Aos-Ni-Sira is my second self created Civilisation for the Master of Mana Extended mod.
I was inspired by the Fearies and the Woof Elf Factions in the game.
There are 3 Neutral, 1 Good and one Evil Leader for this civilisation.
Many have magic Traits, like Loremaster, Arcane or Master of a certain Magic type.
Main Mechanics
The main mechanic of this civilisation are their Beast Units.
Each of them has an Affinity to Nature Mana. They are the pure force of the Civilisation, but very bad when Attacking or Defending Cities.
Then you have your Diciplin Units, which are your default Units. They start as Follower Of Cernunnos and have the still mind promotion from the Elohim Monks. Also, they have an Affinity to Mind Mana.
The Sira are especially strong in their Forests. They have a great synergy with Follower of Leaves Religion.
As they have no access to Siege Weapons and their main Force Units are weak against Cities, they are bound to a war of attrition against their enemies. Their strong economy allows them easily to support their units in enemy territory.
You can't build the Salon District and most of your Research Buildings are weak in Research. The Sira are a nature civilization, which is strong in magic. You can easily build up a huge Spell Research and Mana production.
ToDo/Help accepted
- There is no World Spell at the moment. I am missing a good idea and the required python scripting abilities right now

- There are no Lore Entries right now. I would welcome help here.
- I am not so sure about the Balance. For me, it fits and seems neither Overpowered nor underpowered. But I am open for Feedback here as well.
- All Models are recycled from other units of the game/mod.
Known Issues
- The Unique Sage District has no Icon above the city name on the Game map. I don't know right now how to add this.
- If you build the unique Sage District in your capital, you will receive no Great Library, differently to the normal Sage District. I don't know right now how to trigger this.
Place the AosNiSira Folder into "Master of Mana/Assets/Modules/NormalModules"