[MODMOD] PTSD v.2.6.x for We The People 4.1 - NEW: More or Less More or Less!


Jan 13, 2020
Pilgrim Trauma, Stress & Disorder (Submod for WeThePeople)

Here is my limited edition of We the People, if anyone would like to try some slightly quirky limits, obstacles and other hardships.

This is a learning by doing project, made in the new world with its lax standards of quality, by an amateurish submodder wannabe having exponential amounts of fun.

This submod is suitable for people who do not enjoy meticulously planning things 300 years in advance, but rather respond to the need of the moment. For people mentally incapacitated by 10th generation Great Northern War shellshock. For the few that enjoy doing their best with the rotten hand they were dealt; that do not know what the terms “rage quit” or “reload a game” even mean; but have been bored to semi-sleep plenty of times by the lack of negative challenges.

Victory is to be declared every time you send out a new settler, keep your people festively happy or successfully conquer another city (though independence from Europe is always ultimately a far off goal worth dreaming about) .

Of course it is not the limits and hardships themselves that are the fun part. It is the satisfaction you get when you invent a system to overcome these irritating obstacles and go from rags to riches. So you may need to be a bit patient at first until you get used to it.


Traveled over here to hopefully get better order to this mess:

Spoiler v.1.4 :

For some reason I tried to fix a problem by killing off all walruses in the entire new world. Consequently none of the scenario maps have been working. The walruses have been returned. No harm done. Teeth seem even to have grown an inch or so.

v.1.4.1 Correction
  • Uploaded the final release dll which was hiding in a temp file somehow without me noticing. So incredibly idiotic. I have been testing the core mod, thinking hey, this is running pretty smoothly.
  • Threw in my surgeon promotions upgrade while at it.
v.1.4 Features & Fixes
    • Generals and admirals only share experience with units in the army or the navy respectively, and a great general can only join himself to someone stronger than a settler militia.
    • Gave some food back to the hills, since I lost one too many cities founded on a hill.
    • Experimenting with giving a bonus a bonus of one more yield.
    • Somewhat fumbling in a dark unknown future, lowered the REF (75%) on the 3 highest difficulty levels.
    • Bitterly lost against Sweden of all places and changed the glaring "Sweden somehow has won an independence victory" like a cracked plastic participation trophy or wet diploma that has to poke you in the eye if you decide to play an extended game.
    • Ships can't sail to Europe if less than 50% damaged
    • Experimenting with reducing the morale bounce you get when promoting units, and improved healing time instead. I think I raised the Surgeon promotions again slightly as well, but I forgot to copy the promotion file over, so good luck out there doc.
    • Returned the game speed based Europe travel time. Not sure why I was trying to make something that can't be fair, faire.
    • Experimenting with having storage loss/sell apply to units that are being actively produced in a city (too unrealistic that my precious horse has to be sacrificed just because I stuffed too much cotton into the barn).
    • A ranger failed to communicate with the chief one too many times. Now rangers, all professional soldiers, ships and wagons can also talk to chiefs (because not being able to do that was also too unrealistic.) On the other hand, slaves, servants, criminals and treasures are not allowed to wander about talking to strangers.
    • Indentured Servants are better than free colonists at certain things (like a little less than half of the manufactory professions) and worse at others. (Honestly, having someone working for you for free should supply some benefits compared to having a paid laborer.)
    • Kissing pinky time shows up even if you don't have the demanded amount of gold, so that you can keep better track of when it happens and how much gold it was.
    • All AI players start with 8 (or I guess it is 9) instead of 5 city plots for performance reasons.
    • AI don't starve to death for performance reasons.
    • Culture Level thresholds have been reduced significantly for depressing performance reasons.
    • AI guards don't eat food anymore.
    • Changed some Overseas stock amounts and prices.
    • Made native desired yield sell price at 150% rather than 125%. Took away horses and guns from always being sold at 125% price at every village.
    • You can communicate with the other Europeans' 'chiefs', and they will also have a desired yield (yeah, it still needs some polishing).
    • Just for clarity... I went with the new core mod 'kiss pinky gold demand system' in the last version; but lowered the minimum population value slightly in this one.
    • Most of the advanced buildings produce slightly less happiness.
    • Also, the odds of getting a race to sell 5000 of a yield in Europe was reduced in the last version from 100% to 10%, so only a few of the yields end up having a race, not every single one.
    • Reverted storms coming and going odds to core mod values, for performance reasons.

Spoiler v.1.3 Features and Fixes :

V.1.3.1 Fixes
  • Port Royal yield limit amounts show again.
  • Guards eat food for real this time. Not sure why it keeps reverting.
  • Missing Text Files returned.
  • Upped some Africa prices.
v.3.1 Features and Fixes
  • Pillaging of farms and plantations is less destructive, more like a "sorry but we have to do this" looting. They will upgrade back to pre-plundered state after being worked for 10 turns.
  • Upgraded with We The People 3.0.1
  • Surgeon promotions are much less powerful. Heals 2% instead of 10%; 4% instead of 15% etc.
  • Guards actually eat their food, not just appearing to eat food.
  • Happiness from defensive pacts work now.
  • Made something of a random Large River map called FaireWeatherTweakLargeRivers - had to do some adjustments to account for the accompanying quirks.
  • Behold, no one walking on the water - not new world Gennesaret nor Thames. It literally was not even partially immersive. Find a good ford.
  • Changed unhappiness from lacking protection to every 4 added population.

Spoiler v.1.2: :

  • Fixed crash apparently caused by my undocumented DACA.
  • Fixed Hold/Steerage restrictions not working.
  • Fixed Rush building yield requirements which I think were not working.
  • Did some adjustments to the king gold demand. Still experimenting with Population x tax rate but changed to + 50 (instead of x 10), and divided by a random number. If you don't have the amount (before the random division) it will revert back to the original system.
  • Steerage box had gone missing
Previously unmentioned changes to v.1.2
  • Lowered the value of gold and silver by about 10 each, might need to go even lower because I keep getting too rich.
  • Fixed a division by zero bug in AI_transferYieldValue
  • Reverted to the original city worker square since 2.9 changes were interfering with my ability to check happiness.
  • Unguarded goody camps are half as likely to form.
  • Storms don't come and go as quickly.
  • Made Montezuma and an Apache chief much less happy.
  • Gave natives 8 squares again instead of 4.
  • Trading posts sell less well.
  • There were actually quite a more changed but now my mind has once again gone blank. Write things down!
v. 1.2 Changes:

  • Upgraded with the wonderful We The People 2.9
  • City guards have to be armed to not cause revolts over missing defense (sorry) - so you will need to at the minimum put up a scout,
  • City guards eat food (one per turn, editable in GlobalDefinesAlt.xml).
  • More food from water plots. Not sure why I had it so depressingly low.
  • Switched Europe and Africa horse and trade goods price differences, in order to make them more of new world exports instead.
  • Increased Europe and Africa price differences of some other goods to get more triangle trade going.
  • Made livestock breeding drop-off points and division amounts editable in GlobalDefinesAlt (currently breeding rate is divided by 3 at each 100 units roaming about a city).
  • Made abandoning a city take 4 turns before a city disappears (also editable). There were actually times in history when people came across abandoned colonies and moved into the still functional structures.
  • Gave 1 happiness max for defensive pacts and 1 max for open borders (editable).
  • Fixed the 1 happiness for partially fulfilling domestic demand and 1 for completely fulfilling (somehow I imagined that was working all this time - might be too much happiness floating about all of a sudden now though).
  • Changed some AI building priorities to have more culture buildings.
  • Switched Trade Fatherpoint balance back to original.
  • AI scouts get goodies from each village no matter if they got there first.
  • Revolting slaves and hostile natives are combat 4.
  • Made transatlantic travel time 3 per stretch, and always the same no matter what game speed.
  • changed the unhappiness from slaves to be something less abrupt than the population 10 cliff of the core mod. I think it is an x/4 - 2 curve. So one unhappy max at population 10 even if you have 10 slaves, and max 8 at population 40.
  • Started experimenting with a cultural victory option. 2 influential cities may win you the game.
  • Took away the indentured servants rights to bear arms, which is hard to get used to, but it didn't work right with the hold/steerage sorting mechanism when they where toting guns.
  • Brought back the ring kiss and djadjusted some volume settings.
  • Experimenting with a gradual king gold request instead, based on the total population x tax rate x 10. Might be game breaking, I haven't gotten very far in my tests. Keep falling asleep in my chair like an old man whenever I try to play the game. Let me know?

Spoiler v. 1.1.4 Changes: :

  • Upgraded with We The People
  • Colonist might starve to death instead of leaving to look for food (33% chance when population is 1; 50% at 2; 60% at 3; ... 90% at 20...)
  • I have finally learned that pressing <ENTER> will end a turn, so I made the message more symbolic in hopes of saving brain power, since I compulsively read the sentence at least 20% of the time.
  • You no longer have to load experts and regular colonists first in Europe, so you can bring your held horses all the way from America to Africa.
  • Fixed bug of Africa and Port Royal stock not reducing
  • Fixed bug of stock reducing instead of increasing when changing certain professions
  • Gave indentured servants their value back, well maybe a bit lower, 200 gold.
  • Reduced Europe stock growth slightly.

Spoiler v1.1 changes: :

v. 1.1.3 Update:
  • Upgraded with We The People (finding and correcting some interesting and sad bugs in the process)
  • Added some of the great English text improvements by Kendon and Fürstbischof
  • Lifted Hold/Steerage boxes up again and stained them a different hue and squeezed in some bars.
  • Made Triangle Trade a Game Option
  • Finally got something that looks like balance on the Europe Stock Limits

Fun Facts:

If anyone likes to change travel time to Europe and Africa you can always tweak it in Assets\XML\GameInfo\CIV4EuropeInfo.xml

The Yield stock amounts can be changed in Assets\XML\Terrain\CIV4YieldInfos.xml

The Formula for Europe yield production is the abovementioned amount divided by 50 rounded to a whole number minus a random value of 0, 1 or 2 per turn until you reach a stock of 70 where the random values are multiplied by 3.

Yes, one of these days these days it will nice and simple and perfect... perhaps.

v. 1.1.2 Fix:

Forgot to copy the right files over:
  • So now the transatlantic trip length is actually 5 per stretch like it should be, not 15.
  • Also, removed my colorvals.xml tweaks that belongs in UI changes, not here.
  • Also, fixed bug where you sometimes couldn't change profession in Europe (still not perfect but will be polishing).
v. 1.1.1 Fix:

Units are now properly sorted in Europe. Servants and slaves will stay in the hold instead of swapping with regular colonists

v. 1.1 Features:

Actual Triangular Triangle Trade

Ships will travel from Europe to Africa, taking 5 turns on normal game speed, Africa to the Americas, also 5 turns plus whatever it takes to get to a city, and from America to Europe also 5 turns.

In order to stimulate and simulate the triangle trade, 30-50% of each ship cargo is rededicated as hold or steerage and carry only goods and servants/slaves (Transatlantic travels only).

Prices of Rum, Sugar, Sailcloth and Cloth have been raised in Africa to also encourage trade.

Fixed the Limited Resources Feature in Africa and Port Royal, which was not working right in v.1.0, also further limited the resources (still not entirely happy, but eventually will strike the right balance - I hope).

Spoiler V.1.0.0 Features :

Previously unmentioned changes in v.1.0.0:

  • Slaves are something like half the price in Africa
  • City defenders need to be armed in order to keep population from being unhappy about missing defense (this does not affect the guard needed when population reaches 4 - you can still stick an unarmed loser there to keep the pitchforks from flying).
Limited resources

Each plot will produce the absolute minimum of each yield possible, except for food, lumber and ore, which will produce one more than the minimum. As an effect plots with a bonus resources will be more valuable for immediate survival. AI cities and villages are a bit more productive.

Limited Livestock Breeding

Horses, Cattle and Sheep will produce 33% less per colonist/plot for every 1,2 and 3-hundred units stored in a city.

Limited resources in Europe

Adapted from the Dawn of the New Era mod...

Europe, Africa, and Port Royal will only have a limited amount of resources for sale (Average 0, 10 or 100 per yield depending what seemed likely historically), and slowly replenish each turn (this is a very simple system which will hopefully be improved on at some future point).

(Limited Movement Range - Included in files but switched off by default

Adapted from the My Movement Range Limit mod in CivIV BTS...

A unit can not move outside a 5 plot radius from your culture centers. If you find yourself outside a 5 plot radius you can move towards the culture center, but not away. So if you play with the settings “Distance to Europe: 6”, you cannot get back to Europe unless you acquire a (Privateer,) Galleon or West Indiaman, which have a movement range limit of 7. On the other hand, you can always travel from Europe to your colonies.

This may seem like overkill (and it probably is), but it creates a Jamestown or Plymouth survival panic atmosphere -at least it does for me- of ‘just me and my few neighbors and what can I do to thrive as fast as possible to catch up with the AI’ (which of course do not play under most of these limiting conditions).

To switch on:
  • Go to Assets/python/game utils unitCannotMoveInto
  • Uncomment #if not player.isHuman():
  • Indent return False )

Limited Initial Plots per Settlement

Each newly established Colony starts with 4 rather than 8 plots. To make culture producing buildings more exciting when playing 1-plot radius. Also, it will take forever to get from 8 plots to the next level if playing 2-plot radius.

Limited Happiness from buildings

-Village Hall produces no happiness, or culture
-Most 2 and 3 tier buildings now only produce 1 happiness per turn
-Town Hall produces 2 unhappiness per turn
-City Hall produces 3 unhappiness per turn.

Limited Happiness from Open Borders

You can only get 1 happiness total for having open border agreements and defensive pacts. Not 1 per agreement like in the core mod.

No Unhappiness from Wars

We like wars, and so do most of our subjects; so no unhappiness at all whatsoever, and no happiness either, the warmongers among us simply cancel out the colonial hippies.

Extra Happiness for Fulfilling Domestic Market Demands

I have settled with 1 happiness per yield for partially fulfilling demands, and 1 extra happiness for completely fulfilling demands for extra demanding demands.

Extra Production from Slaves

African slaves will produce more Tobacco, Cotton, Sugar, Coffee, Valuable Wood etc. Native Slaves more food and fur. Petty Criminals will be allowed to bear arms (if you in your state of desperation permit them). Converted Natives, Free Slaves etc. can also be used as soldiers.

Racially Diverse Population Growth

For example: A 10 population city with 5 Europeans, 1 Native Slave, 1 Converted Native, 2 African Slaves and one Freed Slave will have have a 50% chance -when population grows from surplus food- of giving birth to a European, 5% Native Slave, 5% Converted Native, 10% Mestizo, 20% African Slave, 10% Free Slave. The mestizo unit is (at the moment) identical to Freed Slaves as far as ability.

Expert Third Herd Thinner

When capturing a city one third of the population will perish and another third will be reduced to regular european colonist status.

Other Changes

  • No, this does not “mean war”, ever. Wars can only be started by going through the diplomacy menu.

  • Yields demanded at the domestic market will be automatically left in the city at the first attempt to load to a transport in order to limit the overuse of the shift button.

  • Trade Points have been rebalanced to get more points from trading with natives and other Europeans.

  • No map trading

  • Travel time to Europe is, I believe, 7 turns towards and 11 turns away on quick speed (also Human only). West coast travel takes even more time. Africa is switched as far as travel time (I was trying to get a Triangle trade going but couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to get directly from Europe to Africa).

  • Town Guards and Conquistadors are +1 combat.

  • The city screen will directly calculate the projected domestic market consumption amount into the yield production/consumption +/- per turn ticker.

  • Buildings cannot be rushed without the required yield amounts stored in the city, including lumber (human players only)

  • No more messages for price changes in Europe nor for the domestic market or tavern transactions.

  • Natives don’t raid when killed and raiding chances when withdrawing from combat are reduced.

  • Units offered by the king on his transatlantic trade events are about 40% cheaper.

  • Brigantine instead of man-o-war from the king when he wants war.

  • Converted natives cannot learn trades at villages.

  • Less Smootchy ring kiss

  • There are probably other minor tweaks done that I can’t think of at the moment.

I have not tested it in multiplayer.

The intro Artwork are screenshots recycled from the CivIV Colonization intro movie and modified using Gimp and Nifscope.

The intro music is taken from the Muisca diplomacy soundtrack and rearranged using Audacity.

Let me know if you find bugs. If you have any good ideas on how this submod can be improved, or would like to support in some way, please feel free. I could use some help rebalancing this little vessel, keeping in mind that my idea of balance is obviously not a few crumbs dropped on a blindfolded lady’s dinky scale, but two almost equally plump children bouncing incessantly on a seesaw, squealing with delight.


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Super Clear Installation Instructions
1. Pick a version
  • PTSD versions 1.x are based on We The People version 3.0.1 and is compatible with PTSD_ART v1.5
  • PTSD versions 2.0-2.4 on We The People version 4.0.2 and works with PTSD_ART v2 .1
  • PTSD 2.5+ goes on top of We The People v4.1 and is made more pleasant by using PTSD_ART v3.1
2. Unzip your choice version of PTSD using 7-zip (download at www.7-Zip.org)
3. Rename the compatible version of the We The People base mod folder something suitable, like PTSD
4. Copy the containing folders of the extracted PTSD version (Assets, PrivateMaps...) into your renamed WeThePeople folder, and replace all when prompted.
5. If also using UI and other graphics changes
extract and paste the contents of a compatible version of PTSD_ART into the suitably named WeThePeople folder
6. Open the CivilizationIV.ini file in:
Documents/Civilization IV Colonization folder (or similarily named based on version)
7. Change the line below "; Specify a Mod folder (Mods\Mesopotamia), '0' for none" to
Mod = mods\PTSD (or whatever you decided to name the folder)
8. Save the ini file and start the game
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Known issues:

  • The movement range limit feature gets messed up if you lose one of your cities, which is why I turned it off by default; but you could turn it on, play with it and consider a loss of a city the end of a game.
  • Sometimes it will seem like you can change profession in Europe when required yield stock amount is too low, but you will find out by clicking that nothing happens.
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This is really nice, Ramstormp! The fairly unrealistic and way too easy start of the colonies is now far more realistic (= to struggle for survival), although the travel time to and from Europe is quite harsh and could be toned down a notch or two..

What i really like is the fact that not every plot produces a decent amount of yields adds a nice touch; now it really matters where you start your colony instead of the "every plot will suffice", like in the vanilla.

Anyway, keep it up. Hopefully the guys at WtP will implement some of your features in their mod as a game setting; it really has potential!
This is really nice, Ramstormp! The fairly unrealistic and way too easy start of the colonies is now far more realistic (= to struggle for survival), although the travel time to and from Europe is quite harsh and could be toned down a notch or two..

What i really like is the fact that not every plot produces a decent amount of yields adds a nice touch; now it really matters where you start your colony instead of the "every plot will suffice", like in the vanilla.

Anyway, keep it up. Hopefully the guys at WtP will implement some of your features in their mod as a game setting; it really has potential!
Thank you for the feedback and encouragement!

You are right, I suppose I need to cut the travel time until I have figured out how to get the triangle trade to actually work, which I think I am getting closer to a solution. I simply got used to the long wait myself and didn't think too much about it.

I didn't want the trip from Europe to Africa to end up being too quick, but maybe 2 turns will do the trick. Then 3 turns from Africa to America, and perhaps 4 turns America to Europe, finally 6 turns Europe America.

It also should probably change with ship speed and maybe mapsize.
Nice direction you are going, please go on with that.

by second filling the cargohold with weapons in Africa (Triangletrade) the amount on the continent did not reduce
Current Considerations:

The AI have waaay too many people standing idle in the street corners and not enough soldiers..
Setting CivIVHandicapInfo.xml patriot difficulty to:


really seem to have solved that issue.


The AI only focuses on piling up tools, fish, hammers and guns, but with the low yield amounts they probably run out of raw resources...

Gave them a little temporary - as in the 12 years or so it takes for me to become a competent AI programmer - cheat to have a bit more raw resources. Basically when they trade with the natives they get twice the amount of whatever they buy, and the natives get to keep a quarter.

Restructured the building to focus on some more happiness producing establishments as well as land food producing buildings.

The next one will be to focus on whatever the bonus is that an AI city is built by and make sure they build accordingly. Looks like they will build Coats and Rum but never Salt or Wine.

My foray into the uncharted Tupi riddled AI programming wilderness is working surprisingly well so far.
Hi Ramstormp,

Are you still working on your awesome submod? And is there by any chance a possibility to tweak your mod to be able to run on WTP 2.9?

Best regards,


We - the WTP team - currenty focus on fixing a few issues and also on some improvements (like "Add Terrain Lake"). :)
But then we might already publish Release 2.9.1. (pure improvement and fix release).

My current estimation for ETA of Release 2.9.1 is in about a month.

So maybe just support a bit so we can publish small Release 2.9.1 faster and then take the time to migrate your modmod. :dunno:
(After 2.9.1. we might however do new features again and it will thus take longer to finisht the next release.)
Hi Ramstormp,

Are you still working on your awesome submod? And is there by any chance a possibility to tweak your mod to be able to run on WTP 2.9?

Best regards,

Glad you like it!

I have more or less finished migrating WTP 2.9, but there were some other things I had planned to do too, like de-hardcode everything. I got bored with doing that though, and I suppose I might as well upload what I have. Maybe after I have made sure there are no glaring bugs.

@raystuttgart, I will work on the graphics for the lakes, since that is the area where my motivation is at the moment; and hopefully I can come up with something Schmiddielike that you can use.
@raystuttgart, I will work on the graphics for the lakes, since that is the area where my motivation is at the moment; and hopefully I can come up with something Schmiddie like that you can use.

Thanks, we can use every little bit of help we can get at the moment. :thumbsup:
Thanks, we can use every little bit of help we can get at the moment. :thumbsup:
Getting right back on it. My goose flying south took longer than I thought. I kept on testing a different version than the one I was compiling, which could be the pinnacle of dumb things that I have done. For a while I thought that you out of pure fun had messed with the code and knew that it was going to take forever. Soviet paranoia still alive and kicking.:crazyeye::deadhorse:
I am wondering, based on some comments about the war of Independence by @raystuttgart, if I need to the tweak down the REF with my changes. Has anyone successfully won a war against the king playing with this sub-mod? I never get very far before I change something and have to start a new game.

Does anyone have a suggestion about anything that needs rebalanced...Trying to get my modding mojo back.
Alright, got my modding mojo back with a--you just shot yourself in the shoe type of--bang...Current progress:
  • Working on a more terrain specific open city screen with my wannabe Europe screen and Melcher, Lucky Luke Graphics

  • Generals and admirals only share experience with units in the army or the navy respectively, and a great general can only join himself to someone stronger than a settler militia.
  • Gave some food back to the hills, since I lost one too many cities founded on a hill.
  • Experimenting with giving a bonus a bonus of one more yield.
  • Somewhat fumbling in a dark unknown future, lowered the REF (75%) on the 3 highest difficulty levels.
  • Bitterly lost against Sweden of all places and changed the glaring "Sweden somehow has won an independence victory" like a cracked plastic participation trophy or wet diploma that has to poke you in the eye if you decide to play an extended game.
  • Ships can't sail to Europe if less than 50% damaged, and now working on getting a popup going that gives you the option of sailing anyway, with a chance of losing the ship comparable to the health level.
  • Experimenting with reducing the morale bounce you get when promoting units, and improved healing time instead. Will probably raise the Surgeon promotions again slightly
  • Returned the game speed based Europe travel time. Not sure why I was trying to make something that can't be fair, faire.
  • I have somehow created a mysterious CTD bug that ruins it all


  • GrassTerrainCityScreen.JPG
    173.6 KB · Views: 63
Generals and admirals only share experience with units in the army or the navy respectively ...
This here you could share with core mod development. :thumbsup:
Sounds reasonable and immersive.

The rest is simply your own personal taste and not necessarily mine. :dunno:
It is perfectly normal though that personal tastes differ.


Generally it is nice to see that you continue working on your own modmod. :)
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Alright, so I send the pull request to "plains" I suppose?
You could also just share the files (over in Slack) with me and tell me the comments that I should look for.
(I can then also easily merge manually and commit myself.)

Just the part included in the quote ...
Yes, please just the parts included in the quote. :thumbsup:

Just this here:
Generals and admirals only share experience with units in the army or the navy respectively.
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