Great Statesman Mod
By: TheLopez
Last updated 11/08/06
Version: v0.9.4.1w
Patch Compatibility: Warlords v2.0.8.0
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.9.4.1w
Version: v0.9.3+SDK
Patch Compatibility: v1.61
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.9.3+SDK
Version: v0.9
Patch Compatibility: v1.61
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.9
Version: v0.8
Patch Compatibility: v1.52
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.8
This mod adds a new great person and specialist to the game. These work
mostly like the other great people and specialists in the game. Some of
these benefits include turning gold into hammers, hurrying up production,
etc. Several buildings have been updated to incorporate the features in
this mod.
Installation Instructions:
1) Unzip this into the "civ4_install_folder\Mods\" folder.
2) Open the CivilizationIV.ini configuration file
3) Change the Mod line to read: Mod = Mods\Great Statesman
4) Load the game.
5) Then play as normal.
-----Game Play-----
- Great Statesmen that join cities provide an extra 4 production
- Citizens specialized as statesmen exchange money for production at a
2 for 1 rate and give +3 to great person points
- Great Statesmen can:
- Immediately end a war between that great statesmans civilization and
civilization that they are at war with
- Improve the relations between their civilization and another civilization
- Cause insurrections in player's cities with the chance that the targetted
city will revolt and join
- If the bureaucracy legal civic option is selected by a player they will get
a number of free statesmen in their capital city.
- The following buildings now provide points towards generating a great
[TAB]- Forbidden Palace (2)
[TAB]- Versailles (2)
[TAB]- Kremlin (2)
[TAB]- United Nations (2)
[TAB]- Taj Mahal(2)
- The following buildings now allow the citizens to be specialized as
[TAB]- Forbidden Palace (2)
[TAB]- Versailles (2)
[TAB]- Courthouse (1)
[TAB]- Castle (2)
- The following buildings now provide free statesmen:
[TAB]- United Nations (2)
-----Notes to Modmakers-----
If you want to use the Greate Statesman Mod in your mod I have tried to make
things as easy as possible for you. In the XML files modified sections are
enclosed by:
<!-- -->
<!-- Great Statesman Start -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Great Statesman End -->
<!-- -->
In the Python files I have added #<GS START> and #<GS END> in all of the
places that I have made changes to the original files. I have also included
the Specialist Stacker Mod v0.7 of file.
All I ask is that you give me credit.
-----Version Information-----
- Updated the Specialist Stacker Mod to v0.8
- Updated to actually read in the INI variables for the
great statesman. This part of the code was forgotten somehow when the update
happened in the v0.9 version.
- Updated all python code and XML to be compatible with the v1.61 patch.
- Merged all of the text XML data into a single file
- Integrated Talcha's Action Button Mod v2.0
- Updated the buildings that give out great person points, free specialists and
allow citizen specialization using OzzyKP's recommendation as a guide.
- Fixed the issue addressed by talchas in his action buttons mod comp where
sometimes an exception is thrown when a action button ID number is used.
- Added the option allowing players to specify if players changing their legal
civic option to bureaucracy should give them free statesmen in their capital
- Added the option allowing players to specify the number of free statesmen
that should be added to a player's capital city if they changed their legal
civic option to bureaucracy.
- Updated civics screen to display the number of free statesmen added by
choosing the bureaucracy legal civic option.
- Updated civics civilopedia screen to display the number of free statesmen
added by choosing the bureaucracy legal civic option.
- Added seZereth's new modern statesman skin
- Integrated Specialist Stacker Mod v0.6.2
- Added the ability for great statesmen to make peace immediately between their
civilization and the civilization they are at war with
- Added the ability for great statesmen to improve the relations between their
civilization and another civilization they have contact with.
- Added the ability for great statesmen to start an insurrection in a players
- Added fix to the INI parser code provided by Dr. Elmer Jiggle
- Integrated the Specialist Stacker Mod v0.4 code to the Great Statesman Mod
- Added unique graphics for the statesmen and great statesmen
- Incorporated suggestions made by Chalid:
[TAB]- Great Statesmen now give 4 to production without costing anything
[TAB]- Statesmen provide 2 production for 1 GOLD instead of 1 commerce
- Integrated the Specialist Stacker Mod code to the Great Statesman Mod
- Updated the join city image to match the other great persons join city
- Fixed bug causing TXT_KEY_UNIT_GREAT_STATESMAN instead of Great Statesman
- Great statesmen that join cities now exchange money for production at a
4 for 1 rate.
- Fixed the graphics from the Great General mod to use different
- Updated the statesman specialist to exchange money for production at a
2 for 1 rate.
- Setup Great Statesman Mod infrastructure
- Identified statesmen names - tried to balance from historical names, did
not include any names from leaders in Civilization 4
-----To Do-----
- Get unique graphics and models for the early statesmen
- Add great statesman actions: look for ideas.
[TAB]- Espionage missions?
[TAB]- Establish embassy
[TAB][TAB]- Maybe allow for the return of captured spies
[TAB][TAB]- Required for contact with other nations
-----Future Features-----
- Develop code allowing AI to use new features
- Add code and player configurable options to allow delaying the start of
insurrections in cities
-----===Credits & Thanks===-----
- Exavier
[TAB]Composite Mod - readme.txt format
- Snaitf
[TAB]Snaitf's Great General Mod - For redeveloping the
[TAB]class and making it really easy to add new great persons.
- Chalid
[TAB]Good suggestions for balancing the mod.
- seZereth
[TAB]Provided the great new skin for the modern statesman.
- Dr Elmer Jiggle
[TAB]For providing the INI file parser code allowing for players to
[TAB]customize this mod without having to touch the python code!!!
[TAB]SD Toolkit
- Vadus
[TAB]For his excellent popup tutorial.
- OzzyKP
[TAB]For providing suggestions to balance out the Great Statesman mod.
- Talchas
[TAB]For his Action Buttons v2.0 mod
By: TheLopez
Last updated 11/08/06
Version: v0.9.4.1w
Patch Compatibility: Warlords v2.0.8.0
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.9.4.1w
Version: v0.9.3+SDK
Patch Compatibility: v1.61
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.9.3+SDK
Version: v0.9
Patch Compatibility: v1.61
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.9
Version: v0.8
Patch Compatibility: v1.52
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.8
This mod adds a new great person and specialist to the game. These work
mostly like the other great people and specialists in the game. Some of
these benefits include turning gold into hammers, hurrying up production,
etc. Several buildings have been updated to incorporate the features in
this mod.
Installation Instructions:
1) Unzip this into the "civ4_install_folder\Mods\" folder.
2) Open the CivilizationIV.ini configuration file
3) Change the Mod line to read: Mod = Mods\Great Statesman
4) Load the game.
5) Then play as normal.
-----Game Play-----
Spoiler :
- Great Statesmen that join cities provide an extra 4 production
- Citizens specialized as statesmen exchange money for production at a
2 for 1 rate and give +3 to great person points
- Great Statesmen can:
- Immediately end a war between that great statesmans civilization and
civilization that they are at war with
- Improve the relations between their civilization and another civilization
- Cause insurrections in player's cities with the chance that the targetted
city will revolt and join
- If the bureaucracy legal civic option is selected by a player they will get
a number of free statesmen in their capital city.
Spoiler :
- The following buildings now provide points towards generating a great
[TAB]- Forbidden Palace (2)
[TAB]- Versailles (2)
[TAB]- Kremlin (2)
[TAB]- United Nations (2)
[TAB]- Taj Mahal(2)
- The following buildings now allow the citizens to be specialized as
[TAB]- Forbidden Palace (2)
[TAB]- Versailles (2)
[TAB]- Courthouse (1)
[TAB]- Castle (2)
- The following buildings now provide free statesmen:
[TAB]- United Nations (2)
-----Notes to Modmakers-----
If you want to use the Greate Statesman Mod in your mod I have tried to make
things as easy as possible for you. In the XML files modified sections are
enclosed by:
<!-- -->
<!-- Great Statesman Start -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Great Statesman End -->
<!-- -->
In the Python files I have added #<GS START> and #<GS END> in all of the
places that I have made changes to the original files. I have also included
the Specialist Stacker Mod v0.7 of file.
All I ask is that you give me credit.
-----Version Information-----
- Updated the Specialist Stacker Mod to v0.8
Spoiler :
- Updated to actually read in the INI variables for the
great statesman. This part of the code was forgotten somehow when the update
happened in the v0.9 version.
- Updated all python code and XML to be compatible with the v1.61 patch.
- Merged all of the text XML data into a single file
- Integrated Talcha's Action Button Mod v2.0
- Updated the buildings that give out great person points, free specialists and
allow citizen specialization using OzzyKP's recommendation as a guide.
- Fixed the issue addressed by talchas in his action buttons mod comp where
sometimes an exception is thrown when a action button ID number is used.
- Added the option allowing players to specify if players changing their legal
civic option to bureaucracy should give them free statesmen in their capital
- Added the option allowing players to specify the number of free statesmen
that should be added to a player's capital city if they changed their legal
civic option to bureaucracy.
- Updated civics screen to display the number of free statesmen added by
choosing the bureaucracy legal civic option.
- Updated civics civilopedia screen to display the number of free statesmen
added by choosing the bureaucracy legal civic option.
- Added seZereth's new modern statesman skin
- Integrated Specialist Stacker Mod v0.6.2
- Added the ability for great statesmen to make peace immediately between their
civilization and the civilization they are at war with
- Added the ability for great statesmen to improve the relations between their
civilization and another civilization they have contact with.
- Added the ability for great statesmen to start an insurrection in a players
- Added fix to the INI parser code provided by Dr. Elmer Jiggle
- Integrated the Specialist Stacker Mod v0.4 code to the Great Statesman Mod
- Added unique graphics for the statesmen and great statesmen
- Incorporated suggestions made by Chalid:
[TAB]- Great Statesmen now give 4 to production without costing anything
[TAB]- Statesmen provide 2 production for 1 GOLD instead of 1 commerce
- Integrated the Specialist Stacker Mod code to the Great Statesman Mod
- Updated the join city image to match the other great persons join city
- Fixed bug causing TXT_KEY_UNIT_GREAT_STATESMAN instead of Great Statesman
- Great statesmen that join cities now exchange money for production at a
4 for 1 rate.
- Fixed the graphics from the Great General mod to use different
- Updated the statesman specialist to exchange money for production at a
2 for 1 rate.
- Setup Great Statesman Mod infrastructure
- Identified statesmen names - tried to balance from historical names, did
not include any names from leaders in Civilization 4
-----To Do-----
- Get unique graphics and models for the early statesmen
- Add great statesman actions: look for ideas.
[TAB]- Espionage missions?
[TAB]- Establish embassy
[TAB][TAB]- Maybe allow for the return of captured spies
[TAB][TAB]- Required for contact with other nations
-----Future Features-----
- Develop code allowing AI to use new features
- Add code and player configurable options to allow delaying the start of
insurrections in cities
-----===Credits & Thanks===-----
- Exavier
[TAB]Composite Mod - readme.txt format
- Snaitf
[TAB]Snaitf's Great General Mod - For redeveloping the
[TAB]class and making it really easy to add new great persons.
- Chalid
[TAB]Good suggestions for balancing the mod.
- seZereth
[TAB]Provided the great new skin for the modern statesman.

- Dr Elmer Jiggle
[TAB]For providing the INI file parser code allowing for players to
[TAB]customize this mod without having to touch the python code!!!
[TAB]SD Toolkit
- Vadus
[TAB]For his excellent popup tutorial.
- OzzyKP
[TAB]For providing suggestions to balance out the Great Statesman mod.
- Talchas
[TAB]For his Action Buttons v2.0 mod