Modern African Scenario?


The horror, the horror
Oct 25, 2000
Canberra, Australia
I'm considering making a scenario about modern Africa, but I'm short of suitable civs.

I'm intending the scenario to be called 'The African Renascence' (sp?), and cover the spread of liberal democracy through Africa in the near future (i.e.: South Africa and the UN kicking dictator butt :D).

The civ's I'm considering are:
South African Development Commission (South Africa and friends)
UN (the west)
Arab League
Dictatorial states (Zimbabwe, etc all as one big and nasty nation)
Arab League? (North Africa)
and lots of barbarian cities in central Africa (the Congo, Angola, etc)

Does anyone have any ideas on this project?

edit: fixed spelling [I'm not sure about 'Renascence', but MS Word says its OK]

Um I dunno much about Africa....but if ya need any help, gimme a holler, my icq is 57264776
Just a thought.

Maybe your scen could involve the uprising of black rebels, revolting against white farmers. Maybe this could provide the direct motivation for UN to send in forces -to the relief of whites in peril in different spots all over Africa.

Thats probably not too unrealistic either. I think in many places in Africa tension is on the rise. Some blacks have had enough of white interference and white possession of lands originally in the hands of africans. Conflicts that stem back to the age of colonialism and even further back, to the slave trade. Other africans embrace european ideals as the way to go; human rights, education, democracy, industry and capitalism etc.

In other words, a war between white farmers/interests and black rebels/dictators, in which the UN has to go in the middle, allied/supported by supportive black regimes. The arabs, then, will be the wild card, perhaps split between west-supportive nations like Egypt and Saudiarabia, and terror-supporting regimes; Libya and the Sudan springs to mind.
Current conflicts in Africa:

- Kongo(fka Zaire)-Angola-Namibia are still in war against Sambia-Uganda-Ruanda
- war between Ethopia and Eritrea
- civil war + anarchy in Somalia (the new government controlles only Mogadishu)
- civil war in Kongo (fka Zaire), Sierra Leone + Angola (note that the rebel forces finance their armies by controlling the diamond mines!)
- civil war in Burundi between Hutu and Tutsis
- civil war in Sudan between moslems (in the north) and christians (south)
- religious conflicts in Nigeria between moslems (in the north) and christians (south)
- moslem terrorists in Algeria
- western sahara is occupied by Marokko

Possible conflicts in the near future:

- USA + NATO declare war on Sudan and Somalia, because these countries still support Al-Quaida forces
- dictatorial Zimbabwe is suppressíng the opposition which may cause a civil war in the near future, if president Mugabe wont withdraw
- civil war in Nigeria
- islamic rebels may revolting against the west-supportive government in Egypt

Hope u understand my German-English... :rolleyes:
Thanks a lot giz, that cleared up a lot for me, seeing as I'm not very well educated in african conflicts. That looks like perhaps too much to encompass in a scenario hehe. and your english was fine thx...let's see if Case can pull this off, if so, I'll playtest for sure
At the moment all African states (except Marokko) are members of the OAU, but in the near future the alliance could break and only the "good" states keep the coalition.. So the OAU could control the south-east (South Africa, Namibia, Botsuana, Tanzania, Mocambic + Kenia) and some small parts of the north-west (Ghana,Togo etc)
Uganda, Ruanda + Burundi could either be part of the dictorial states or barbs
Somalia, Sierra Leone + rebel forces could be barbs

What about this:
- Organization of African Unity (=South Afirca + allies)
- United Nations
- Arab League
- Dictorial states
- Kongo (fka Zaire) [or u split Kongo into dictorial states and rebel forces (barbs) and u include Ethopia]
- Angola [or u split Angola into dictorial states and rebel forces (barbs) and u include Ethopia]
- Nigeria
- lots of barbs
Thanks Techumseh - your Congo scenario was what inspired me to make this one.

For now this project is 'on hold' ;)
If anyone wants to complete it, let me know and I'll be more then happy to send you the files :)
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