Native tribes viable 1.0
all tribes playable, but no victory conditions (cannot accrue FF points)
xml has comments regarding changes
natives can work in basic colonial buildings
native soldiers can now fortify themselves just like colonial soldiers
update file reference in shortcut link to your C4C path
if set Native flag "off" for a given Native civ, can get Eur style gold from other Native settlements
add to your mod to get better natives
View attachment Native tribes
all tribes playable, but no victory conditions (cannot accrue FF points)
xml has comments regarding changes
natives can work in basic colonial buildings
native soldiers can now fortify themselves just like colonial soldiers
update file reference in shortcut link to your C4C path
if set Native flag "off" for a given Native civ, can get Eur style gold from other Native settlements
add to your mod to get better natives
View attachment Native tribes