[Mod] True Culture Location and Territory Naming for the Giant Earth Map

Hey Gedemon,
I was following this mod at its beginning, and then dropped off for a long while. Just hopped on yesterday and saw it was published. Followed all of the installation processes properly, and got all mods working aside from TCL. I could get the giant map going with true starts, but the culture selection wasn't region locked. Is this something you are aware of and working on, or is there an updated version not on Mod.io?

Keep up the great work!
Hi,does anyone get this to run on the Giant Earth Map after the expansion? I basically only want to play this game with these 2 mods :crazyeye:. I followed installation instructions, downloaded the latest versions, and set number of competitors to 10. But whichever map I pick (the one with -DLC or not) I just get this message and it won't start:

"The operation was canceled.

at Amplitude.Mercury.Game.Game+<DoStart>d__4.MoveNext () [0x00157] in <173fc3c1c3214bc89b88c03b179ae28b>:0
at Amplitude.Coroutine.Run () [0x00019] in <479babf06a1f4b9498857d4c8c52dc95>:0"

Tried to change a few selections but always the same result. Have no other mods installed.
IF you want to follow this guide Please OPEN up https://mod.io/g/humankind/m/true-culture-location and FOLLOW along
The guide you're looking for: How to reactivate this amazing mod in 2023. Its May 2023 its working as of today 5/8/2023. I'll try to keep this short since people don't read. Make sure you have the latest version of Humankind downloaded first, then you can start.
1. Open up the Steam Console on steam. How do you do this? Press WINDOWS + R
2. When the "Run" window appears, in the blank text you will put. steam://open/console
3. Search up SteamDB on your browser. When you get to the website, in the search bar, look for Humankind
4. THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP IS THIS ONE. Download the correct previous manifest of the game. How? You will need APP ID, DEPOT ID, and Manifest ID. But fudge all that noise im going to give you the 3 ID's I chose to make this mod work. IMPORTANT: IF THESE ARE NOT CHOSEN, IT WILL NOT WORK.
5. In your Steam Console that we opened earlier, you will copy paste the whole following line: download_depot 1124300 1124301 6434925583739347129 This command will download the February 24th, 2022 version of Humankind. BEWARE IT WILL NOT TELL YOU ON STEAM ANYWHERE WHERE IT IS DOWNLOADING. To see if it is downloading, open up task manager, look at your network performance and it will show you if something is downloading. Also p.s. the SteamDb downloads are super fudging slow, no matter your internet. Be prepared.
6. ON THIS WEBPAGE: Scroll up from this comment and go to where it says." Download Files Manually." Instead of downloading the latest version that the Mod owner has up, instead you will click on, "View other versions." You are going to download version off the the list we see.
7. Now when your download off of Steam DB is done, remember that thing we did in the Steam Console? Yeah, it will most likely download a folder path like this. ../Steam/Steamapps/content/app_1124300/depot_1124301
8. Now youre going to open your current Humankind Folder. The easiest way to do this, if you're not sure where it is, is to go to your Steam Library, hover over Humankind in your list of games and right click it. Hover over manage, and then click browse local files. This will open up the folder we want.
9. Now you should have 2 folder tabs open, the depot folder and your humankind folder. Copy everything from the DEPOT to HUMANKIND folder. It will ask you if you can replace files in destination, you will hit YES.
10. Now that we have the previous version of the game downloaded, and we also have the corresponding version of the True Culture Location mod we can almost make this work. If you already have BePinEx stuff downloaded and figured out, you can skip these next couples steps, im just gonna simplify the process since the instructions on this page for BePinEx installation can be a little hard to follow.
11. BePinEx INSTALLATION: IF you are on windows PLEASE CLICK THE LINK THAT SAYS x64 that the mod owner already listed. Can't find that on this page? ctrl f the words "x64"
12. When you click the link, scroll down to the BepInEx 5.4.21 version. Keep scrolling till you see these 5 files names:
Source code
Source code
13. Click on the your appropriate ZIP file, I have windows so that would be the x64 zip. After downloading, youre then going to extract that zip file into the same folder that you have Humankind in.
14. IMPORTANT STEP: RUN HUMANKIND NOW AFTER INSTALLING BEPINEX. You need to do this because if you look at your Bepin Ex folder, it has one folder in it called "core". After running the game you should have 4 more folders: cache, config, patchers and plug ins. THE ONE WE CARE ABOUT IS PLUG INS.
15. If you've done everything correctly up to this point, this is your current folder path most likely. ../Steam/Steamapps/common/Humankind/BepinEx/Plugins
16. Remember the True Culture Location file we downloaded? It should read gedemon.trueculturelocation. You're going to extract that file into your BepinEx/Plugins folder
17. Now if you don't want to Undo all that amazing work you just did, go to Steam, right click on Humankind in your library again. Click properties and go to updates. Change the option from, "Always keep this game updated" to "Only update when I launch it." We're done You have reached the end, if you followed everything to a T it should be working. Just wanted to say thank you to @Gedemon for the mod. Amplitude please add this mod to the game. Please.
18. I am not a modder or modding inclined in any way, I just read. If I can do it, so can you :)
Hey @Gedemon - long time no talk. I switched jobs towards the end of last year, you know how it is. I updated my email on here, too, so spam filter won't be an issue.

I looked at this after the latest update, and there were a couple of obvious fixes that I was able to make (they switched where the int value of eralevel is stored, renamed a couple methods, etc) but actually trying to run the game gave me an indexOutOfRange error inside of some async method in Amplitude's code.

I tried without the extra slots, and there wasn't any error, but the initial loading screen never went away (despite the logs claiming "Presentation has been Presented.")

I'm online and debugging stuff now, but if you have any insight on how to make this less of a black box, that'd definitely be appreciated.
I think the issue is something within the OnPresentationStarted event in Amplitude's code. Compared to a log from a working vanilla new game, the log with the Historical Locations DLL cuts out right before the "OnPresentationStarted completed within xyz number of seconds log" - but even commenting out, recompiling, getting to a buildable state, and retesting, all of the code touching the Presentation namespace didn't fix the issue, there's still an infinite loading screen.

I'm re-downloading the mod tools now, I'll take another look sometime this week.
As always, any insight from someone with more experience modding (ie Gedemon) would be appreciated!
Well, I commented out everything method by method, and eventually got a useful error message - but I still haven't been able to figure out a fix.

The error was being hit when the thread started event fired (when the main game window finishes loading/rendering) and was happening because the AnimalMinorFaction was throwing an exception in the middle of a loop iterating over all of the MinorFactions.

I didn't see anything in @Gedemon 's code that would add the animal faction to that list (or that would prevent it from being removed) so that might've only been a side-effect of debugging-by-commenting.

I'll keep trying, though. I'd love to get this working with all the new content.
Hi! I took a look at the code, but sadly i dont have much modding experience. One thing I noticed was that the Independent People mechanics that this mod added conflicted with the new way IPs are handled in the latest updates. Did you managed to fix it? Also, I'll be more than happy to test any builds you have if any is usable, as I'd also want this mod to be updated and I know testing sometimes can be time consuming.
In my opinion, Gedemon did not get enough credit for his idea and efforts. So... thank you Gedemon. If someone can understand how much time you must have put into this, it is probably me.

"The universe contains infinite stories" ... are the first words of every Humankind game. What if people do not want the entire infinity the universe holds, but a smaller subset of it... where history and development still underly uncertainties, but within a range where playing the game still has an educational value. I remember a time playing Civilizations 4 and stumbling over the legendary Rhye's and Fall Mod by Gabriele Trovato. Best turn based strategy experience I have ever had... and probably the most captivating history lessons I have ever taken.

To all those still longing for a revival of Gedemons pioneer work, you may want to pay the following website a visit... still... this is just a glimpse of what Rhyse and Fall once was for many turn-based strategy game fanatics.

Humankind Earth Mod Website

Enjoy... and spread the word if you like it.
In my opinion, Gedemon did not get enough credit for his idea and efforts. So... thank you Gedemon. If someone can understand how much time you must have put into this, it is probably me.

"The universe contains infinite stories" ... are the first words of every Humankind game. What if people do not want the entire infinity the universe holds, but a smaller subset of it... where history and development still underly uncertainties, but within a range where playing the game still has an educational value. I remember a time playing Civilizations 4 and stumbling over the legendary Rhye's and Fall Mod by Gabriele Trovato. Best turn based strategy experience I have ever had... and probably the most captivating history lessons I have ever taken.

To all those still longing for a revival of Gedemons pioneer work, you may want to pay the following website a visit... still... this is just a glimpse of what Rhyse and Fall once was for many turn-based strategy game fanatics.

Humankind Earth Mod Website

Enjoy... and spread the word if you like it.
Hi! I just recently saw your post. Im amazed! I will try this right now. If you need any help with testing or help to maybe add compatibility to the Super Pack mod, let me know. I saw it has been updated to the Bonny update, is there any plan to update it to the George Sand update? or is it not necessary?
I'm sure many in the community would be very grateful to be able to play this mod again. Maybe post it on Reddit too so it has more visibility :)
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Hi! I just recently saw your post. Im amazed! I will try this right now. If you need any help with testing or help to maybe add compatibility to the Super Pack mod, let me know. I saw it has been updated to the Bonny update, is there any plan to update it to the George Sand update? or is it not necessary?
I'm sure many in the community would be very grateful to be able to play this mod again. Maybe post it on Reddit too so it has more visibility :)
Glad you like it. Should work with George Sand as well. Mostly, new updates will only imply editing the earth xml file for new cultures, leaders and wonders being included by the mod. I like your suggestion posting on Reddit, but I'd appreciate some beta time in order to fix the most common problems at least. Unfortunately, I have some other stuff on my schedule for the next couple of months and I won't find time to fix bugs or implement suggestions. Until then, feel free to post bugs on the website or discuss them here. I hope to check back on these topics soon.
In my opinion, Gedemon did not get enough credit for his idea and efforts. So... thank you Gedemon. If someone can understand how much time you must have put into this, it is probably me.

"The universe contains infinite stories" ... are the first words of every Humankind game. What if people do not want the entire infinity the universe holds, but a smaller subset of it... where history and development still underly uncertainties, but within a range where playing the game still has an educational value. I remember a time playing Civilizations 4 and stumbling over the legendary Rhye's and Fall Mod by Gabriele Trovato. Best turn based strategy experience I have ever had... and probably the most captivating history lessons I have ever taken.

To all those still longing for a revival of Gedemons pioneer work, you may want to pay the following website a visit... still... this is just a glimpse of what Rhyse and Fall once was for many turn-based strategy game fanatics.

Humankind Earth Mod Website

Enjoy... and spread the word if you like it.
Hi, just wanted to thank you for the work you've done reviving this. I was also curious if you'd be willing to create a standalone mod that just adds the 16 player maximum, as while I like the True Starts I'd also like to play a little closer to vanilla while still having the higher player limit. I understand you're busy and I have no idea how long or how much work such a request would take so I understand if you put it on the backburner or don't take it on, but I just thought I'd ask. Again, thanks for all the work you've already put into this!
Hi, just wanted to thank you for the work you've done reviving this. I was also curious if you'd be willing to create a standalone mod that just adds the 16 player maximum, as while I like the True Starts I'd also like to play a little closer to vanilla while still having the higher player limit. I understand you're busy and I have no idea how long or how much work such a request would take so I understand if you put it on the backburner or don't take it on, but I just thought I'd ask. Again, thanks for all the work you've already put into this!
I'll look into it as soon as I have cerebral capacities to spare :-D Isolating the 16 plaxer maximum from the mod won't be that much work. Making it work in the first place was pretty time consuming, though. Amplitude limits the number in the lobby to ten players even though the framework supports up to sixteen players. The reason behind this are runtime complexity issues, which Ampltiude is apparenty not able to resolve due to all the concurrency that is happening. This also is the reason why Gedemons mod stalled mid-game.

In theory, with those complexity issues resolved... it would be even possible to increase the player maximum far above 16 players.
Im gonna start posting bugs related to the new mod here, starting with this one I seem to run into very frequently.
The game enters a end of turn loop and the logs mention:
"Trying to generate army #8293 with invalid health ratio 0.00" and
"Trying to instantiate unit #8293 with a null or negative health ratio. (Position=[45, 50])", this coordinate always changes depending on the game, and it always points to a tile already occupied by an Independent People. Once it pointed to a mountain tile, but that never happened again. If you delete those obstacles with the dev tools, the game starts running normally.
Im uploading the autosave for that turn, the previous turn and the log. I also reported the bug with the logs and the save in the proper bug section in the page


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Just one heads up, it seems the web stopped working, it doesnt show anything more than the header
Just one heads up, it seems the web stopped working, it doesnt show anything more than the header
Thanks for the notice and feedback. Website should work normally again now. With all the other things I can only ask for patience. But I promise to get back on it by the end of the summer.
Great! Here is something to keep in mind for a next update:

In this case, I started on the British Isles. But as there are not any culture associated to this region in the Ancient Era, you end up stuck for the rest of the game. In Gedemon's mod, he bypassed this issue by making the Assyrians a default unlock to all players regardless of territory. Maybe this could work here too, or you could have another solution in mind.

This issue also makes some players unable to pick a culture if their region is cluttered, which happens sometimes if you use the random leader option. The good thing is that an option for non exclusive cultures has been added to the game, so you can just use that and make more than one player chose a specific culture if they share a territory, but some areas still will never age up.

Another option could be to make a standard culture with no unique unit nor emblematic quartet, which can be chosen by anyone. It would need to have some sort of emblematic trait to retain for when it goes to the next era, as right now the cultures that start later in the game are forever weaker and have little chances to climb up. This was solved by giving them bonuses when they appeared according to the game era, so that can be a solution too.
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Hi! another report: For some reason, the option to turn off the Cultural Wonders restrictions is no longer working, even if you turn it off, it enables itself again when the game starts

Managed to fix it, it was something on my end. I have also been working on editing and updating the cultural locations, form some of the civs, so let me know if you would like help with that too
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Hi, do you perhaps plan to update this lovely mod for the newest version (and DLC)? I have to admit I've never played this game before. Took it just recently while waiting for Civ VII and would like to try it out and see how it goes.
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