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Monarch SG, looking for trainers and trainees

doc mabuse

Nov 7, 2004
Antwerp, Belgium
Since I really suck at the game, I'd like to try a succession game. Coming from chieftain and going to monarch lvl.
Obviously I will not be a trainer, so I'm looking for trainers as well as some trainees.
These are the settings:
C3C v. 1.22

Player 1 Rome (militaristic and commercial)
Standard map size
Barbarians raging
Archipelago 70% water
Climate normal, warm, 4 billion
Ai very aggressive
All victory conditions allowed
Opponents: Inca, America, Babylon, Maya, Aztec, Hittites, France

Who wants to join?
well, im willing to join, if youll have me. :D
im a decect regent player (80%+ wins) and recently moved up to monarch.
will check out the save later tonight (im at GMT +2) and think of tactics.
i guess it'll be a war-heavy game :)

ps - i dont think i qualify as a trainer yet, but i have aspirations :mischief:
cheers, doc.
im in.
its also my first SG, but i guess well do just fine.
but first, get familiar with other SG's.
they are VERY helpful.
i guess the turn-over will be 20 turns first player, then 10 turns each?
24 hours to get, 48 hours to play?
This looks like a good start to me.
I suggest 20 turns to start, with logbook, then 10
48 hours to get and 48 to play and post


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ok - first choice = city placement. how about a 1 square move SE, towards that water? we will expand into those gems soon enough, and i dont like too many mountains close by. flat land is the best, no?

and the worker, down south to road the bonous tile?

depending on actual terrain, things dont look promising Settler Factory-wise, so maybe go for 3 warrior explorers, settler, worker, granary build order?
we should look for a proper settler factory city asap.

and hook up those gems - i LOVE happy faces :)

BTW, how many players do you want in the game?
Don't want to make the game too difficult turnwise, so what about four players, with at least one experienced player ?
Your ideas sound ok, since i suspect the water will be coastal (>harbor), roading the bonus and gem tiles first, then mining, i guess.
I'd go for the republic slingshot also, if we get this game up and running, that is
republic slingshot is my current favorite. minimal sci till writing then maxing it to push ahead.
4 players seems nice.
if you want to we can start on our own and add extra players as they come along.
not a great start (no bonus food or fresh water), but ok

soul_warrior said:
ok - first choice = city placement. how about a 1 square move SE, towards that water? we will expand into those gems soon enough, and i dont like too many mountains close by. flat land is the best, no?

the center square always gives you the same amount of food. forest or jungle tiles get chopped/cleared, hills, desert or tundra give a food more this way. this also means you shouldn't build cities on food bonus tiles, because the food bonus would be wasted.

doc mabuse said:
Your ideas sound ok, since i suspect the water will be coastal (>harbor), roading the bonus and gem tiles first, then mining, i guess.
i recommend mine/road on BG first. i even would mine/roed at least another tile before connecting the gems. you can adjust happiness with the lux slider until then.
A few questions: if u settle on a hill don't u get a def bonus? (not that i'd do it in this case).
What is BG?
Soul Warrior, if u want u can go ahead and start (don't forget to post a log)

EDIT: i guess victory location means an early end or not?
if so i'll change it and, indeed, probably lose the seed
lurker's comment:

If I may offer a some suggestions...
  • Try posting a couple of different starts, and let the team choose which one to play. (I'm fond of starting positions with fresh water available, and bonus food...)
  • Don't play with the 'Victory Points/Victory Locations' enabled (the little white obelisks). Those are used more for the conquests scenarios than "epic" games.
  • Consider playing this at Emperor level if you're having a tough time recruiting 'trainers'.

Edit: bad cross posting (caught a phonecall midway through typing this...)
yes, hills get defense bonus, this bonus is added to the def bonus of the city (only if city is >size 6/or has walls) and of fortified units.

BG means Bonus Grasland, the ones with the shield.

the victory points are meant to enable an other, in most cases faster end. personally i've never played with them.
i suggest you crop your images in the future (if possible, in this case you need only the tiles you already know), not everybody has broadband internet.

#2,#3 & #5 seem to be the best spots. i especially like rivers.
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