Great Specialists Mod
By: TheLopez
Last Update: 04/16/06
Version: v0.4.2
Patch Compatibility: v1.61
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.4.2
Version: v0.3
Patch Compatibility: v1.52
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.3
The great specialists mod is a reference integration mod that combines
the following modcomps together into one proof of concept mod:
[TAB]- Specialist Stacker Mod
[TAB]- Great General Amped Mod
[TAB]- Great Doctor Mod
[TAB]- Great Statesman Mod
[TAB]- Dr Elmer Jiggle's Python Utility Library
[TAB]- Stone-D's SD-Toolkit
Installation Instructions:
1) Unzip this into the "civ4_install_folder\Mods\" folder.
2) Open the CivilizationIV.ini configuration file
3) Change the Mod line to read: Mod = Mods\Great Specialists
4) Load the game.
5) Then play as normal.
-----Game Play-----
- Great Generals that join cities give +2 to production, +2 to gold
- Citizens specialized as soldiers give +1 to production, +1 to gold and
+3 to great person points
- Great generals now inspire troops, they will get Morale I when a Great
General is two spaces away, Morale II when a Great General is one space
away and Morale III to units in the same plot as the Great General.
- If configured, Great Generals that have joined a city (settled) will continue
to inspire troops.
- Great Doctors are automatically given the following promotions:
[TAB]- Medic I
[TAB]- Medic II
[TAB]- Medic III
[TAB]- Heal I
[TAB]- Heal II
[TAB]- Heal III
[TAB]- March
- Great Doctors that join cities give +2 to production, +3 to research
and +2 to culture
- Citizens specialized as doctors give +1 to production, +1 to research
and +1 to culture
- Units in the same plot as a great doctors have a very small
chance that they may be taught one of their skills. Players are
notified when a unit is taught a new skill by a great doctor.
- Great Doctors that join cities provide cities with at least double
extra production, research and culture points than regular doctors
- Great Doctors can build the military hospital building in cities to increase
city health, happiness and healing rate.
- Citizens specialized as doctors provide cities with extra production,
research and culture points
- Great Doctors can build the field hospital plot improvement, this new
plot improvements provide medical support to damaged units.
- Great Statesmen that join cities provide an extra 4 production
- Citizens specialized as statesmen exchange money for production at a
2 for 1 rate and give +3 to great person points
- Great Statesmen can:
- Immediately end a war between that great statesmans civilization and
civilization that they are at war with
- Improve the relations between their civilization and another civilization
- Cause insurrections in player's cities with the chance that the targetted
city will revolt and join
- If the bureaucracy legal civic option is selected by a player they will get
a number of free statesmen in their capital city.
- Combat Medic:
[TAB]- Can only be built in cities with a military hospital
[TAB]- Cost: 40 hammers
[TAB]- Combat: 5
[TAB]- Can only defend
[TAB]- Starts with Medic I, Medic II and March
[TAB]- Can withdraw from combat (20% Chance)
- Palaces, walls, bunkers, bomb shelters and United Nations no longer allow
citizens to be specialized as soldiers (In Snaitf's Great General Mod you are
able to)
- The following buildings now provide points towards generating a great
[TAB]- Heroic Epic (1)
[TAB]- National Epic (1)
[TAB]- West Point (1)
[TAB]- Mt. Rushmore (1)
[TAB]- Scotland Yard (1)
[TAB]- Pentagon (2)
- The following buildings now allow the citizens to be specialized as
[TAB]- West Point(3)
[TAB]- Castle (1)
[TAB]- Dry Dock (1)
[TAB]- Jail (1)
[TAB]- Pentagon (1)
- The following buildings now provide points towards generating a great
[TAB]- Red Cross (1)
[TAB]- Military Hospital (1)
- The following buildings now allow the citizens to be specialized as
[TAB]- Red Cross (3)
[TAB]- Hospital (2)
[TAB]- University (2)
- The following buildings now provide free doctor:
[TAB]- Red Cross (2)
- The following buildings now provide points towards generating a great
[TAB]- Forbidden Palace (2)
[TAB]- Versailles (2)
[TAB]- Kremlin (2)
[TAB]- United Nations (2)
[TAB]- Taj Mahal(2)
- The following buildings now allow the citizens to be specialized as
[TAB]- Forbidden Palace (2)
[TAB]- Versailles (2)
[TAB]- Courthouse (1)
[TAB]- Castle (2)
- The following buildings now provide free statesmen:
[TAB]- United Nations (2)
- Military Hospital:
[TAB]- Heals units 15% extra each turn
[TAB]- Required to train combat medics
[TAB]- Can only be built by great doctors
- Field Hospital:
[TAB]- By default increases unit healing by 15%
[TAB]- Can only be built by Great Doctors[TAB]
- Heal I:
[TAB]- +7% heal in friendly lands
[TAB]- +6% heal in neutral lands
[TAB]- +5% heal in enemy lands
[TAB]- +10% defense
[TAB]- Requires the March and Medic II promotions instead of the Combat III promotion
- Heal II:
[TAB]- +7% heal in friendly lands
[TAB]- +6% heal in neutral lands
[TAB]- +5% heal in enemy lands
[TAB]- +5% defense
[TAB]- Requires Medic III and Heal I promotions
- Heal III:
[TAB]- +8% heal in friendly lands
[TAB]- +7% heal in neutral lands
[TAB]- +6% heal in enemy lands
[TAB]- +5% defense
[TAB]- Requires Heal II promotion
- Morale I:
[TAB]- +1 First strike chance
[TAB]- +5% to strength
- Morale II:
[TAB]- +1 first strike
[TAB]- +1 First strike chance
[TAB]- +5% to strength
- Morale III:
[TAB]- Immune to first strikes
[TAB]- +1 first strike
[TAB]- +10% to strength
-----Notes to Modmakers-----
If you want to use the Great Specialists Mod in your mod I have tried to
make things as easy as possible for you. In the XML files modified sections
are enclosed by:
<!-- Great <Specialists> Start -->
<!-- Great <Specialists> End -->
Where the <Specialists> is the great specialist: Great General Amped, Great
Doctor or Great Statesman.
In the Python files I have added #<GS START> and #<GS END> in all of the
places that I have made changes to the original files. I have also included
the Specialist Stacker Mod version of file.
All I ask is that you give me credit.
-----Version Information-----
- Updated to actually read in the INI variables for the
great statesman. This part of the code was forgotten somehow when the update
happened in the v0.9 version.
- Fixed the missing TXT_KEY_SPECIALIST_GREAT_GENERAL tag reported by Jeckle.
- Updated all python code and XML to be compatible with the v1.61 patch.
- Re-integrated the Great General Amped Mod
- Re-integrated the Great Doctor Mod.
- Setup Great Specialists Mod infrastructure and started rebuilding the mod
from the ground up.
- Re-integrated the Great Statesman Mod which also re-integrated the
Specialist Stacker mod v0.6.2 and Dr Elmer Jiggle's Python Utility Library
and Stone-D's SD-Toolkit.
-----===Credits & Thanks===-----
- Exavier
[TAB]Composite Mod - readme.txt format
- C.Roland
[TAB]For providing the wonderful field hospital terrain improvement models
[TAB]and skins
- Snaitf
[TAB]Snaitf's Great General Mod - For redeveloping the
[TAB]class and making it really easy to add new great persons.
- Zuul
[TAB]Promotions & Perks Mod - v0.72 - All of the medic related promotions
[TAB]and traits that the good doctors can use now and his Fort I promotion
[TAB]button graphic.
- seZereth
Provided the great new skin for the modern doctor and statesman.
- Vadus
[TAB]For his excellent popup tutorial.
- Dr Elmer Jiggle
[TAB]For providing the INI file parser code allowing for players to
[TAB]customize this mod without having to touch the python code!!!
- Chalid
[TAB]Good suggestions for balancing the mod.
- OzzyKP
[TAB]For providing suggestions to balance out the Great Specialist mod.
By: TheLopez
Last Update: 04/16/06
Version: v0.4.2
Patch Compatibility: v1.61
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.4.2
Version: v0.3
Patch Compatibility: v1.52
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.3
The great specialists mod is a reference integration mod that combines
the following modcomps together into one proof of concept mod:
[TAB]- Specialist Stacker Mod
[TAB]- Great General Amped Mod
[TAB]- Great Doctor Mod
[TAB]- Great Statesman Mod
[TAB]- Dr Elmer Jiggle's Python Utility Library
[TAB]- Stone-D's SD-Toolkit
Installation Instructions:
1) Unzip this into the "civ4_install_folder\Mods\" folder.
2) Open the CivilizationIV.ini configuration file
3) Change the Mod line to read: Mod = Mods\Great Specialists
4) Load the game.
5) Then play as normal.
-----Game Play-----
Spoiler :
- Great Generals that join cities give +2 to production, +2 to gold
- Citizens specialized as soldiers give +1 to production, +1 to gold and
+3 to great person points
- Great generals now inspire troops, they will get Morale I when a Great
General is two spaces away, Morale II when a Great General is one space
away and Morale III to units in the same plot as the Great General.
- If configured, Great Generals that have joined a city (settled) will continue
to inspire troops.
- Great Doctors are automatically given the following promotions:
[TAB]- Medic I
[TAB]- Medic II
[TAB]- Medic III
[TAB]- Heal I
[TAB]- Heal II
[TAB]- Heal III
[TAB]- March
- Great Doctors that join cities give +2 to production, +3 to research
and +2 to culture
- Citizens specialized as doctors give +1 to production, +1 to research
and +1 to culture
- Units in the same plot as a great doctors have a very small
chance that they may be taught one of their skills. Players are
notified when a unit is taught a new skill by a great doctor.
- Great Doctors that join cities provide cities with at least double
extra production, research and culture points than regular doctors
- Great Doctors can build the military hospital building in cities to increase
city health, happiness and healing rate.
- Citizens specialized as doctors provide cities with extra production,
research and culture points
- Great Doctors can build the field hospital plot improvement, this new
plot improvements provide medical support to damaged units.
- Great Statesmen that join cities provide an extra 4 production
- Citizens specialized as statesmen exchange money for production at a
2 for 1 rate and give +3 to great person points
- Great Statesmen can:
- Immediately end a war between that great statesmans civilization and
civilization that they are at war with
- Improve the relations between their civilization and another civilization
- Cause insurrections in player's cities with the chance that the targetted
city will revolt and join
- If the bureaucracy legal civic option is selected by a player they will get
a number of free statesmen in their capital city.
Spoiler :
- Combat Medic:
[TAB]- Can only be built in cities with a military hospital
[TAB]- Cost: 40 hammers
[TAB]- Combat: 5
[TAB]- Can only defend
[TAB]- Starts with Medic I, Medic II and March
[TAB]- Can withdraw from combat (20% Chance)
Spoiler :
- Palaces, walls, bunkers, bomb shelters and United Nations no longer allow
citizens to be specialized as soldiers (In Snaitf's Great General Mod you are
able to)
- The following buildings now provide points towards generating a great
[TAB]- Heroic Epic (1)
[TAB]- National Epic (1)
[TAB]- West Point (1)
[TAB]- Mt. Rushmore (1)
[TAB]- Scotland Yard (1)
[TAB]- Pentagon (2)
- The following buildings now allow the citizens to be specialized as
[TAB]- West Point(3)
[TAB]- Castle (1)
[TAB]- Dry Dock (1)
[TAB]- Jail (1)
[TAB]- Pentagon (1)
- The following buildings now provide points towards generating a great
[TAB]- Red Cross (1)
[TAB]- Military Hospital (1)
- The following buildings now allow the citizens to be specialized as
[TAB]- Red Cross (3)
[TAB]- Hospital (2)
[TAB]- University (2)
- The following buildings now provide free doctor:
[TAB]- Red Cross (2)
- The following buildings now provide points towards generating a great
[TAB]- Forbidden Palace (2)
[TAB]- Versailles (2)
[TAB]- Kremlin (2)
[TAB]- United Nations (2)
[TAB]- Taj Mahal(2)
- The following buildings now allow the citizens to be specialized as
[TAB]- Forbidden Palace (2)
[TAB]- Versailles (2)
[TAB]- Courthouse (1)
[TAB]- Castle (2)
- The following buildings now provide free statesmen:
[TAB]- United Nations (2)
- Military Hospital:
[TAB]- Heals units 15% extra each turn
[TAB]- Required to train combat medics
[TAB]- Can only be built by great doctors
- Field Hospital:
[TAB]- By default increases unit healing by 15%
[TAB]- Can only be built by Great Doctors[TAB]
Spoiler :
- Heal I:
[TAB]- +7% heal in friendly lands
[TAB]- +6% heal in neutral lands
[TAB]- +5% heal in enemy lands
[TAB]- +10% defense
[TAB]- Requires the March and Medic II promotions instead of the Combat III promotion
- Heal II:
[TAB]- +7% heal in friendly lands
[TAB]- +6% heal in neutral lands
[TAB]- +5% heal in enemy lands
[TAB]- +5% defense
[TAB]- Requires Medic III and Heal I promotions
- Heal III:
[TAB]- +8% heal in friendly lands
[TAB]- +7% heal in neutral lands
[TAB]- +6% heal in enemy lands
[TAB]- +5% defense
[TAB]- Requires Heal II promotion
- Morale I:
[TAB]- +1 First strike chance
[TAB]- +5% to strength
- Morale II:
[TAB]- +1 first strike
[TAB]- +1 First strike chance
[TAB]- +5% to strength
- Morale III:
[TAB]- Immune to first strikes
[TAB]- +1 first strike
[TAB]- +10% to strength
-----Notes to Modmakers-----
If you want to use the Great Specialists Mod in your mod I have tried to
make things as easy as possible for you. In the XML files modified sections
are enclosed by:
<!-- Great <Specialists> Start -->
<!-- Great <Specialists> End -->
Where the <Specialists> is the great specialist: Great General Amped, Great
Doctor or Great Statesman.
In the Python files I have added #<GS START> and #<GS END> in all of the
places that I have made changes to the original files. I have also included
the Specialist Stacker Mod version of file.
All I ask is that you give me credit.
-----Version Information-----
- Updated to actually read in the INI variables for the
great statesman. This part of the code was forgotten somehow when the update
happened in the v0.9 version.
- Fixed the missing TXT_KEY_SPECIALIST_GREAT_GENERAL tag reported by Jeckle.
- Updated all python code and XML to be compatible with the v1.61 patch.
Spoiler :
- Re-integrated the Great General Amped Mod
- Re-integrated the Great Doctor Mod.
- Setup Great Specialists Mod infrastructure and started rebuilding the mod
from the ground up.
- Re-integrated the Great Statesman Mod which also re-integrated the
Specialist Stacker mod v0.6.2 and Dr Elmer Jiggle's Python Utility Library
and Stone-D's SD-Toolkit.
-----===Credits & Thanks===-----
- Exavier
[TAB]Composite Mod - readme.txt format
- C.Roland
[TAB]For providing the wonderful field hospital terrain improvement models
[TAB]and skins
- Snaitf
[TAB]Snaitf's Great General Mod - For redeveloping the
[TAB]class and making it really easy to add new great persons.
- Zuul
[TAB]Promotions & Perks Mod - v0.72 - All of the medic related promotions
[TAB]and traits that the good doctors can use now and his Fort I promotion
[TAB]button graphic.
- seZereth
Provided the great new skin for the modern doctor and statesman.

- Vadus
[TAB]For his excellent popup tutorial.
- Dr Elmer Jiggle
[TAB]For providing the INI file parser code allowing for players to
[TAB]customize this mod without having to touch the python code!!!
- Chalid
[TAB]Good suggestions for balancing the mod.
- OzzyKP
[TAB]For providing suggestions to balance out the Great Specialist mod.