Modern Warfare MOD


Jun 9, 2008
Current Version: 6 / Status: BETA


I'll try to describe this MOD as short as possible because of my limited language knowledge. As a big fan of Total Realism for CIV Warlords i want to create a MOD in a similarly way. That's not really possible because I mod alone and can only do XML and some artworks. For me it is OK because there are other great Coder in the Community who can do the LUA and DLL stuff much better than me.
So, what's the MOD about: Longer Games, which means that you will find a huge extended TechTree for all Eras of the Game. More "Uniqueness" in every kind of way, which means more unique units, unique buildings, unique promotions and so on. The player should have the feeling that he is playing i.e. FRANCE and not MALI. Furthermore my MOD's focus is the Modern (Cold War) Era, which means Modern Civs, Modern Leaderheads and so on.
I know that these informations are very rare but i hope they gave you a short overview about what's in and what's not in. For detailed informations please have a look at post #2.
Thanks for your attention and perhaps for testing and giving feedback!


- DLC's required/supported: Mongols, Inca&Spain, Polynesia, Denmark
- Only English Language support
- Important: to see the new static leaderheads please go to: mydocuments/mygames/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/GraphicsSettingsDX9 OR GraphicsSettingsDX11 (depends on what version of Civ5 you play). Open the file and search for: Whether or not to use static screenshots of leaders (this is the default for min-spec machines) UseScreenShots = 0 (change the "0" to "1" and save)

- New modern Leaderheads for all Civs
- Civs are now "modern"
- Realistic Names for Great Generals for each Civ
- Giant World Map with 22 Civs in real starting positions
- ... for more please see the ChangeLog at Post #2

- ...

- ...

- civ5crazy's ui emod by civ5 crazy
- Building Resources by Whys
- Resource Generator by Deep_Blue
- IndieStone D.U.C.K.S mod by lemmy101 & CaptainBinky

Kael (Modding Guide), Gedemon ([TSL] Yet (not) Another Earth Maps Pack), lemmy101, Whys (Building Resources), Deep_Blue (Resource Generator)

Units: bernie14, LoneGamer, danrell, Deliverator, blazekid87

Wonder: ambrox62, Pouakai, sukritact

Link: Download v 6
Please delete all previous versions before installing a new one!


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ChangeLog for v1 - v6:

Spoiler :
Changelog for v6:

- Updated MWM Giant Earth Map to v 4.4 (now 22 Civs(max), 7 CS)

Changes: - Isabella replaced by Franco (+ new static leaderhead)
- Pachacuti replaced by Peròn (+ new static leaderhead)
- Kamehameha replaced by Menzies (+ new static leaderhead)
- Bluetooth replaced by Olav V (+ new static leaderhead)
- updated Diplomacy texts

Changes: - Inca renamed to Argentina (+ modern city names)
- Polynesia renamed to Australia (+ modern city names)
- Denmark renamed to Norway (+ modern city names)
- updated DoM texts
- replaced Dawn of Man images by self made DoM images
- replaced Map images by self made images

Unique: - Argentine Army (+10% Hills, +10% Plains, +5% Tundra)
- Spanish Army (+10% Grass, +8% Forest, +7% Hills)
- Australian Army (+13% Desert, +6% Plains, +6% Grass)
- Norwegian Army (+12% Hills, +8% Forest, +5% Tundra)

- Fixed: "Save bug"
- New DLC's supported: Denmark, Inca & Spain, Polynesia
- Updated to Patch

Changelog for v1 - v5:

Included Modpacks/Maps:
- Genghis Kai's Giant Earth Map edited and converted by Gendemon

- MWM Giant Earth Map v 4.3 added

Changes: - Modern City Names for Egypt
- Modern City Names for Greece
- Modern City Names for Mongolia
- Arabia renamed to Saudi Arabia (+ modern City Names)
- Aztec renamed to Mexico (+ modern City Names)
- Iroquois renamed to Canada (+ modern City Names)
- Persia renamed to Iran (+ modern City Names)
- Rome renamed to Italy (+ modern City Names)
- Siam renamed to Thailand (+ modern City Names)
- Songhai renamed to Mali (+ modern City Names)
- replaced Dawn of Man speeches by national anthems
- replaced Dawn of Man images by self made DoM images
- replaced Map images by self made images
- updated Dawn of Man texts

City States:
New: - Cuba, Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Iceland, Madagascar

Changes: - Geneva replaced by Ceylon
- Venice replaced by Botswana
- Genoa replaced by Angola
- Florence replaced by Zambia

Changes: - Catherine replaced by Brezhnev (+ new static leaderhead)
- Washington replaced by Nixon (+ new static leaderhead)
- Wu Zetian replaced by Mao Zedong (+ new static leaderhead)
- Elizabeth replaced by Wilson (+ new static leaderhead)
- Napoleon replaced by de Gaulle (+ new static leaderhead)
- Bismarck replaced by Adenauer (+ new static leaderhead)
- Hiawatha replaced by Trudeau (+ new static leaderhead)
- Ramesses replaced by Nasser (+ new static leaderhead)
- al Rashid replaced by Faisal (+ new static leaderhead)
- Montezuma replaced by Ordaz (+ new static leaderhead)
- Alexander replaced by Karamanlis (+ new static leaderhead)
- Gandhi replaced by Indira Gandhi (+ new static leaderhead)
- Oda Nobunaga replaced by Sato (+ new static leaderhead)
- Suleiman replaced by Menderes (+ new static leaderhead)
- Darius replaced by Khomeini (+ new static leaderhead)
- Augustus replaced by Fanfani (+ new static leaderhead)
- Askia replaced by Keita (+ new static leaderhead)
- Ramkhamhaeng replaced by Rama IX (+ new static leaderhead)
- Genghis Khan replaced by Tsedenbal (+ new static leaderhead)
- updated Diplomacy texts

Changes: - added the Promotion 'Superior Naval Warfare' to the 'Sun Never Sets' Trait

Changes: - worker build modifier for desert now 66% (was 25%), for snow now 66% (was 50%), for tundra now 33% (was 25%) and for hill now 11% (was 0%)
- movement cost for snow and desert terrain now 2 (was 1)

Changes: - Potosi --> 1P + 4G (was 10G), OccurrenceFrequency now 10 (was 5)
- El Dorado --> FirstFinderGold now 100G (was 500G), yields 1G + 5C, OccurrenceFrequency now 5 (was 2)
- Fountain of Youth --> OccurrenceFrequency now 0 (was 1)

Changes: - Fort: +1 Damage (was 0) to nearby Units

Unique: - USSR: Great General (Nation specific names)
- JAP: Great General (Nation specific names)
- GER: Great General (Nation specific names)
- USA: Great General (Nation specific names)
- CHN: Great General (Nation specific names)
- GRE: Great General (Nation specific names)

Changes: - Worker is now a national Unit (max build: 15)
- Giant Death Robot is now a national Unit (max build: 1)

New: - Superior Naval Warfare (+20% combat strength on coast terrain)

Unique: - Soviet Army (+20% combat strength and double movement on snow and tundra terrain)
- British Army (+5% combat strength outside friendly territory)
- US Army (15% unit upgrade discount and +10% XP through combat)
- German Army (+5% vs Armor, +10% Grass and Forest)
- Japanese Army (+20% combat strength in friendly territory, +5% Grass)
- French Army (+10% Grass and Hills, +5% Forest)
- Chinese Army (+5% vs Gun, +7% Grass, +7% Hills, +6% Plains)
- Canadian Army (+15% Forest, +5% Tundra, +5% Snow)
- Saudi Army (+20% Combat Strength and double movement in Oasis and on Desert Terrain)
- Malian Army (+12% Plains, +8% Flood Plains, +5% Forest)
- Turkish Army (+13% Plains, +12% Hills)
- Hellenic Army (+14% Hills, +11% Grass)
- Mongolian Army (+10% Plains, +9% Desert, +6% Hills)
- Thai Army (+13% Jungle, +7% Grass, +5% Hills)
- Mexican Army (+15% Hills, +10% Jungle)
- Indian Army (+9% Grass, +9% Plains, +7% Jungle)
- Egyptian Army (+10% Desert, +10% Flood Plains, +5% Plains)
- Italian Army (9% Grass, 8% Plains, 8% Hills)
- Iranian Army (16% Hills, 6% Plains, 3% Desert)

Changes: - Hovering Units get no penalty when attacking from sea or over a river
- Removed 'Instant Heal' promotion

Changes: - RIVER_ATTACK_MODIFIER now -33% (was -20%)
- !!!MAX_HIT_POINTS of Units now 15 (was 10)!!!
- !!!MIN_CITY_STRIKE_DAMAGE now 2 (was 1)!!!
- MINOR_GOLD_GIFT_LARGE now 1250 (was 1000)
- MINOR_GOLD_GIFT_MEDIUM now 750 (was 500)
- MINOR_GOLD_GIFT_SMALL now 500 (was 250)
- Redesigned the Unit Help Texts to give the player a faster and more detailed Information about the Unit
- Updated to Patch
Looks like some good changes there but I'd recommend giving us a short description of what the focus of this mod is, why you're making the changes, etc so that we know what to look forward to in your future changes.
yeah, when posting your mod, it's recommended that you post some information about what your mod is about. Otherwise people think this be some type of scam or something shady.
So is this going to be a total conversion mod for just the modern age, or the all of them?
What kind of realism are we talking? Anyways, I like the way it sounds.
So is this going to be a total conversion mod for just the modern age, or the all of them?
What kind of realism are we talking? Anyways, I like the way it sounds.

Mainly a total conversion for the industrial and modern age. As realism is concerned it should also be a good balance in the game to keep this mod playable. In the near future i also attach a huge world map.

Is it possible to add units from the internal of the game?
I m talking for english ship of the line,to be available to all civilizations...
Unless you're going to limit games strictly to the Industrial and Modern Eras, expanding the tech tree and unit choices won't work very well. Most of the expanded units will become obsolete before anyone could build them. The tech tree, on the other hand, will exceed the game's timeframe unless you tweak the passage of time during the latter areas.
Unless you're going to limit games strictly to the Industrial and Modern Eras, expanding the tech tree and unit choices won't work very well. Most of the expanded units will become obsolete before anyone could build them. The tech tree, on the other hand, will exceed the game's timeframe unless you tweak the passage of time during the latter areas.

iam not going to limit the game to the industrial and modern eras. its just the main focus in the beginning for adding new units and so on....
Then I suggest to that you tweak the passage of time in such eras, making them last longer so that the player can really appreciate the expanded unit choices. Not to mention research the added technologies before the time's up.
So far from your current changes I detect:

1) Production even more underpowered than it was compared to economy generation and is thus more or less completely impractical.
I'd remove all the trading post bonuses in order to make actual terrain more important, and then give mines +2 to production from the start and an extra +1 with dynamite (for a total of +3 prod from a mine with dynamite).
This also helps make dynamite a relevant tech.

In fact I'd change TPs to give +1 gold and then another +1 with economics, to make terrain even more important.

2) Increasing city damage is great but keep in mind that the way the game is currently built, cities are basically offensive guard-towers (note the ICS strategy), so I'd at least make ICS impossible by changing the way CSs work:

No free food.
maybe a % bonus... 15% bonus to food generated in each city, rounded down, for allied status. same with culture. then many small cities just don't work for the purpose of getting infinite food and ICS isn't as good and only large/specialized cities actually get bonuses.
In effect, you have to actually make something REAL and then get a bonus, but no magic food/culture.
Free 'magic' food would seem to not fit well with a 'total realism' agenda also.

3) I'd suggest interconnecting techs in a more realistic way.
For example, no cavalry/tanks/anything without gunpowder and riflery. etc.

4) I'd suggest making resource demands from units slightly more realistic and prohibitive, and add resource demands from certain buildings so that resources aren't so useless later in the game.
There are already mods for this but those mods are badly constructed in that they care nothing for how they completely unbalance the game even further, so I think it would be great if in your project, which is a 'total' type of project, you came up with ur own solution that is balanced :)

5) Suggest also to slow research to 75% of what it is currently. I made a mod that does this and interconnects the tech tree better.. it repaces the game better I think.
Also prohibits crazy tech slingshots where u skip whole eras.
On the downside, it makes great scientists even more unbalanced... maybe u could come up with a way where great scientists work like they did in civ4, adding research points to a certain random tech that you can research.

All the other changes are great and I'm really looking forward to see how this mod grows.
Then I suggest to that you tweak the passage of time in such eras, making them last longer so that the player can really appreciate the expanded unit choices. Not to mention research the added technologies before the time's up.

yeah...of course i have this in mind. but i menaged it quite well in my previous mod for civ4.

So far from your current changes I detect:

1) Production even more underpowered than it was compared to economy generation and is thus more or less completely impractical.
I'd remove all the trading post bonuses in order to make actual terrain more important, and then give mines +2 to production from the start and an extra +1 with dynamite (for a total of +3 prod from a mine with dynamite).
This also helps make dynamite a relevant tech.

In fact I'd change TPs to give +1 gold and then another +1 with economics, to make terrain even more important.

2) Increasing city damage is great but keep in mind that the way the game is currently built, cities are basically offensive guard-towers (note the ICS strategy), so I'd at least make ICS impossible by changing the way CSs work:

No free food.
maybe a % bonus... 15% bonus to food generated in each city, rounded down, for allied status. same with culture. then many small cities just don't work for the purpose of getting infinite food and ICS isn't as good and only large/specialized cities actually get bonuses.
In effect, you have to actually make something REAL and then get a bonus, but no magic food/culture.
Free 'magic' food would seem to not fit well with a 'total realism' agenda also.

3) I'd suggest interconnecting techs in a more realistic way.
For example, no cavalry/tanks/anything without gunpowder and riflery. etc.

4) I'd suggest making resource demands from units slightly more realistic and prohibitive, and add resource demands from certain buildings so that resources aren't so useless later in the game.
There are already mods for this but those mods are badly constructed in that they care nothing for how they completely unbalance the game even further, so I think it would be great if in your project, which is a 'total' type of project, you came up with ur own solution that is balanced :)

5) Suggest also to slow research to 75% of what it is currently. I made a mod that does this and interconnects the tech tree better.. it repaces the game better I think.
Also prohibits crazy tech slingshots where u skip whole eras.
On the downside, it makes great scientists even more unbalanced... maybe u could come up with a way where great scientists work like they did in civ4, adding research points to a certain random tech that you can research.

All the other changes are great and I'm really looking forward to see how this mod grows.

thanks a lot for your detailed feedback!:) for now iam a little bit angry because of the new "civilopedia" (or shall i call it "horsehockeytypedia"). nearly nothing of the xml changes are reflected as it were in civ4. i had to test every little change because sometimes the "modbuddy" takes my changes sometimes he dont. in my opinion the xml modding in civ4 was much easier and faster to handle.:sad:
ok, enough of it. i'll see what i can do for the next version. again thx for the feedback because iam much more a modder than such a detailed gamer.

May I suggest new units for civs that didn't make it to the modern era?
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