Tommy Vercetti
The Don
I had Japan and if you look at the above thread, you will see that Japan didn't do anything in the scenario. I agree that they would be important in a real life war, but they just didn't come in to play in the scenario, they were ballast. As far as Russia or Mongolia, the map didn't really have the space for them to be strongly involved. I think by having the Russian trade tech that would really be the way they would be in the war anyway. I don't see them rushing to nK's aid. Finally I wanted to make this game MP capable (I play this with my wife) and also wanted to make it so it didn't lag like crazy. There are enough games out there that try to include every single single detail and end up sacrificing gameplay. So there's my reasoning and I'm sticking by it.
I would say keep them in anyway. If anything they are an option for the player. I as I said, I am very opposed to factoring countries out in a Civ scenario. Leaving out a key player makes a scenario SUCK in my opinion. No offense to anyone personally, thats just how I feel . The way you screwed a scenario with great potential up makes it suck. Again I am not trying to offend you personally, I just think your scenario needs improvement. You COULD merge Mongolia with Russia. That would be a great way to factor in both nations. Japan needs to be put back in. They are too much of a major player to be left out. I don't care if they did nothing when controlled by the AI. So yeah, until some changes like this are made, I am NOT going to play this scenario. I would rather play something that does not have the realism screwed up. Maybe make two versions of the scenario or something.
On a good note, I was able to get the version of it with Japan in it to play. It has potential and I noticed the turn times are fine. I might modify it some.
Well I tried to and I got the pedia Icons error again for the Raptor and the PLA Solider.