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ModCast Episode 41: "Those Are Fightin Words"

Dec 17, 2002
[IMG=right]http://civcomm.weplayciv.com/polycast/images/modcast_logo.jpg[/IMG]No holds barred in the forty-first episode of ModCast that is now netcasting. Entitled "Those Are Fightin Words", it features core panelists Tony "GarretSidzaka" Kiehl, Wouter "Locutus" Snijders, Kenneth "Impaler[WrG]" Ferland and Peter "Maniac" Steenbeke with first-time guest co-host "Buster's Uncle".

ModCast is a bi-weekly audio production in an ongoing effort to give the Civ community an interactive voice on game modding; sibling show PolyCast focuses on Civ strategy and RevCast focuses on Civilization: Revolution.

- 05m28s | Code Corner
Checking out the P.I.G. mod by PieceOfMind.
- 14m37s | Upcomming Mods
Looking at Upcoming Mods, Colonization 2071 by orlanth.
- 29m21s | Modding Spotlight
On the Custom SMAC Factions by Buster's Uncle.
- 43m52s | Artist Sketchpad
Going too far discussing Xerxes by cfkane.
Whoops, made a post in the wrong modcast thread. :rolleyes:

Awesome episode, very entertaining, although it was a bit too SMAC-heavy for me.
Nah I'm good, I LITERALLY only play Civ. It's a vestige from my childhood, I played the original one and every other one since then, but otherwise I am computer illiterate and generally don't use the internet. I don't even have a facebook or myspace or whatever. I'm not a nerd like the rest of you losers...

Just kidding. :mischief:
Well, I'm definitely a CIV nerd, I'll admit to that one.

Anyway, really entertaining episode despite the focus on stuff that I basically will never use/see.
This is the second time they were mentioned, so what in the hell are blue squiggles?

Also, I love how Shaggy is the leader of the Cannabis League. May Scooby Doo live on forever.
Just listened to the episode again (mp3 player on shuffle :p), and I noticed something:
Buster's Uncle calls the greys "ass bandits", which is bleeped. But then later on, garret says that you can say "ass". Why was it bleeped then?

Also, how dare you compare South Carolina to Mexico? At least Mexico has many drugs you can partake in. South Carolina has nothing!
Its the same thing as saying ass and :):):):):):):). :):):):):):):) gets bleeped on tv (and here evidently) and ass does not because there are different meanings to it, ass-bandit is a epithet against homosexuals, so it gets bleeped.
Hey, thanks a lot for featuring my Colonization mod on your Modcast! Actually, a lot of the potential additions you guys talked about on the show are being worked on.

A modder called Kailric has helped out a lot by making a kickass TechTree Modcomp for Colonization, so I'm basing the next version of the mod on that DLL. I've always really agreed with what you guys were saying about the vanilla Colonization being kind of lame re having everything available from the start, so this should go a long way to making things way more replayable.

New features will include a full tech tree gradually unlocking buildings, professions, units, and specialists through research in different areas; a new Asteroid Miner vessel that allows mining of Asteroid Fields in Deep Space (ocean); and of course even more freaky ass-bandit aliens. :eek2::borg::assimilate::goodjob:

We're still working on it, but here's a prelease beta version with some updates if you want to take an early look; so check it out & feel free to leave any comments or suggestions.
How long do you think until its done? After hearing this DLed your mod and played it, thought it was great.
I'd like to know to. Then I can realize my dream of playing as Tessier-Ashpool SA led by Wintermute or Neuromancer. [/nerd-vana]
Hey GS/TK, I haven't received a PM from DanQ or a follow-up from you. Can you make the announcement, because I'm pretty psyched to do this... ?
well modcast is in hibernate mode right now. as soon as modcast 42 is released (and im not rushing) i will set the record date for 43 and let Bahmo know, and we can put that on that episode. but right now cool your heels, there is alot less mods right now with the lull between civ4 and civ5.
Here's an updated beta version of the 2071 mod incorporating some cool features from the Tech Tree modcomp by Kailric.

Research is done by selecting a Tech from the Tech menu (light bulb icon), then having colonists work in the Research Labs in your colonies. Producing Research can consume various other goods depending on the tech being researched. Access to Units, Goods, and Professions get unlocked gradually as you research the appropriate techs.


Enjoy and let me know what you think. This is still only a beta version - if you get an error where Research Labs don't show up in your colonies, start a new game and it should go away.

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