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[MODCOMP] Great Doctor


Jan 16, 2006
Great Doctor Mod
By: TheLopez

Last Updated 11/08/06

Version: v1.1.1w
Patch Compatibility: Warlords v2.0.8.0
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v1.1.1w

Version: v1.1
Patch Compatibility: v1.61
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v1.1

Version: v0.7
Patch Compatibility: v1.52
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.7


This mod adds a new great person and specialist to the game. These work
mostly like the other great people and specialists in the game. Some of
these benefits include improving city health, helping with research,
etc. Several buildings have been updated to incorporate the features in
this mod. The Heal promotion from Zuul's Promotions & Perks Mod has been
included but modified. Two new promotions have been added, Heal II and
Heal III.

Installation Instructions:

1) Unzip this into the "civ4_install_folder\Mods\" folder.
2) Open the CivilizationIV.ini configuration file
3) Change the Mod line to read: Mod = Mods\Great Doctor
4) Load the game.
5) Then play as normal.


Spoiler :





-----Game Play-----
Spoiler :

- Great Doctors are automatically given the following promotions:
[TAB]- Medic I
[TAB]- Medic II
[TAB]- Medic III
[TAB]- Heal I
[TAB]- Heal II
[TAB]- Heal III
[TAB]- March

- Great Doctors that join cities give +2 to city health, +3 to research
and +2 to culture

- Citizens specialized as doctors give +1 to city health, +1 to research
and +1 to culture

- Units in the same plot as a great doctors have a very small
chance that they may be taught one of their skills. Players are
notified when a unit is taught a new skill by a great doctor.

- Great Doctors that join cities provide cities with at least double
extra production, research and culture points than regular doctors

- Great Doctors can build the military hospital building in cities to increase
city health, happiness and healing rate.

- Citizens specialized as doctors provide cities with extra production,
research and culture points

- Great Doctors can build the field hospital plot improvement, this new
plot improvements provide medical support to damaged units.

Spoiler :

- Combat Medic:
[TAB]- Can only be built in cities with a military hospital
[TAB]- Cost: 40 hammers
[TAB]- Combat: 5
[TAB]- Can only defend
[TAB]- Starts with Medic I, Medic II and March
[TAB]- Can withdraw from combat (20% Chance)

Spoiler :

- The following buildings now provide points towards generating a great
[TAB]- Red Cross (1)
[TAB]- Military Hospital (1)

- The following buildings now allow the citizens to be specialized as
[TAB]- Red Cross (3)
[TAB]- Hospital (2)
[TAB]- University (2)

- The following buildings now provide free doctor:
[TAB]- Red Cross (2)

- Military Hospital:
[TAB]- Heals units 15% extra each turn
[TAB]- Required to train combat medics
[TAB]- Can only be built by great doctors

- Field Hospital:
[TAB]- By default increases unit healing by 15%
[TAB]- Can only be built by Great Doctors[TAB]

Spoiler :

- Heal I:
[TAB]- +7% heal in friendly lands
[TAB]- +6% heal in neutral lands
[TAB]- +5% heal in enemy lands
[TAB]- +10% defense
[TAB]- Requires the March and Medic II promotions instead of the Combat III promotion
- Heal II:
[TAB]- +7% heal in friendly lands
[TAB]- +6% heal in neutral lands
[TAB]- +5% heal in enemy lands
[TAB]- +5% defense
[TAB]- Requires Medic III and Heal I promotions

- Heal III:
[TAB]- +8% heal in friendly lands
[TAB]- +7% heal in neutral lands
[TAB]- +6% heal in enemy lands
[TAB]- +5% defense
[TAB]- Requires Heal II promotion

-----Notes to Modmakers-----

If you want to use the Greate Doctors Mod in your mod I have tried to make
things as easy as possible for you. In the XML files modified sections are
enclosed by:
<!-- -->
<!-- Great Doctor Start -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Great Doctor End -->
<!-- -->

In the Python files I have added #<GD START> and #<GD END> in all of the
places that I have made changes to the original files. I have also included
the Specialist Stacker Mod version of CvMainInterface.py file.

All I ask is that you give Snaitf and me credit.

-----Version Information-----


- Updated the Specialist Stacker Mod to v0.8

Spoiler :


- Added the code needed in the SDK to implement the health yield type. This
change in the SDK now allows for doctors that join cities to provide +1
towards the health of the city and great doctors that join cities to provide
+2 towards the health of the city.


- Updated all python code and XML to be compatible with the v1.61 patch.


- Updated the buildings that give out great person points, free specialists and
allow citizen specialization using OzzyKP's recommendation as a guide.

- Added military hospital building

- Updated great doctor so they can build either the military hospital or
academy as their special building.

- Added the combat medic unit.


- Added seZereth's new modern doctor skin

- Integrated Dr Elmer Jiggle's event manager and INI parsing code.

- Integrated Specialist Stacker Mod v0.6.2

- Added new terrain improvement that can only be created by the great doctors
field hospitals.

- Added code that will enable the field hospitals to give extra healing to units
who stay there every turn.

- Updated the Medic III promotion image, the old one seemed blurry to me.

- Updated field hospital terrain improvement model with the ones provided by


- Integrated the Specialist Stacker Mod v0.4 code to the Great Doctor Mod

- Fixed a critical bug causing game to crash when great doctor trains
other units

- Added unique graphics for the doctors and great doctors

- Updated the Heal I, II and III percentages as suggested by Zuul


- Integrated the Specialist Stacker Mod v0.3 code to the Great Doctor Mod


- Units in the same plot as a great doctors now have a very small chance
that they may be taught one of their skills

- Modified Heal I promotion to be 1/3 as effective
- Added new promotion Heal II
- Added new promotion Heal III


- Updated buildings to provide bonuses relating to the great doctor and
doctor specialists
- Added doctors provide that cities with extra production, research and
culture points
- Added Great Doctors that provide cities with at least double extra
production, research and culture points than regular doctors
- Updated Great Doctors so that they automatically get the following
promotions when created: Medic I, Medic II, Medic III, Heal and March


- Setup Great Doctor Mod infrastructure

- Identified doctor names - tried to balance from historical names

-----To Do-----

- Get unique model for the early doctors

- Add a new terrain improvement that great doctors can build, Field Hospitals.

- Document code

-----===Credits & Thanks===-----

- Exavier
[TAB]Composite Mod - readme.txt format

- C.Roland
[TAB]For providing the wonderful field hospital terrain improvement models
[TAB]and skins

- Snaitf
[TAB]Snaitf's Great General Mod - For redeveloping the CvMainInterface.py
[TAB]class and making it really easy to add new great persons.

- Zuul
[TAB]Promotions & Perks Mod - v0.72 - All of the medic related promotions
[TAB]and traits that the good doctors can use now.[TAB]

- seZereth
[TAB]Provided the great new skin for the modern doctor. :)

- Dr Elmer Jiggle
[TAB]For providing the INI file parser code allowing for players to
[TAB]customize this mod without having to touch the python code!!!

[TAB]SD Toolkit

- OzzyKP
[TAB]For providing suggestions to balance out the Great Doctor mod.
You know the healing effects add up, so Heal I+II+II gives +24% heal in freindly. The effects should be a bit more equal, now few would want Heal I.
Zuul said:
You know the healing effects add up, so Heal I+II+II gives +24% heal in freindly. The effects should be a bit more equal, now few would want Heal I.

Any suggestions Zuul?
Maybe somewhat like this?

- Heal I:
- +7% heal in friendly lands
- +6% heal in neutral lands
- +5% heal in enemy lands
- +10% defense
- Requires the March and Medic II promotions instead of the Combat III promotion

- Heal II:
- +7% heal in friendly lands
- +6% heal in neutral lands
- +5% heal in enemy lands
- +5% defense
- Requires Medic III and Heal I promotions

- Heal III:
- +8% heal in friendly lands
- +7% heal in neutral lands
- +6% heal in enemy lands
- +5% defense
- Requires Heal II promotion

Also, must check how you do the "and" and not "or" for double requerment on a promotion.
This may seem obvious (I'm not a modder yet in Civ4, but a frequent user of mods both Civ3 and Civ4) .. but why does not Doctor or Great Doctor add +health to a city?
Sarkyn said:
This may seem obvious (I'm not a modder yet in Civ4, but a frequent user of mods both Civ3 and Civ4) .. but why does not Doctor or Great Doctor add +health to a city?

Specialists from what I have seen can only affect Food, production, and commerce (YieldTypes) or gold, research and culture (CommerceTypes).
TheLopez said:
Specialists from what I have seen can only affect Food, production, and commerce (YieldTypes) or gold, research and culture (CommerceTypes).

Why not have the Great Doctor create a building, similar to the Great Prophet, that adds health to the city? Perhaps a Medical Lab type thing... Or whatever you wish to call it.

-- John Searle
JohnSearle said:
Why not have the Great Doctor create a building, similar to the Great Prophet, that adds health to the city? Perhaps a Medical Lab type thing... Or whatever you wish to call it.

-- John Searle

John, I agree that the Great Doctor should be able to do something like this, that's why the mod is at v0.4 and not v1.0. It is still not complete, needs some fine tuning, etc. But I do appreciate the suggestion and will definately try to get something like that in one of the future versions. Hmmm.... in fact. There is the red cross building, why not something like the mayo clinic...
Medical lab should give lot health and also research, and your new Heal upgrade to units built in that city. Standard Doctor specialist could give extra 1 food production, to represent new increase in natality and decrease in mortality.
I love what your doing with great people Lopez - keep it up! It was one of those features I ignored at first but now cant get enough! Just an idea - Great Explorer? I haven't modded since the early days of Civ3, so maybe someone else can run with it!
Landstander said:
I love what your doing with great people Lopez - keep it up! It was one of those features I ignored at first but now cant get enough! Just an idea - Great Explorer? I haven't modded since the early days of Civ3, so maybe someone else can run with it!

The Great Explorer is on my list, but there are some issues with it, such as they might be obsolete very early in the game ...

Unless ... they could later in the game help with building the space shuttle ...

EDIT: I won't be able to get to it though until after I release the Mercenaries Mod.
Alright, the Great Doctor mod is now updated, enjoy.
I agree with what has been said that doctors should affect health in some way. I wonder if there is a way around the script limitations for specialists. How about joining a GD to a city also creates a building in that city that produces the effects we want?

So a Great Doctor when joined to a city gives 2 science and also creates a building that gives 3 health.

I don't like using extra promotions because if one were to add this mod to a regular game it would require changing the whole promotion structure around, which seems a bit outside the scope of this mod (or should be). But I think this mod could be useful and successful without adding the heal promotions.

Since none of the other packaged GP have any benefits for the GP unit itself, maybe adding that is not in keeping with the spirit of GP in the game. And I know people like to make more radical changes to the game, but I think radical changes can be saved for scenarios or modpacks with a bunch of radical changes. For small mod components like this, I think they should be limited and fit in seemlessly with the existing vanilla game.

So instead of the GD having a bunch of promotions and a percentage chance of teaching its promotions to units it is stacked with (which could end up being unbalancing), how about have it build a building that allows the city to build a field medic unit, that starts with Medic I, Medic II, and March? It can't attack and has a relitively low strength rating, of like 4 or 5. I'd suggest that building also giving off 4 health.

I think that would be better than the field hospital. You say its a plot improvement? So its on the map like a mine or a farm? That doesn't seem useful. First it can be pillaged, and if it can't move it can't be a true "field hospital" since the front of the war would soon leave it behind and it'd be useless.

And I've got some suggestions for generating GD points too. :D

So.... my complete list of suggestions for the Great Doctor:

-----Game Play-----
Spoiler :

- Great Doctors that join cities give +2 to research
and auto create a building that gives +3 health

- Citizens specialized as doctors give +1 to production, +1 to research
and +1 to culture

- Great Doctors can build the military hospital building

Spoiler :

- The following buildings now provide points towards generating a great
- Red Cross (3)

- The following buildings now allow the citizens to be specialized as
- Hospital (2)
- University (1)
- Red Cross (3)

- The following buildings now provide free doctor:
- Red Cross (1)

- Military Hospital:
- +4 health
- City can build Field Medic unit
- Can only be built by Great Doctors

Spoiler :

Field Medic
- Starts with Medic I, Medic II, and March
- Can only defend
- Has strength 5, movement 2
- Costs 40 shields

btw, sorry for picking on all your mods Lopez, I'm just here cause I care :)
OzzyKP said:
...btw, sorry for picking on all your mods Lopez, I'm just here cause I care :)
Oh no, not you again.... just joking :D.

OzzyKP said:
I agree with what has been said that doctors should affect health in some way. I wonder if there is a way around the script limitations for specialists. How about joining a GD to a city also creates a building in that city that produces the effects we want?

So a Great Doctor when joined to a city gives 2 science and also creates a building that gives 3 health.
That shouldn't be too hard.

OzzyKP said:
I don't like using extra promotions because if one were to add this mod to a regular game it would require changing the whole promotion structure around, which seems a bit outside the scope of this mod (or should be). But I think this mod could be useful and successful without adding the heal promotions.
Actually, the extra promotions and their changes are in line with the promotions in Zuul's Promotions and Perks mod. Also, how does it change the entire promotion structure around?

OzzyKP said:
Since none of the other packaged GP have any benefits for the GP unit itself, maybe adding that is not in keeping with the spirit of GP in the game. And I know people like to make more radical changes to the game, but I think radical changes can be saved for scenarios or modpacks with a bunch of radical changes. For small mod components like this, I think they should be limited and fit in seemlessly with the existing vanilla game.
Honestly, this isn't that small of a mod component. You are correct in stating that this mod comp, great general amped, great statesman, etc. don't keep in the spirit of GP in the vanilla game. My changes actually allow people to use the great people in the field instead of having them build a building, join a city, hurry up production of a tech or building, etc.

OzzyKP said:
So instead of the GD having a bunch of promotions and a percentage chance of teaching its promotions to units it is stacked with (which could end up being unbalancing),...
Well you can always turn off the teaching function through the configuration file.

OzzyKP said:
...how about have it build a building that allows the city to build a field medic unit, that starts with Medic I, Medic II, and March? It can't attack and has a relitively low strength rating, of like 4 or 5. I'd suggest that building also giving off 4 health.
Hmmm... that is an iteresting idea. It's now on my todo list.

OzzyKP said:
I think that would be better than the field hospital. You say its a plot improvement? So its on the map like a mine or a farm?
Yep, just like any other plot improvement.

OzzyKP said:
That doesn't seem useful. First it can be pillaged, and if it can't move it can't be a true "field hospital" since the front of the war would soon leave it behind and it'd be useless.
Why? Field hospitals were typically behind the front. Yes, it can be pillaged just like in the real world.
Now, as for moving a field hospital, great doctors can build multiple field hospitals if configured to do so.

Again, thanks for all your feedback.
OzzyKP said:
Oh, so the field hospital doesn't consume the GD?

And I guess I was unclear on the promotions, would the heal and extra medic promotions be available for all units or just the great doctor?

It depends on how the mod is configured through the "Great Doctor Config.INI" file.

One of the things I have been trying to do in all of my mod components is to provide as many configuration options as I can through INI files.
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