Moddifying Stability Maps

Crimson Phantom

Jan 10, 2005
I like the whole stability thing, but not the fact that civs are limited based on historicity. If my British Empire wants to make a settler state out of Borneo, we should have the right!

I was wondering, how difficult would it be to make a mod that turns all land for all civs into stability-neutral territory? Or does one already exist?
I was wondering, how difficult would it be to make a mod that turns all land for all civs into stability-neutral territory? Or does one already exist?
It would be as easy as deleting/commenting out one line of Python code, or so I believe. At least to get rid of the 32 tile limit on the number of plots allowed outside of historical area. There might be other code involved also.

The line in question would be #456 in If you wanna change the tolerance value instead, then you need to change 32 into something else on line #455.
All I can think about is the CvRhyes.cpp file on the CvGameCoreDLL folder of the mod. There are the settler/stability maps in it, listed as per civ. The maps will be totally neutral per civ, if you turn all the coded numbers to 20, 20, 20...etc. However, it would be a true timekiller.
Copy into notepad, search&replace, copy back :)
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