Modern wonders+Nonwestern Old wonders


Oct 6, 2003
I was thinking it would be cool to add more non-American modern wonders. Some I can think of...

Three Gorges dam-China
Great Manmade River-(Libya)
Lenin's Mausoleum-Russia
Serengeti National Park-(Kenya)
Bandiagara Escarpment-Mali

I can't think of any others, I think China needs more modern wonders.

For medieval-ancient...

Great Zimbabwe-(Old Zimbabwe)
Avenue of the Gods-(Pre-Aztec civilization)

I don't know if it would be feasible to add too many wonders though :p
What about terra cotta army?
GeorgeOP said:
I'm pretty sure the Three Gorges Dam is already in the game. And what would you have these wonders do?

No, it is, didnt realize that :D

Well, the Great Manmade River could increase food production in deserts, Lenin's mausoleum could give a happiness bonus in cities with factories, the Great Zimbabwe could increase gold production, the Bandiagara Escarpment would give some cultural bonus or access to an 8th religion, and Avenue of the Gods could give some religious bonus.
A "modern" Chinese wonder would probably be designed to enhance the Police State civic... I wouldn't mind one that lessened the number of turns a city is in revolt after being conquered, or allowed you to convert foreign population to your own faster than normal.

I have my heart set on the proposed Staten Island Garbage Barge wonder, myself... if you've ever wondered where all that culture goes when you're done with it, there you have it.
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