I have a couple of ideas for changes we should make, but I have to search to see if there are already mods that accomplish them. Some I think could be covered by the ones you posted. Others I'll try to list.
-we need to handle our barbarians (insurgents). I'm thinking something that spawns some sort of invisible hut (for example) that instantly spawns a bunch of units, and keeps doing that until it is discovered. Something like this was suggested elsewhere in our forum. We could have it so sometimes these appear in mountains and are impossible to remove, so you just have to kill the insurgents until the hut runs out. These should start in places like Iraq and Sudan, and then should spawn up in other areas that get invaded. Ideally their strength should be related to the resistance in the occupied cities.
It would be amazing if we could create something that would allow a destroyed civ to return if a certain number of its old cities are reclaimed by these insurgents.
-Sound. Am I the only one who finds the battle victory sound annoying? If I am we'll forget it, but if others agree, we should have a poll to decide a sound to replace it. I will look around to see if there is a good sound mod out there. Maybe it's just my settings. The battle sound and especially the victory sound are obnoxiously loud compared to sounds of say a battleship moving. Anyway this is probably not too important for most people.
-Weren't we discussing a nuke mod to include in another thread? I'll look for it.
Ok I've found the
M.A.D. Nuke mod. This is not the one I remember discussing, and I'm not sure if that is exactly how we want our nukes to play, but I certainly love the targeting screen.