Mon Mothma Leaderhead (Sept. 5th, 2006)

Ogedei_the_Mad said:
Many Bothans died to bring you this leaderhead. :eek: :crazyeye:

:lol: I was thinking of posting it with that exact same line, but I thought it was too corny to use. I guess it wasn't for a madman.:lol:

Thanks. She was modelled off the Mon Mothma from Episode VI.:)
Some one please make sure to include this in this months Dowloads front page and any contest it can enter. Iwant to see this get some more exposure. I wonder what all the vannila LH's would have looked like if you had a crack at them using this amazing style.

Its like a comprimise between the CIv3 lower quality look and CIv4's High quality but candy flossed approach

EDIT: Oh ya I should mention, Im not even a fan of Star trek
Well, I put it in the Library, though with this File Database, it seems somewhat moot.
nice, its finally done, great job. I would love to meet this lady in person now...:dubious:

omg, its looks so real, your much better thatn those firaxin leaderheads, if all the r lhs were this way, the game would be much more realistic. :goodjob:
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