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modmodmod request


Dec 2, 2015
Recently I've been messing about with things like settler cost and city founding limits to alter the feel of the game. This is because I don't particularly enjoy the aggressive city-spamming gameplay, and to give the maps more of a Middle earth feel: with untamed areas full of animals and barbarians.

Although I'm still trying to find the perfect settings in terms of settler cost and city limit, I already find I'm having more fun. I had a further idea that it might be interesting to try - a very severe city founding limit, but only if I could somehow allow the Kuriotates settlements for all civs. This is to give a means of acquiring resources without civilising the whole map, and make there something to fight over that isn't quite so drastically significant as gaining/losing a city.

Due to general ignorance I don't know if this is something that could be adjusted easily, or if the non-Kuriotates civs could even adapt to using settlements.
Could anyone offer to point me at the relevant code so I can test it out? If it's feasible that is.
I think most of it is handled by the <bSprawling> tag in traits. So just either give the Sprawling trait to everyone, or add the bSprawling tag to everyone's traits, and that may be enough
Thanks, that's given me something to start with. I'll see what happens.

Edit: So I did some poking in CIV4TraitInfos and learned that <bSprawling> seems to be responsible for the city happiness/radius while <iMaxCities> controls the limit and the city/settlement dialogue.
The default is -1 (no city limit) and changing it to another integer does seem to activate the Kuriotates settlement dialogue for most civs.

Because some civs do not have a Civ Trait, and therefore no variable to adjust, I tried making a dummy trait of my own (copied from Sinister but deleting the actual bonus) and giving it to them. This didn't work, so I tried giving a traitless civ Sinister itself, and still no joy.

Is there something else I need to do to give the traitless civs (eg: Elohim, Luichuirp) a trait other than typing it into Civ4CivilizationInfos?

Any help is much appreciated, but I'll keep messing about with it on my own regardless!

Edit2: It doesn't work even for some civs that have a trait (Hippus, Khazad, Bannor), but it does work for most of them. I'm confused.
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Are you playing with Xtended? If yes, try to mod your changes in Assets/Modules/NormalModules/Xtended/XRooster/XROSTER_CIV4CivilizationInfos.xml

That file overrides every changes in (base) CIV4CivilizationInfos.xml

Or, if you want to create your own module, make a new folder inside NormalModules with Z (so, ZSprawling, for example). Your module will override any other modules in the NormalModules directory.
Thank you esvath, I wasn't aware of how to use modules. I'll have a go.
As far as I can see Xtended doesn't overwrite the CIV4traitinfos.xml though, is that correct?
Thanks so much, I would never have found that!
On first glance that looks like the exact file I'm after to fix the remaining civs. If that doesn't work I'll try making my own module. I probably should anyway.

Until now I've been using a hard limit on cities using the advice here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/settler-city-limit.485952/
It's been quite fun as it allows for wild areas in which you can hunt animals or beat up goblins.
The problem with that is it makes some of the buildings that improve with resources a bit weak, so I thought allowing a few settlements would help that.
I usually play smaller maps, and with a low number of cities a single city capture has a high swing, settlements less so.
Now to experiment with numbers.

Edit: XBARBARIAN... worked a charm. Thanks.
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