Modular Wonders Packs


Nov 30, 2005
South Park
Twenty Wonders In The Modules Format by Roamty
If you like this idea of Modules Wonders let me know what wonders you would like added to the list and I will add the wonder in. Please give me a mod from where you found a wonder, and then I can pull the wonder from that mod and add it in here.

Movie: The Wonders Can have static graphics or instead the movie biks files. To keep it small Only static graphics for the Wonders. If only static graphics for Wonder that will be added. If it has a movie bik that will be added but that will make this a larger download file. Tell me what you guys want, and I will do it that way.

If you would like to have Twenty new Wonders in your game. This is for BTS the patch 3.13.

There are Four separate wonders inside the Custom Wonderspacks

Pack1: Burj al-Arab, Sun Tzu's Art of War, Trading Company, and Underground Tomb.

How To Install:

To install, extract the folder to your mods folder.

I've already set up the folders *Custom Wonderspack1/Assets/Modules/Custom Wonders/Burj al-Arab Sun Tzu's Art of War Trading Company Underground Tomb*

Open Custom Wonderspack1 and high light Assets and copy to your mod

Afterwards you need to go into your BTS Mod configuration file and change Modular XML Loading ModularLoading = 0 to Modular XML Loading ModularLoading = 1

You can install one or two or all from any Wonderspack any wonder you want into your mod you get to pick what wonder you want in your game now.

base from [BtS] Expansion Pack 0.7 Burj al-Arab, Sun Tzu's Art of War and Trading Company

Underground Tomb from mod [BtS] "Extra" 2.9

all have a static graphic for it's wonder made by me.

Download for Burj al-Arab, Sun Tzu's Art of War, Trading Company, and Underground Tomb:


If you would like to have four more new Wonders in your game.

Pack2: Cure for Cancer, Darwin's Voyage Theory of Evolution, Isaac Newton's College and King Richard's Crusade.


base from The Lost Wonders of Civilization 1.3 and Rise of Mankind

all have a static graphic for it's wonder made by me.

Download for Cure for Cancer, Darwin's Voyage Theory of Evolution, Isaac Newton's College and King Richard's Crusade:


If you would like to have four more new Wonders in your game.

Pack3: Leonardo's Workshop, Longevity, Magellan's Expedition and Marco Polo's Embassy


base from The Lost Wonders of Civilization 1.3 and Rise of Mankind

all have a static graphic for it's wonder made by me.

Download for Leonardo's Workshop, Longevity, Magellan's Expedition and Marco Polo's Embassy:


If you would like to have four more new Wonders in your game.

Pack4: Copernicus' Observatory, SETI Program, St.Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna and Women's Suffrage


base from The Lost Wonders of Civilization 1.3 and Rise of Mankind

all have a static graphic for it's wonder made by me.

Download for Copernicus' Observatory, SETI Program, St.Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna and Women's Suffrage


If you would like to have four more new Wonders in your game.

Pack5: Firaxis Games, Tbelem, Trafalgar_Square and Villa

Firaxis Games from Pack5 for anyone who wants to add Firaxis Games to their mod
To install to your mod save your old fonts because you have to make a customs GameFont GameFont_75 if you already have a custom fonts in your mod when you add Firaxis Games to your mod. I have the supplied the needed GameFont GameFont_75 that you can use to make your custom GameFont GameFont_75 for you mod in the folder fonts

When you want to delete replace the GameFont GameFont_75 with your old GameFont GameFont_75 and delete from Custom Wonders\ Firaxis Games


base from [New wonder & Video] Firaxis Games, (WONDERs) Prague Castle, White Christ etc Torre de Belém Trafalgar Square World Wonder [Modular] and Villa_2 by strategyonly

Firaxis Games and Tbelem has a bik and not a static graphic for it's wonder Belem bik made my me.
Trafalgar_Square and Villa has a static graphic for it's wonder the Villa static graphic only is made by me.

Download for Firaxis Games, Tbelem, Trafalgar_Square and Villa

Ummm.... Roamty all the XMLs are merged together creating one module with 5 wonders in it that can't be easily separated. The whole point is it be able to cherry pick one *thing* at a time. Asiox3 had it right with his Trafalgar Square module, thats the goal of module making, to obsolete the need to hand merge all those darn XML files, merging modules together is rather self-defeating is it not :P If you want to create a download that contains several separate modules that is a good goal and I'd recommend you work with Purplexus on the Plug and Play forum, theirs a lot of great work being done their.
Impaler[WrG];5948226 said:
Ummm.... Roamty all the XMLs are merged together creating one module with 5 wonders in it that can't be easily separated. The whole point is it be able to cherry pick one *thing* at a time. Asiox3 had it right with his Trafalgar Square module, thats the goal of module making, to obsolete the need to hand merge all those darn XML files, merging modules together is rather self-defeating is it not :P If you want to create a download that contains several separate modules that is a good goal and I'd recommend you work with Purplexus on the Plug and Play forum, theirs a lot of great work being done their.

I don't see any problem with adding 5 or 20 wonders into one format. Yes you can have 20 separate, but way not have 5 or 20 new wonders that can be added into vanilla BtS mod at one time. I feel way not give people a choice one or many. Who said you have to unmerge them. I also notice if you have a Python or res Modules, you got to hand merged together the Python and res files with ones you already have in your mod. The res you have to make a new res file if already have a custom res file in your mod. So I give you a choice here One or many.
but way not have 5 or 20 new wonders that can be added into vanilla BtS mod at one time. I feel way not give people a choice one or many.

Thats kind of Impaler's point. If you have 1 Module with 5 Wonders merged into 1 set of XML files, A player doesnt "have" a choice. If he uses the Module, the game will load all 5.
I downloaded out of curiosity first pack. I see my Dubai model and C.Rolands Inn for trading company. Where are other models?
BTW - my concepce and reality too is pose Dubai as water building...
I downloaded out of curiosity first pack. I see my Dubai model and C.Rolands Inn for trading company. Where are other models?
BTW - my concepce and reality too is pose Dubai as water building...

Sun Tzu's Art of War and Underground Tomb you will find in Warlords\Assets\Art\Structures\Buildings\Legendary_Saga

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