Modern Real Civ Flags


Jan 13, 2012
Download Site:

if you want to change a flag for a Civ just go into \XML\Civilizations

and change the number

<Set PortraitIndex="24"/>

or if you want to add a new one add these lines:

<Set PortraitIndex="3"/>

numbers/civ names have to be changed of course.

0= Nazi Germany
1= Britain
2= Soviet Russia
3= USA
4= Japan
5= France
6= Italia
7= Republic China
8= Spain (Franco era)
9= Turkye
10= Greece
11= Poland
12= Benelux
13= Denmark
14= Sweden
15= Brazil
16= Argentina
17= Macedonia
18= Modern Germany
19= Deutsches Reich
20= Modern Russia/Imperial Russia
21= Netherlands
22= Iran
23= Arab League
24= Deutsches Reich with Prussian Eagle
25= Austria-Hungary
26= Saudi Arabia
27= India
28= Korea
29= Canada
30= Australia
31= Switzerland
32= Ireland
33= Israel
34= Mexico
35= European Union
36= Sctoland
37= Communist China
38= North Korea
39= -----
40= Prussian Eagle on white ground
41= Imperial Russia with Eagle
42= England
43= Ethopia
44= Qing China
45= Spain
46= Egypt

if you have any request for new flags feel free to tell me and i see what i can do.

also feel free to use the file for your mods or whatever


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i dont have anything on workshop :O

looks like that is pretty much the same thing as my mod didnt know that! well now it makes sense im having such few downlaods ^.^

but mhm my mod is more of a modders resource with some templates for beginners.

i will add a English flag when i have atleast 4 more flags to add, i dont want to do the whole converting process just for one flag :p
i dont have anything on workshop :O

looks like that is pretty much the same thing as my mod didnt know that! well now it makes sense im having such few downlaods ^.^

but mhm my mod is more of a modders resource with some templates for beginners.

i will add a English flag when i have atleast 4 more flags to add, i dont want to do the whole converting process just for one flag :p

I've had a go with the one on the Workshop, but it doesn't look nice when coupled with mods that change CS icons for their major Civ ally ones and yours also appear to be a cleaner, circular affair. That will probably look considerably better for such things anyway.

Haha, chop chop - make with the flags! Nah, just seems odd that the English flag is the one that gets left out in favour of the Union one, when one of the major civs is England and not the UK. Tis often the same all over the net when you see language icons... Ok, my Lil Englander rant is over :blush:
yepp! we non English people always consider the Union jack to be the English flag which is indeed odd since i added Scotland, Ireland and almost even Wales. ;)

today im goin over it anyways, darken the flags a bit while doin that i will add the English and maybe some others (if i find som more important flags)
yepp! we non English people always consider the Union jack to be the English flag which is indeed odd since i added Scotland, Ireland and almost even Wales. ;)

today im goin over it anyways, darken the flags a bit while doin that i will add the English and maybe some others (if i find som more important flags)

Oh I didn't mean that people equate the Union one the same as the English one :)

Ah, the Welsh...terrorising everyone with their close harmony singing... :p
Nice mod. Kinda funny that we both made similar mods at the same time. The mod on steamworks is mine :) I just popped by the give a little tip. You can disable the civ icon coloroverlay in "CityBannerManager.lua". There's a textcolor that just needs to be deleted. Then you can use the original bordercolors again if you want to :)

Anyways just a little tip.
hey toft indeed funny and thanks for the tip :D

but as im totally lost in LUA i have no clue were to delete that, i guess its somewhere there:
-- This is another player's banner instance
if( controls.MinorIndicator and controls.StatusIcon ) then

controls.StatusIcon:SetColor( textColor );
local civType = player:GetCivilizationType();
local civInfo = GameInfo.Civilizations[civType];

if( player:IsMinorCiv() ) then

SetUpMinorMeter(iActivePlayer, cityBanner.playerID, controls, textColor );

-- minor trait icon
controls.StatusIcon:SetTexture( GameInfo.MinorCivTraits[ GameInfo.MinorCivilizations[ player:GetMinorCivType() ].MinorCivTrait ].TraitIcon );
controls.StatusIcon:SetTextureOffsetVal( 0, 0 );

IconHookup( civInfo.PortraitIndex, 32, civInfo.AlphaIconAtlas, controls.StatusIcon );
controls.StatusIcon:SetOffsetX( 0 );
controls.StatusIconBG:SetHide( true );
controls.StatusMeterFrame:SetHide( true );

but i dont dare to touch that as i have no clue what may happen, and G&K loading times are loooooong sheesh!
After rooting around a bit I found the following two files that seem to control the city banner:
I have yet to try any modding with Civ5 but perhaps if I get some time I'll attempt to get the new flag icons to replace the production icons. But hopefully someone else will beat me to it. :p
The Spanish flag is the dictatorship flag with the eagle, when Spain was ruled by Franco for 40 years after a million death-civil war. It is very offensive for Spaniards. If I were you I would change change it. From a spaniard ;-)
The Spanish flag is the dictatorship flag with the eagle, when Spain was ruled by Franco for 40 years after a million death-civil war. It is very offensive for Spaniards. If I were you I would change change it. From a spaniard ;-)

im sorry! had no clue i will add a normal Spanish flag asap.
Agreed--from an American. :) Unless you're running a scenario under Franco, using his "dictatorship flag" is akin to using the Japanese WWII flag with the central sun emitting rays. (I could've made the more obvious comparison, but *cough* Godwin's Law *cough*.)
Sorry I didn't follow up on that hint :)

The file you need is here:
..\Steam\steamapps\common\sid meier's civilization v\Assets\DLC\Expansion\UI\InGame

The file name:

Copy that file into ModBuddy and edit it. Find line 472 with this code:
controls.StatusIcon:SetColor( textColor );

Replace that with:

Set "Import into VFS" to true. That's it! :)
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