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- Jan 1, 2006
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- 32
Well, its a start, and I got modest plans, but I thought I would start a thread, and just update as I bring it in, that way I got a place to keep semi-stable versions of my mod - heh
Anyhow - a quick recapping of what I did last night.
Introduced 4 new Eras - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic and Chalcolithic stone ages.
Put in some techs, namely....
Cave Painting
Awareness of Seasons
The Catching of Fish
The Gathering of Food
Basic Hunting
These then leed on to...
Stone Knapping (Which may later be changed to Olduwan StoneKnapping)
Paleolithic Woodworking
Paleolithic Fibers
Paleolithic Archery
I'll add more techs tomorow - they all have their own graphics and are sweet!
Then I added a civic
[City States] - still to be added
New units include
Tribal Bands (Replaces Warrior)
Gatherer (Replaces Scout - in a way)
Hunter (Replaces Scout - in a way)
Tribe (Replaces Settler - but can't be built in early Paleolithic Era)
Stone Axemen (You know - carries sharp rocks
Paleolithic Archer (I am going to add an inbetween unit for this one that will be upgradeable called a 'Boomerangian' or 'He who throws sticks - and a Paleolithic Spearmen)
New buildings include the following also...
Cave Paintings
Communal Fireplace
Burial Grounds
And 2 Wonders to crown it off
Lascaux Caves (Cave Paintings in every city)
Oberkassel Burial (Burial Ground in every city)
Dang and 4 new soundtracks that I added as well - but you can't hear them till Neolithic Era - and since you can't get to the Neolithic Era.... - They need to be reworked into the XML (I am still noob) but I think I can manage that some time.
Ahh - not to forget the 2 new terrain improvements you can do as well (they are not very good since this is early Paleolithic - but they do a small bit)
Hunters Outpost
Gatherers Post (maybe later to be called something like 'Prefered Gathering Field')
If anyone wants to jump on board this project just PM me or reply on this thread.
In particular I need someone who is very fluent in Python and has maybe like 4-8 hours a week spare, and a specialist historian on the Stone Age - since both subjects for me are only to a modest level. Sure I am doing the research - but good info on this period is hard to find (Especially Paleolithic - only comes in drips and drabs)
Technologies (In no order)
Teritorial Markers
Ritual Statues
Stone Tools
Stone Choppers
Stone Needles (Allows sewing)
Canoes ---> Rafts(Later on)
Gifts ---> Barter(Later on - might go as far as trade)
National Council(?? - This was going to be the last step on the organization list - but from what I have read - most civs of this era never progressed past city states)
Mud Bricks
Projectile Points
Axes Garrotes
Stone Blades
Advanced Stone Wroking (Levolis Technique)
Pottery, Art
Pottery, Craft
Horse Riding (Bare-back)
[AGRICULTURE] Has been left out for a reason- it is not Paleolithic - yes this mod covers four eras, but I am working on getting the first era (Paleolithic) up and happening first.
LandRollers (Many logs laid down neckst to each other)
Throwing Sticks
[FALCONRY,DOGS and OTHER Domestication] Has been left out for a reason- it is not Paleolithic - yes this mod covers four eras, but I am working on getting the first era (Paleolithic) up and happening first.
Flint (Quicker Production Speeds)
Obsidian (Better Quality Material (+1 Combat Value - or 150% work speed))
Horn/Ivory/Bone (Highly Available)
Fish, Various
Meat (From young)
A stray Tyranosaurus left over from the ice age
Maybe even a Pteradactal, or a SeaSerpent of some kind
Several of mankinds earliest beliefs to be included (including The Worship of Gods(Including the Sun God, Moon Good, Lightining God, etc...), The Worship of Man, The Worship of God, The Worship of Nature(mostly dealing with animal/tree spirits))
Big plans is what is coming here - think of tree-like structure and rewriting the interface in python.
Dang - do I have plans - but since I need more info on how to import stuff to the game - this unfortunately is on hold (but by no means is that indefinate - I am looking into ATM)
Any suggestions - comments or just straight out plain old words that don't really mean anything are welcomed
While I am waiting for the upload I will ellaborate....
This mod is actually ment to be historical (pah!)
But I have a wargame desgined for dungeons and dragons that I made up called The Ranori Delta, I was hoping of expanding on it, and contracting a little maybe and bringing it into the world of CivIV.
Ranori is set in the Chalcolithic Era - and I want to carry this on to the late middle ages, maybe even early renaisence, but I also want to include magic.
So when I start getting this historical Stone Era looking repectable, I plan on breaking off onto another project called Ranori, and incorporating yet more again into a seperate mod.
I have already began thinking, and I am going to need to improve some of the interfaces (Such as Civics, since I have some major plans in that domain), as well as projects, and other ideas.
I have several 3DS models already sorted out, and while I am not planing on using them all, I think a few of them are suitable for Ranori, and maybe even Stone_Era_Mod. When I have this compleated, I will move onto the bronze age, then to the iron age, then to medieval, and then to renaisence, so I am digging myself in quite deep with this project, but hey, its nothing for me.
I must say that since I had to muck around with a few of the ArtDefines, things became a little less stable for the mod, and while I havn't compleatly checked things out, I am pretty sure I got the problem fixed, if you experience any problems (like Software Errors and the kinds, such as being booted out of the game etc...) let me know on this thread.
I was a little disapointed in myself for having instabilities this early in the project, but hey - I am still learning about modding - so I guess it is ok - provided the mod worx!)
Anyhow - upload is almost ready, and the link is....
REMOVED - Outdated
And the file is 15.93 MB (cause of all the music mainly - next time I will take it out - but I am to zzzzzzzzzzz)
**EDIT&SPECIAL NOTE**:BTW - I don't feel this mod is playable ATM, it needs some major tweaking and more techs and some balancing - I am working on the sumeria civ as I speak, and there is just a lot of things that need to be done - that said - by all means download and take a look (Hitites are still unlooked at and very likely to be glitched), comment - and point me in any direction you think the mod should go, I have a moderatly open mind, and as mentioned, this was put up to get some ideas for it.
ue to the rapid creation of a few sample civilizations that were never really put together properly....
... Anyhow - its the Hitites that are the problem - I'll get to working on it soon - (See Below)
V0.00.01 - Compleated Paleolithic Fibers
+I was thinking of making it so that a civ would have to specialize in a particular fiber - or maybe 2, have seperate techs for them, and maybe introduce a fair bit of culture into the tech tree through this, I am kind of balking at it though - that would make a lot of technologies, on the other hand I could swing it that there is a main fibers technology tree, with a few branches that only the fundemental techs for fibers would open up, some branches could be quite large, and there could be many of the as history progresses, not really certain yet, but the potential is there.
Since this version is stable (except for some turbulence with the civilizations) I will upload it later (gimme about an hour or two + upload time) - New version uploaded
New version now includes Zuul's Exotic Animals Mod
Era Stone Age V0.00.03 With Zuul's Exotic Animal Mod - 4.63 Meg
Anyhow - a quick recapping of what I did last night.
Introduced 4 new Eras - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic and Chalcolithic stone ages.
Put in some techs, namely....
Cave Painting
Awareness of Seasons
The Catching of Fish
The Gathering of Food
Basic Hunting
These then leed on to...
Stone Knapping (Which may later be changed to Olduwan StoneKnapping)
Paleolithic Woodworking
Paleolithic Fibers
Paleolithic Archery
I'll add more techs tomorow - they all have their own graphics and are sweet!
Then I added a civic
[City States] - still to be added

New units include
Tribal Bands (Replaces Warrior)
Gatherer (Replaces Scout - in a way)
Hunter (Replaces Scout - in a way)
Tribe (Replaces Settler - but can't be built in early Paleolithic Era)
Stone Axemen (You know - carries sharp rocks

Paleolithic Archer (I am going to add an inbetween unit for this one that will be upgradeable called a 'Boomerangian' or 'He who throws sticks - and a Paleolithic Spearmen)
New buildings include the following also...
Cave Paintings
Communal Fireplace
Burial Grounds
And 2 Wonders to crown it off
Lascaux Caves (Cave Paintings in every city)
Oberkassel Burial (Burial Ground in every city)
Dang and 4 new soundtracks that I added as well - but you can't hear them till Neolithic Era - and since you can't get to the Neolithic Era.... - They need to be reworked into the XML (I am still noob) but I think I can manage that some time.
Ahh - not to forget the 2 new terrain improvements you can do as well (they are not very good since this is early Paleolithic - but they do a small bit)
Hunters Outpost
Gatherers Post (maybe later to be called something like 'Prefered Gathering Field')
If anyone wants to jump on board this project just PM me or reply on this thread.
In particular I need someone who is very fluent in Python and has maybe like 4-8 hours a week spare, and a specialist historian on the Stone Age - since both subjects for me are only to a modest level. Sure I am doing the research - but good info on this period is hard to find (Especially Paleolithic - only comes in drips and drabs)
Technologies (In no order)
Teritorial Markers
Ritual Statues
Stone Tools
Stone Choppers
Stone Needles (Allows sewing)
Canoes ---> Rafts(Later on)
Gifts ---> Barter(Later on - might go as far as trade)
National Council(?? - This was going to be the last step on the organization list - but from what I have read - most civs of this era never progressed past city states)
Mud Bricks
Projectile Points
Axes Garrotes
Stone Blades
Advanced Stone Wroking (Levolis Technique)
Pottery, Art
Pottery, Craft
Horse Riding (Bare-back)
[AGRICULTURE] Has been left out for a reason- it is not Paleolithic - yes this mod covers four eras, but I am working on getting the first era (Paleolithic) up and happening first.
LandRollers (Many logs laid down neckst to each other)
Throwing Sticks
[FALCONRY,DOGS and OTHER Domestication] Has been left out for a reason- it is not Paleolithic - yes this mod covers four eras, but I am working on getting the first era (Paleolithic) up and happening first.
Flint (Quicker Production Speeds)
Obsidian (Better Quality Material (+1 Combat Value - or 150% work speed))
Horn/Ivory/Bone (Highly Available)
Fish, Various
Meat (From young)
A stray Tyranosaurus left over from the ice age
Maybe even a Pteradactal, or a SeaSerpent of some kind
Several of mankinds earliest beliefs to be included (including The Worship of Gods(Including the Sun God, Moon Good, Lightining God, etc...), The Worship of Man, The Worship of God, The Worship of Nature(mostly dealing with animal/tree spirits))
Big plans is what is coming here - think of tree-like structure and rewriting the interface in python.
Dang - do I have plans - but since I need more info on how to import stuff to the game - this unfortunately is on hold (but by no means is that indefinate - I am looking into ATM)
Any suggestions - comments or just straight out plain old words that don't really mean anything are welcomed
While I am waiting for the upload I will ellaborate....
This mod is actually ment to be historical (pah!)
But I have a wargame desgined for dungeons and dragons that I made up called The Ranori Delta, I was hoping of expanding on it, and contracting a little maybe and bringing it into the world of CivIV.
Ranori is set in the Chalcolithic Era - and I want to carry this on to the late middle ages, maybe even early renaisence, but I also want to include magic.
So when I start getting this historical Stone Era looking repectable, I plan on breaking off onto another project called Ranori, and incorporating yet more again into a seperate mod.
I have already began thinking, and I am going to need to improve some of the interfaces (Such as Civics, since I have some major plans in that domain), as well as projects, and other ideas.
I have several 3DS models already sorted out, and while I am not planing on using them all, I think a few of them are suitable for Ranori, and maybe even Stone_Era_Mod. When I have this compleated, I will move onto the bronze age, then to the iron age, then to medieval, and then to renaisence, so I am digging myself in quite deep with this project, but hey, its nothing for me.
I must say that since I had to muck around with a few of the ArtDefines, things became a little less stable for the mod, and while I havn't compleatly checked things out, I am pretty sure I got the problem fixed, if you experience any problems (like Software Errors and the kinds, such as being booted out of the game etc...) let me know on this thread.
I was a little disapointed in myself for having instabilities this early in the project, but hey - I am still learning about modding - so I guess it is ok - provided the mod worx!)
Anyhow - upload is almost ready, and the link is....
REMOVED - Outdated
And the file is 15.93 MB (cause of all the music mainly - next time I will take it out - but I am to zzzzzzzzzzz)
**EDIT&SPECIAL NOTE**:BTW - I don't feel this mod is playable ATM, it needs some major tweaking and more techs and some balancing - I am working on the sumeria civ as I speak, and there is just a lot of things that need to be done - that said - by all means download and take a look (Hitites are still unlooked at and very likely to be glitched), comment - and point me in any direction you think the mod should go, I have a moderatly open mind, and as mentioned, this was put up to get some ideas for it.

... Anyhow - its the Hitites that are the problem - I'll get to working on it soon - (See Below)
V0.00.01 - Compleated Paleolithic Fibers
+I was thinking of making it so that a civ would have to specialize in a particular fiber - or maybe 2, have seperate techs for them, and maybe introduce a fair bit of culture into the tech tree through this, I am kind of balking at it though - that would make a lot of technologies, on the other hand I could swing it that there is a main fibers technology tree, with a few branches that only the fundemental techs for fibers would open up, some branches could be quite large, and there could be many of the as history progresses, not really certain yet, but the potential is there.
Since this version is stable (except for some turbulence with the civilizations) I will upload it later (gimme about an hour or two + upload time) - New version uploaded
New version now includes Zuul's Exotic Animals Mod
Era Stone Age V0.00.03 With Zuul's Exotic Animal Mod - 4.63 Meg