Dunno, I wouldn't want to trade biology since it gives the recipient a pretty strong boost immediately. Even for CE AIs, it's probably an immediate +10% to their output; much higher for farm-dependent AIs. I hold on to that like I hold on to PP unless it's an AI with very few cottages.
Education is like giving them a 25-turn delayed +15% to scientific output. Why would you give that away? Paper is okay, though.
I don't think I'd ever trade Astronomy. Until Astronomy, you are denying the AI the ability to trade resources with intercontinental civs or get their trade income, and it's another (shorter-)delayed +15% to research.
Aesthetics once you're closing in on your wonders is #1 to trade
The entire post-IW line is pretty good, except Optics I might hold off on if there are a lot of AIs abroad since you don't want to be giving your opponents another delayed tech boost from discovering other AIs. MC... I think the production bonus is offset by the techs you can get from it.
Music, why not?
Paper, why not?
Philosophy: by all means, you want them to have pacifism.
After that point, I feel like things get so game-dependent that it's hard to start pinning them down. There are some obvious ones I won't trade:
The military/space lines
Modern era gets difficult to negotiate.