Modern Northeast Asia (ROK, DPRK, USA, Taiwan and PRC) playtest ready!

Sorry, when civfanatics old site took a dump I lost my files I had on hand. I'll put it at atomic gamer. As far as the deployment center, I couldn't figure what the problem with that is, if you can decipher it, I'll fix it immediately. Sorry I've been screwing around with the thirdwire flight sims lately and haven't been on too much.
I'm not too good with files. How exactly can I download a .rar file? I click it and it downloads, but instead of a folder it gives me a webpage icon. I click open and it takes me to a blank page and makes me re-download it again. I'va always been unsure so I might as well start with this mod. It looks fun.

Sorry for the noob-ish question.

It's a hell of a mod, haha no doubt about that! I'm a little biased of course. Anyway, make sure you have winrar to unzip it. If you don't have that, you won't get anything. It's free to download just type it into a search engine and you should be good to go.
Thanks a lot. I've always een kind of dodging .rar mods even though they look great.

I'll report with feedback when it works.
I got an error that the building icon for the Deployment center didn't exist. So I checked the file and under the buildings folder the Deployment Center wasn't there. I'm gonna try to re-download it.

Sorry for the double plsot. There isn't a delete post button... I meant to edit my first one.
If you keep having this problem, let me know and I'll reload the scenario. I haven't played it for quite some time, so I think I modified the map a little. Maybe that's giving the problem.
I still got the error. Here, I took a screen shot of it.

Sorry for the late response, I've been busy lately. But after three downloads of the new file, I still get the same error message.
Ok, I've playtested it and it works, should be no problems at all. If you still have problems then, maybe you're not installing it right. If that's the case, message me and I'll teach you how.
Okay. I can't even access the download now. I click "Download the Primary" and it refreshes the page... That's strange. I'll try again tomorrow.

Nevermind. Everything works now including the scenario. It was definitely worth the wait. Thanks for help as well.
I have some things to say, I download the old verison of the map (the one that still has Japan in it) and got the same error about the diplomat center. Any help fixing it so I can get it to to work would be appreciated.

Now on the scenario, great concept. I however am always opposed to leaving out key nations. Leaving out Japan is in my opinion a very bad idea. It makes me not want to play this scenario. They are have a key role in the region. Also, you should consider adding Russia and Mongolia. Maybe even merging them as one Civ. Also it would be better if you put Japan back in. It would make this scenario a better one to play. I am willing to help out as much as I can here. I might not have much in the way of tech skills but I can play test and work in the editor to help balance the scenario.
I had Japan and if you look at the above thread, you will see that Japan didn't do anything in the scenario. I agree that they would be important in a real life war, but they just didn't come in to play in the scenario, they were ballast. As far as Russia or Mongolia, the map didn't really have the space for them to be strongly involved. I think by having the Russian trade tech that would really be the way they would be in the war anyway. I don't see them rushing to nK's aid. Finally I wanted to make this game MP capable (I play this with my wife) and also wanted to make it so it didn't lag like crazy. There are enough games out there that try to include every single single detail and end up sacrificing gameplay. So there's my reasoning and I'm sticking by it.
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