French>Village Well</French>
    <German>Village Well</German>
    <Italian>Village Well</Italian>
    <Spanish>Village Well</Spanish>
    <English>Wells allows your peasants to draw water from a nearby source</English>
    <French>Wells allows your peasants to draw water from a nearby source</French>
    <German>Wells allows your peasants to draw water from a nearby source</German>
    <Italian>Wells allows your peasants to draw water from a nearby source</Italian>
    <Spanish>Wells allows your peasants to draw water from a nearby source</Spanish>
    <English>[COLOR_BUILDING_TEXT]Village Wells[COLOR_REVERT] add two extra [COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT]Food[COLOR_REVERT] each turn to your food stores. They are best built early on as they effectively allow one extra Population without having to produce more [COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT]Food[COLOR_REVERT] with [COLOR_UNIT_TEXT]Farmers[COLOR_REVERT] or [COLOR_UNIT_TEXT]Fisherman[COLOR_REVERT].</English>
    <French>[COLOR_BUILDING_TEXT]Village Wells[COLOR_REVERT] add two extra [COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT]Food[COLOR_REVERT] each turn to your food stores. They are best built early on as they effectively allow one extra Population without having to produce more [COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT]Food[COLOR_REVERT] with [COLOR_UNIT_TEXT]Farmers[COLOR_REVERT] or [COLOR_UNIT_TEXT]Fisherman[COLOR_REVERT].</French>
    <German>[COLOR_BUILDING_TEXT]Village Wells[COLOR_REVERT] add two extra [COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT]Food[COLOR_REVERT] each turn to your food stores. They are best built early on as they effectively allow one extra Population without having to produce more [COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT]Food[COLOR_REVERT] with [COLOR_UNIT_TEXT]Farmers[COLOR_REVERT] or [COLOR_UNIT_TEXT]Fisherman[COLOR_REVERT].</German>
    <Italian>[COLOR_BUILDING_TEXT]Village Wells[COLOR_REVERT] add two extra [COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT]Food[COLOR_REVERT] each turn to your food stores. They are best built early on as they effectively allow one extra Population without having to produce more [COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT]Food[COLOR_REVERT] with [COLOR_UNIT_TEXT]Farmers[COLOR_REVERT] or [COLOR_UNIT_TEXT]Fisherman[COLOR_REVERT].</Italian>
    <Spanish>[COLOR_BUILDING_TEXT]Village Wells[COLOR_REVERT] add two extra [COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT]Food[COLOR_REVERT] each turn to your food stores. They are best built early on as they effectively allow one extra Population without having to produce more [COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT]Food[COLOR_REVERT] with [COLOR_UNIT_TEXT]Farmers[COLOR_REVERT] or [COLOR_UNIT_TEXT]Fisherman[COLOR_REVERT].</Spanish>
Thats it basically. Notice how if you surround a word with a text color code it will change the color of the word in your description. There are lots of colors you can use and you can look at other text xml files for examples. [COLOR_UNIT_TEXT] is yellow.

The different languages are for the language you have selected to play the game in. So if you know more than one language you can add different translations for the text.

Also you can create your own Civ4GameText files. A simple way is to just copy an existing file. Rename it to Civ4GameText_MyTextFile (or whatever). Then open it, delete all the existing tags and start adding your own. Just make sure your file is in the same folder as the other text files.

Spoiler :
Hi, Kailric!

My congratulations with the release of "Medieval: Conquests!"


I could test next week when my game PC will be back from the service.


-The .tga Font Icons are a still in testing phase and may appear a bit "off".

OK, I can open your GameFonts files on my laptop. It looks something wrong with alpha channel. I will try to fix.

BTW, do you changed something in source codes to read GameFont files of different size&configuration? Your GameFont files are (896 x 320), comparing to original ones (640 x 320).
Hi, Kailric!

My congratulations with the release of "Medieval: Conquests!"


I could test next week when my game PC will be back from the service.


OK, I can open your GameFonts files on my laptop. It looks something wrong with alpha channel. I will try to fix.

BTW, do you changed something in source codes to read GameFont files of different size&configuration? Your GameFont files are (896 x 320), comparing to original ones (640 x 320).

Yeah, I actually made the file bigger as you say to fit in all the new Yield Icons. I may have discovered a another way to do this without making it bigger as making it bigger has messed up the City Billboard icons. Fixing the Fonts so that they look perfect in the game is very tedious for me so I went the short route and didn't make the Alpha channel icons perfect instead just made a square block under each font icon.

There are two rows of Yields in the tga. The top row is for the icons of the Yields themselves and the bottom row is icons for the Buildings in the Domestic Advisor. I am thinking I can just move the Domestic Advisors down one row, adjust the number for that building in the XML, and then continue my yields by starting a new row instead of making the whole image larger.

Also, I first worked on the fonts on my laptop and some how the text fonts got a bit off and appear choppy in the game. I want to fix all of that but like I said it is very tedious and takes me a long time and just haven't wanted to work on that yet. If you could fix those all up that would be awesome for sure.

I had to adjust the number that defines the Missionary Icon for each civ as well, the icon that appears over a Native city when you have a mission present. I just haven't figured out yet how to get the rebel or defense icons to appear over the City Billboard yet though. But I am hoping if I can adjust the size of the tga back to its orginal size it will fix this.
Yes, I see you changed only two rows in GameFonts: the first row of Yields and the second row for the Buildings in the Domestic Advisor.

Now I am interesting to make a template for GameFonts of (1920 x 320) in size instead of original (640 x 320).

1920 = 3 x 640 and such size is required for maximum possible number of new resources that could be added.

Then I will add your icons on it and fix some problems.

How do you think such large GameFonts will work or not? If not, I will just fix your existing GameFonts files.
Yes, I see you changed only two rows in GameFonts: the first row of Yields and the second row for the Buildings in the Domestic Advisor.

Now I am interesting to make a template for GameFonts of (1920 x 320) in size instead of original (640 x 320).

1920 = 3 x 640 and such size is required for maximum possible number of new resources that could be added.

Then I will add your icons on it and fix some problems.

How do you think such large GameFonts will work or not? If not, I will just fix your existing GameFonts files.

Just updated first post with some Screenshots. Anyway, not sure how making the gamefonts even larger will effect the game. I don't know much about it all except what I learned from trial and error. So, if you want to fix it either way that would be great. I was wanting to fix it so that the little Defense and Rebel icons are back over the top of the City Billboards...

Pics Removed

I haven't found any place in the xml that adusts what icons appear above the City Billboard. So, I am thinking if I resized the tga files back to its orginal size it may fix the above problem. I did find the place where the Missionary Icons are defined and I had to adjust those so they would appear correct while in the game.
I prepared two templates for large number of yields. (1920 x 320) in size for GameFont.tga and (1536 x 256) for GameFont_75.tga.

Now I'm ready to edit your Gamefonts. However, I have one proposal.

Icons in your Gamefonts and icons of Goods in .....Art\Buttons\Resources directory look different (YIELD_LEATHER_ARMOR, etc.) I propose to use the goods icons from .....Art\Buttons\Resources directory. To my opinion they are perfect.

Concerning "Defense and Rebel icons over the top of the City Billboards" I suppose it's a Python problem. Now without game I cannot answer more exactly.
I prepared two templates for large number of yields. (1920 x 320) in size for GameFont.tga and (1536 x 256) for GameFont_75.tga.

Now I'm ready to edit your Gamefonts. However, I have one proposal.

Icons in your Gamefonts and icons of Goods in .....Art\Buttons\Resources directory look different (YIELD_LEATHER_ARMOR, etc.) I propose to use the goods icons from .....Art\Buttons\Resources directory. To my opinion they are perfect.

Concerning "Defense and Rebel icons over the top of the City Billboards" I suppose it's a Python problem. Now without game I cannot answer more exactly.

Yeah, changeing all the game fonts to match that of the Icons is on the list to do. So, if you wanted to do that, that would be perfect. Also, the grapes resource Icon at the bottom that I used is not really grapes but dye I think, so if you wanted go ahead and fix that as well.

Edit: Also, your Food Icon would be nice if used in the fonts instead of the chewed off piece of bread.
OK! I start to work based on your available icons. I can also to change some of them on a little bit better (more clear) analogue. If these changes would be too bad for you, I will restore your variant.
OK! I start to work based on your available icons. I can also to change some of them on a little bit better (more clear) analogue. If these changes would be too bad for you, I will restore your variant.

I trust your judgement KJ so I am sure what ever changes you make they will be good. Also, I mentioned this above but will repost it incase you missed it...
...your Food Icon would be nice if used in the fonts instead of the chewed off piece of bread. Edit (for Luxury Food that is)
Great to see the release of this mod - just downloaded it and looking good! It will be awhile before I can fully explore all the new features.

BTW if you want some more medieval music, have a browse through the sound pack I'd made for the Warhammer mod. Not all of it will be appropriate for this mod but there's some good stuff in there.
Hi, Kailric!

Here a modified set of GameFonts for your mod.

Please, try. You are free to ask any changes or corrections. You are the author of "Medieval: Conquests" mod and I propose only my variant. Now I have a basic version of your fonts that could be changed/corrected.

Please, check also the second line of icons for the Buildings in the Domestic Advisor. In your original files (in Dxbmp program) I can see last Horse. This is a second Horse (why???). This Horse icon is absent in an usual viewer.

Everybody are free to download and exchange GameFont files for "Medieval: Conquests" mod. They are located in
C:\Program Files\2K Games\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization IV Colonization\Mods\Medieval Tech\Assets\res\Fonts
directory. I strictly recommend to make a backup copy of original fonts before!

I made GameFonts in the extended format. GameFont.tga has size 1920 x 320, GameFont_75.tga - 1536_256. This is a very useful combination for mods with many resources.

They looks in Dxbmp program as shown on screen:

Wow, thats really great work, KJ. Works perfect in the game as well. I hated working on those tga files. I usually messed things up so bad that it took a long time to get it all back right again.

I do have a few suggestions...

1. the new cattle font looks more like a panther when in the game. I actually want to change the current Holstein cow on the bonus art to look more like a medieval cow. One of the things on the list to do.

2. The Loyalty Crown font could be a bit bigger to be on scale with the other fonts. Just stretching it taller would work.

3. The new Research font looks too futuristic. Should be changed to something more medieval looking. Maybe changed to some Medieval invention that can be turn into an icon. I want to change the Research Advisor button art as well to look more medieval as there was no "Lightbulbs" at that time :crazyeye: I never really liked the :science: icon to represent research as it represents Chemistry mostly.

4. The grapes font should be of a purple color as purple/red is more associated with wine and it would stand out more. Right now when in the game its hard to tell what the font is.

I will have to edit the Civilization art XML to adjust the Missionary icons but that shouldn't be a problem.

The "rebel sentiment" and "defense" icons on the city billboards are still missing so I will look into what causes that.

Thanks, for your Help KJ, looking good. I have a couple other graphic adjustments and fixes to make and I want to add some new maps so I'll be making a patch sometime soon and I'll add your fonts then.
1. Holstein cow:


2. The Loyalty Crown

OK, bigger

4. The grapes of a purple color


3. The new Research font looks too futuristic. Should be changed to something more medieval looking. Maybe changed to some Medieval invention that can be turn into an icon. I want to change the Research Advisor button art as well to look more medieval as there was no "Lightbulbs" at that time :crazyeye: I never really liked the :science: icon to represent research as it represents Chemistry mostly.
This is a rather complicated point. Really, this icon looks too futuristic. But what could be used as a symbol of IDEAS in medieval ages? Some symbols of alchemy, or maybe something from church? :confused:
Here the corrected version of GameFonts.

List of changes:

1. Holstein cow,
2. The Loyalty Crown is bigger,
3. Old style candle is used as Research icon, (3 icons are included Ideas.rar file)
4. The grapes of a purple color.

Added 3 new icons for Research/Ideas

View attachment Ideas_Button.bmp


Here the corrected version of GameFonts.

List of changes:

1. Holstein cow,
2. The Loyalty Crown is bigger,
3. Old style candle is used as Research icon, (3 icons are included Ideas.rar file)
4. The grapes of a purple color.

Added 3 new icons for Research/Ideas

View attachment 278505

The Candle idea is great and I like it a lot. I'll make a candle research advisor button to go along with them all. Grapes look perfect now.

What I was saying about Holstein is Holsteins are modern cows not medieval so at some point I want to change up all the Icons and nifs to look more like a medieval cow. I haven't looked into it yet though.

The crown font looks a bit off now in the game, looks more like a tea cup :). Are you able to play the game yet? That way you can test things out yourself and see how they look.

EDit: Actually, there is already a Holstein cow font in the font.tga. But while we are talking about it does anyone know of any Civ4 cow Resource nif that would be more Medieval. I guess for now I could just rekin the Holstien. Maybe use the Supply Cart skin as a template. That way we would take care of that change.
The crown font looks a bit off now in the game, looks more like a tea cup :).

Well, I just re-open files again and I am agree. The crown really looks as a cup. Probably, I will take other icon of different shape.

Are you able to play the game yet? That way you can test things out yourself and see how they look.

Not yet. These idiots in our local service ordered some part for my PC by post exactly before Christmas, but .... They promised me that this week all will be ready.

As far as I remember, the GameFonts files look terrible in a normal viewer, but in the game they look much better. Probably background graphics helps...
Hi Kailric!

I updated the GameFonts with a new crown icon. New set of fonts is in GameFonts variant 3.rar archive.

This Crown_Loyalty icon looks as


3 Crown_Loyalty icons are included in Crown_Loyalty.rar

I found one mistake in the CIV4YieldInfos.xml and in "resource_icons_64ea.dds" files.
In CIV4YieldInfos.xml you have the same


for both YIELD_STONE and YIELD_SPICES. <iTextureIndex> must be different if you want to show both yields on the screen.

I fixed your "resource_icons_64ea.dds" file, because YIELD_SPICES was absent in your original file at all. I fully remade "resource_icons_64ea.dds" and add some corrections in CIV4YieldInfos.xml. Both these files are in Resource_icons fixed.rar archive.

"Resource_icons_64ea.dds" file now looks as

I leaved Tobacco icon because inside there are enough free space to add new resources, if you decide to do it later.

And finally concerning "Holstein cow".

Sorry, but yesterday I didn't understand you. Well, probably you are right and cows about 1000 years ago had a different view. However, I don't like the idea to repaint Holstein cow in brown or black color. Such repainted cow will be as a bison/buffalo. You can see here, for instance. The problems of identification will be if you or somebody decided to add bison/buffalo animals in your mod.


The Missionary font buttons are included in GameFonts variant 4 Crosses

P.S. Older versions of GameFonts and Resource files are removed. New versions are available in post #24.


Cool. Downloading when I get the chance.
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