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[MODCOMP] Route Pillage Mod


Jan 16, 2006
Route Pillage Mod
By: TheLopez

Last Updated 08/23/10

Version: v0.4BtS
Patch Compatibility: Beyond the Sword v3.19
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.4BtS

Version: v0.3.1w
Patch Compatibility: Warlords v2.0.8.0
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.3.1w

Version: v0.2
Patch Compatibility: v1.61
MP Compatible: ?
Download Mod v0.2

With the changes this mod introduces you will be able to pillage/destroy routes
separately from improvements. This way you will be able to disconnect inland
enemy cities from their trade networks prior to invasions, slow down enemy
troops approach to your cities, etc.

Installation Instructions:

1) Unzip this into the "civ4_install_folder\Mods\" folder.
2) Open the CivilizationIV.ini configuration file
3) Change the Mod line to read: Mod = Mods\Route Pillage Mod
4) Load the game.
5) Then play as normal.

-----Game Play-----
Spoiler :

- Adds a new unit action called "Pillage Route" allowing players to pillage
routes separately

- Aircraft bombing mission now allows for the targetting of roads

-----Notes to Modmakers-----

If you want to use the Route Pillage Mod in your mod I have tried to make
things as easy as possible for you. In the SDK files I have added
// < Route Pillage Start > and // < Route Pillage End > in all of the places
that I have made changes.

-----Version Information-----


- Updated to be compatible with Beyond the Sword v3.19 patch.

Spoiler :


- Updated to be compatible with Warlords v2.0.8.0 patch.

- Fixed the missing & in CvUnit.cpp. Reported by GraveEatr.


- Added the check to prevent units from being able to pillage routes in
territories of rivals in which players have an open borders treaty. reported
by Ocedius.

- Added the ability to bomb roads using the aircraft bomb mission. Requested by


- Setup Road Pillage Mod infrastructure

- Added the code neccessary for pillaging routes separately from improvements

-----===Credits & Thanks===-----

- Exavier - Composite Mod - readme.txt format

- Zorn - For proposing the idea for this mod
Very nice TheLopez, the little things are often the coolest. :cool:

Zuul said:
Can you pillage in your own land?

Yep, you sure can. :)
will always be "theHeroLopez"
Could you add this option for fighters/bombers, too (if not yet available - as I cannot try your mod now ;) )?
I have a small issue with this and don't know whether it was intentional or accidental. Last I checked, a unit could pillage a route within rival territory (with OB) and not cause war, or diplomatic hit with the 'our borders cause ....'

This should be fixed. Its one thing to pillage routes in your territory, or to pillage routes to slow rival movement in war times, but quite another to obliterate a rivals' communication network while engaing in nice open border agreements.
Good point, If lopez can put the nessary changes here I'll update the Mod in the CCP. (Yes I already have this Mod in the CCP incase your wondering)
Ok it is on the todo list to fix this issue, I'll see if I can get to it tomorrow morning...
Ok, a new version has been posted.
TheLopez said:
Ok, a new version has been posted.

Big thanks :) That's what I've been looking for! :goodjob:

Unfortunately I can't try it for few days :(, so expect more praises then ;)
Yes, the AI does know how to use this.
Hi to all
You rule TheLopez :king:
I use a lot of your code in my mod but for the first time i've a problem.
I've used source code for warlord v.0.2 but route pillaging doesn't work properly (the dll in your zip package works fine).
Pillage improvements works as usual but is impossible to pillage routes (neutral or enemy territory and inside cultural border also)
I've used your source files from routepillage package and edited
(for pirates mod)
cvunit.cpp (for Great Generals From Barbarian Combat Mod)
Great general and pirates mod works well, route pillage..... :cry:
Have you a idea?
Thx for your greats mods :goodjob:
Did you remember to also use the XML files in your combined mod?

They are also required to have the route pillage mod features work.
now i'll try to re-compile the dll after check all files

thx for your reply
I've checked the files. All ok
I've recompiled the dll (with your great air forces mod also).... and now it works :)


Maybe a cached file...
thx for all
Keraunos said:
Big thanks :) That's what I've been looking for! :goodjob:

Unfortunately I can't try it for few days :(, so expect more praises then ;)

Finaly tried it and I love it :) Great work :goodjob:

Also, could you make another mission I desperately ( ;) ) need? I'm thinking about "destroy religion" mission for missionaries.. I'd use it for my mod that tries to depict religion effects better - now you only gain benefits of multiple religions, in history it caused serious turmoil.. That's why I'll give other religions -1 to happiness - but then we should be able to remove them.

Of course chance for the religion to be removed would be dependant on civics..
TheLopez said:
Route Pillage Mod
By: TheLopez

- Added the ability to bomb roads using the aircraft bomb mission. Requested by

Thank you for this mod it is great. I could not get the aircraft bomb mission to work. Is there something else I need to do besides extracting the zip file to the mods folder. The pillage function for land units worked great.

I also wanted to use this mod with your air force mod, but the both have a CvGameCoreDLL.dll, I don't have access to a compiler. Is there any other options?
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